T > DEVOTED TO PURE CHRISTIANITY, TEMPERANCE, EDUCATION AND GENERAL NEWS VOL. XII. .JKHŒLAlillJlJWJlôNMÜÎin^^ C hristian H erald .. We learn that there are two more young men bn the way from Australia to attend the Bible Col- -4cge-at—Lexington, Ky.—This will make four from that part of the world this session. may we fill our hearts with a love for sin and lawlessness till we are unable to see or recognize God. This is the source of all -unbelief. T1 te Psalmist does most forcibly express it. “ The fool hath said in ltis heart there is no God. Tney are corrupt, they have done about inable things; there is none that doeth good,” tec. (Ps. 14). Sad commentary, that on Atheism. Yet this does come from the heart,- and from the heart of only such. What a* melancholy history does skeptic- ism proclaim. J. G. Waggoner tendered his resignation of the work at Shelby­ D. T. STANLEY, ville, III. He has spent several 1 *111 »1 i <1 1 in- -- - * o svi mi'i’ f 1 ^"satisfaction ” > to the congregation. SiiltM-riptinn Frier : A. M. Haggard entered upon the > Cne Copy, one year............. .$2 00 Ono Copy, six months. ................... 1 00 work at Washington, Ill., for three • The Apostolic Times vepovlx that, months for the sake of mutual ac­ ADVERTISEMENTS. there are al »out fifteen foreigners quaintance. He has lieen unani­ Prices will be given on application. attending the Bil>le College and mously called by the congregation | Entered at the Post-office at Monmouth, as \ second class mail matter. | University this session. Seven to a permanent engagement. ’ ' ■ ___ __ ___ _____ . . _ from Australia ami New Zealand. ricuse .Vol ice. Mrs. Garfield ha.< purchased a Two from Arnre ’ i iia, converts of residence in Cleveland, at a cost of » We are not responsible fcr ‘"the opinions and ■ 1 sentiments expressed by our contributors, but Bro. Shismanian, and a number $50,000, and will make that city for our own writing alone. Hence oui readers ......... — from-Canada^- er future home. space for tile free expression of opinion, within the limits of sound discretion, and the good of F. Walden has removed to De The people'of Horse Cave, Ky., the cause ; bnt not be held aw indorsing what Concerning the design of bap­ Soto, Iowa, in order to labor with others afay write. are to enjoy a treat soon. Bro. tism Bro. A. Campbell very pre­ the congregation. It has had no All matter intended f«ff pul llcation in this Sweeney and Ditzler are to begin a paper should be written : religious discussion at that place cisely gives the faith of disciples in regular preacher since A. M. Hag­ 1. On one aide of the sheet only. the 3rd of October. the following paragraph : 2. In a plain legible hand. gard left July 1st. 3.. Let there be plenty of space lietween the 1. The religious position, teach ­ “Baptism is, ’ then,designed to“ lines. ' . — N. E. Cory passed through 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, bo ing ami practice of the mifistiaiT introduce the subject of it into the « that it maj not be defaced in transit. church* art» scriptural-—Sweeney participation of the"blessingtf of the Chicago homewawl bound—from 5. Write brier articles. l ’ When yon send money for the paper, -please affirms. ..._ .... death ami .resurrection of Christ, England. The last is, we lslieve, 1« sure and state Whether tlie name fur which 2. The religious position, practice who *diefi for .our sins,’ and ‘rose his fourth trip to the Fatherland in it is sent is now on dur l»i or not. Expect no attention to articles, notices, or and teaching of the Methodist again for our justification.’ But it (piest of an estate of which he is queries not accompanied by your name. If any subscriber fails to get the H erald in church are scriptural—Ditzler has no abstract efficacy without one of the heirs. due time, or fails to get it regularly, we will affirms.— Apostolic Timex. previous faith in the blood of take it as a great favor if he will notify us at The A. C. IKa^cZtwirtn, published once. We are very anxious that the paper These’ are. the broadest propose Christ, and deep ami unfeigned should roach every subscriber regularly. at Melbourne, Australia, ami edited « tions we have seen offered for de­ repentance before God, neither im­ mersion in water, nor any 'fcther by Bro. J. J. Haley, has reached its Remember, brethren, that the bate, but, these old war horses will action can secure to us the blessings third volume, ami with a fair future Gospel is the power of God to be able to.manage them if they »1<> of peace and pardon. It can merit Iwfore it, gives promise of continued salvation, when it is preached and not get lost in the clouds of dust nothing. Still to the believing usefulness in the continent of the |M-nit4*nt it is the means of receiving believed. Whenever you allow the that they themselves make. « a formal, distinct and specific abso­ southern seas. preaching of the Gospel to cease W. A. Melvan has engaged to We observe, with pleasure, the lution, or release from guilt. The among you, spiritual life will de­ Apos tte Pete-r, when first pul dish ­ preach for the church at Oakland, effect of the return of cooLir- cline rapidly. If you have not a ing the (hispid to the Jews, taught Cal., whither he has moved from weather to the rURtern States ; our them that they we were not forgiven preacher, go about getting one im­ papers ; from there are . becoming their sins by faith faitii ; but by an act Missouri. mediately. You can not afford to Bro. Shismanian, of the -Turkish much more readable. of faith, by a believing immersion lie without. mission since removing his head into the Lord Jesus.” We learn through the Evanyclixt Those who desire to understand quarters to Bardizag, is having re­ Care must 1« taken ami great that the new house of worship at us on this subject, can grasp our markable success in spreading the prayerfulness and watchfulness, Chester, England, has been opened -Gospel-.Every -Word that coiucs that human nature rio not mir in Tor "use. ~Tt is large enough to seat position from, the above -brief-state­ from him brings news of additions ment. us instead of th<» divine nature. 800 people, and cost nearly $5,(MH), to th<‘ church. The brethren should 1 — The following notes are from the hold up the hands of these faithful of which about $1,500 is unpaid The Pearre School opened Sept. It is the third house built in Eng- Evangelist: missionaries, and see that they 4th with 67 pupils. The principals J. P. Roach changes his address land under missionary influences want not for means to carry on of this excellent school for young Farragut, Iowa, to Barnard, Mil. ladies are Dr. S. E Pearre ami Mrs from the United States. their work of conquest. i A. B. Coryjjll removes from Leon, C. N. Pearre.— Apostolic Timex. The authorities of Kentucky We may so stifle the godlike and Iowa, to Brighton. lie has charge Bro. and Sister Pearre have many - University are taking steps toward friends on this coast who will he holy impulses of our better nature, of the public schools at Brighton, /Si renovation of the University glad to learn of their success in as to liecomd disbeliever in a and will in addition, lal»or some for building. To secure a fund for school work in Kentucky. Sister moral Governor of the universe the church. this purpose», Bro. John I. Rodgers Dr. J. I. Mershon, of Mt. Morris, Pearre was a teacher in Christian We may act so unwisely “ wor­ shiping ami serving the creature III., one of the stirring members of has l>een appointed and entered College at Santa, Rosa, Cal. more than the Creator,” that we that young congregation, was in the field. « -> 1 » » .1 - The Bible College and Kentucky will blind eventually our eyes to the city on business last week. He Consciousness of ignorance is no the goodness ami omnipotence of reports that Bro. Ross js doing small part of knowledge.:— St 1 University have opened with a Jerome, him who rules the world. So, too, good work at that point. good attendance and tine prospects f I