ClîlllSTlJklST ì J 11 9 .1 - - - I neither drink wine or give it It seems irrational to punish the ¡ The Church and Temperance to my guests. Strong drink is the « i causes which lead to drunkenness, One of the most gratifying as .curse of the country and the age. and the effect*, such as murder and pects of the question is that the Seventy thousand men in America other crimes,"' which flow fioin it, Church of God is to a greater ex- every year lie down in the grave of and leave io drunkenness itself ¿and. “ said the drunkard. JAnnk has murder-edT is not dead ' He’s alive and doing comparatively free from condemna the enormity of the drink evil, and my best friends, and I hate it. It well ! \Vhat have you been giving tion and punishment. tlie responsibility resting upon the burdens me with taxés, and I de him ?” A fruitful cause of drunkenness is followers of Christ to labor for its nounce it a nuisance, 'on which “ Water, simply water, and all he the levity with which the state of entire extirpation. Intemperance every honest man should put his wanted of it!” said I. drunkenness is generally regarded. is moie and more seen to be the heel.— Dr. J. G. Holland. •I don’t know that the docter When a young man has uninten- great enemy of the Church and the ~ learned anything from that, but -1 -ttonaHy taken a gla»s too tmteh, hair the conveision did, and now no doctor puts acohol- thereby lost "his reason and con greatest obstacle A to lar-ge^ number ofj 1877> there were twenty-four con- ics down me, or any of my folks science and made himself for the of the world. . victions in Hardin county, Iowa, for a fever, I can tell you ! I am a time a fool and a madman his con local and individual churches and and fourteen of them were saloon plain, unlettered man, but I know dition is usually regarded as a huge ministers have taken active part keepers. too much to let any doctor burn me joke by his coinpanioris. A . fre-" against the drink system, while conferences, presbyteries, associa up with alcohol.— Sei. quent practical joke is to get a TEACHER'S LIBRARY. tions, conventions, and synods in all young fellow “ roaring drunk ” Nine books, including Bible Dictionary, Com A Defect in Temperance Legis while his companions retain their parts of the country have taken mentary on Mark, Compodium of Teaching, ; books worth 75c. to $1.50 each. Prico this matter into serious considera i etc. lation. 10c. each ; whole nine, 80c. DAVID C. COOK, senses suHiciently to enjoy tlje ex tion, and advance action has been 46 Adams St., Chicago. The discussion at the Social hibition of his folly. If serious taken. —He, I>. Langell’s Asthma anti Catarrh Science Congress in Saratoga on the penalties were provided for drunk Remedy. A saloon keeper in Cleveland, ar L K proper treatment of drunkards will enness, as for example thirty days’ Mrs. W. T. Brown,Monroe, Texas, writes : “ I suffered with Asthma 3o do something to call attent;on to a impiisonment for the first offense rested for violating the law, based years. Your Great Bemetly com I pletely cured me. I wish all Asth < his defense on the ground that the and three months iff even six for subject which demands the serious matic sufferers to send their address and get a trial package Free of The ..... Au_bt»equent offenses, it would, help law was unconstitutional. Cha r ge. —H-rel wv e www rii iii t ly s e rSfofr can rest and sleep comfort the reformation of social morals.' all men tp see'that intoxication is judge before whom the case was ably. Full ¡«alient size box by mail $1. bold by drug With ail our experience in legisla- no “jok»*/’ but a sin against Gjd being tried, overruled this plea. In gists generally. Address D. I.angell, Wooster, O., Proprietor. 3‘J-4tcw , tion designed to restrict the evils ol and a crime against man, and his decision he bays that the legis lature has the power to regulate - intemperance, and the active dis would go far to’justify, in public the sale of almost any commodity, S. S. BANNERS. -—cuaaiun of tlie step* must, yet opiuiem, legislation against other and, above all, the sale of an article All kinds at the lowest prices. Send descrip- be taken, little attention has been Contributory offenses. We earnest that produces so many cvll consc” UoiToTjust wliat ymr irant,- a n d we w ill gi v estimate. Fino silk banner, iringe and pola , given-to law* fur the punishment ly hope that in the laws which Iowa "quchce* as liquor does— Reform (plated tips), for $6. Lettering in gold. DAVID C. COOK, 46 Adams St., Chicago. a - of drunkenness. Most of our actual will soVn frame to give effect to her Advocate. prohibitory amenUmynt some such and pro|>osed legislation is based . on the idea that the drunkard is a provisions as we have indicated * victim, more or less helpless, who may find place.- Christian States- . needs to be protected rather than a num. - — —------- —* The iHiormoim expense of the smutny-sehool Il rary a llifijg of Hie pint. to fit now buys ' * criminal who deserves to be pun 1 u Sunday school library before cost*ID A Wise Captain. _____________ o i*i’> I’lie lanjist ioh I bcatof Ubrury Books ished. There is a measure of ti uth lifly-iwo reprint, of lit-lieit books written. Selections from at less than 5c. each until Oelolier I v. 1 First _ A Nantucket steamboat caotain over 1.000 volumes—original prices v trying front ti ><■ to > .15; the whole llfty two b.uks origiiiuli>-*ost- * , in the former view which ought to ’ -. Volume- from No. 52 to No till, written expressly for us, by the liest Ing I>7.15, averaging each. was once asked by a passenger on s In . printing we do not ' Sunday -school writers. Aliove tin ’ . . new ami . pirily . reprtu . _ so cheaply . have its influence in shaping legis ....................... * expeu-dye ' ----- . Being sacrifice durability or qimlliy. lit print of fact.our cheap books will outlast the ones tlie books better the leavi-s'can not wni* out unless torn out 1 Tiie limp —. covers ; preserve “ lation, but there is also truth in the his boau how much ardent spirits he wire-stitchisl, than I lie heavy board covers of the ordinary Iwoks. Being fl.-xilde Hiey ctttrlie bent l ack, folded over, or even rolled without Injury, making them alums . lodesirueUble. Every book thoroughly sound and b *u< iiiiinhered and cutilainiug descriptive cata- latter view which ought not to be used. He replied : “ I never drank evangelical, but nothing sectarian or partisan Evil E . a teaspoonful of rum, brandy, gin, logue of the whole.’ forgotten. C ATALOGUE. Bl David'« Little Lad. 84 Memoir* of a ».irror. 4 4 Ministe Ing Children Part 1 Jessica's First Prayer. h .» Joe mi i ll.irrV. 12» Alee Green. II i lie King'* 8» rvan’* Even the moderate drink in" of cider, wine, or beer. Ineversmoked 2 3 Dairy 128 Buy Your Own Cherriae; 86 Frei th«* Backwoods Boy. 15 Nettie ’ s Miss ou ; Little Daughter, or took snuff, and 1 never drank tea 4 U hirer man's h? Bl«h»iiiticl(l R ok. 127 Grandmother Dear. Marjory. Than >nuw ; l.lttle 128 Jennie'« (Geranium. alcoholic stimulants is unquestiona 8- Fath r * i.o*iWiH. Ml Ma g<rv's City Hu:ue. 5 Alone in liondou [Dot 129 The Brewer'« Family. 8’ No Fictloa. 47 The Po r Cl r\. __< Children of Ciov®rlv, -or coffee. ” * ’ But, said the.passen I ** Snttt-y Gray -------------- r M Barel» vk*; — — W ’ Pilgrim Arretri; ... i Little Bess] ; FrcucS Be««Te bly, in view of its natural conse 9 .Varxerv Krimcr In the 131 Froggie's Little Brother» Milver Sand* Giani-Killer Jessie t.Struggles. s 92 Tom Saunders. ( Uy. 50 King Jack of Harlan Is. 1» “ “ ger, “ what do you drink with your 10 H 9 The Ursula’* Girlhood 9- 1 P g. of the R val Guar i. i« Dot and » er Treasure*. Lost Gi >; Little Mctf* C II* 51 14 th* Brown Girl. [Letter quences, a sin, against which paren 134 Jessi Dyson ; Johu Worth» 94 Girl Lire nt WillowU! e. 52 Toiuffnvn; The.Tin »cr*« 11 Newlyn House. [dreu. 9'» Fred nml Hi* Frknd*. 1<5 Faith Hayne 53 Mr. H<‘tidmaHi,x Failure. Tom Gillie* tal restraint and church discipline breakfast?” “Coldwater.” “And 12 13 What 96 The Youug Housekeeper __ IM Scamp and I. 54 General Per and Her Staff. ia her Name. 137 Caleb Dean«’* Clock, and 5» How the Buttoned Boo'y 97 • t Elim. It Willie’s Mouey-Box. oi her »toriea. 9« Clear the Wav. •Vi S idle s Sommer [Ma**ehi-d Fern Glen. are properly directed. But its sin tor your supper?” “Cold water.” 15 le Sunbeam 57 • ugalda's Trial* a >«i T»i- 9!» Faith Christie’s Experi 1.18 Black Bob; Scrub, th« Susrttc Workhouse Boy. ment*. ‘ Well, ” said the passenger, “ But [uniphs. 17 i ose, Robin and Little May. , j 8 Joyce Harley. 139 Millerton People. l<» Ma gery In the South. fulness dtpends chiefly on the fact .’>9 Fireside Ta ks on Genesis 1- Apron Miring*. 140 Dude* and Duties. »0 Childhood of Jesus (.Part I 1'H Bur leu-Beariug. 19 Children of the G<eat King. ItW A Rough Voyage. 141 The Curse of Telfourd. 61 Tempest Tovs'd N< llic'« Dark Day * that it tends to drunkenness. The what do you take when you are • Ti 0 Ou i<> i Glimpse* of the Edington* 142 The Scathed and Saved. 2 Er mi's ui.s*io i . the — 40* 143 Castle Williams; or, the '*■ Tom. Dick and Harry. A.J (. limpscs of Two Lives. 22 A Double fl torr. sick ? ” “ I was never sick in my h»> Mor«* than < onquerer* Children * B ar on Bottle M From Wrong t«» Right. 23 GuttaPvrcha Willie. _ traffic in intoxicating liquors, in j ack. i'». Sought and Saved 65 len Days Happenings. 24 M y ♦ rot her and f life/ ’ was the ready and glad reply. «»7 Lionel Frankli.i * Victory. 144 Ruth awl her Friends. Two Sisters of Little Hope. 25» 1 adic Grant. H..iinrv of a I ’ lin-epen ih view of the resi'lts wuich llow from •»7 Jimmy Bev« ly* Journal. 145 Old Bill's Good Angel* 26 Coming to the Light. l it: Frink Spencer’* Ruh* (th *1 Abel's Experience. <»* < lice E* win. pdale End. He was a wise captian. lie was 27 28 De» H>9 Th« ’ Harker Family |of Lift ti!» Fi e-ile. Talk* on G-ncsi*. 147 The Cousius. Winifred Bertram. it, is an offense against society, and 70 Kight I Right. IPart ¡1, 110 Christie's Old Orgau. 148 Under the Curse of the 29 Lite * Struggles. 111 hratia Oilfield. Cup. ;i Frans tor Himself. ■> iCup. and U ages. 112 Thu’-» Trouble*, 149 Bunyan's Pilgrim's Prog- Ti Lyman. Time H ill Tell should be suppressed by law ; but accustomed to exposure in all sorts 30 31 B2 Work 113 T ue t«» hi* Colors. i íes«. es«. Kenneth, ti Adventures of KweL lit The Distil er a Daughter. 150 Louis' School Days. u Florence. Linton. the guiltiness of the condition of of bad weixiher, wind and storm, 33 34 Ethel I '5 fir i lodge a . Willing Worker* 151 Blossom and Blight. 7.» ' escucd from Egypt llu Rachel Noble s Evjfe A _________ Commonplace Girl. 154 Ä Candle Lighted by th« 7» _ 85 Through the Needle * Eye. and never believed in the foolish enee 7 Margery Kramer* School - Lord. 36 Peter the Apprtutiue. drunkenness to which it contrib Ida/«. 117 Doing and Dreaming. 78 The Quartette 153 Bruey. 37 Ttye Wood Carver*. I I m Mother Herring's Chicken 154 ______ Historv -. of a Shilling, 79 Robbie'* Vacation, ___ -B, Toil, notion that he must take a drop of 3H Mr*. Dobbs' Dull Bov. and Trust. utes. The Word of God hurls its 39 Bernie * U bite Chicken: so Lulu Preston'« Trial* and 119 Brought ilotue. I 0 Our 1* II and other stories. IM Wee Donald, Chips. Triumph« 40 Sheer off. [Eda May. Rl Sadie - School Life £ ll ieh I and t)ie S C. 156 Digging a Grave with a 41 Sllv. r Key* condemnations against drunkenness spirits to “ keep out the cold.” 1.22 Cobwebs aud Cable«. m 2 Play log at Living. Wiue-gla**, Little Blind 42 Trnth i* Always Best. 123 Fcarudale. May. 43 Ministering Children Parti 83 Ken noth aud hi* Frieudi. Cold water was the drink of and leaves it to the com (non sense Price», (until October) postpaid, 5 or more books, 8 cents iwh: 10 or more, 5',' cents each; 20 or more.SX cents ench;..'»j) or more, 5 J. cents each: «0 or moro, 5 cepts each: list or more, 4’4 cents each; of man to infer the criminality of Adam in Paradise. Cold water 200 or more, 4,'< cents each. After October 1st, 40 per cent, advance on account of large investment. L ibiiakv E xchanok system —himple plan of keeping track of the [ss>ks, which does away with the courses of conduct which con was the drink of the .children of much of the usual machinery, and costs only IL cents additional. This is an envelope large enough to lake in a volume of llio library -which answer, to ve from near and keep book dean - has on it a catalogue of books, library rules, blank for name of member and a simple arrangement for tribute to it. In this whole cate Isreal in the wilderness. It was condensed keeping track of Irooks wanted, books takun, anil books returned. Simple Book »mi Envelóla*, 8 cents. also the drink of Sampson and of We also publish a Sunday -school Trarlirn* I.Unary of nine volumes, choicest books fur teachers, gory of offenses, drunkenness is the Bible Dictionary, Commentary, Compendium or Teaching, etc., 10c, each*; whole library, 80c., Daniel, and of John the Baptist. Including post-paid Hible. most cúmplele publish il.Oxtor*! piales, g I lodge, only «1.30. sin of sins. Other acts are ceusura* It is the Inst drink for you.— cants, TH Teachers* 111.E 25c. pAcknges for 25c. Nuiulay-»<lt<»,»l pap.. . in such shape that every homo gets FIVE papers p»r week ill place of one, with no extra cost Also <».a«le<i Lriiun Helps, with lesson I bio, only as they are related to it. Chr'tstian Statesman. songs, old and new tune combiualion, to slug at sight. L».t % ID C. COOK, 46 adaius St., Chicago, III • | the mate died. “Won’t you go in and look a^ him ?” said I. He went in and took the mate’s T' t I » I I 1 / 5c. 8. S. LIBRARIES