* J ch - rtattan tter a . ld . 8 ■ a his parents and relatives in theii affliction. Resolved, that these resolutions ♦ be spread upon the records of the in at the door a splendid specimen of Suffolk infantine humanity, aged about four wars and with limbs like a baby giantess. Grand Lecturer for the Good Tem­ Yamhill County Reporter ; also a plars, will speak at copy to the Temperance lieraid -, Buena Vista, Sept. 27th, 28th. and a copy be transmitted to the Corvallis, 29th, 30th, and Oct. 1st. Philomath, 2nd, 3rd. parents of our deceased brother. Kings Valley, 4th, 5th. ' G eo . W. H arris , 5 Independent School House, 6th. H. C. M ann , Com. Simpson’s Chapel, 7th. ^oFri>e;wi7nnr. --------- --- — ....... —- lady, “she don’t look much the worse for the lockout, do she ?” I replied that she did, not, but rather as though a large amount of fat of the land fell to her share. “ What do you feed het on ?” 1 asked. __j...... .. “ ’Bacca, sir,” replied the old lady, with a grin. “ Tobacco!” ” Well, that’s what they say about here. - You see, it’s this way. She’s my gran’ young uh, ami her poor mother has seven of ’em, and the father is locked out like the rest; and so a month trgo my old man— him as you see making such a'don- key of himself a minute-ago—he says, says he, ‘ Old wamon, dashed if I can enjoy my pipe,— which costs ten and a half pence a week, Temperance Department. Temperance Lectures. ~~WiacnnaiiL. Junction, 10th, 11th. Clear Like School House, 12th. Eugene City, 13 h, 15th. Springfield, 16th. G >ahen, 17th. Pleasant Hill, 18ih, 19th. Cloverdale, 20th. Cottage Grove, 2lst, 22nd. Spencer Creek School House, 23rd. Siuslaw, 24th, 25th. Coburg, 26ih. Crawfordsville. 27th. Bw.wLisville, 28th. 29th. ’8