Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, September 29, 1882, Page 6, Image 6

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i i i<;li A ï/ï).
with laying the ..Corner stone were I good se<|‘<l has been planted in
performed on Sunday in my pres­ many portions of our country.
From Bro. T. F. Campbell.
ence. After a brief statement of Some are holding fast to the faith
facts and principles Bro. Craig, Dr. first delivered to the saints; some
D enver , C ol .,
.... ;...........
Sapi.. 1-7 ■ 1Q-Q9
Jeffries, of f,ln> Riu4,iat„ mul, ,,, Di ., nri« stendino all the Bay nlle
The journey from Los Angeles to Bliss, of the Presbyterian Chtirch, ing for a “preacher” that may
Denver, of seventy four horn’s, was, irtade speeches, followed by Ex. Gov. never come in time to save them
in the main, quite pleasant. The Route, who alluded to the finances, from that state of spiritual declina­
only exception when crossing the saying that al »out $14,000 remained tion which is sure to overtake the
Yuma desert. This is a waste of yet to be raised, and that business inactive.
It does seem -that here, in this
sand extending a distance of aliout men must hold themselves ready to
respond ter "that rrmonrrt.—d~termd’ ’-TTrrmntrTT^^
Yuma at the Crossing of the Color- "tile’brethren exceedingly sensitive professed followers of our Maste'r,
ado river ; the width is from ten on the subject of money, nor did 1 that what few there are should be
to forty miles. It is at the lowest succeed in convincing them that a bound together with a love' that
point of depression, two hundred course of lectures__yielding me a few would know no Paul, no Appolos,
and sixty-six feet below the level hundred dollars would Incroasetheir or Cephas, but sad to. say, sue!) is
of the sea. The density of the at­ subscriptions by double the amount not the case; but the old Cor­
mosphere and the reflection from through increased knowledge of inthian trouble seems- to follow us.
the- ardent sands render the heat their church ami a fuller discussion -Ami at the expense of everything
most oppressive. The wind was as of their principles. They expect to that goes to make up prosperity
if it came from a furnace, and with­ l»e in their new-building by Janua­ we are wasting-our strength “ beat­
out ice water, of which w.e had an ry, and they suggested that the lec­ ing the air.” /.There seems to be a
abundant supply, it is not easy to tures I proposed would be-quite as call all along the line. Even the
conceive how any one could yhave well received after that time ; be­ sects, while they occupy the ground,
endured the trip across the burning sides, it was suggested that the pub­ they don’t seem to be improving it.
. . sands... We arrived a t.Fort Yum» lic wopld not readily come to a pri- Oh, how we do need good earnest
i work here, in this country, to es­
at 7 P. M, with-the thermometer vate hall.
The excitement incident to the tablish our plea.
still ranging from 95° to 100 .
I want to say- to the brotherhood
Breakfast was served the, next National Exposition, then in full
Columbia ami Garfield counties
morning at Tucson. Thence to progress,-was also unfavorable, to
’Dem mi ng;-over high table lands -my purpose.----------------------------- — that tlm committee on evangelizing,
I delivered one address only, on which, was appointed at our county
covered with verdure was a pleasant
»lay’s travel. The rainy season had Sunday evening, and after visiting meeting held at this place, and of
just closed and the country was in the Exposition Monday morning, 1 which the writer was chairman,
its loveliest attire. Occasionally we took the cars at 2:30 p. M. for Kan- has so far failed <;f the object for
passed one of those alkali plains on j>as City. As I finished this letter which it was created. The breth­
which there is no verdure. On one after leaving Denver, I must mail ren at large seem loth to. contribute
of these and near the road we visit­ it at Kansas City. The Lord be to the support of an evangelist, of
which they have no part or parcel
ed the “ Mudsprings,” where the with you.
T. F. C ampbell .
in selecting and to labor in so large
constant escape of gas gives to many
a field and at points of his own
small holes in the bottom of a basin,
Letter from Marengo.
choosing. I, for one, lament the
one hundred feet across by five feet
failure of this proposed work, for
deep, the appearance of boiling M arengo , C olumbia C o ., W. T.,
pots. The impression was that
Aug. 14, 1882. it was “ worthy.” There are Dis­
ciples all over this new country,
these were “ hot springs,” but, upon Dear Bro. Stanley:
Thinking many of your readers but there needs to be some one to
inspection they were found to lie
cold. At Demming we changed would feel interested in a few hunt tl|em, visit them at their
cars, taking the Atchison Topeka «fc items from this section, with your homes, pray with them, and bring
Santa Fe road, which comes in from permission, I will, for this one tlii in into the fellowship <>f the
the north. This is the smoothest time, intrude on your columns.
There is also churches, which,
Financially. speaking, our coun­
road in the west, but the speed is
not high. At La junta (pronounced try is prosperous. Immigration is spiritually, have already had their
La Hoonta) I took the Denver and flowing in upon us. Thousands of candlestick removed. They have
Rio Grande, arriving at Denver at acres of wild land is« being located settled down into a state of in­
12:15 Saturday. I foumf a good Comfortable homes and prosperous activity which nothing but a loud,
congregation of Disciples at this communities are springing up long blast from the Gospel trumpet
place, under the care of Bro Craig, seemingly as if by magic in hitherto will arouse them from their slug­
who seems to 1« a live man, work­ desert places. Railroad building is gish drcam land.
Brethren, can’t we cooperate far
ing with zeal and energy. Bro still being prosecuted in the mirtli-
Joseph Brinker, formerly of Ken* eastern portion of the territory. enough to attain this object.
Crops are below an average in
tucky, has a Collegiate institute in Private enterprise is pushing'im­
The long continued
a good building with a hall capable provements in every locality, - and
‘dry weather was too much for late
of seating two hundred and fifty this country which, only a few sown grain. •
persons. In this the congregation years ago, was thought worthless,
Yours in the one hope,
meets for worship. They arc erect­ is rapidly assuming all the qualities
W. R. M arquiss .
ing a-good church building, which, common to old settled communiti^.
The consciousness of duty per­
when finished, will cost about $30,- Spiritually we are not keeping formed gives us music at midnight.
QOO, The ceremonies connected abreast of the times. True the —George Herbert.
*0-’ ■
To the Church of Christ in the
State of New York and in the
United States.
In view of the expected depar-
from New York, on Saturday, Sept.
16th, the New York Christian Mis­
sionary Society, assembled in Syra­
cuse, recommend to all the churches
that on Sunday, October 1st, mis­
sionary meetings be held in all our
churches to offer prayer for their.
safe journey, preservation of their
health and life, and the success of
the great work to which they have
been sent. And we further recoin—
mend that all the Sunday-schools
be invited to take part in these ex­
- J. C. B. S tivers ,
■ ■ -
See. o^ Convention.
Sept. 7, 1882.
Scio, Oft., Sept. 20, 1.882.
Bro. Stanley : —______ ......____
My health is improving and am
al de to fill my appoin tmrn ts again.
Just returned from my regular ap­
pointment at Stayton. Had a good
meeting, one poble lady made the
good confession and was immersed
Sunday evening. Spent three days
visiting from house to house. Find
the church in good older ami firm
in the faith Barnes to the con­
trary, notwithstanding his course
has given strength to the church.
We look for some ingathering there
Yours in the faith,
D. M. D oty .
A— .
■ ■ «■
Please Notice.
Brethren, please remember the
Cooperation meeting, to be held at
Eugene, on the 18th of October.
It is desired to make this one of
the best meetings we have ever
had. In order to this end, how­
ever, it is necessary that brethren
interest themselves
in making
o it a
success. Let every church in the
valley be sure to send delegates, so
that we may have a good attend­
ance ; and let all the preachers be
sure to attend. We want to con­
sult together for the I»est interest of
the cause of Christ in Oregon.
P. R. B urnett .
McMinnville, Sept. 25, 1882.
Disclosures you may not make to
man you can make to the Lord.
Men may be too little for your
great matte) s ; God is not too great
for your small ones. Only give
yourself to prayer, whatever be the
occasion that calls for it.