< w. CHÍlTSTlA?< ÍÍÍStiALD. A . • «Kj ? Eastern. meet the first Thursday in October, at the residence of Mrs. Bedwell at 2 A coal train broke through a trestle Portland ■m’alaak». ..All i ntoaalad ia» M i as inna*». ^r> Wüküfl u a r re, ^fafey-eer On last Sunda^ iheTIall Si. M. E work are invited to be present. riously injuring several workmen. Church was reopened after having un N ewberg , Sept. 19.r—By a terrific The engine that was burned at Air lie dergone a thorough renovation. The last winter has been rebuilt and is now storm this afternoon buildings were whole cost of the improvements is about drawing the passenger train. blown down, trees uprooted, and fences §2,500, so that it now presents a most Mr. Will C. King, State Lecturer of demolished. inviting interior. ’ The prohibitionists of New York have the I. O. G. T. delivered lectures oji About 8 o’clock on Sunday morning temperance to good audiences in the ncminated a full State ticket. -ilia residcucn occupied by -Col. E. -D— - College chapel on Mondaynnd Tuerdïiy J- ersey Crrr, HepVHt. -^The Pennflyt- Baker at Vancouver post caught fire evenings. He visited the College, gave vania Railroad Company voluntarily and burned to the ground. Most of a brief lecture to the students, and ex paid to-day §30,000 in aid of the muni Col. Baker’s household effects and offi pressed himself as greatly pleased at the cipal government for 1882. cial papers were saved. P ensacola , Sept. 21.—Thirty, new workings of the Colleger - He is a pleas cases of yellow fever to-day, and two -—— The basement and pari arg of Taylor- ant gentleman. street church were filled to oveiflowing There have been a large number of deaths. Total cases to date, 344, deaths on the evening of the 20th by the cliil- new students entered the College and 41. A rbuckle , Sept. 21.—In a drunken ’flren of the Sunday-school and friends Normal School during the past week, upon the occasion of a public reception coming from different parts of the coast. tow to day between Dr. Stewart and W. Finnell the latter was shot by Stewart tendered Mr. J. K. Gill. through the lungs with small hopes of Pacific Coast. The fall term of the public school of recovery. Stewart was immediately ar East Portland opened with u large at Whitman county covers 4300 square tendance. The ne w addition to the cen miles, has a population of 10,000 and rested. R aleigh , N. C., Sept. 23.—The heav tral building is completed, and gives now a §30,000 court house is taikf d of. iest rainstorm sinoe 1812 fell at Sanbo- ^four extra rooms, which were greatly Wheat has ready sale in Prineville at ro last night, causing immense damage Deeded for the accomodation of those $1.15 per bushel. ■who attended before tae additions were Three new school houses are now in to crops. The rain fell in a few hours ‘ . made. An increased attendance proves cou rse nf ereetinu .in .th a Wallowa vol-. 7.7. inches. the grpwing population of the city. L aramie C ity , Sept. 23.—Jamie Hay ley. '-v Wm. Kimberlain, of East Chehalem, ford, the 8 year old son of Dr. Hayford, The captains of two of the British ships in port visited the city dredger on lost 900 bushels of wheat by fire re editor of the Sentinel of this city, this cently. . ' Monday. evening accidentally shot himself with Th© house of Mr. Carothers, on Rock a revolver, it is thought fatally. Ou Monday morning James C. Van creek, Wasco county was burned on N ew B runswick , Va., Sept. 23.—Mrs; Rensselaer di|d in this city of softening the 15th inst. Jane Hickey and Christopher Carlan of the brain, aged 52 years. A German colony, composed of eight were drowned in a lock of the Delew ate David Broyles, who was arrested On families, bought, last week, 2200 acres and Raritan canal to-day. Both have the charge of stealing some articles of of land on Butte creek, Jackson county, large families. jewelry, etc., while moving some house S priengfield , Sept. 21.—E. O. hold goods when acting as teamster for and will at once occupy and begin the cultiration of the same. Shaw ’s woolen mill at Wales has been Eli Morrill, was allowed in the State The residence of Dr. Ballard, at Leb burned ; loss §50,000 ; insurance §20,- circuit court to withdraw his plea of not anon, was destroyed by fire on the 20th. ,000. guilty and substitute a plea of guilty of The origin of the fire is a mystery, as , Several cases of sunstroke occurred at petit larcency. the family had all gone from home. New York on the 20th. Joseph Ludwig, who was caught in Mrs. Nancy Williams, of Hillsboro, ' E nfield , Mass., Sept. 19.—A collis the pantry of W. R. Boone’s residence aged 60 years, pieced a quilt of 2200 ion between freight trains on the New by the owner himself and handed over pieces, did her own work and earned $9 I I Haven and Northampton road killed to the police, about three months ago, at extra work in four months. Conductor II. Philips, Brakeman Curtis and was tried and found guilty of bur The sixth annual Pioneer reunion, and Fireman Eggleston, aud badly glary, was sentenced to five years in the held at Jacksonville on the 15th, was smashed the locomotive and wrecked penitentiary by Judge Scott, largely attended and much eDjoyed by several cars. At 3 o'clock Monday morning a fire participators. N ashville , Sept. 22.—A demented was discovered in the rear of Mordaunt’s There will be about 3000 acres seeded daughter of James Cleveland, poisoned restaurant, on N. First street, between on the Prospect farm, Umatilla county, the whole family of six by putting E aDd F. by Mrs. Chas. Russell, who ttiilfllt,---------- -- ----- strychnine in their coffee to-day. Mr. was in her room at the Clarendon Ho A twenty-months- old son' of Jonathan Cleveland has died and one daughter js tel. The fire originated from an un O’Donnell, was drowned in the mill in a precarious condition. The poisoner known canse, and spread rapidly, fan race near the agricultural works at has wandered off and it is supposed com ned by a stiff north wind. There were Salem, on the 21st. He came out under mitted Ruicido. 1 burned five saloons, two cigar and fruit the gate and foil from the bridge. The - N ew Y ork , Sept. 22. -A terrible acci-’ dent occurred this morning in the stands and one restaurant and lodging body has been recovered. house. Last week during the heavy wind Fourth avenue tunnel, at 86th street that prevailed for two or three days, station. The New Haven train, stared Monmouth and Vicinity. ing on the Bouth bound side track, was We are having frosty mornings Ibis Mr. Kimberlain, of East Chehalem, put run into by the Harlem local and two fire into hie straw ; us the wind was fa week for rarity. vcruble he thought there would be no cars demolished. As near as can be as A man who was blasting in Mr. Wm. danger. But a sudden change took th»* certained now four persons were killed Percival’s well last Saturday went down and 19 badly injured, names not yet as after a blast arnKbecame suffocated with fire the other way, and soon carried it to certained. his wheat pile. It destroyed or injured A gram , Sept. 28.—While the Nixas the smoke. He was taken out in an ap about 900 out of 1300 bushels of good passenger and baggage train was cross parently lifeless condition, but was re wheat. ing the river Drave, near Eszek, to-day, stored to consciousness after a short Three storekeepers in Puyallup were part of a bridge fell, and an engine and time. recently fined $25 each for keeping their baggage car wero pitched into the river, The south bound train last Saturday stores open on Sund iy in violation of dragging with them some of the passen- set fire to the premises of Eld. II. M. law. - ■ ger cars containing a number of buzzars Waller Bouth of town, burning fencing Hillsboro public schools opened on and stubble pnd almost reaching the the 18th with an attendance of 100 pu on furlough. Fifteen soldiers were drowned and thirty injured. barn. A large force of men from town pilfl. hastened to the scene and aided in pre Foreign. Tho warehouses at Junction City con venting further damage. tinue to receive about 4000 bushels of B erlin , Sept. 19.—An explosion of The Ladies Missionary Society will wheat dkily. « fire damp in a mine now Dortmund NEWS OF THE WEEK. f • " - • l.. killed 20 peraons to-day. L ondon , Sept 19.—Heavy floods pre- vail, in loimhinly, Ytinptia aadXwL. Verna and Trent are submerged. No loss of life. M alta , Sept. 21.—Commander Rose- lyn, specially promoted for bravery at Te el Kebir, died of wounds to-day. C attaro , Sept. 21. Loaders of the Albanian league at Scutari having re- solved to mnetmere «nd rob the rieh ret Christians, including the English con sul, two Hill tribes marohed to Scutari and prevented the masracre. D amietta , Sept, 23.—Gen. Wood, with two regiments, arrived at Damietta to-day. Abdallah surrendered at the railway station and hia troops are ex pected to surrender their arms after noon. L ondon . Sept. 22.—The exhibition building at Sydney, New South Wales, was totally destroyed by fire, with all contents, recently. Twenty-six bodies have bean recover ed frem the flooded districts in Northern Italy. ili«»e¡i»nna >”l^Wllvr*r4 l f**-**-^ 1JvCBlnt X.-V’ Fruit jars, jelly frames, groceries, paints and oils can be bad cheap at Dawson's drug store. When in Portland, don’t forget the Pacific Boot and Shoe House. The leading Boot and Shoe dealers are Cardwell, Bennett Ac (Jo., 109 First St. 12 ■ 23-Cm . . , ‘ •- Jno. A. MacDonald, of the Salem Marble and Granite Works, Commer cial Street, south of the post office, manufactures all kinds of monuments: Italian marble a speciality. Prices re duced one-half N ew M usic .—Send stamp to Wiley B. Allen, most popular music dealer, Port land, Or., for complete catalogue and sample copy •’ Musical Pastime.” All orders by mail filled promptly. The Household Sewing Machine took the first premiam at the great Man chester (England) Exposition for the best family Sewing Machine. John B. Garrison, general agent, J 67 3rd St., Portland, Oregon. F. E. Beach & Co., 103 First Street, Portland, carry a complete line of painter’s stock, window glass, ready mixed paints, lubricating oils, brushes, doom, glazed windows, etc. Catalogue and Price list furnished on application. 12-21 -3m FOR SALE f-Notitw in Ibis column, ten cent* per line each insertion.] œ iE T WO SEATED, FOUR SPRING hack, nearly as good as new. Will be sold reasonable. Apply at this office. A in DWELLING HOUSE AND LOTS, Monmouth. Pleasant, retired location. Price low. Apply in person or by letter to the office of the H erald for further information. business now before fhe pnl>- 1)1^0 1 lie. You can make money fa«ter at work lor uh Ilian at an> thing elite Capital not needed. We will start you. Xi2 a day and up- wardn made at home by the indnatriouH. Men, women, boya and girls wanted everywhere to work for uh . N ow is the time. You can work in »pare time only or give your'whale time to the DiiaineHH. You cau live at home and do the work. No other butiineiM will pay you nearly a« well. No one can fail to make enormoua pay by engaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms free- .Money made fast, easily and honorably. AddreH X bvx it Vo-, Auguste, Maine.