0 If our eye be ever towards God in duty, his eye will be ever to wards us in mercy. 15 CHRISTIAN- HERALD ▲ NOTED BUT UNTITLED WOMAN, Agents for The Christian lieraid. THE CHRISTIAN HERALD [From the Boston Globe.) * ■ 4 ’. The following persons are agents for T he C hristian H erald , and are authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscriptions. If no agent is’convenient, remit the amount direct to the office by registered letter or postal order on Monmouth>■ » PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY FROM PORTLAND anil MÖNMOUTII, OREGON. “ Buch n pa iba OBECtVN. rnilE HERALD IS THE ONLY WEEKLY ublished by Disciples Kidney, Bladder and Urinary DiReaaes. $1. Druggists. «Al. desire a pa)xir devoted to pure, primitive Christianity, utimixed by human creeds or traditions. As successor to the Pacific UJtris- tiau Mesaenger it is in its Good temper, like a summer day, sheds a biightness over everything. It is the sweetener of toil and the soother of disquietude. Amity.............. Brownsville... Bellevue...... Cresswell........ Crawfordsville Corvallis ..... Cottage Grove. Carlton.. TWELFTH VOLUME, Is on a permanent basis, with good building, power presses and steam power, an abundance Afassrs. Editor* .-— of good material for running such paper. TbeabovaUg good MfcSSJS of Mrs. Lydia E. rink- Forty Year’s Experience of an Cid Nurse. ham, of Lynn, Mass., whoalHiveaiTotEerliUiffliffTiMBtV’ -JCte™lIg.ilAh» contains each week sixteen four-cSTmiTn^^" “^-^^ wmHt-ttHmeal, “ ’ i ’ au ju » luffs’ ’ , ™ ' 'SThPlTcrt may be truthfully called the ‘ Dear Friend of Woman,” U j turn like the leaves of a book, with only a Mrs. Wiuslow'aSoothitig Byrupistbc prescrip as some of her correspondents love to call her. She limited amount of advertising, and that of the tion of one of the best female physicians anil is scalotlrly devoted to her work, which 1» the outcome most select, kind, All advertising not trust- nurses in the United Blates, anil has boon used of a life atudy, and L Obliged^ to keep six lady wortby is refused. As now published it is one for forty years with never failing success by OMistants, to help her answer the large correspondence millions of mothers for their children It re of tho which dally pours in upon her, each bearing its special lieves the child from pain, cures dysentery and burden of ruffering, or joy at release from it. Her diarrhtc.i, griping in the bowels, and wind Vegetable Compound Is a medicine tor good, and not colic. By giving health to the child it rests the evil purposes. I have personally investigated it and It is conducletT by a strong mother. * Price twenty five cents a bottle. I bv our brethren. am satisfied of the truth of thia editorial corjis, assisted by the contributions of 12-20-ly On account of its proven merits. It is recommended the best writers among us on this coast. We •nd prescribed by the best physicians In the country. feel safe in saying it is one of One saysi "It works like a charm and saves much pain. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Le’icorrhrea, irregular and painful Menstruation,all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Every Disciple on this coast should take it Ulceration, Floodings, al) Dtsplarementa and the con- < Every one iu the East who desires to know all sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to that takes place of general intereat on this I coast. the Change of Life.” It permeates every portion of the system, and gives It contains' new life and vigor. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weak A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. ness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Devoted to such matters.as will mako it indis- B. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN Depression and Indigestion. That feeling of bearing peusablc in every Christian family. First treatment, a specific for Hysteria, Dizzi- down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always comes the lUaitiK tic, inculai Tirws, Ooiivuh i unr. NnfYitlin Headache, Mental It will at all times, and Tí 1 ¿Tñáii Hr-ntrt ----- uernjsnentlj enred hr its USO. Depression, Loss of Memory, ~ EDUCATIONAL »KPAIITMKMT , ___ 1 l «macule ift nn4»rft]i<jl^¡ií¿^¿n<.e<,nctrn-h«rma»ywiüiüu:la.il. 1 _ age, caused by over exertion, or over-indul- that g<n cm» the female system. Of great interest auJ value “TO "paTuntir »nd i;euce, Excess or Overwork of the Brair, which It cost» only $1. per bottle or six for RS., and is Bold by teachers. Next comes the eads to Paralysis, ducav or death. One box druggists. Any advice required ns to special eases, and will cure roeent cases. Each box contains one TK.1IPK1CANCE DEPARTMENT, the names of many who bare been restored to perfect month’s treatment ; one dollar a box, or six health by the use of the Vegetable Compound, can he Devoted to advancing tlip great canse of Tem- boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on <ibtata|-d by addressing Mrs. P., with stamp for reply, perance, renresenting the thoughts of the receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to at her home in Lynn, Mass. ertrfl any cawe. With each <>r«ler receiwaiby us greatest workers of this important field. The For Kidney < ‘.•i»|daint at either SCI this com;x>und Is for six Itoxes, accompanied by live dollars, we RELIU1OUS DEPARTMENT unsurpassed as abundant testimonials show. will send the purchaser our written guarantee “Mrs. Pinkham's Liver rills,” rays one writer, "are to return the money, if tho treatment doesnot Is the central thought oT’Hii’ paper aud em the beet in the world for tho euro of Constipation, effect a cure. Guarantee* issued only <iv braces Editorials, and contributions from onr Biliousness and Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood WOODARD, CLARKE A (XL. ’ best writers. Tho Spirit of the Religions Press l’urlllcr works wonders in its special line anif bids fair Wholesale and BeL'A*. Druggists, Portland, representing the vs nous religious bodies, and to equal the Compound in its popularity. Oregon. Oid.q ■ -p n^ular prices. church news from all iho States in the Union. «All must respect her as an Angel of Mercy whose sole ambition is to do good to other*. The Mr». A. M. D. l'hUadelphla, 1**. VO SECULAR DEPARTMENT The noble passion, true love,‘con tains all the elements of self sacri fice. Ceuterville Dallas.......... Damascus..... ■ Drain’s Station. Elk Head........... Eugene............... Elkton............... Forest Grove. -. Helix-.............. llalsey .............. Hillsboro.......... Harrisburg........ ludc)>endence.. r’rving................. Jacksonville.. -. Junction.......... a . Kingidex........ . OUR BEST PAPERS. NERVOUS DEBILITY. FOUR DEPARTMENTS, If we take care to keep a good conscience we may leave it to God to take care of our good name. A Cough, ( old or Nore Till oat 7 .--------- THE CHRISTIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW. Should be stopped. Negletjt freipiontl) results ill an Innnalilt Lung Dtaeisueor <:»nnini|H I have decide I to publish a Q uarterly with H om . HRDWN’S BRiIWUHLTRIKHES the above title, to be issued on the first ot does not disorder the ston/ach like cough svrups January, April, July and October of each year. and txlxaius, bill act direetlywH 4he laftaui- The first number will be issued January 1, e<i part«, allaying irritation, give relief in 1H81. It will contain 144 pages, exclusive of the Asthma, Bronchitis. Coughs. Catarrh, cover. and the Throat Trouh'ea which Si inters «nil It will contain original articles from our Ixst Public Mp<-ataeia are subject to. For thirty writors, book reviews, editorials and a full years Brown’s Bi-oiichi.il Troches have been directory of our Schools, Periodicals aud Mis recommended by physicians, and have always sions. 1 de*ire it to lie tue review of tlie Chris given perfectsatisfaction. Having been tested tian Church, and the vehicle by whichonr ripest by wide and constant two for nearly an entire scholar* can and will communicate with the generation,. they have attained well-merited general public and the brotherhood. rank among the few «tuple remedies of the uge. Every brother and sister, onr Preachers e« Sold at 25 cents a box everywhere. 12-1-ty - i rxvially, are requested Lu act as agents tor the R evikw . Four iiages may lie given to propor adver Never blast the g )<>d you do. tisements, at reasonable rates. All persons who a copy of the first nuintier sent to them, L°t the recording angel of God keep desire so *s to determine whether they will subscribe, your acc tunts, and the time will will please send in their names as sdoti as poe- sible. It will cost you nothing if you do not come when you will shine before subscribe. all men. My ability and fitness for the work have been vouched for by Bro». L. B. Wilkes, A. B. Jones, W. H. Hopaon, Isaac Errutt, J. 8. Motin rt! Mothers ! ! Mol Iters !!! Bhouse and many others. Are yoa disturbed nt night nail broken of ScaacaiPTlUN ¡»One copy, one year (4 Nos.) your rest by a sick child suffering ard crying $2.h0. Bingle number, 50 cis. with the excruciating j>ai il of cutting teeth ? It Sample copies and back nuinlx<rs sent on ap so 1 at once aud gut a bottle of MKB. WIN- plication. Postage always prepaid by me. BLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve Money sent by |H>stal older, draft or registuiud the jMMtr little suffaror immediately— depend letter will be at my risk. Address all communi upon it; there is no mistake abom it. There cation» to is not a mother on earth who ba» ever used it, Du. E. W. H ehnuon . Editor and Pub., who will not tell you at once that it will regu Columbia, Boone Co., Missouri. late the bowels, and give re<t to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly s$te to use in all cases, anti pleasant to the taste, anil is the prescription cf one of the oiliest and I test female physicians and muses iu tliu United States. Boid every where. 25 cents a bottle. 12-1-ly Onr Descriptive I Unsi reti il Fih-s ATOTICE. Skinny Men. “Wells LIjiiltli _________ lljQcwer“ 9 reatoros _____ ’ ______ lioaltb aud vigor, eures Dyspepsia, Im potence, Sexual Debility. $1. 1 L ini. N«».*V. of l»»y O<»xl*. etc., will lie ls»n<‘<l elx.ut Alateli 1st. INNI. Pi let-» <|iiotril In M,i. ns will it-inuln comi until iliat dHle Bend ns y.iur iismr CMi-iy lor cops ol Bo. Alt. Free to any aildre-a. MO.Vi'UUMUMT, WA1CD A CO., »»7 * »«« tVabaeb Ave.. ^blcoKU. 111. Lafayette........... Lewisville. Iceland................ McCoy------- • • • Myrtle Creek... McMinnville. •• • Monroe............... Milton MLPl«n*a“t ••• New Vine Creek North Yamhill.. . elaWamL— Pleasant Hill. • • Perrydale... ■ • • Pendleton. 1 J. W. Propst ................ D. H. Putman .............................. Miss E. Davis • .............................. J. T. Gilfry ....... . . . ...... .E. P. Large ................... N. P. Briggs .... —.j_^... ’ 8. B. Knox • .............. Jas. Caldwell ( Dr. W. H. Rowland .. -¡’S. I. Gerking ( G. W. Ely --4-èL.Uarw<><>d e- J LARGESTPAPERS PUBLISHED _ ...T. J. Wilcox Aumsville % ........ D. II. Deardcrff ................ Jas. Harlan ................. A. L. Todd ........... R. G. Callison ........... Charles Smith Mrs. Belle P. Walker ................... C. M. Ely ........ .. H. Davidson . .......... D. 8. Cameron ............. John Harris .......... W. L. Hodgen ............... V. 8. Bond ....Martin Peterson .......... J. A. Bushnell ..........W. R. Menefee ....... .,W. D. Fenton ................ D. R. Lewis ................ J... B. Lewis I ............. J. H. Hawley. .......... F. M. Gabbert ................ J... W. Cowls ........ -....J. L. Wiglo ..Miss Jennie Wright . ................ E. Ground ........ Joseph llobnett ....C. V. Kuykendall ......... .. E. A Chase . G. W. HandaaUr. .............. J.. P. Frizzell 4 F. Hannah, Jr ” * ‘ | N. J. Gerking ........ . . . Drurv Davis ....................J. W. Cox ......A. F. Campbell ................-. .D. Houek ........... T. B. Davidson ...... Mrs. 8. Giltner — .......... ,. ..i1. C. Darby 4 ..................John Shore ........ H. A. Johnson .....T. N Fatilconer Miss Rebecca Watkins ............................... Win. Bcott ..................G. W. Hardwick ]........................... 0. Mosier Philomath......... Piiot Rock......... Roseburg........... Tangent............. Shedd.................. bt. Helen*........ JStayton.... Scio............. Salem................. Sheridan The Dalles........ I Wheatland-• •• West Chehalem Includes Editorials on the important secular I Weston.............. topics of the day, and new« from all parts of WASHINGTON TERRITORY. the world. It is, in short, lust the paper for Alpjha............ ......................... R... II. Wimply every family, and especially every Christian Brush Prairie ..................... . ......... 8. C. Harris family. Subscription ..............................E... A. LaDow Cedar Creek.. Price $4.00 Per Year Castle Bock... .......................Wm. Huntington ................................ J. M. Baker Coin......... In advance. ............................. W. T. Barnes Dixie.---------- AddivMft ............................. R. L. Dashiel Dayton............ THE CIIBISTIAN IIERALD, .......................... . ..F. M. Davis Farmington.. M onmouth , O r . ................................ R. H. Moss ffblden Dale. Pine City..... .......................... . .James Butler P. E. Fisher Lone Pine.... .......................... W...n. McClure I Lincoln.......... F. L. Bell Palouse...... Dr. Chas. Spinning The publishers are glad to announce that this Puyallup........ Ranson Long long-expected work by F. M. Green is now Pomeroy........ James Butler ready. The publishers l>clieve that in many of Pine City.... W. A. Bandeis its features this “ Life of Garfield ” is superior Spangle.......... .................................... 8. Bonney to sny similar work published. Its'author was Sumner........ . ................................ 8. C. Harris well acquainted with Mr. Garfield for nearly Vancouver... ...................... ......... W. P. Bruce tAHmUiciglit years— -a time " • •. entire Waitsburg... covering the , period ------- of ------ his ,-------- public life. “ITO ■write«, therefore, ........... .Mrs. A. n. Reynolds Wall* Widia.. from the standpoint of ono who knew hint as CALIFORNIA. student, educator, teacher, soldier, statesmau, and Christian. There are eigliteeu chapters. College City................................ Prof. J. Durham These chapters discuss 4,11 logical order the Elmira..................................................... J. M. Oiler various phases of the loyal life which they Monticello........................................... J. L. Smittle represent. The followirg are the titles of tlie Napa City................................... Mrs. 8. E. Iuman successive chapters: Saratoga.................................... . .William Pollard The Western Reserve.—The Foundation.— Sacramento........................... Mrs. E. E. Hembree Birth and Boyhood.—The Peri<al of Change.— Banta Rosa........................................ G. 0. Burnett The Canal and the Bea.—The Young Student — Bau Francisco... Mrs. II. II. Lnne, 14Essex St Tue Hiram Teacher aud.Principal.—True Man- San Luis Key............................ .Minnie J. Borden hiaal.—Home anil Family Life—The Brightness San Jose............. .................................. 8. C. Adams of his Rising A Chapter Thrown In. From Vacaville......................................... W. W. Smith Bun-Rising until Noon.—The Pillai- of a Visalia..............t4J ... Lewis Van Tassel People's Hope.—The Shot that was lieaid Watsonville................. .’.......... ,H. D. Connell Round the World.—From Elberon to the Woodland.. .............................. Mrs. Sue E. Grant Grave.—The Wotld’R Byinpatbv and Sorrow.— •w- MISCELLANEOUS The PrtisentEstiniate asd the Final Conclusion. —A Tribute of Friendship. Moscow, I. T................ T°i'ciIS While these chapters present the liis'ory in Four Mile, I.T.............................. T. L. CIJJ logical outline, let each chapter is complete in Sumac, Teun.............................. . . ... . J. C .Koller ibelf. For instance, the student life of Garfield Wicklow P.O., Ont., Can....... BeavcmmrtCaul is discussed in one chapter, and not in parts of Fairfield, Iowa........................................ H. Medrix several chapters. So of his educational ....................... life .. and wui'k. Bo cf his religious faitli and stand - iug, otc., etc. I I I I GREEN’S “LIFE OFGARFIELD.” l'RIC»». Plliyo Cloth, plain edition, $1 50. 51). Elegantly bound in best English cloth, beveled boards-,, black and gold, $2 00. Elegantly bound in half Morocco, »2 50. Elegantly bound in fall • Morocco, >3 00. Address, I C entral B ook C oncern , -------- 6m 12-19- Chicago or Cincinnati. M fl I Lower! pris, » ever know* on Ri «M-e-h-l-onelrr«. Kille«. A He»olvera. OUR $15 SH0T6UN ZTTt^slTT'vöTüci-d'pr'ie? <sir New ™ 1 II im . Catalogue, ISSPSA P. rOWELL & SON, »M Maiu tltrvet,CINCINNATI, (X