14 i<ÿ-i*r I- THEMQST POPULAR tending from Indian Territory west across the Texas Panhandle, and thirty-five miles into New Mexico. We are informed that eighty-five miles of this fence is already under contract. Its course will be in the Itne-ef-ihe 4 lassad+an -r+wr, a nJ-iU purpose is to stop the diift ol the northern cattle. It is a bold splen did enterprise and will pay a large percentage on the investment. The fence will be over two hundred miles long. - u Rough on Rats.’ Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flie. , ants, bed bugs, «kntiks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c D Have no regard for the opinion of those who woul 1 expect atten tions at the-expense’of a duty neglected. PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A MANUFACTURER OF TORPID LIVER STEAM ENGINES, Loss of Appetito, Bowels costive, Fain in the Head, with a dull sensation in the JlOTtllUMVKt clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, L qw spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before tho eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and REAPERS, THRESHERS, &c. CONSTIPATION. A!.St> TUTT’S PILLS are especially adapted to such e.a»eH, one dose «•ffects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. ENTERPRISE” PLANER AND . MATCHER. They Increase the Appetite, nnd cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system is nnnrtahisl. and by tbeir Tonic Action on the Digestive Organs. Keenl.ir Stools are pro duced. Price 2a cents. 3.» Murray Nt.. N. Y. TUn’S HAIR DYE. Brass and Iron Castings fu» njshed on Short Notice. Earts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold y Druggists, or sent by express oil receipt of 81. OFFICE. 33 nUKB.VV NT., NEW 1OKK. Wat?r Wheel Governors of best pattern known, two . sizes. Agent for Degroat’s' Patent Ornamental .IrDn.l'ence.____________ __ New and second hand Engines constantly on hand G ray H air or W ktskers chanced to a G lossy B lack by a single application of this D ye . Ittm- (Dr. Tt'TTS HIM.IL of Vahtri’I.' I*j.'ormaUoa and A Uuful lUceipU• will Le u.ilrd 1 KEK on epplLaUvn.# ¿£XLEL__ REMEDY A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated l*fies lias been discovered by Dr. Wil liam, (an Indian Remedy,) called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the Worst chronic cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No one neeil suffer five minutes after applyitig’ this wonderful southing medicine. Lotions in struments and electuaries do more harm than g‘«)'d. William’s Ointment absorlis the tumors, allays the intense itching, (particularly at night after getting warm in lied,) acts as a jioultice. gives inxtan* relief, and is prepared only for 1‘ile«, itching of the private parts, anil for nothing else. Read what the Hon. J. M. Coftiberry of Cleve land says about Dr, William's Indian Pile Oint ment: 1 h ive used score« of Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure to say th»t I have never found any thing which gave such immediate and jierinaueht relief as Dr. William's Ind.an Oint ment. For sale by all druggists or mailed oil receipt of price, $1.00 F or 7\ LI FETI M E i SURPASSES^ OTHERS NEURALGlAr LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, \ 1 GOUT, SORENESS or TUB CHEST, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS CLEVELAND, O. AND Trials and sufferings are only to be regretted when we have proved unwilling to give them entirely up to the Great Burden-Bearer, and let him furnish the strength and the triumph. SPRAINS, FROSTED FEET 1 • AND EARS, nUHNTS AND SC^kliDS, GEP.ER1 Boûily PaM Mrs. Dr. AugnMa Smith—Author of “ The New Process Cure Treatment.” As a Physician, Mns. Dn. S mith lias gainen a national reputation. She has cured ’Women and Men, in all parts of the country. To-dai »he has patients iu every Slate in the Union. She treats the si k at their homes , by letter. She gives references of many well-known per- »ons, whom she has treated, among them Mrs. Alexander Campbell, of Bethauv, IV. Va. For Tvference». testimonial», question list etc., inclose stamp, and address M rs . D r . A ugusta S mith , 12-2’-3m Springfield, Missouri. I »>»11 Oi ln'.er lat. M ti iya a library of ino LtFlinns of çllOlC<,fct $1 to $1 .04) Su-flduv- •<Tio »! ìmioah , «wit l'OMtpaid. Book« ili cat» • ■ • ■ O ’I un i i>uiiilx*i«*<|, put up 1 paniplilpt foin: wiie.«titi h"<l : IliM anti ti- xil»l<»i wi I • tin*»- H i ut ox'in«ive Ou«’ l.nii(lr«u| Mini ßf y -ix I hm » w u <» w i • • cd, tnlo^tn* I Miiyp <* biH»k Mini ibrarv ux< bui> v, M venta, in r.T . »•ut ;i ’v ♦»• ». at'fw S 11’in er. < H’ \<»’niioii biniti ty- !> t VI <> tC.iUUt PaviUlaLA« 46 AdaUin SUcc., CblUu^ü, SCIATICA. iKKNllY & CO., Prop’ra. 12-1 ly .ALA(AY.S ..OrR last I GREAT GERMAN Sure Cure Found nt Last, Xo One Suffer! • WORKS TOOTH, EAR AND HEADACHE, AND num» AND ACHES. No Preparation on earth equal» Sr. J acobs O il as a <.rr, (vim. siari.E and CUD External Roniedy. A trial entalai bill the eoiuparati«!;.- trifling outlay of a>Ca‘-TS. and every one suflaring with pain can have cheap and positive proot Ml iti claims. umicTlONd lb ELEVEN LASUCAGia. \ n J W. IM i- VV • M C hicago ill . -e— GU UHIUW O range ma ..£>.. 'ES3Ï&J. '#% SAJll’F.I. HILL, 034 Mui tot St., 8 An Francisco, Cnl. I 5 business now liefore tho pub- ' i lie. You can make money faster at woi k lor us than at ain thing else < ’»pitai not needed. We will start you. $ 2 a day and up wards marie at home bv the industrious. Men, boys and gnis wanted everywhere to Church and School women, work lor u.< Now is the time. You can work in spare time only or give your whale time ’o' Bells. tlie business. You can live nt home and do the SIZES ANI) PBICTM. work. No other business will pay you nearly Diam. of W’t with Costof iih No one can fail to make'enormous pay yoke A Bell A by well. Bell. engaging at onie. t'oatly Outfit and term» frame Hang’» free- .Money made fast, easily and honorably. ! No 6 25 in 23nff>» & ?5 oo Address T hue A Co.. Augusta, Maine. P.No 6^27 in 3li'It.s 3'i 00 1/ No 7 30 in 4‘lOttis 50 No 8 31 in 7.10ttis 75 No 9 38 in 925ttis 130 Rumsey A Co., Seneca Falls, New York. THE OLD-PATH GUIDE. F. G. A llen , Editor, G. W. Y ancey , Associate. rpilISlSALAllGF.EKiHT-PAGE WEEKLY. 1 devoted to the advocacy and defence of Apostolic teaching ami practice. ‘‘Ask for the Old-Paths, and walk therein ” is its motto, its practice and its teaching. It» matter is pure, safe, fresh and sparkling. Its make t.p is orderly, neat, attractive and on excellent paper. A specimeu copy win sansiy satisfy Bti nu oi of uro the BBine, aboie, • will cost ■_ you ' but ‘ *' the " time ’ ■ * 1 ---- r _ a nd and postal card 1 on which the request is made. Address the 1 u bl is hers. See’• Our Principles,’’ and "’Our- lluks.” ’ T m Mrwting, git'fwig«, lor »I jà ÌÀVÌD C. CUÒ1L «1 Aliami st . Chicago. ih igi‘1!a wee^ ’n yoar own town' 55 outiit 'll) free. No risk. Everything »ew. Cap- ltd not required. We will furnish you every thing. Many are making fortune». Ladies make as much as men, and boys and gill» make great pay. Reader if you want a business at which you can make great pay all the time you work, 'write for particulars to II. H allett & Co., i’i'i tiand, Maine. Ol li TEEM«. SOLB M ALL DRUGGISTS AtiO DEALERS IN MEOICIWt. *#*“'A coward can be a hero at a dia- Single Subscription, One Year. $2 00 A. VOGELER & CO. tir.ca ; presence of danger tests pres-’ Months $1 W) 5 Three Month», 50 cl Baltimore, Me/., V. S.JO I t nee of mind.” Presence of disease test CLUB KATE«. THAT WONDERFUL BOOK the value of a curative. Kidney-Wort To any one «ending a club of five and $10 00 challenges this test always and every cadi, an extra copy. - g T he O i . d /•’ atii G uide ($2 00) and : where, so far as all complaints of the T he W ohd and T he WbliK i5.0cts.) $2 25. AVITII FOII’IN FOIL HUSISKS3. bowels, liver and kidneys are concerned. /' actfic C hum « ii N ews (SI 0'0 s'2 50. AM» SOLI LT Y T he C bkintlax H erald ($.2 (t:j S3 00. - It cures all, nor asks any odds. Is selling by I coh of th<ni»:inds. It is the most Address for »[KM-imens, Comp »•> piicv lorw ilin of Bib’« ti nt h ami mt r-tiiv.pR Mii’lq IticM. »ruotxrn ili\, bi g- mpby. ami mitiiral i*i«torv ;c r»e« t pro- mi >• iaiioii ”f w< rtb. <»Uiiml no’Hi’in.— ?,i Hi complete artirbu ; «»vrr »<<> rolunint; I.cm Ir ’<)••« iitH. pout I < Hi'i roveiH. wii e- To any sddic«m. B» . |M»rtpHΫl. Al ocivhtollip choicel»ooK!* fo S.|' l».ith- « li .1 teacher»» nml • hrfctfi .11 xuukVi.a, »(>-• ffctl’ci lo ini «oui T u ber- IJ iH»y. 1 he > 1 . c h 11 fo nr l>ai l«< <’. <’«»<>l*t ' Intruu I lli liaher. 46 AU.iüi* Street. < IlilitfciO 4 GUIDE SUCCESS There is many a thing that the •world calls disappointment; but there is no such word in the dic tionary of faith. What to others are disappointments are to believers intimations of the will of God.— Newton. univernally useful look ever published. It tells completely HOW TO DO EVERYTHING in the best wav, How to bo Your Own Lawyer, How to Do Buxiness Correctly and bilccoss- fully, How h> act in Society and everywhere. A gold mine of vaiiad iufcrm.itimi to all class< s • for constant »•cfeiericc. MAKNTri WAN’ I'KD for all or spare time. To km w why this book of REAL value and attraction . fc F r better Hinn any other, apply for terms to .1. DEWING A (.0., Ban Frailer co, < YL 12-29-Um My New I11n»»-aD4 F»' «’ ,,M«?"rnilng <»% er 1UO< lobi »»»’I Saivvi U m I Uuin W a U’U’J i fit for »I be ►tntnp. 1». t I:1» luvr 1 ten I wit rhea Io f ’.I J» irt 4Or I -H r'' brtexura.DUl I rA e p-y»’ * • ••• »«'• ev • V^’n»»b-e»l ref- p- uct. U. C. C line A Co., General ZTibibhers of Church totd Hunlay School Supplies, 310 Wes’ Main St., 12-19 6m Louisville, Ky. CONCORDAl’CB. Tlw <mHi» H • un.ibridR- for ton paci» di rta. 'em le I i DAVID C. COOK. <0 A Ix-iu "livet, ' bl