’-s. <• I ; *i, Cl i it istia ht I 1 I Kit A T/n, 13 I -\‘r Golden Grains. —We learn to climb ,by keeping our eyes, not on the valleys that “ SITtfGFETFL ” SEWING MACHINES. A. RODHRTS, 1'01IT LIÑD AI) VERTIS EM ENTS. SUCCESSO ll TO 7’Ae headers of the H erald will please observe that. no advertisements are inserted except those toe believe to Im t r nut worth u. ju writing to or call- in«/ on our advertisers jdease^say you saw their advertisement in T iie C hristian H erai . d . This will ac -commodate both them and us. that rise before us. —Hope is like the sun, which as we journey toward it casts the shadow of our burdens behind us. GARHISON’S —Take your stand by the altar ___of truth and be not led or driven Sewing* Machine Store, thence by sophistry or by ridicule. ------ --------- rcr * 3rd sto —--------- POHTLAXD, CREGOV. —Not that which men do worth ily, but what they do successfully, JOHN B. GARRISON, Proprietor. is what history makes haste to General dealer/ in all linda of Sewing Machines ' Arwchments. Oil, Needles, Ac. record. Sowing Mudlines repaired and warranted Tf want to buy a good Sewing Machine call or —It is the habitual thought that vou so-ul for inf>itnation Illustrated catalogues 12-3-tf frames itself into our life. It affects ¿Crrt-when desired. ui more even than our intimate J.’G. Glenn, Norris R. Co». social relations do. (Tur confiden GLENN & COX, tial friends have not as much to do in shaping our lives as the thoughts DENTIST, have which we.-harbor.— J. IF. —A bitter word may make a S. W. Vor. First anil Yamhill St»., wound that will never heal.. A PORTLAND, : : : . : OREGON. kind word may win a friend that Le^ldun^u^^jî Legend b’tic»t° ° ** M' A A ° will never turn. A caqtion may z save a soul; and yet silence is DR. E. O. SMITH, sometimes more stinging, and tit other times more soothing than any OENTIST, word. * 107 Filisi t«i<<t» Morrison FISHEL &*ROBERTS, Corai-r First, anti Al.tcr Sts., x TLAND THF STRONGEST, SIMPLEST, z AND MOST DURABLE Sewing Machine in the market. Sold on easy DM i t ia llBifli i iK. ur a liltrr i ü.^L^2 1 ul.lkV.fílt‘,lh;...... Tli S111 g* r 3i a n « fa «• fii >•. U WILLIS B. FRY, Mamiger, 04 Moi rl»on bl., Poi t la nd. THE LEADING Clothier, Merchant Tailor and Hatter 12-35-tf OF OREGON, O C. BLANEY, M. D., Guarantees to sell the very best Clothing for less money than any other house in the State. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, —■.............. ....................................... — ..______rCE>reAO^-^iT?r--------- BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY. JU* I I m of P’1r*‘ Copper and Tin for Churches School^ Fire A liirnD*i,F;uirH, etc. FELL’ WARRANTED. Catalogue sent Free. VANUUZEN a TIFT, Cincinnati. O Office—ì’hnruwr A Byeilej’s Drug .Store, Cor. Fimi »nd Main St. llesideune—32 Jefferson St., Cor. Second St. 12-i-ly THE CITÏ DRY GOODS STORE. ^NEST G ood §° WESr ^A/CES. s y, 147 THIRD ST PORTLAND * t - ♦ • D. W. PRENTICE & CO., . I 7 The Leading Music Dealers, 107 FiasT STREEI, PORTLAND, OHEGON. :o: I 12 33 33 K T* I -A. JNT O> Si , anti —Man is the jewel of God, who HAINES BROS., J. Br-NUUEN’T tc Yamhill, Portland,’Or. . f has created this material world to CO, GRAND, SQUARE AND : keep bis treasure in. —You can not dream yourself UPRIGHT PIANOS, into a character ; you must hammer and forge yourself one. —He who reigns within himself and rules passions, desires and fears, is more than a king. —Whatever you see good in SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. your journey through life, endeavor Send for Catalogue. I 2 35-(mi 5‘ to impress it upon your mind and D. F. 1IU2BINS. J. IL ROBBINS. heart, that it may serve you to 1 good purpose when your needs re THE “NEW No. 8.” quire it. Thus you will gain 129 First Street, Portland, Oregon, lion cling wisdom and profit at the same Are the Leading Importers, Wholesale and Reti-il Dealers in time. £ —It is the sublime hope of an McCAMMON PIANOS, WHITNEY & HOLMES’ OliGANS, p eternal lite beyond the grave that AND 0 ennobles the Christian life and ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERC HAN D.SE, t p H* sustains the despondent soul amid ALSO p * the sea of this wodd’s perplexities PICTURES, FRAMES AND MOULDINGS. 0 — ... —---- * and trials. Without this hope, (£7“Tl>e largest and best selected stock in the city. Send jour orders d re< t to n>. what is there in life to make it worth the living. Because THE ONLY INSTITUTION OF ITS KIND ON THE COAST’ —Fault-finders make themselves IT RUNS LIGHTER, FASTER, AND IS Where* young lady or gentleman can obtain M Thorough Pus'.ncHS Education 1 More Durable than any other machine At a Cost in proporuont o time Eng ged. the. standard of all comparisons, made We guarantee it to Out-wear anv two shuttle machines. It will darn Keaetifnlly, and, of course, find plenty of flaws letter, make insertion and embroider wthout attachment. A f Al set of attachments in the character of the persons any given with each machine, leaving no extras to under their scrutiny. They imagine buy. It is the lighten running lock stitch machine in the world, and ladies wishiifg to others to ba like themselves, and pit /el ve their health should investigate its merits. AH should'give it a trial. Machines when they describe others, they sold on installment plan. Liberal discouu (or . only give a portrait of themselves. cash Repairing of al I kinds of machines at reason nihis and work warranted. Wo also carry It is generally a very faithful one, able a lull line cf ports, jwullos, ou, s ilk cotton, Ac. too, WIlKEI.Elt «€ W1LHO.V, M’F’Q CO., No, 88 Morrl«>n Si., Portland, Or!. —IJe who has not religion for his A copy of the COLUMBIA COMMERCIAL COLLLGE JOURNAL, containing fun fnformntfon, wíf be B. C. NEWELL, Manager. seat free to any addrem on appiicatlon. Address pillow is without a resting place. P. O. Box 583. W. M. JAME4 l»ri tl<-lpal. ESTEY & STERLING ..GANS. I J. II ' U-l-ly ..... .................................... ROBBINS & SON, HB.'PU.T!— V ............ . '.'..--^."■2. ■** —"J—T_L.il A i