Ctllti STIÁÑ 11 ÜERÀLÎ)• t- The Ci en ni of nil Book*« of Advent nre. slowly-passing hours, and they ,s<*em FARM FQR SALE. to recall now, not the horrible sum PIONEER Z I DARING I OFFER MY FARM TOR SALE, total of their sufferings, but its te a situfftPil one mile west of Monmouth, HEROES - I DEEDS. The thrilling tvlvi ntuis s of all tho hero ex dious monotony. “ I think,” said eoutaining 150 acres of excellent grain plorers and frontier fighters with 'luhans, out- Tjff 0 more worried and depressed by the sameness and dreariness of the scene —the utter solicitude—than any thing else. To go upon deck every day and look out upon the same vastA endless waste of ice—it was that which we appeared to feel the most.” And yet though to this were added the fearful struggle with the elements in the " retreat,’ the J land., (loixl house, burn,.I'rnits, berries, "etc." SIxtyiroTOfl (St p r immer fiiliow oir the place. A splendid opportunity for any one willing good school advan tages. For particulars apple to J. P. LUCAS. Monmouth, Or I KIDNEY- WORT ; dwra mmlabilil lastefa.nUiiii.ki Jitawililiill'i I' 'UUU'Y., 'fn>m~irè < ailies! linos io Iliff"pr,’•’-■ellI. Lives and famous exploits of Desoto LiiSalle, Stand- isb. Boone, henton, Biadv, Crockett, Bowie. Houston, Carson, Ouster, California Joo, Wild Bill. Buttalo Bill. Gohs. Miles and Crook, great Indian Chiefs ami scoies of others. OOK(»K- OVMI.Y 1EI.USTU ATRI) with 175 fine on-.- graving« to the life. AilKVl’S VVANTK1». Low priced and beats ajivthing lo soil J. DEWING A-CO., 420 Bush St., San Francisco. 12-20-iini .. .——---------- PORTLAINriD BUSINESS COLLEGE, . ’ (O.d “NATIONAL,” Established 183Cj / ?.S* I'i'Ovt Sf, Wit dein <lton> „' and A! (1er,. PORTLAND, OR K- A, P. Armstrong, - - Pi incipajl. J. A. We»«-o, - Penina» und Hee»itaiy. An institution designed fcr tho practical bûf|- liess education of buffi äexeST BAPTISMAL ROBES. —— :i > -—w rpHE “ LADIES AID SOCIETY” OF THE 1 Christian Church, Portland, is prepared to furnish ** Baptisms) Robes ” to those desiring, at prices from §5 to S7, according to kind of cloth. These will be sent by miil to any part of the coa s t. Adilre-w, Hwn wi i » QfinMi-Lki K u n t- l- ■Uhnituul t ut..an y.. week-day--uf the year. vacations at any time, and no exam 8t., Portland, Or. ination on entering « No -forced darkness from the blinded eyes, Lieutenant Danenhower still AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER ! SCHOLARSHIP, For tlie Full Business nurses schemes of further and more Course, $6'1. TO ACKNTS. daring exploration.___ . _ PEN WORK The Lieutenant’s faithful care, of 5KIDNEY-WO R Tj GOODS UNSOLD RETURNED. Of all kinds executed to order at reasonablo poor Jack Cole was very touching. rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. .> u ------ -■ -r ■If..yoU' are.,put of Employment ami want to He would not come ashore until the THE CH RIST I AN SOWER start iu business yoil fan mak«-irtau fcl.Q Tho Collage J on in 1. «ontaintr.gTnformatioJi a day clear, ami take no risk of loss, we will cf the course of study, wlien to enter, timo unfortunate boatswain had been send von on receipt of SI •. goods that will sell required, cost of board, etc., and cuts of orna TRACT FUND. readily in a tew days for S25. If the Agontfails mental penmausliip, from thte jam of 1'iuf. taken in charge by the naval au —to:— to sell these goods in f- nr days, they can return Wosco, sent free. uusold to its, and we will return them their thorities. It will be remembered rpiIISISTHE PIONEER FUND FOR THE ¡JI 1 free distribution of tracts. Is well supplied money, can anything be fairer? AAe take all ’ Address A. T. ARMSTRONG, ttrat‘tWcJsTmTi’rt‘T^^ with tral’Ts on the eh niefiFFTi'TTlTfc GospfT.' NOW iness that will be j>ermnnent, ibid pay from toctitortiMr™ ——roYrmyrrmr.’”“’ kinds wilt follow soon. These tracts are. free to '12 33-fini the Lieutenant thinks, not so n.uch those who are not able to buy them, ard fifty $1 000 to $3,000 a year Ladies can d<> as well as men. We want an Agent in.lbv-cry county. per hundred to those who two aide. T.J.LaML D. J. E. Davidson, M. D. by his own sufferings as by the cents Every cent received will lie used to print tracts. Full particulars free. Address, U. 8. Manufact churches will find these tract« useful. uring Co., No. 116 Smithfield Street. Pittsburg. sight of those of his companions. Wenk i 12-31-3m. DAVIDSON & LEE, Evangelists should go well snpplieL p Pa. Address He has at times been very violent J. W. IIIGBEF, Trustee, r f I I Greatchance to make money. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Madisonville, Ky. and was pinioned on his arrival 12-35-tf VJT vr 1 J 1 * «Those who always lake ail- , INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. vantagr-of the g -md <4ta»e*a fi-r-Btakimr money here ; but he was entirely quiet and tlrat are ottered, generally becouMi wealthy, Disease« of women a specialty. while those who do not-improve atich chances happy chming up the bay, and was remain in pov rty. want many men, wom Prescriptions tilled at tho ofiefi. particularly anxious to kiss every THE APOSTOLIC’TIMES, en, boys and girls to work for us right in their Walitics. Any one can do the woi k properly IMtf. J. W. k MARY t T tü LE, one whom he recognized. It is an ROUNDED FIFTEEN YEARS AGO BY from tfie ftrFts’art. The busiueM will pay more than ten time» (ffrlmary wages. Expensive ’ McGarvey. Wilke», Hopson, Lard and Gra nounced that he will be placed by ham. It is still holding forth tlie doctrine of outfit furnished free. No ono who engages fails PHVS1CIA.VM dt BURGEON», to make monev rapidly. You can devo'e your Christ and the Apostles. Sample copies sent Mr. Bennett in a -private asylum, free. Subscription price f 2.00 a year. Address whole time to tho »yolk, or only your spare mo Suver Polk County, Oregon ments. Full information and nil’ that 11 needed APOSTOLIC TIMFs, , and Lieutenant Danenhower has sent free. Andres's .S tinson A Co,, Puglland, L exington , K y . SPECIALTIES : hope.3 of his ultimate recovery. Maine. Dr. M. T. Cole, Disease of Women. Long Sing, the China nen, was as AND NOT WEAR <»l T. Dr. J. W. Cole, Chronic Diseases. calm as an Oriental fatalist could Consultation free. 12-1-tf be expected to be. He gave his Do not nr- opinion that the North Pole was a “ belly good countlee,” and expres DEALER IN by purchasing sed his intentions for the future in until you have received our the curt phrase, “ Mebbe go back. finely illustrat ed 50 page cata —Hmjphrti Weekly. logue. Sent free “H'E A I) I STAIGER, to any address. The Rt. Rev. Bisbop Gilmour, Cleve land, Ohio;—Chas. 8 Stiickland, Esq., 9 Boylston street, Boston, Mass.;— Capt Paul Boy ton, the World Renown ed Swimmer Prof. C. O. Duplessis, Manager Chicago Gymnasium. Chicago, Ill.;—Wm. H. Wareing, Esq., Asst. General Superintendent, New York Post Office ;—Hon. Thomas L. James, Postmaster, New York;-Stacy Hill, Esq., Mt. Auburn Inclined Plane Rail road, Cincinnati, Ohio, are among the myriads who have experienced the ben eficial effects of that most remarkable remedy St. Jacobs Qj|, and who have testified to its efficacy in unqualified terms.— Pittsburgh Cpmmercial Gazette. Head-Stones, THE COLUMBUS BUGGY CO., Columbus, Ohio, Is the largest factnryin the world for first-class Buggies, Photons, Surreys and Car, tinges, and do ghe more real value for the money than any other manufacturers. Dealers sell our vehicles everywhere. Name of nearest will by sent w ith prices. Executed in Italian and American marble. Also, every variety of Cemetery and other Stone woik, Grani’e Monuments, and enclosures to burial lots, furnished to order. Opposite tho Opera House, Salem. Also, Staiger Brothers, Albany, Oregon. Be ante, before buying, to examine the Name Pla‘t> Io 1« found on the rear < f every Buggy manti act tired by ns, for none are genuine niiless they l>ear the name of COLUMBUS BUGGY COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO. Many iufei lor good« are offered an Columbus Buggies, and care should lie mu-d to di-tin gnish botween “ ColtinibtiH Buggies ” ard Co lumbus Buggy Co.’a Bnggios. 12 37-3m That which is bitter to be en dured may be sweet to be remem bered. The infirmities of others borne cheerfully and in the spirit W help, if they seem thorns now, f may in future blossom in memory like the fragrant rose, NUHTAi MIC AM) DMlS^FR'i. , - ---------- HEARD i.LIKUi <1,4 «tu» a»«l A Na id h«4<l or hire la, it or *'•! I Will flirr« a full Set of™ ' vKVSm Tn < tn .1 «Mf-U. S». a ad ol l wear I »v» bear I and io-' me-J I U> -1 l’i ra. Pkg pc. 7 ^ v < tb . ä CO. PaiauNju.GNanrwfce wnï with S /Jtp» Ten Hights in a ar Rcôm.ÆIMÂ ir.i.k. wit > etaiit II n«tr»ti<-n«, in <- ih -» p for-n 'jeu ie> 2"<> I ter tli-rví» ¡i g) «<>1.1 f.»r £)_i0,v ..t prb«' ever m>l<l. (»-o Puller A o .' ii ti-l)—-ui'l TitinTy-xiSK -xtr* fvpo-J to ,:Mi iliHt'-fiit riiK« <«1- poftpaldl. Ni«| tin Ulina ivn<l forcible temp rmce book ex tv t I OMU noihiiig to »¿after it on till» plan. Tlie Temperane« llevóla« liou. lò Adam» ätx«vt, CURago. THE LAKI. EST A\l> CM1 C OMPLETE TYPE HIIAIIKI AM» PRINTER.*»’ HAKE- IIOI SE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. t Ju A T j C a ,J u X t A.J m X w Jir T? TV SUCCESSOfis to miller & R ichard X S cotch T ype F ounders , C w , XVJud j. 205 & 207 Leidesdorff, and 529 Commercial Streets, ’ — CH,C|73 MONROE STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. We ’.nep on n the mooli cf A-nerican Fancy Type ever kept on this Coast, toarethnr with e. cornpletn Uockof Miller A Richard's Scotch Type, and ca i furnish at a rtiovnoat’x notice anything in the Printers’ Uno from a bodkin to a , Cylinder Proas. Wo luxvo a very large stock of New and Second-hand Printing Presses of all nakoa and sties. We are sole agents for, and keep in stock, Campbell Cylinder Proasee, Coltrail & Uabcock ditto, also Peerless, Clipper, Jewel, Gordon and Washington .iobbe-a, Washington Hand Presses, new Baxter Steam Engines (just the thing for printers), Tuerk Water Motors, Gem Paper Cutters and a full lino of danbom's Bookh,,.de» b‘ Machinery. Our Fidelity Roller Composition and Peerless Printing Inks are considered the best in use. Have you used our Perfection plates? They save editorial wot k and composition, and therefore save money. Send for our Catalogue. ________ _______________ _ REMEMBER —No House on Ibis Const ran compete with us In Quality of Goods. 1 I f • * » ■Ì