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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1882)
5 CHRISTIAN HKRALD. -,—«—a T- who traverse the country from Dan to Beersheba, swooping down upon congregations, dealing out strokes % here and there in the murky light, -— sending random shots, as often hit- ting too low as too high, and more often altogether missing ihe mark. We do not speak of those who know nothing personally of the .spiritual attitude of the people to whom they talk, since they speak pt4Vflt?'tV"to''’hntn’haH'dozenof . them, possibly, at -each return of the moon? But we speak of those who go in and out among the people, who so learn the weaknesses and follies, the sins and skepticism of those to whom they preach, that they may warn to life, yet not destroy with fire, enlighten with t truth, yet not drive away while now they arcnot able to bear it. We speak of those who so feel the burden of Israel, they will not for get the weakest and the strongest, and, who, accordingly, from the , yearnings of their liearts and out of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge biiug to the people that meat which will nourish the babes And the full-grown men in Christ •' Jesús. Who know J»etter than «. they the needs of the congregation So arc they compelled to bring to view tl le life of Jesus in as many •different lights. The shy and de « * nying Peters must receive the * glance of pity and of love, The •doubting Thomas must l»e con vinced, the sons of thunder must be rebuked, the loving John’s even not left forgotten. I How various and how peculiar are the spiritual wants of any con -X gregation, and how careful must lie J the feeding. Preparation Who does not need the preparation ? And should not those who humbly, faithfully per form their part in this most sacred, most exacting duty l>e counted worthy of double honor. Shall we not remember for them the words of the a|>ostle : ‘‘ Reipember them that had the rule over you, which speak unto you the word of God ; and considering the issue of their life, imitate their faith.” Heb. 13: 7, Revised Version. * 1 .Stand by your cokrs. Let all else fail, but stand where it mav be —■ known what side you take. And remember if you gather not for Christ you are scattering abroad. If you can not say you are with the Master in your present service, b -ware lest through the deceitful- •> njss of sin, you have not the cour- a 'e and the discernment to know and confess you are against him. I r" ’ ' * “ ' ■ _ •» Southern California Annuaf effort to raise funds to purchase a ' and profitable. For the present large tent for protracted hiVetihgs, this may suffice. I* - |* Meeting. * Affectionately and ft cbhimittee was appointed to C; KENDRIt ft. Bro Stanley: 1 carry this into effect. Some funds _ ---- ...<•«——— Failing to get the tnihutes fully were raised, and the committee ,2----- Annual Conventions. ^CTjylLll LLt'Tnnii, I will kill jrnn that our meeting was called to order at committ’e'e consists of G. W. Wolfe, The Iowa State meeting conteA 10 o’clock A. M., Aug. 18th, under Downey; W. R. Lawrence, Ar September 12th, ài Cètìterviììe. an arbor of 57 60 * feet, well seated tesia; W. S. Harper, Los Angeles, The Wisconsin .State meeting and coveted with tules. . Bro. E. and M. W. Baring, Orange. comes Sept. 27, at Monroe. French was chairman, till, feeling ' 3. It was determined to make an The Illinois State meeting côM'éà fatigued, he resigned, wbeti Bro. e effort funds sustain IS ?uo . ffort to raise fu nds to susta in y1 • James Fulton waJ> appomteu? Bm evangelists, in the use of' the tent Ö The Nebraska State i^teting Coats Was secretary, and Bro? F. M. and otherwise, and the oflficei'S oi Randolph, assistant secrotary. the congregations at Los Angeles, comes Oct. 5th, at Lincoln. The Minnesota State meeting amt two Downey Gity and Artesia, , were re- There were between one and comes Oct. 19th, at Concord. , humlreiLnamVs cn|olled ; 107 tents — The Kansas State meeting comes —». on the ground, a good restaurant, solicit funds, employ evangelists hay-yard and fruit-stand. The and manage the work for the meet Sept. 27, at Emporia. The Oregon State Cooperation first Lord s day there were present, ing till the annual meeting foi begins Oct. 18th, at Eugene. I tliink, over 1000 people; the 1883, at which they will make a The General Convention begins second Lord’s day some 1500. The i full ami detailed report. This com Oct. 17th, at Lexington, Ky. best order prevailed, and the best ' mittee will, I hope, soon organise, ---- -,— —— feeling realized and manifested and go to work in earnest. Bible Meetings. without exception or variation; I We had no trouble about boards Having been appointed by the believe. The church paid for the or plans ; and the way is clearly meals of such as were not able to I open for a happy work. Every Oregon Bible Society as county pay for tliemselves. Some eamu in : cent contributed widr-4- iam confi agent for the canvass am 1 supply wagons from 100 to 200 miles, dent, l>e used for tracts, for the of Polk county, I propose to ad- - Public tents were provided for tent, or for the support of evangel dress'the people on that subject at those needing them. ists. What an opportunity for the following times and places^— —— We- bad- sun- -rise- prayer-meet (I oh h ? g< iod7 "AV I fat A cal I ~fo r ’ the" ■—Mminttmtlt, Sept. 24th, Buena Vista, Oct. 1st. ings, business meetings ■ from - 9:30 wise' use of money ! ----- Zena and Lincoln, Oct. Sth. A.. M. to 11 A. M., when we had The C hristian H erald was Bethel and Perrydale, Oct. 15th. preaching. The business meeting presented . and commended, So, Lewisville and Airlie, Oct. 22nd. occupied from 3 to 5 P. M.. Preach also, were several other papers, and The morning hour is desired, but ing 7:30 p. M", often singing and some subscribers were obtained? prayer for 20 to 30 minutes. A resolution was passed urging if it Conflicts with other appoint The usual committees were ap-' every family to take one or more ments the friends of the cause are requested to change the hour and pointed, and the chairman followed of our religious papers? the regular order of -business fur- i Bro. T. F. Campbell was warmly give me notice at Dallas. It is nished him—reading minutes, re commended to all friends of educa hoped that the. friends of Bible ports of committees, enrolling tion ami the Bible, as he goes East distribution will circulate these names, unfinished .business, new on his gram I mission. He gave appointments and secure a good at business, querist drawer, &c. great satisfaction, and aided us tendance. Any friend will do me a There- were present, preachera, T. much by his clear presentation of favor by making appointments for me at other places not inconsistent F. Campbell, G. II. Kinkaid, — the Gospel. Riddle, I. Coats, — Wright, W. W There were eleven added, nine with these, and notifying me as W m . A dams . Borden, W. D. Frazee, D. S. Wftrd- J immersions, one from the Baptists, above. law, W. R. Lawrence, W. S. Young, and one by commendation. All truths are reducible to an W. Smith, C. Kendrick, and many On each Lord’s day the congre unity ; like lines, they meet in one elders and bishops who might, per gation was reminded that there centre, the God of Truth, and so haps, be put on this list. were some expenses connected with The queriest drawer was of great the meeting, and those who chose far from jostling that they uphold interest and profit, and more queries put their contributions on the table. oile another— Gumall. ---------------- A were handed in than could be an The regular contribution in the Paul says, “ God loveth a cheer swered. There was no disposition worship was appropriated to the ful giver.” I think if Paul had to speculate. Duty— what must expenses of the meeting. To day lived in our day, he would also we do ?—seemed to govern and the lumber, tides, &c, were sold have said, “ God loveth a cheerful pfompt inquiries. Wish I could publicly, and I think all expenses pew-rent payer." / I think any copy and send you the queries, &c. will be paid. This, however, does church finance committee will say s WHAT WAS DONE. not include the labor of the congrega to-day, “ God bless the man who 1. The meeting determined to tions here and at Artesia in prepar pays his church bills promptly. ’— raise a Tract fund, and appointed ing the afltor, ¿ire. For this they Rec. J. Tapley. the elders of the Downey congre await a reward better than coin. G em of T hought .—As the moun We had just secured, by mail, GO gation to receive and manage it. Encouraging progress was made in of the Revised Hymnal. These, tains are round about Jerusalem, so with our old lsjoks, supplied j the; is thé Lord round about his j eople. getting funds. 2. We determined to make an demand, and the singing was good« —David. J 1 1 1 111 Í 1 1 * 0 X— » A • <