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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1882)
O Hit IS T 1 A K NEWS OF THE WEEK who go from here ip rmall. Most of our pedple think they can find some Portland. . better way of spending their time and There is a tin store on Third street money than by going to the ** Annnal managed by Chinamen.——— ——— boss trot?’ It is said liquor dealers are meeting Pacific Coast. to oppose legislation againt them. A little son of Mr. Withers, ofalbany, And still they come ! Another subur was drowned a few days ago, in the ban town, to be called East Portland covered flume running down Ferry St. Homestead, and located just outside A lbany , Or., Sept. 14.—This morn- that city’s limits on the line of the O. R. N. (Jo.- - is to be-laid ou4--ia4ota aL «°.f hemorrhage cf the bowels. Deceased was proprietor of. once for resign co property. the Albany foundry. The funeral ser The work of cross-sectioning the site vices was preached here this afternodn. of the grand union' depot for the O. R. the body will be taken to Lewisville for A N. Co. and the N. P. R. R. Co. at the north end of the city has been com bnrial to-morrow. The population of Pendleton was in menced by Engineer Peyles and a party creased last week by three families con of men. The object is to ascertain the sisting of 26 persona, immigrants from amount of filling necessary for the Missouri. foundation. It has been decided to build a bridge New sidewalks are being-laid along across the south fork of John Day river, each side of Fourth street, East Port- a much needed and quite costly im provement. Chaplain Stubbs addressed the open The amount of land sown to wheat in temperance meeting on Saturday night Umatilla county this fall greatly ex last. A most encouraging report of the ceeds that of any preceding year. Sev prohibition was given by other speakers. eral farmers will seed 20f,0 acres or up Among other things it was stated that wards each, and quite a large number the petitioners for the proposed-amend witt jrhrnt 100 acres each. With a fa ment of the constitution of this State vorable season, Umatilla county will numbered 50,030, and names were still have au immese surplus crop next year. coming in by the hundred. The presi The "house of BeDj. Wade, two miles dent of the State temperance alliance, . from Wilhoit was burned recently. The who lias the petition in charge, has owners were absent, and everything Called an important meeting of its offi they had except the clothes they wore cers at Salem for Tuesday next. was destroyed.". Twenty families, who have made the Hop picking is in full, blast, and 50 trip overland from Iowa with their own Cents per pound offered lor them at teams, are camped in Stevens’ addition Puyallup. The yield will be fully up to East Portland. They are bound for to the anticipation of growers. Cowlitz, and will go down by the steam S an F ranciscq , Sppt. 15. —A Jire er Kellogg in a day or two. broke out this afternoon in a large hay Some East Portland boys, having barn on Fourth street, between King watched the railroad men at work, and Berry, destroying the building and started to build a small line in a vacant contents, a meat packing establishment lot. One of them undertook the task of adjoining, a grocery and saloon, restau blasting a small mound by digging a rant, blacksmith shop and cigar box Losses aggregate between hole and placing powder in it and then factory. a short fuse, which Charley Godfrey, $30,000 and 840,000. C hico , Sept. 15.—It began raining a boy of ten years of age lighted, and early this morning and continued until failing to get up in time, the blast went off in his face, burning him badly. Dr. 10 o'clock, when it rained and hailed Royal was called to dress his wounds. very bard, lasting about half an hour. Charley thinks he will let the Chinamen The damage to until reshed grain is do the blasting on the next road to light as well as to unfinished buildings in town. The storm was quite heavy in build. the mountains. Monmouth and Vicinity. The week has been one of many happy Eastern. reunions of friends at the opening exer Tribune editorial: Bad ^news is said cises of the College. to travel fast but the fact that the Ed Monmouth was never so full of people munds law is in force in Utah and that as now, and the number will be largely the days of poligamy are nntnbered does not seem to have spread abroad widely. increased before winter. On account of some misunderstanding Over six hundred newly fledged Latter between the proprietors and the em Day Saints have just arrived from Eu ployees of the warehouse, they have de rope and half of them are from England dined to receive any more wheat for where classes from which they came ought to know better by this time. two or three days past. N ew Y ork , Sept. 13.—The steamship The College opens oat with a large Parthia with Melville and other survi attendance. Just how many are present vors of the Jennelle and Capt. Berry of we are unable to learn, as the enroll the Rodgers on board, has arrived. ment is not complete. C rockett , Sept. 14.—Yesterday fire Mrs. T. H. Luoas is expected to die destroyed 30 houses on the south sidts at any hour, of dropsy. of the square. Losses estimated at The H erald office still wants to buy #125,000, only partially insured. some oak wood. K ansas C ity , Sept. 14.—For the paBt Borne of our people are attending the two days this vicinity and eastern Kan fitate Fair this week, but the number sas generally have been suffering from t ■ L * 11K U A T J ) a simoon blowing from the Staked plains in Indian Territory. The wind iB the hottest known in years, and wise ones say is a frequent forerunner of mala rfat fev er.—- — ~ M exico , N. Y., Sept. 14 —A heavy wind and rain storm swept over this place at 3 p. m ., while 3000 people were on the fair grounds at tho time. A lib erty pole was blown down, killing a horse and severely injuring several peo- pie. Horses ran away and women and .ofiihlren were panic stnclenT TIios DeLong of Mexico and Fred Winkler of Richland were hart. Winkler’s horse« was killed. Much damage was caused to fruit and crops. R ochester , Hept. 14.—Lightning last night dM considers' le damage in the city and neighborhood. The Baptist church at north Parma was badly wreck ed, and many telegraph poles jnst nolth of there shattered by lightning. »B rownsville , Bept. 13.—The river is flooding the northwestern part and mar.y families are forced to leave their houses. ---- B atavia , N. Y., St pt. 14.—The mon ument to the memory of Capt. Wm. Morgan by the National Christian Asso- presence of 1000 people. Morgan was the Masonic renegade. N iagara F alls , Sept?15t—Adestrnc- five brush fire is raging above and Be- low the bank on the American side, just below suspension bridge. Butler’8 t grain elevator and other buildings are in danger. H artford , Sept. 15.—A terrific hur ricane passed over the village of Win ston last evening, destroying ten houses and five barns, mostly in the northeast ern portion of the village. No lives are lost. Several persons were injured, Mrs. Daniel Maxwell, Mr. Thomus Ash and Miss Mary Conners seriously. W aterbury , Cofin., Sep . 15.—It is reported 4 persons were killed by the tornado in Winsted, last night. A lbany , N. Y., Sept. 15.—A terrible wind storm passed through Mohawk Valley yesterday. At Nunderville a man driving a load of hay into a barn to escape the storm, the barn was blown down and the man and team killed. There were severe thunder storms along the Hudson. Lightning was incessant and blinding. Many places on the Hudson river railroad track are flooded and Me telegraph wires are broken. - C hicago , Sept. 15.—At the Joilet rol ling mills, yesterday, James Furgeson Bwnng a ladle so carelessly as to pour five tons of molten steel into the pit wheie he stood, roasting himself in stantly. P ensacola , Fla., Sept. 16.—Nineteen new cases of yellow fever within 24 hours, and two deaths. Total cases 163, and 20 deaths. P hiladelphia , Sept. 18.—A number of prominent prohibitionists met here to-day to strengthen their cause and prepare a constitutional amendment. Foreign. A lexandria , Sept. 13.—The taking of 'Pel el Kebir causes great joy hero and an extensive demonstration is organiz ing for to-night. Italians and Crocks have taken the initiative, but persons of all natiqpalities will participate. Geu. Wood received a dispatch from Wolse ley, stating Tel el Kebir was captured after a 20 minutes assault and 3000 pris- ■nuCTa tuketr,— The enemy »-flying wad* cavalry pursuing them. The cut letting the sea into Lake Marco,tis has been completed and water is spreading rapidly. M anila , Sept. 16.—Tuesday and Wednesday 142 deaths occurred here from cholera and 315 in the vicinity. M jtntl a ,~Bept. 10 .^Frf ty-eigfat'deat h s from cholera Thursday and 104 in the vicinity. L ondon , Sept. 13.—Swinburne, the poet, contemplates a tour to the United States, where he will give a series of readings. • A lexandria , Sept 14, 5:20 p. m .— Arabi Paaha and Toulbs Pasha arrived at Cairo last night, they are both vir tually piisoners. Mildness Locals, /II persons knowing themselves in debted to me will pleaBecome aud settle up, as I am going below next week, and want all my means. Ten and fifteen cent accounts must be paid as well as larger ones. i. E mma W aller . 3 lie ladies of/Monmonth and vicinity should not forget that Miss Paradine Doughty, a first-class Dressmaker, con tinues her business at the millinery store of Miss Emma Waller, and wilL tike pleasnrer tn gi vi ng y ou a neat fit in the lab st style. Drop in and see her. Fruit jars, jelly frames, groceries, paints and oils can 1 ms hod cheap at Dawson’s drug store. When in Portland, don't forget the Pacific Boot and Bhoe House. The leading Boot and Shoe dealers are Card<ell, Bennett k Co., 109 First St. 12 23-Cifr*^ I The “Little Gallery Round the Cor ner” Yamhill St., near 4th, is making Cabinet Photos for $4, and Cards 82 per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Jno. A. MacDonald, of the Salem Marble and Granite Works, Commer cial Street, south of the post office, manufactures all kinds of monuments: Italian marble a speciality. Prices re duced one-half N ew M usic .—Bend stamp to Wiley B. Allen, most popular music dealer, Port land, Or., for complete catalogue and sample copy “ Musical Pastime.” All orders by mail filled promptly. The Household Sewing Machine took the first premium at the great Man chester (England) Exposition for the best family Sewing Machine. John B. Garrison, general agent, 167 3rd St., Portland, Oregon. r F. E. Beach & Co., 103 First Street, Portland, carry a complete line of painter’s stock, window glass, ready mixed paints, lubricating oils, brushes, doors, glazed windows, etc. .Catalogue and Price list furnished on application. 12-21-3m FOR SALE. | Notices in ibis column, ton cent« per line each inseilion.] QNE TWO SEATED, FOUR SPRING hack, nearly as good as new. Will be sold reasonable. Apply at this office. / A DWELLING HOUSE AND LOTS, “ in Monmouth. Pleasant, retired location. Price low. Apply in perkon or by letter to the office of the H erald for farther io formation, I, a f < 4 I