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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1882)
CHRISTIAN IlERjAtD 15 THE CHRISTIAN HERALD An elderly resident of Newtown was approached by an agent for a cyclopedia. I guess I won’t get one,” said the elderly resident, and fmnltlj M d dedi * I...kno w L-n a var could learn to ride one of the pesky things.” * f > PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY FROM PORTLAND and MONMOUTH, OREGON. rilUE IIEKALu'w I'nr.'dNLk'WfiiKLY I on the Pacific coast publiHlied by Disciples of Uhrist, ami is of special interest to all who dosire a paper devoted to pure, primitive Christianity, unmixed by human creeds or t radi t io n s. As H ucct am ar - fo tlie Chris-< tian Messenger it is iii its t “ Bticbiipaiba v ------- Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder an3 Urinary Diseases. SI- Druggists.’’ • TWELFTH VOLUME, Our dead are never dead to us until we have forgotten them. ( r . - Is on a permanent basis, with good building, ¡xiwer in esses aud-ateam ¡lower, an abundance of goodm tlcriat lor running Mich a pijiGY; ... The H erald contains each week sixteen four-column pages, stitched and trimmed, so as fo turn like the leaves of a book, with only a limited amount of advertising, and that of the most*seloct kind. All advertising not trust worthy is refused. As now published it is one of tho — Agents for The Christian Herald. 1. The following persons are Merits for T he C hristian H ebald , and are authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscriptions. If no agent is convenient, remit the amount direct to the office by registered letter or postal order on Monmouth:— Aumsvillo.. Albany..... Amity...... Brownsville »JeRevuo. Cresa well............ Crawfordsville.. Corvallis........... Cottage Grove.. Carlton..-....... ............... T. J. Wilcox J J. W. Propst ............ / A. 8. Powell ........ .E. C. Williams .......D. II. Putman ^„u,,Miss E. Davis ... ...7..i. T. GJfry---- 4 >....... E. P. Large ............. N. P. Briggs • ................ 8. B. Knox ...Jas. Cardwell IU mk U hs I......... ... - S. I. Ger king (G. W Ely i N. Garwood Dallas................. ................ \ G. W. C’rvstal ........ '... .D. II. Dcarilcrff Damascus........ ... .. Forty Year’s Experienee of an Old N hatm . ..'................... Jas. Harlan Drain's Elation.. ....................... A. L. Todd Elk Head....... :.. Mrs Wiiislow’sHoothingSyriipisthe prescri|>- ........ '. .;. R. G. Callison Eugene....... ......... iTharlcs Smith -VEGETABLE COMPOUND, ................... nurses in tlie United States, and has been used LARGEST PAPERS PUBLISHED Elkton Mrs. Belle P. Walker Forest Grove.. 1. for forty years with never failing success by Is a Positive Cure i ..................... €’. M. Ely millions of mothers for their children. It re ' by our brethren. It is con due foil by a strong Helix................. . . For oil tho«e^Siinftil CoMplafot«* and Weokneeoet ,7 H. Davidson lieves the "liild from pain, cures dysentery and editorial corps, assisted by the contributions of . Halsey........... oo cwianun to our bc^t female population. ...-.D. 8. Cameron the best writers among us on this coast. We Hillsboro ......., griping in the Ixiwels, and wind ............... John Harris Harrisburg. ..... colic. By giving health to tlie chiklit rests the feel safo in saying it is ono of A Medicine for Woman. Invented by a Woman. ............W. L. Hodgen Independence.... mother. ’Price.twcntv live cents a bottle.. Prepared by*a Woman. .................... V. 8. Bond rving................... 12 20-ly ^3 ' Th« Greatest Xedleai Dhemry 81 nee tho Dawn of History, ........Martin Peterson Jacksonville.......... Every Disciple on this coa*t should take it Junction............... ........... J. A. Bushnell tyit revives the droopto«» spirits, invigorates and tTo see what is right and not do harmonize« the organic functions, gives elasticity and Every one in the East who desires to know alt Kingsley. ............W. R. Menefee , that takes place of general intereat on this Lafayette. ........ ■ . ............ W. D. Fenton firmness to the step, restores the natural lustre to tho want nf courage.— Couj'aciun. eye, and plints on tho pale cheek of woman tho fresh > , roast. . .. . ........... D. R. Lewis Lewisville....... It contains .................. J. B. Lewis Leland................... roses of life’s spring and early summer time. ................J. H. Hawley McCoy .......... Physician» Use It and Prescribe It Freely 'C3 ’ ............ F. M. Gabbert My rtle Creek..... It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving ..................J. W. Cowls McMinnville........ for- atiiuul.-uit, and relioves weakness of the stomach. Devoid! to such matters as with make it indis-' ..................J. L. Wigla A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. Monroe................. Tlmt feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight . petudiblc in every Christbn family. First 1 Milton................. . ..Miss Jennie Wright and backache, is always iw-raanently cured by its use. inuma thn____ ______ _ __ ____ _ „_ ........... ...E. Ground T.» tlS eare .f KTrney CUnioruTh« »r clttrer »ex V. E. C. WEST’S NinrrE' AND -TWATN- New Pine Creek............. “.“."^^osepTi'Doling this Compound I* uusurplfewed. KlAVCATIDMAlt DEPARTMENT treatment, a s|»eeific for Hysteria, Dizzi North Yamhill................ ........C. V. Kuykendall ness, Cotfvolsions, Nervous Headache, Mental T.YIHA E. PINKHAM S BT.OOI» PERTEIFR Oakland........................... ................... E. A Chaso Of grout interest and valuó to parents and Depression, Loss of Memory,.Premature old will eradicate every veetica of Humors from the Pleashnt Hill................... ....... G. W. Handaaker teachers. Next conies the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of age, caused by over exertion, or over-indul- » woman or child. Insist on having it. l’errydale .•......... -....... ................ J. P. Frizzell f:ence, Excess or overwork of the Bran , which TEMPKIIANCE DEPARTMENT, j F. Hannah, Jr Both the Compound and Blood Purlflor are prepared Pendleton......................... cads to Paralysis, decay or death. Due box ( N. J. Gerking • at 233and 23.» Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Trice of Devoted to advancing tho great cause of Tem will cure rocfoit cases. Ea< h box contains one • ............. Drury Pavia M-Î. a boy; ■ or str ~ —Miller, <1. SIX bottle» for >1. Bent byinait In the form----- p erance, —r ct i re se ntii i g «l i o th o ughts--of—Ib» - - T........... .-H..J. w. Cox ■” of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt ot price, $1 per box greatest workers of this important field. The boxes for live dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on .......A. FTCampbell Roseburg for cither. Mrs. Pinkham freely Answers all letters of receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to UHLIGIQVS DEPARTMEST . -j.. . 4 ,..... ,D. Houck Tangent.. Inquiry. Enclose 3ct. stamp. Send for pamphlet. cure any case. With < ai-h order received by us .........T. B. Davidson Shedd,... "1 >r six boxes, accompanied by five dollars, we Is tlie central thought of the paper'and em-' . t uÂû'n. No family should l>o without LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S ..Mrs. 8. Giltner will send the purchaser our written gusrantee LIVES. TILLS. They cure constipation, bUiouanesa, braces Editorial*, and contributions from our Slayton... ........T. C. Darby »nd torpidity of the liver. »5 cents per box. to return .the money1 if the treatment does not best writers. The Spirit of the Religious Press ’Scio........... ........... .John Shore . Sold by all Druggista.'&Y effect a cure. Guarantees issued only qv representing the vi nous religious bodies, and Salem..... ........... H. A. Johnson W oodard , clarke a cd... church news from all the States in the Union. Sheridan .' .......... T. N Faulconer Wholesale and Be*” Druggists, Portland, Miss Rebecca Watkins The Dalles Oregon. Old* ' T r.; lilar prices.' Wheatland................... . . ....................... Wm. Scott —---------- - -------- r----------- _ .t,.y— SECULAR DEPAWTMENT West Chelialein............. ..........G. W. Hardwick O. Mosier Includes Editorials on the important secular Weston........................... .............. his topics of the day, and news from all parts of “ He WASHINGTON TERRITORY. the world. It is, in short, lust the paper for he fiiend every family, and especially every Christian Alpha................... ........... .............. R. H.| Wimply Brush Prairie................. .................... 8. C. Harris family. Subscription Cedar Creek..................... ................ E. A. I a D ow I could.” I Price $'4.00 Per Year Castle Rock..................... ... Wm. Huntington I Coin ................................ .................... J. M. Baker In advance. I have decided to publish a Q uarterly with A (’eitgli, Cold or bore Till oat Dixie......... '..................... .................. AV. T. Barne* Address the above title, to be issued on the first of Dayton............................. ................ IL L. Dashiel Should be stopped. Neglect frequently results January, April, July and October of each jear THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, Jjjrrrnngton........ . .................. -F. M. Davis in an Incuri»blr L uiik Diw»»< url’o««uiiip- The first number will bo issued Januarv 1, M onmouth , O b . Widen Dale................... ................. R. H. Moss tion. BROWN’S HR»N<’Mf « L Ti«M.IIKN 1882. It will contain 141 pages, exclusive of the Pine City..................... . ................ James Butler does not disorder tire stomach like cough svrups cover. .................. F- E. Fisher Lone Tine................. .. aud balsams, but««* HlrrellyeH Ih« li»fl»iu- It will contain original articles from our last Lincoln..................... .. .............W. H. McCluro ed p»rt*, allaying irritation, give relief in writer«, book reviews, editorials and a full Palouse........... . ............... ........................ F. L. Bell Asthma. Hronchlti«, Uowglu. L’aiairh, directory of our Schools, Periodicals and Mis The publishers are glad to announce that this Puyallup......................... ...Dr. Chas. Spinning • nd the Throat Troub’r* which Slimtrxiin<l sions. I desire it to be tiif . review of the Chris Public Speakers are subject to. For thirty tian Church, and the vehicle by which our ripest long-expected work by F. M. Green is now Pomeroy........................... ..................Ranson Long years Brown’s Bronchial Troches have been scholars can aud will communicate with die reidy. The publishers believe that in many of Pine City........................ .................. James Butler its features this “Life of Garfield” is superior Spangle............................. ....... W. A. Sandeis recommended by physicians, a,1d have always general public and tlie brotherhood. % given perfect satisfaction. Having lieeri tested Every brother and sister, our Preachers es to any similar work published. Its author wai .................... 8. C. Harris Vancouver ....................... well acquainted with Mr. Garfield for nearly by wide and constant use for nearly an entire pecially, are lequested to act aS agents for the .................... W. P. Bruco t wen tv-eiglit years—s time covering the entire Waitsburg............. generation, they have attaints I well-merited R eview . Tank among the few staple remedies of tlie age. Four pages may be given to projier adver period of liis public life. ' He writes, therefor-», Walla W*1U................... .. Mrs. A. H. Reynolds Sold at 25 cents a box everywhere. 12-1-1 y tisements, at reasonable rates. All persons whe from the standpoint of ono who knew him as CALIFORNIA. desire a copy of the first number scut to them student, educator, teacher, soldier, statesman, and Christian. There are eighteen chapters. College City ........................... ..iProf. J. Durham as to determine whether they will snbscril« Jesus Chrint nlonn of all men in so will please send-in their names as soon as ¡s>s These chapters discuss in logical order the Elmira......................................................J. M. Oiler sible. It will cost you nothing if you do not various phases of the loyal life which they Monticello............ ........ J. L. Bmittle history casts no shadow. represent. The followii g are the tides of the Napa City............... ’............ ..Mrs. 8. E. Inman subscribe. . -------- Saratoga.. ...................... William Pollard My ability aud fitness for the work have been successive chapters : The Western Reserve.—Tho Foundation.— Sacramento....... . ................. Mrs. E. E. Hembreo vouched for by Bros. L. B. Wilkes, A. B Moth PR ! Mother» ! ! Molliers I!! Birth and Boyhood.—Tho Perils! of Change.— Santa Rosa.............................. O.O. Burnett, -W. H. Hopson, Isaac Errott, J. 8 Tlie (.’anal and the Sea —The Young Student — Fan Francisco... Mrs. H. 11. Luse, 14Essex St Are you disturlte I al niglit and broken of Shouse and many others. H umumiftion -One copy, one year (lNos.- Trie H.ram Teacher and Principal —Tree Man San Luis Rey............................. Minnie J. Bordeii your rest by a sick child sutlaring ard crying hood.— Homo and Family Lite—The Brightness San Jose................................................ 8. C. Adams with the excruciating ¡min of cutting teeth r It $2.1.0 Single iiumlier, 50 cts. Sample copies and back uiiml*ers sent on ap of his Rising—A Chapter Thrown In.—From Vacaville............................................. W. W. Smith so go at onee and get a l*»ttfo of MRS. WIN Lewis Van Tassel Postage always ¡repaid by me Siiir-ltising until Noon.—The Pillar of .a Visalia...................... SLOW’S SOUTH ING BYitUP. It will relieve plication. the poor little mufferer immediately—depend Money sont by postal order, draft or registered People's Hope.—The Shot that was Heald Watsonville.., ?............................... 11. D. Connell Round the World.—From Elberon to the Woodland............ .................... Mrs. Sue E. Grant up<AU It’}, tberix-iit no mis take about it. e There letter will boat my risk. Address all communi Grave. —Tho World’s Sympathy and Sorrow.— is not a mother <»n earth who has ever used it, cation« to I MISCELLANEOUS. The Present Estimate aad the Pinal Conclusion. Dn. E. W. H erndon . Editor and Pub., who will not tell you at once that it will regu — A Tributo of Friendship. 1 Columbia, Boone Co., Missouri. Moscow, I. T ........................................ O. W. Psslay late the bowel*, ami give rest fo the mother, While these clappers present the his'ory in Four Mile, I. T.............................. T. L. Childers and relief ami health to thechild. operbting like logical outline, yei each chapter is complete in Sumac, Tenn........................................ J. C. Roller magic. It is perfectly »afe to uhc n> all case», itrelf. For instance, the student life of Garfield Wicklow P. O., Ont., Can....... Deavenport Caul aiid pleasant to the taste, and in tlieprescription is discussed iu one chapter, and not in ¡.tarts of Fail field, Iowa.................................. 8. H. Hedrix cf one of the ohlest and bust fexiafo pliysieiaiiri several "chapters. Ho of his educational life and uurscH iu th« United Status. Bold every and work. Socfhia religious faith and stand where. 25 cents a bottle. 12-1-iy ing, etc., etc. tlur i*e i-tlptlve 111 ual I aletl Price LYDIA E. PINKHAM’8 Center ville OUR BEST PAPERS. < FOUR DEPARTMENTS,\ NERVOUS DEBILITY. D THE CHRISTIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW. GREEN S “LIFE OF GARFIELD.” IVOTICE Skinny Men. " Wells’ Health llcnewer” reatorea health and vigor, curcs Dyspepeiu, Im potence, Sexual Debility, $1. 1,1*1. Nu. *411. of llry <><><><1*. »It*.. will l>e lasued about Al areh I st. IMS I. Prices quoted In No. art will remain good until llial «late. Send ue your name early fur copy of No. ill. Free to any a<ldre*e. »KINTOOM KltY WARD & CO., »»7 * »»9 Wabaeh Ave.. Chicago. AH. I.owe.t priera ever know* on ltrreeli-IXMMlera. Ititi«-*. A Heaolvera. PRICKS. Cloth, plain edition, $1 50. Elegantly bound in best English cloth, lievelod boards, black and gold, $2 00. Elegantly bound in half Morocco, $2 50. Elegantly bound in full Morocco, S3 00. Address, C entral B ook C oncern , 12-1?. Gm Chicago or Cincinnati. » " R I ^LAl I OUR $I5 SH0T-6UI líccstly rediivccl | ric*, KiHiup for our N pw mus. C*t>loenc. 1MI-8& P, JOWELL A BOS, *3S Main SUeel, CISCXSSATL kl* * »