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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1882)
CHRISTIAN HERALD 14 ------ --- T There is nothing lost by meekly ’ yielding. Abraham yields his right of choice : Lot taketh it. And, behold' Lot is crossed in that ’ W II lull “ITO Bll'fflfflgg, "lywulmifi I I- blessed in that which is left him. As heaven is taken" by violence, so is earth by 'meekness. God loves no tenants more than the meek.— Trapp. ...... —— FrWmh, B. v. F. 51. Winbnrne, Pastor M. -E. Church, Mrxia, Texas, writes us as fol lows : Several moqths Tsince I received a supply of St. Jacobs Oil. Detaining ♦ wo .bottles. I distributed the rest la a nios>t excellent remedy for pains and aches of vaiious kinds, especially nenralgia and rheu malic affections.— Jacknon Daily Patriot. __ None <r 1 1 u 11 d i.y the justice of' G h I, but those who bate to be re- formed bv the grace of God. “Itoiijrh oil Rats.’ dorrs out rats, mice, roaches, flie. biiis , bed bugs, skunks, chipmunks gophers. 15c. Druggists. TUTT’S A__________ ... ? V. ,___________________ . . THE MOST POPULA?. V ---------- o r ALL'------- K [. SALEM IRON WORKS. SYMPTOMS OF A n, MANUFACTURER OF TORPID LIVER STEAM ENGINES, Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the Head, with a dull sensation in the jack part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after satins, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, C MILL MACHINERY HEASERS. . _ Heart, Dots before the oyes.-Tellow 8k—, Headache generally over the right eye? Restlessness, with fitfuP drearuu, hignl colored Urine, and ■ ■ . A- THRESHERS, &c. CONSTIPATION, TUTT'S PILXSare especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change JlfteliBgJ M to a st onish the siiflefer,, . u “ EN TERPRISE ” PLACER AND MATCHER. 1 hey Increaae (he Appetite« H' k I cause Inn body toTake on Flesh. thus the system is and by theirToute Actio.« on the IMsrctlve Organa, Etcaiihir KI oo I m are pro- duce<L Price cents. 35 Murray Kt.. N. V. nottrlshcd. TUTT’S HAIR DYE. Bras3 end Iron Castings fin nished on Short Notice. G ray H air or W ittskers changed to a G l M s Y B lack by a single application of this 1> ye . It im parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or »ent by express on receipt of H. OFFICE, 35 MtilRlY ST., NEW YORK, (Dr. Tl.TT’S AAM.iL ©T Vuhmhle I'.'urmation and \ Userai Eetei^ta wiU be maUvd I RLE un applkatioX^ THE ALWAY3 GREAT GERMAN “It is a little^ singular that a Rr.fflE'OY F or LI FETI M □ RDEUIATISM. Mrs. Dr. Augusta Smith—Author of ‘• Tiie New Proceas Cure Treatment.” NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, A m h Physician, Mns. Dn. SMITH low gainen —e-inriiotini f< t’u tn tin it ’Si.Qjb®r cTtr&t-Wonien and .Men, in all parts of the" country. Today . she has patients in every Slate iu the Union. She tr.-n>-5 the si k at theib homes , by letter. Hli&giv, * references of many well’known per sons, whom she has treated, ainoim them Mrs. Alexander CimpbeU. <>f Bethany, W. Va. For inferences, testimonials, question list etc., inclose stamp, and address M bs . Dn. A voi ' sta S mith , 12-2' -3 in - Springfield, Missouri Watïr Wheel Governors of best pattern known, two sizes. Agent for Degroat’s Patent Ornamental Iron Fence. " New and second hand Engines •eon*t-ai»41 y ou. lmnd. SURPASSES^ OTHERS -, SACKACHE, GtOUT, - ao uruoMsaTrEvv yrnrc’ (¿HICAGOÏLL. — «—<9 0 RANEE MASS. SORENESS or TUB CHEST, • ’F KaU'A. pint of th« finest ink for fami lies or schools can be made from a ten cent package of Diamond Dye. Try them. . QUINSY, SWELLINGS AND SPRAINS, FROSTED FEET PILES! PILES! PILES! AND EARS, A Sure Cure Fouiul at I.ast. So One A'ee.t Sutler! • V sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles has la-en discovered by Dr. Wil liam, (an Indian Remedy,) called Dr. William’s Indian Ointment, A single box has enred the wor>t chronic cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No o>m need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions in struments and electuaries do more harm than good William’s Ointment absorbs tlie tumors, allays the intense itching, (particularly atnight after getting warm in Ixjd.) acts as a'ponltice gives 11. taut relief, and is prepared oitly for Piles, itching of the private parts, and for nothing else. Head wiiat the Hon .T. M. Cofliberry of Cleve- Jaii l savs about Dr, William’s Indian Pile Oint ment : 1 have used secret of Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found auythitig which gave snch immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William’s Indian Oint- inent. For sale l»v all druggists or mailed on receipt of price, $1.00 lEK-YRT Si CO,. Prop’rs. 12-1-ly CLEVELAND, O. “It al ways saddens an ofd cow to look over the fence to an <1 tomargarine factory.” *** “Necessity is the mother of inven tion.” Diseases of the liver, kidneys nnd bowels brought forth that sovereign remedy Kidney-Wort, which is nature’s normal curative for all those dire com plaints. In either liquid or dry form it is a perfect remedy for those terrible diseases that cause 90 many deaths. jBTjnasrs» AXD scTELna, Church and School Bells. SIZES AN1> PRICES. Diani. of W’t with Costof Bell. yoke A Bell <t frame Hung's No 0 25 in 23(ifi>s $ ?5 00 F.No G*-¿27 in 34<lbs 3'i 00 /No 7 30 in Ittlt.s 50 (Mi No 8 3lin73O1t»s 75 00 No 9 38 in 925tbs 13(1 00 Rumsey A Co., Seneca Falls, New York. General Bodily Pains, THE OLD-PATH GUIDE. __ TOOTH, EAR AND HEADACHE, AMD r.LL OTHER PliHS À ND ACHE3. No Preparation on earth Sr. J acobs O il & b a safw , simple and < MBAr E.».»’ < i ¡1 lb ON ly. A trial ent>»/< but th« cuinvarati velv trifling outlay of fiOCKNTS, and every one suffering with pain can havo cheap and positive proof of it« claim*. DIHEI HONS IK ELEVEN L1KGCAGES. S ukic . SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS ARD DEALERS IN MED’CtXt. A. VOGELEH & GO. . Ziottlmore, ifd„ V.S.M» THAT WONDERFUL BOOK F. G. A llen , Edih r, G. W. Y ancey , Associate, rp HIS 18 A LARGE FIGHT-EV g ^WEEKLI, 1 devoted - to tlie advocacy ami defence of ApoatoUc teaching and practice. ‘• Ask*fi r the Olil-Paths, and walk therein ” is its motto, its practice and its teaching. Its matter is pure, rate, fresh and sparkling. Its make t.p is orderly, neat, attractive and 011 excclli nt | aper. A sjiccitneti copy will.satisfy all of tlie above, and will cost you hut the time and postal card on which tho request is made. Address 'U t» t ubiisliers. See “ Out ‘Principles,” «nd “Our Rules." . . Ot'M TERMS. Single Subscription, One Year, $2 (Hi; Six Months, $1 CO ; Three Months, 50 eta. CLUB RATES. HQ+. FAMILY A--7*' P OUHE THAT THE ÍI DOMESTIC —IS THE— Acknowledge Leader in Trade, the IS A FACT THAT CANNOT BE DISPUTED. Many Imitate It! None Equal It! ----- :o:----- THE MOST SIMPLE, THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, THE FINEST FINISHED, THE HANDSOMEST WOODWORK. J. W. EVANS, ‘49 Post Street. Sun Francisco. tS. F. HKHOY. Agent, 49 Salmon St.. To any one sending a club of five and $10 00 Bet. Second anil 'Filini, Portlund. ca*b, an extra copy. 12-9 6m T he O i u P ath G lide (i-2 00) anil : T he W ohd ami T he JV ui . k <50 cts.) $2 25. WITH FORMS FOR RVSIM4<8 Ibusiness now before tlie ptib- _ P acific C'lH'txH N ews ($1 0".» $2 50. A.M> SOV1KTY jrU/ 1 )le. You can make moirey faster “ T he C hristian H ekald <$2 <oi >3 00. at woik torus than at any thing else < apt tai not Is selling by tens It is 1 be most Address for s|«e<itncns, needcsl. We will start you. $ 2 a day ami tq>- nuiversally useful book ever iiublislied. It C. (J. C lise & Co.. tells completely H<)W TO DO EVEtlYI HING i General /■’nbljshers of C'burch and Sunday wards made at home by ,the industrious. Men, nomen, boys and girts »anted everywhere to in the best way, How to be Your Own Lawyer, School Supplies, 310 Wes» Main St., work for us. Now is the time. Yon can work How to Do Btir-imss ( orreetlv and Suece.-s- £2-10 6m Louisville, Ky., r in spare lime only or givo your «hole time to fully.’How to act in Society ti'nl enrynhere. I the business. You can live at home and do the A gold tililio of v.uijd iiit'i-i tnu'ion to all clashes wnr . No other business «ill pay you nearly Jfy Now Iltnst iti IVi' »C 14e'Tt’’l*ir for constant '•< tHEMI's WAVl'KIl ns wgll. N" ot>e can fail to make enormous gay oosr IGQGwO and tiiiv. i W al la in V- a'.vt.. .1 for all or spare time. To know *v)jy this book »eullbra 3c uatnp. I', t I « I- >v I w-’i-l by engaging nt one c. Costly Outfit and terms of REAL value ;u>d attractions fel’a better Ilian va «hrs t-n!)P at.of I’.S 1 > 1 •it-snmhwd tree- Money made fast, easily and honorably. any other, apply h r term«, f •» DEWING dr brfu o payin'? HH7 ev. UD»!onb‘p(l ref» A bl,, ss Ti.1 1. c<>., Augusta, Main". zx Utÿ. 2«.11» J d CSan Ftamt. co, <-'al. 12-29 Gm GUIDE g SU('(JESS A I