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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1882)
c irli t s T i A N ii te R A n 1 > Wise and Otherwise. —Miss Arainanta Gushington speaks of the solemn season of loariecT She never could bring her- self to say Lent. It is so painful vulgar, you know. —“ I say, Paddy, that is the worst-looking horse that I have seen in harness. Why don’t you P aa a 1 uuu * fatten him up ?---- - p.^t_ up, • is I . P ortland .. . J——,— ' ... • -, 13 advertisements “ 8INGFET1 ” , 77ie readers of the H erald will please observe that no advertisements ar^'mhiirted çrrfpt those we betieiïè io be trustworthy. In writiny to or call- iny on our advertisers, jUease say you saw their advertisement in T he C hristian H erald . This will ac commodate both them and us. GARRISON’S suocxsson TO , - Sewing MacHîne Store, it ? Faix, the poor baste can 167,: 3rd St., scarcely carry the little mate that’s PORTLAND, OREGON. on him now !’’ replied Paddy. —Some men must have a quarter JOHN B. GARRISON, Propriety/. of ar column to express a well-de General dealer in all kinds of Sewing Machines Attachments. Oil, Needles, 4c. fined idea, when writing for a news Sowing Machines repaired and warranted If paper ; but it is astonishing'1 hc>w vou want to buy a good Sewing Machine call or send for information. Illustrated catalogues concise they can make an adver sent when desired. 12-3-tf tisement that costs thirty cents per J. G. Glenn, Norris R. Cóx. line. GLENN & COX, —The most difficult lesson, we "hate "to learn ' 1 if life—a lesson DENTIST, which begins in the cradle and ends in the grave is that of our insignifi S. W. Cor. Firat an<! Yamhill St«., cance. "PORTL-ANB,— r~: “OBEWW: .. —- -£p—. — Office House—From 8 a . m . to 5 p . m . SEWING —“r,r~~....FomFr Plr.t mud Al Tn* ' t-s.. ..................... - »The Singer Mn n ufiii l iirl ug i'o. WILLIS II. FRY, Mnniigrr? 9’4 Morrison St., Portland. THE LEWING Clothier, Merchant Tailor and Hatter 12-35-tf OF OREGON, O O. BLANEY, M.Dr, Guarantees to sell the very best Clothing for less money than any other house in the State. 12-12-tf PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, PORTLAND, OREGON. BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY, Beils of Pure Copper and Tin for Church«'* MlSchools, Fire A I arms, F.u ins, »-te. Fl l .l . W ARB A XTI.D. < ninlo-.'iie «rnt Fn-r - VANDUZEN 4 TIFT, Cincinnati, O ti l M lU .K HGX............... _----------- — AND MOST DURABLE Sewing Machine in the mniket. Sold on easy iiiatallmentH, er a liberal discount for catd^, PORTLAND. -O f MACHINES, THF STRONGEST, FISHEL & ROBERTS, ti r-- ■ X — : ; Office—Plummer & Byerley’u Drug Store, Cor. Finit and Main St. liosidence—<12 Jefferson St., Cut,, geeuffiDiL___ 12-1-ly THE ÎIIÏ DRY GOODS SlflRL I« THIRD5T. PORTIAND T I). W. PRENTICE & CO., The Leading Music Dealers, 11-3m block of progress and reform. 'Residence, 291 Second Street. » ___ • “ Doing ” is the lever that moves 107 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. DR. E. O. SMITH, • the world. •* —“ I».’s no use to feel my wrist, ;o; -doctor-,” »aid Pat, when the physi X PIANOS, cian began taking his pulse ; “ the MoriUon ' pain is not there, surr; it’s in me HAINES BROS., J. B. NUGENT ¿5 head intircly.” ’ co ’GRAN °> SQU ARE AND —Apothecary : “ You want this prescription filled, I understand ?” UPRIGHT PIANOS, Patrick : “ Not a bit av it, surr ! It’s the bottle I wud have filled.” ESTEY & STERLING —A Detroit lecturer, says the Free Pre»«, who had just one listen- j 0 R G A N S. er. was flattered to discover that la ! came in to get out of the wet. i SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Umbrella would have cost a dollar; Send tor Catalogue. 12-35-fini Vo lecture, twenty-five cents ;• seventy- J. H. ROBBINS. B. F. ROEBINS. five cents saved: —A S peciality —“ Hang it, THE “NEW No. 8.” you’ve got an umbrella of your Leading 2 h ’.9 First Street, Portland, Qreyon, own. Why the duce. don’t you Are the Leading Importers, Wholesale »nd Retail Dealeis in. stick it up ?” “Not if I know it, £ qld ' This umbrella was done ; M c CAMJION PIANOS, WHITNEY & HOLMES' OBGANS, p up last May by Monty Brabazon, 0 AND and has never been opened since !” ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MEECIIAbDiSE, . p “ Monty Brabazon ' Who’s he ?’’ -a A LSI Not know Lord Montague Braba- > P PICTURES, FRAMES AND MOULDINGS. 0 ?on ? VVhy^ he’s tytjouj, the only CCT’The largest and best selected stock in the city. Sénd your orders.d:iect to u map in Rondon who really knows how to do up an umbrella.”— Punch. XBoOZXVASiO THE ONLY INSTITUTION OF ITS KIND ON THE COAST My dear,” said Mrs,- Snod RUNS LIGHTER, FASTER, AND IS Where« young lady or gentleman can Obtain • Thorough Rus'nem Education More Durable than any other machine At a Costin proportions o time Engaged. grass, shqdderipg, ,fhow dp thesp made. -I We guarantee it to (Jut-wear any two ah utile machines. It will darn beaetifully, awful ipen succeed in enteripg.dead letter, make „insertion and embroider wMoiil a fill net of attachment» people’s vaults 1” “ With skeleton given with each machine, leaving no extras to keys, 1 presume,” unfeelingly re buy. It is the lightest running lock stitch machine in.the world, and ladies wishing to ¿Mil plied Mr. S. ■ preserve their health should investigarte ft» Yneri.ts, All should give it a trial. Machine» —“ Is your mistress in ?’’ said a sold bn installment plan. Liberal discouhi for" cash. • * caller to the domestic. “ She is, Repairing c' al’t ki‘ids of machines at reason rates tu(d wdik Warranted. We also carry •sir.” “ Js she engaged asked fhe able a tnU line of parts, needles, oil, t-ilk cotton, 4c. caller. ^I'aith she is more than WUEEI.EK & WILSO.V,-M F’G CO.. Ko, SS Morrison St., Portland (Jy. that,” “was Bridget’s prompt re WntfrSi man? Iddre^'iu ‘«ppl^uu’m’1 a Í i '¿U‘«>LMX í R A1‘* «***»«"* hin Information, wil r>« E. C. NEWELL, Mimuycr. sponse, “ she’s married,” J II. ROBBINS & SON, fl. r any rttliuhntfiit. ________ AV. Hi. JAMIH 1*1*1 ì5