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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1882)
CHRISTIAN HERALD. * 12 w ■ ♦ x Attractive School-Rooms. M ' r4 1 gather from their gat dens the morning bouquet for “ teachers desk.” What harm would it do for each child to have a tiny vase on her own desk in wlncfi, Sir nTariy weeks, a flower might be daily placed, to sweeten the whole at mosphere with its odor, and with its loveliness awaken in the young hearts, so susceptible to all influ- 5 , PIERCE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE *♦ ♦ • «S ----- FOI!----- Wherever there is a homelike atmosphere, children are better and TTRIVT ATÆZS b w eeten S.u rrouMing.!! are. nearly <ff as much account to the little .ones as to grown folks. They may he next session of < this prosperous and growing INSTITUTION WILL open.on MONDAY“, September 4, 1882, and clrse on THURSDAY, April 2C, 1883. be even more, since childhood learns from impressions and is developed OBJECTS. by their influences. Now cosiness , This College was founded in 1874, for 1 lie co-education of both sexes, upon equal condition« of entrance and graduation, and l^as had a healthy and ateady^grow^h from thé beginning. Our is one of the elements of a loved C^Àris/ion^risis, and thus to prepare ttudeuts for i lie practical and beautiful pursuits of life, and . home. The children who have beautiful, which shall finally be for honorable citizenship. pretty rooms and cunning little LOCATION. come permanently engrafted in corners for their own small “ fix The College Buildings, consisting of two substantial brick edifices, stand upon a campus of ten acres in the pleasant village of College City, in the southern part of Colusa Comity. The ings ” are, we will warrant, the their natures ? town is pleasantly located in a beautiful, retired and healthful spot, in the midst of a moral, The petty additions to the usual cultivated and enterprising community and is easily accessible I k !iLJUiyjÜJ3SjlüIU-4L is-tbree children not continually ", - <iîîtT>« Körflierii ■*’ ness of tÌTCS'iboohTOOm nrtîOT fast of ATbtrckTF.TTöwu Tisil« ay with which it is connected by a daily stage-line. The scenery around is inspiring. To the north ri/o the stately form of Mount ~fün"’ïn thé streets. Make your Nhasta, the snowy peaks of Lassen, and the' picturesque Buttes ; on the east wind tic blue cost nothing but a little pleasantly waters of the Sacramento, and stretch away in the distance the pma-clad walls and snowy domes home attractive to them, and they spent time. The value of them ol the Sierras ; while on the west lie Snow Mountain and the purple hills ef the Coast Range. will gladly stay there. A school COUUSE OF STI DY. cannot be estimated. The smaller room should be a kind of home. It Two complete Courses of Study, the Cla.-sical and ti e Scientific, have been arranged, cm- scholars pannot studio constantly. braving together MatLeniaticF, A licit nt und iModeHi LangnaireK, English, Science, Ait, Muttic, should be made attractive. The Book-keeping. Thecry and Practice of Teaching, History’, etc., and students, bv the ad They are not habituated to it nor Bible, vice ami consent of the Faculty, cun puisne those studies shown to be most advantageous to children should bo happy in the fitted for it. Their untrained eyes them. After the close of the regular Session, a Normal class will lie furmed and taught by two thought of going to school, and 'J .Ib.ti. V.H.d.t.s.soi M t iS i ilLfc 4 (.l i h t i l i nd ti l l! « ni l " d i •'♦»-•¡■«■■«••r xru ii t i i.i llv’ H I y t ill c W1 1 I I (!' CUl I U t y m u.v t w- a mler, a nd th e ir untruint d Board for Teachers certificates. th e y w ou ld b e , i f it were Ift&dé a" IXDUt EMENTS. thoughts will. wander too. Sup pleasant place. If the gentlemen To those who Lave sens, daugbtern or ward« to educate, we can offer rare advantages and posing they look about them on a strong inducements to rend to this School, viz. : . who build our academies, grammar 1. A quiet and ordeily. College Town, with no Saloon, I' iinking-piace or Gambling-house plain dazzling sheet of white wall. and district schoolhouses, would crime. 2. An able, experienced and uml enthusiastic eiitl>u>iastic Faculty. save froin some elaborate outside “What ideas canTClTcy'gain Troth it/ 3. Complete Comve of Study, witli thorough instruction. If it is summer, t’he unshaded adornment sufficient money to hang 4. The advaiitau'e advantage of Normal training. traiurng. Low ±1 li Ilin ites «>■ of T j uition und Moderate are lower than those of any 5. Lu.» <|,uii" .u.fuv.ui^ . Expenses. ... J..,., .v. Our ... — charge« - the windows with pretty curtains, brilliancy of the light makes the «...v. .... - ■* womer ------- who ’•• 1 have ----- » to — educato other School of like grade on the Coast, and ' young men and air to seem more hot and uncoin- themselves, will here find rare opportunities to curry out tl.eir noble purposes.’ . .ike..walls with chronua-AniLjàk- ' fortaldtC TfTn winter,-thr-nr rs m> graving«, and fill the windows with $254)0- in Collegiate Departme nt, ]>er t er m -.-.-Tr-.-vr-T-c contrast to the'white of tile snow Tuition • *4 “ - Preparatory, til«: -• ’ .. ‘ . 22 50 grado plants and hanging baskets, they 20 00 - <c .. •• second grade outside; no indication of spring . 10 00 < < woull work Wonders in refining •' Primary.......... . • • ........... . 0 (X) Instrumental Music, per month 2 oo and elevating the taste of the time and greenery—no hope or Use of Instrument..... ........ 8 <M> thought of summer. Decorate the Vocalization .......... C. ............. ..... ........... ... .............................. , ............................................. ... pupils, and adding to their happi- Drawing and Painting......................... •' 00 00 walls with a bunch of pressed fern Modern Languages, per term.......................................................:................................ *•* . ness. To say that the children 00 Board, per week. .'. ............................. ........ ................ ' .......... . .................... •» All tuition must lie paid in-advance. Penmanship at teacher's price. No janitor's fees or would destroy these homelike and leaves, a spray of blaekbeny,. a charges. attiactive additions to their study back-ground of green pine ; hang extra For Catalogue or further particulars, address J J. C. KEITH, President, _ „ , rooms, is to dub our little ones in the window the creeping-maderia 12-32-Cm College CUy, < »•• barbarians, whereas they are as vine, the “ wandering Jew,” or any easily moulded into ladies and other climbing or clinging plant' gentlemen as wax is run into form, Here is a breath of coolness in the A ACENTS WANTED FOR THE ■ if the surroundings of refinement hot noontide. The breeze lifts the by his leaves and shakes the blossoms. and culture are given them. Fife. Far from being careless of any IK're is a bit of summer impresion- ONE AGENT SOLD 51 COPIES IN EICHT DAYS. adornments of their rooms, they ed and kept in the wintry season, AGENTS WANTED for other fast-selling books, also the l>est and cheapest line of Family Bii les published. would invariably take pride and • for the little ones to poetize and NEW CHRISTIAN HYMN and TUNE BOOK. s. • ■ tn r-’.rall th- •' *f Christian people. . Printed ‘ on good pleasure in adding their little dream abouX in their sweet, hopeful This work contains f over TOO hymns, and 850 t.u paper, ami very subtantiall !•<»:iiifi. | •, “ mite ' to the general beauty ; and way when they are weary of their 11<‘Kufnr Cloth, or Flexible doth binding. red e<h;e«s I I? eopy, BOr. ' Per do*, ♦ •• ».4M). C’hvaper Filition. I•’ iiml boards tu I priut. I ■>; . heap'r paper, B5e< Remember how lovely if teachers would encourage the lessons. JNEETW CIIITISTIAKrilYMNrBOOK. scholars to bring with them from these things are to you at home, Vloth BI II , »Ingle eopy, per dor... 4*3.00. Bon rd Covers, »Ingle eap), g*»e., per dox., «3.40. good teachers and superintendents. home any little ornaments, brack A little money and a little time are DSay- SEN» FOR SAAIFI.K copy . Examine honestly, judge riglitcniisly. and then send your order to JOHN Bl’TINS for whatever book cts, or pictures, which they ma> all that are needed to make your you may want. I " make a joyful noise unto the God of our Salvation " “Do nil Ullin's without mur muring» anti disputlngH, Bint ye may be blameless aud harmless, the sons of God.” Address keep in their own little treasure school-rooms happy home-rooms for JOHN BURNS, Publisher, St., Ix>uis, Mo. Loxes, they would be astonished at the children.— 7’Ae Teacher. HEADQUARTERS For of the the- delight displayed by their *Both Lydia E. Pinkham’n Vegetable pupils, and the wonderful trans Compound and Blood Purifier uro pre pared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, formation which would take place Lynn. Mass. Price of citber, SI. Six in the too often barren, unsightly, bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, or of lozerges, on receipt Do not and uncouth apartments in which of price, Sb per box for either. Mrs. ■feet they are obliged to spend half of all Pinkbom freely answers all letters of R inquiry- Enclose 3c. stamp. St nd for by pui „ their dàys. until you have “ Guide to Health and Nerve Strain.” 1 B B M H H 9 received our 'Phere is no collection of children finely ■ J < Tn. Putnam county, Fla., fume who are so poorly off in this world’s logue. Sent free children who had been to a funeral to any address. goods that some of them may not concluded they would play funeral, THE COLUMBUS BUGGY CO., be able to contribute some beautiful an 1 so dug a hole and buried one of Columbus. Ohio, is the largest factory in the world for first-class Buggies, Ph.rtons. Surreys and Car object to the school-room. Little their mirnber, a small child, which riages, and do give more real value for the money than any other manufacturers. Dealers sell our ones in the country speak out the was dead when the parents dis- vehicles everywhere. Name of nearest will be lunging for the beautiful when they I covered it. I wnt with prices. ■ mm MM T mi.« o/.,.»xn'V avniiiul X _ 1 >■ - - - tú i 11 uTit l ì » (V li» ti!«» I - —-------------- 41 Home Life of A. Campbell,bJ a iis hi iu hk hik * ra s Si fil li iw