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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1882)
r*' ' «■ I T1 r 4 11 > have softened this expression, touched otr that proiecticn, and I OFFEILMY FAO FOR SALE. A situated one uflle w<*st of Monmouth, containing 150 acrca of excellent grain land. Good house, barn, traits, berries, etc. Sixty acres of summer fillow on the place. A splendid opportunity for any one .wishing good school advan tages. For particulars upplv to ' - . J. P. LUCAS. * ALoutaoutli, Or,- said the visitor, c those are mere rifles.’’ “True,” answered Michael Angelo, “ but remember that trifles nake perfection; and perfection is io’ trifle.” In like manner, the lighest form of devotion to Christ Fonsisls in fidelity to apparent ■trifles. For only heartfelt love and ■abiding recollectedness of him as an ■ever-beloved object, will enable his fcisciples.^ ■each day, in word and company, in ■busy occupation and before his ene- jbnies the duty of honoring him thus ■continuously and in the whole dc- Rails of life.— London Record. T Re-Issued with Fullest Possible Information, July 1, 1882. OREGON & WASHINGTON. ' A r.ow Map of.fbcNorihwod is just being issued bv J. K. GlLe A. GO.. Publishers and Booksellers.- - This new Map contains the latest information concerning Oregon and Wa-hington Territory ; all the recent Government, Survevs of public lands; all the new towns; all the Railroad Routes in operation and projected ; Public Roads from a l pcints, and iu fact, i’ll that can be necessary to a Complete and Reliable Map. Price f ir pocket firm, on tough bound paper, cloth covers; Oregon/75 cts. ; Washington, 75 cts.. Oregon aiid Washington, $1.25 ; Oregon tuitl Washington,' Wnll'Mtrp; MniHltWt; $2.3— I One of the greatest of English di- ines, Isaac Birrow. received in his >oyhood only blame from his father, Q /- Send your order« with tlio above 'ho thought him stupid. lie amounts to.tho publishers, and they will mail any address. * sed to express Lis contempt for to [L7 Liberal rates Io agents and dealers. dm, by saying that if it pleased J. K. GILL fit CO., KJod to take from him any of his 93 First St : : Portland. ' children, he hoped it might _be „ Isaac. Yet when the University of 144-E^UUS+UUl SDW FR -i Cambridge sought fora successor to TRACT FUND. 4 the great Newton, stupid Isaac —-- ------------------------- i-- ,--- - Barrow was the man they selected. rpiIIS IS THE.PIONEER FUND FOR THE 1 freo distribution of tracts. Is well supplied IL Mr. William Matthews tells an an- with tracts on the elements of tho’Gospt 1. New I* ecdote which illustrates the stupid- kinds will follow soon. These tracts are free fo those who are not able to buy them< it' d fifty i, ity of some parents and teachers. cents per hundred tn those who are able. cent reedivod will be used to print tracts. ’ A boy was brought one day to Every Weak churches will find these tracts useful. should go well supplic ’. , General Silem Towne, labeled as Evangelists Address J. W. HIGIJEF, Trustee, incorrigible dunce. No master 12-35-tf Madisonville, Ky. juid been able to make him learn, and if Mr. fowne couldn’t, he should be apprenticed to a trade. Mr. Towne proceeded te examine THE A I’QSTOLIC TIMES, FIFTEEN YEARS AGO BY him. The boy made a mistake and I?OUN1)ED I McGarvey. Wilke«, Hopson, Lard and Gra ham. It is still holding forth the doctrine <>i instantly dodged, as if frightened. Christ an.I the A|*ostles. Sample copies sent “ Why do you do that ?” asked free. Subscription price $2.00 a rear. Address APOSTOLIC TIMES, the master. L exihoton , K y . “ Because I was afraid you were going to strike me.” “ Why should you think so ?” “Because j have always been ^trqck whenever J made a mistake.” PO nof nq, i‘ You. eed never fear being ^RfeiTS struck by me,” said Mr. Towne y purchasing “That is not my way nf treating ratif you have received »^ur boys who do as well as they can. ihieiy illustrate Under the wise teacher’s judi- r'a 50 page cata logue. Sent free oioiper)pot|ragementthe bpy showed In any address. so mqch inteljigerjce that he was THE COLUMBUS BUGGY CO., sent to college. Jn after years he Colurnbiic, Otiiryjs the hrreM factory in the wntltl r fir-l-clii-.s Buggies, Phn-tops, Surreys and par. became a lawyer, an editor, a g<»v f pages, pnd dq givepuir« real value for the piqn'cy fhan any other tn^nufacturers. Dealers Bell mir ernor, United States {Senator, and vehicles Name of nearest will m Secretary of War and of State Sent with everywhere. prices. Tljat boy was Mull ¡am L. Marcy, of Bo sure, before biyitig, to o\amiya |hp N'fttne Pla'e fo bn hniqd on flat fe»r of »very Buggy New Vofk.— Companion. R E A I) manu autui'ed hy na, for »i«me ure gcuuiue JaniHH Butler, rq , Ulerk of the Rpx- ud U ss they bear the name of bury Cxrpet Co., Boston, Maas., em COLUMBUS BUGGY COMPANY, ploying eight hundred bands, in a late COLUMBUS, OHIO. communication concerning the admira ble working of an article introduced in Many inferior goods are offered as Cuhilolius to the factory; says ; The famous Old Buggies, and carp shcukl fie u^dd to dWtin- Herman Remedy, $t. Jaophe Qil has buijh i(e|W6uYi "‘OoliHnbiis Buggies ’’ aid Co- 12 37-3m fnecteq seve’ul cures among onr men, pimbiiH liuxgy Co.'s Buggies. ^fbo hive been badly hurt iu working in the factory, and they pronounce it a snooess every tiuie.-ClintoD, (Iowa) Iler a Id, 1 I w t «b U on ,-ilÎMjr bald h«*d nr bar» fact Will f. ten - ' .11 < a|i.k«i« In 4 lr trtfd cild wr»r 1 »ary hen rd _ \ I 3 Pkg». 1 k2î ■ «■■■ ,.«K*«rr»'. v T.-IVr» * «V,r«u..,la(,i<iniWrt Knt POH-TUANn , The Cream of nil Books of A<1 ventitré» FARM FOR SALE. PIONEER Ai ET C? YA fT .Q ? 1 DARING 1 *“ *"* BUSINESS COLLEGE. (Oui “ NATIONAL,'’ Established IHCGj The thrilling adveiiTun s of all th<- hero ex plorers and frontier fighters with . ndians, out lawsand wild beasts, over our -whole country, /¿S' Front St. bet. Washington from the earliest times to the ]>iesent. Lives and Alder, and fitnous exploits of I’<4-bto LaSalle, Stand isli, Boope. Kenton, Ihady, Crockett, Bowie. PORTLAND, OR. Houston,Carson, Glister, Gali <uma Jo<;, Wild Iiill Buffalo Bill. Gens. Miles and Crook, great - - Pi i u< i pa I. Indian Chiefs and scotes of others. (SORGK- A. P. A rillst ron g, OVM4.Y iLl.I sticateo with'175 fine en J. A. Wesi-o, - Penniitii anil Secr.tury. gravings to the life. AGEVTS WAVI'KI). Low ■’■vn^a^n<rT^nTiT-tmATTHng-lT-Keir^r An institution designed for the practical buii- DEWING A CO., 420 Bush St., Sail Fraficise-o. liess education of lioth sexes. 12-29-Om BAPTISMAL ROBES. rilHE “ LADIES AID SOCIETY” OF THE. furnish “ Baptismal Robes” to thoro desiring, nt pricoa from $5 to $7, according to kind of cloth. Tlieso will bo scnt'liy TnriT to ntiv part of the coast. Addrass, H ekai . d Ottica, 181 First ’ Admitted on any week-day < f the year, vacations at any time, and no exam,- St., Portland, Or. inaiion on entering AN EXTSAORDiNAHY OFFER! TO » AC FATS. ' ■ . » Business PEN WORK GOODS UNSOLD HE FUÌÌNED. t • SCHOLARSHIP, Fur’ the Full Course, $♦»(>. 1 If you are out of Eioploynmnt and want tn start in business yon can nitiko from $3 ton'll a day flear, and take n<r- risk of fotis, we wilt send von on receipt of $11. goods that will sell readily 4it~W"iew dttys 4<ir a»/7,—It the Agent tails to sell these goods in four dais, they can return all unsold to its, and we will return them their money, can anything be fairer ? We lake all risk ot loss, and tl'e Agent gets started in a bus iness that will be perman >bt.'and pay from $1 000 to $3,000 a year Ladi s can do as well as men. We want an Agent in every conntv. Full partiutrlaii* rn-»:—Ad'irw, V; M. Mimiifai't-' nring .Go.,Nd- 116 Smithfield Street. Pittsburg, pa. " " ' “ . ’ ll-3i-3m. t- ' ______ ■- J A Great chance to make money, VX VJ-Lj Those who alwa'a ’al.e ad vantage of the giod chatters f* r making money that are offered, ■ generally become wealthy, while IhoHt who do not improve such chances remain in pov -rty. Wo want many men, wom en, 1 k > vh and g'.rls to »ork for ns right in their loca’ities. Any one cairdo the work properly from the firrt s’art. The business will pay more than ton lime« ordinary * wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapid.1v. You < an devo'e your whole time to the work, or only your- spare jno- mentH. Full information and alj tjiut p needed sent free. Andress S.7tiii»ux A Co,, Portland, Maine Of all kindH executed to order at reasonable --------- nt ten. MttBRj'TM : glinaHTcai;—------- T he College JciiVn 1. contahiing information cf the course of study, when to enter, time required, cost of b- ard, etc., and cuts of orna- rrrenurt ptTrnTnnship;.. trnur tnc'iænorrTCTF Wescç, sent free Addiees A. P. ARM8TH0N \ Lock Box 104. P ubixasi *. O b . 12 33 Gm JLJ. law, M. IL---------- J. E. Davidson, M. D. - DAVIDSON & LEE, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. . Dise»ne» of women a specialty. Prescriptions filled at thô office. »Ätf. J. W. A MARY T. (OLE, PHYSICIANS «& SURGEON8, Stiver Polk County, Oregon SPECIALTIES : Dr. M. T. Cole, Disease of Women. Dr. J. W. Cote, Chronic Diseases. Consultation tree. STAIGER, DIALER IN MON LIME NTS, TABLETS, —AND— Plead. Stones, Executed in Italian and American marble. Also, every variety of Cemetery and other Stone wotk, Granite Monuments, and enclosures to burial lots' furnished to order. Opposite the Opera House, Salem. AI bo , Staiger Brothers, Albany, Oregon, HIE LAU^Uir ANU ONLY «OWPLETE TEPE EOINI1R1 AND PE1NTEES’ WAKE- IIOI SE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. • n A T TKVD JSr successors to miller & R ichard ¿xJUJLvXXtJS& Cu XliXi X 9 S cotch T ype F ounders , 205 & 207 Leidesdorff, and 529 Commercial Streets, 0H'OiS°M®hTR«T. ' ' ' .. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Wo keep on nAUd ìho Sargassi Ctoett o* .'.-neriexn Fancy Type ever kept on thia Coast, togoth»' «with a. complete stock of Miller & Richard’s Scotch Type, and Mtt funalaà at a Moment's notice anytkin» in the Printer»* line from a bodkin to a VHinder Press. We have a vjry large stock of New and Second-hand Printing Presses of all makes and sixnt^- We ar» sole agents for, and keep in stock, Campbell Cylinder Presses, Cottrell *. Babcock ditto, also Peorless, Clipper, Jewel, Gordon and Washington Jobbers, WauMngton Hand Presses» new Baxter Steam Engines (just the thing for print«*’ «J, Xuork Water Motors, Gem Paper Cutters and a full line of Sanborn's BooklaindiTs’ M.- chlnery. Our Fidelity Roller Composition and Peerless printing Inka are considered the best tn use. Have you used our Perfection plates? *h«ry save odttoHxl work and composition, and therefore save money. Send ior our Catalogue, _ _______________ HEMEMBER-No House on this <on*t can compete with ns In Quality of Goo«I*. r 4