Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, September 22, 1882, Image 1

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NO. 38.
puffed up; does
behave un-
right hand of the Majesty on high, way; dedicated for ns the wav seomly, seeks hot her own, is not
a place where Moses never sat. (3) Christ Jesus. 5. Why ?' Because easily angered, thinks no evil, re­
Publisher nn<l Proprietor, Monmoùth, (>r. From his authority makes even he has mad»'* the way very plain. joices not in evil but rejoices. in
“ A body has thou B£epared me." trutl),J_M‘Ill’s all things, hopes for
the angels' subject unto him.
Stib«rrlpt I om Prirc :
2. The superior dignity of~th»‘ »Jesus came in the flesh, lived a life all things, covers a multitude of
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Christian institution. (1) God had. of purity and love. He fulfilled i sins and never fails. The fruit of
put his commission in 1 letter hands all righteousness. We can come to such love is good works. The ev­
than Moses’. (2) The dignity of God through him because he be- ery day toil will lie sweeter be­
Prices will l>e given on application
God’s son is far superior to the dig­ came one of us, and opened up a cause sweetened by Gods grace.
nity of any earthly or heavenly plain and simple highway ujion The man with such love, in his
Outline of Sermon
sorvanV/ind Moses was only serv winch we may travel to the celes­ heart, will recognize his debt to
ant in God’s house.
tial city. We are enjoined to seek God.* The bands of that Christian
17, FROM HEBREWS 10 : 19 25, BY H. »
3. The new dispensation was God through this way, because it will reach out to aid and bless; the
vastly superior to the priesthood. is sufficient to satisfy every hope, feet of such an one will lie turned
(1) Aaron was ouly appointed, liecans» it is the only way, and
to the house, rd' pra^uw; Lis- voice ■ -
__ __ Introduction: Although tin» wrL- ChrisfAvas “Tngile“pnesFfiyM io iuvJ
most important of all, because it is will he. heard in the streets, his
tors’ superscription i> wanting in mutable oath 'of Jehovah.
(2)- required ' hl Us7 God fias “ said
comfort by day and his song in the
the epistle to the Hebrews, yet all Aaron ministered in an earthly
“ Walk ye in this way.” It is ours night, will be in what he can do
scholars have ascrilxsl this letter to court, Jesus 'ministered in the
to implicitly oliey. as. obedient- chib1 for his Savior. His good works
“Paul. Such admirable reasoning, "heavenly. (3) Aaron’s power pas­
will not stop with praise, neither
dren, nor ask the reason why.
such profound logic, such pure dic­ sed away, Christ is a priest forever.
he have fulfilled the royal
11. “ Let us hold fast the confes­
«his place i«i m longer
tion could come'from no other pen
4. The Christian covenant was sion of our hoys*.” 1. Because he
in that, or any other age of writers, superior, liecause the law only con­ is faithful who promised. The vacant at the house of God. His
but from the learned apostle, the tained a shadow of good things to world may and leave you, religion now reaches to the widow
and the orphan, his board is shared
erudite and philosophical Paul. ' ” come, but Christ’s law sanctifies the society may cast you out, friends with the stranger and his purse is
Paul writes this letter to the heart.
“ Therefore,” the apostle may forsake and relatives ^rove open to the wants of Zion. He
Hebrew brethren, to answer certain says, “ having boldness to enter into untrue, but Christ will never leave considers his brethren, considers
arguments of infidel Jews—judaiz- the holy place by the bldod of you nOiv foi-sake you. Blessed their wants and feelings and by his
ing teachers. The arguments ad­ Jesus, by the way which he dedi­ hope! Glorious faith! You once example provokes, i e, incites oth­
ers to love ami good works. 2.
duced by these Jews who were in­ cated for us,” &c. The apostle's confessed this hope for the very How may we incite to love and
filici to Christ and his teaching,' exhortation is: 1. To draw n<ar. first time. You have come again good works ? (1.) Do not forsake
were as follows : ,
2. To hold fast our confession of and again to the house of God. the assembly— (a) Because we are
1. The law was superior to any hope, and, 3. To provoke one an- What for ? To confess again and brethren, (b) Because the theme
is ever new, ever grand, (c) Be­
and all forms of religion, because other to love and good works.
exhortation is necessary. A
delivered by angels or messengers.
I. Then, “ Let us draw near. >» Iiis promise is secure. You have an proper interchange of thoughts^yid
2. Moses was a law giver of the Who ? The brethren in Christ. “ anchor to your souls sure and desires will fit us the better, for
utmost dignity and fidelity, hence This is an universal exhortation to steadfast," not planted in the shift­ discharging all the duties of a
his writings were deemed sufficient all who have come into the new ing sands of this troublous life, Christian, (d) BicauseiiLUIUfflU__
for their salvation.
way. 2. What ? Draw near. Thi- but “ reaching within the vail ” the there is strength. If the family
will grow in love and-good works
3. Aaron was divinely appointed implies action. A Christian should blessed soul receiving hope of in
they must often meet together, of­
and consecrated, hence their relig­ <Zo something. 3. How? In full­ mortal life and eternal joys at ten sing ami pray together in the
ious rights, and instituted worship, ness of faith with a heart cleansed God’s right hand, 3. Therefore assembly.
Ami, lastly, U'cause
were most sacred, divine and unal­ by the blood of Jesus, a Iswly trans­ having miule this good coufe>isionr- there is a day approaching ‘ “Day
lated from the power of darkness ami placed <>ur hb'pe in him, l>\ "of judgement—day of wonders .”
4. The covenant, embracing only into the kingdom of God’s dear continuance in well doing, seeking More and more as that day comes
on, must we excite one another to
the Jews as God’s people, was es­ Son, by the “ washing of regenera for glory, honor and immortality, love and make each member replete
tablished on the most excellent tion,” a “ nAw creature—old thing!« we shall receive the crown of eter­ in good works. Nearer ami nearer .
must, we draw to God ; stronger
promises and was to lie everlasting. having all passed away.” 4. Where? nal life.
.stronger must grow our hope,
5. Their temple and sacrifices From the world. Drawing near to
111, 'fhe climax of Paul’s exhorta­
were of divine appointment, and su­ God will get jrgK a\\ay from the tion, “ Let us consider one another purer and purer must lie our hearts
made radiant by love, and purified
world. You must, not think that to provoke unto love ami good by love, and purified by the “ ful-
perior to all worship on earth.
From Hebrews, first chapter, to you can draw near to Go I and keep works." 1. Why ? Because love" Uesslif faith dearer yet and dear­
the world between yourself and ami good works complete the cir­ er must every duty liecome, until
Paul answers these anni-
Him. It cannot lie done. rt Lay cle of a Christian's duty, brings educated ami guided by that new
menta, by showing :
1. The superiority of Christ over aside ungodliness and worldly lusts” hinr near to God and realizes the ami living way, we shah lie saved
all .together in the heaven of hea-\
the law and Moses. (1) By name. Having drawn your affections off hope he has confessed.
Love ! vens, and permitted to love and '■
»' He was God’s Son,” “ had obtained ‘rom the world, draw near to him, Because it sutlers long ami is kind work forever in the presence of the
a more excellent name than they,’ in and through his way—the new envies not, vaunts not itself, is not king.
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