Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, September 15, 1882, Image 1

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aatd genezme news
> believe they have by a certain pro­
cess, thereafter, attained to a plane
• sin. ()f
—.. —.. I>...T. -ST A NLE¥,
—staining--tlw™ to
Publisher and Proprietor, Monmouth^ Or. business now occupied by the two these two classes We can truly say
papers, but issuing only one paper. tTie first is the most dangerous.
Subscription Price :
The arrangement- will take effect While the second class may lie led
Cne Copy, one y«ar............................. $2 00
O1K> Copy, six month«......................... 1 00
Oct. 1st, and we hope the union will to contemn the unsanctified as - 1**
neath their notice, the first class are
Ito a pleasant and profitable one.
found condemning the preacher and
Prices will be given on application.
’Welch-, “a distinguish Philadel­ teacher who would suggest a
| Entered at the Pout-office at Monmouth, as
phia professor of the dancing art,” growth in grace and a more com­
second chus mail matter. |
denounces the waltz as “ immodest plete knowledge of (he truth as it
Please Notas
vulgar and generally demoralizing.” is in Jesus. While the second class
We are not rreponnible fcr tlio opinions and
■ .... .
R&ntiiuonts exprfiHBcd by pnr contnbntorB, but
of dele­ will be overcome by fanaticism the
» v for onr own writing alono. Hence oni readers
'Tfnst judge for tliejuselves. We intend to give gates yotuare entitled to as a con­ first will bo overcome by a listless
spm e for the free expression of opinion,, within
indifference relaxing. finally into
the limits of soiuid cliserei-ion, and the good or
t *' the cause ; but not be held as indorring What gregation, two for the congregation
others may write.
and one for each thirty anff fraction the sleep-of deafh/
from the second .class, many will,
>__ All matter intended for puLllcation in tlut l id’ thkjty_QVer twenty/»f^ the_jnein
pwer Hhaiikl l>e written :
hership. And don’t fail to send by experience, see their error and
1. Ou one «i<le of the nlieet only.
lind the need of th<‘‘*BTrrror ’s inter
2. In a plain legible liaiuL
3. <^t there lie plenty of «pace bo tween the delegates. .
cession, very few of the second class
4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so
The names of the eight mission will have concern enough for their
that it maj not be <t< faced in transit.
*>. Write l>i-N>f articles.
When you send money for the paper« please aries who start for India this month souls to eVer find their error, nor
lie sure and state whether the name for which are as follows : Mr, and Mrs. Albert lift
* and strength sufficient to plead
it is sent is now on onr Jis' or not.
Expect no attention to articles, notices, or Norton,Burr Oak, Michigan; Mr.and. for mercy, while the day of mercy
queries not accompanied by your name.
If any subscriber fails to get the H eralji in Mis. G. L. Wharton, Buffalo, N. Y.; lasts.
due time, or fails to get it regularly, we will
take it as a great favor if he will notify ns at Miss Mary Greylieil, Buffalo, N. ,Y.;
once. Wb are very anxious that the paper
What we most need in these stir­
Miss A<la Boyd, Harrodsburg, Ky.;
should reach every subscriber regnlaily.
Miss Laura Kinzie, Portland, Ind.; ring times, when men are so in­
•Will those of our agents’ who Miss Mary Kingsbury, Freeport,- clined to follow after fanciful and
have money in their hands for this Illinois. They go under favorable new fashions .in religion is to “seek
office please send it in. We need it auspices, and the prayers of God’s after the old paths and walk there
Viill now.
people go with them. Surely there in.”- The good old way is the way
of God, not so much liecause by it
The Opening Exercises of Chris­ is much for them to do in that
our fathers trod, as liecause it was
tian College on next Tuesday pro­ country.
established of him who knows the
mise to be very interesting. A
A circus has [Missed through the end from the begii tings. Away
large number of people will l>e in country, managed by al tout a score
from the nundierless theories and
attendance, and many new students of persons who prefer fun and frolic
new-found ideas of fanatics who
will lie in readiness to enter on a to wisdom and work. They were
claim to have discernd a short-ent
course of study.
— enabled to call out'thousands of
to Paradise, there is stiff found the
J. K. Rogers, for many years persons who wanted to see a few true way of life, jn Christ’ r Learn
President of Christian College, antics and hear a few thread-1 »ary. of me.” “ I am the way, the truth
Columbia, Mo., died recently after jokes. From these thousands came and the life.” By faith reach out
returning from Colorado, where he as many dollars, hard-earned and and grasp, and let the silken cords
vainly spent. Much of this money of love encircle you, entwine around
had gone for his health.
passed into the hands of corpora­ your soul, study his lmly words,
W. K. Azbill, writing from tions and to pay the printers and iliey its commands and strive to lie
Jamaica, says that the thirty thou- editors for puffs. Yet these thou- like him, having the spirit of tly
sand Baptists on the island ar«4 snn,|s of people cry “ down with Master and the new fashions in
about reaily to combine with the monopolies,” while they can’t see religion will have no charms for
They are free from for the life of them why circus you. His is the good old way, the
prejudice, and -desire only the fools are above par.
‘ wav <»f life, and it leadeth until
Christianity of the New Testa-
From present appearances, there
^unent. So, too, the Baptists of
An African Methodist pastor dis
^Great Britain show a strong in- are two classes of sanctificationists
clination to throw aside the Baptist first, those who believe they are covers, says the Ckriidian 1 ndex,
name, and to take only New Testa- eternally safe when once l»a[ t’,ze.| that a person who had been a mem­
into Christ, an<l, second, those who ber of the church twelve years was
pient groum I.— Evangelist.
C hristian H erald .
NO. 37
never baptized ami refuses-to re­
ceive the ordinance now. Jle writes
to the denominational organ, the
Christ i a n^ecoiyTer^o "Ttnow’Avhftt
should I m * done with this delinquent,.__
and whether it would be right to
pass the bread ami vine of the
Lord’s supper over his head- kneel­
ing at the table. The lie carder
gives a very decided and sound an­
Undoubtedly baptism precedes
any or all privileges.; and by the
reiipiirement lioth of God’s Word
and of the Discipline. ' Therefore
he who would partake of the
Lord’s supper, .mnst nee i ls - have-----
been previously lmptized. . - . .
Of emirso (be entire -dealings with
such must lie characterized by good
sense and an exhibition of the
Christian graces.
Should the
party, however, stubbornly refuse “
to be baptized, there remains no­
thing to do but to cut him off from
the church. It is to be supposed
that the good judgment of alfcon
cerned will settle the matter before—.
the party in dispute presents him­
self at the Lord’s table. If, now-
ever, the pastor shall have done.his
duty, and the party persists in pre­
senting himself, pass him by.
The Moravians—who are cele­
brating this week the one hundred,
and fiftieth anniversary of the com­
mencement of their foreign mission-
ary operations—furnish .the true
ideal of a missionary
. * church.
home they number only 20,000
iiK-mbt i«,. Imt they have gathered
in heathen lam Is 73,000 converts
into the fold.- A”. F. Observer.
Yet there an
* Baptists who think
that they only an
the peopled A
live Moravian is immensely better
than a dead head Baptist.— Chris­
tie, n (Baptist) Index.
Yea, that may be, but to lie a
Christian is “immensely better”
than to lie anything else.
Unless our religion draws us
nearer in feeling to our Maker, it is
counterfeit. There are many spu­
rious things in circulation, and so-
called religion is among them. Look
well that yours has the true st imp
of Christ upon it.