ì t « Vi -, , * » ♦ J' < A- J- 4 X DEVOTED TO PURE^CHRISTIANITY, TEMPERANCE, EDUCATION AND GENERAL NEWS PORTLAND AND MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, SEPT. 8 , 1882. VOL. XTI. Bro. Henry Shadle arrived at “ Better is th« * end of a thing than TheT>('gmmhg th« re if “'WAS so Portland, Aug. 25th, and met with D. T. STANLEY, beautifully illustrated in Portland the congregation on the fourth *ache«l a- short Publislier aiulTniprietor, Momyouth, Or. on the evening of Aug1 * 4 . 30th, that Lord’s day. lie pr« introductory sermon in the evening we desire to speak of it. Knowing ription * Sul»f our propose«! departure, th« * / Cne Copy, ono year.................. .$2 <10 One Copy, Kjx months....................... 1 00 church had arrange« I an informal interest by a large audience. Bro. Tluj/Kepnblican party of Kansas farewell gathering, which jvas also S. has a tine field before diimar.«! APVFRTISEMENTS. «lid itself credit by placing * the fol-- very appropriately to I ie the recep­ we pray God. will bless5him in his Prices will be given on application. lowing resolution in its platform ; tion of our goo«l Bro. Sha«lle. work. [Entered at the Tout-office at Monmoitth, as “ Resolved, That we declare our ­ second class mail matter. | Along in the programme, which The State; Agricultural College selves unqualifiedly in.favor of the consisted of lively conversations < 1’lense Notice. - prohibition of the manufacture ari«l and good cheer an« I in which .all opened on Sept. 4th, with aliout • . We-aro not roaponnible fcr filo opinions and * of intoxicating liquors as a took part,/-ame a call from sister fifty student in all, the departments., ueutimeniM cxpresucil by our nuniritinUirs, but sal« 1__ -J_ _ * * - - for onr own writing alone. Hence 0111 readers 1 leverage; an«t pledge ourselves to B.. to bring sister W., an«l come to list judge for themselves. We intend to give Prosperity, peace and plenty, apace for the free expression of opinion, within such additional legislation as shall. * front. Suspiciously,, we obey- th« the limits of sound discredon, and the giMwl of seems at the door of the farmers tile cause; but not Ixi held as indorsing what secure the rigid enforcement of the ed, not knowing wlfether it was to others may write: and mechanics in—Oregon How — constitutional provisions' upon this be another lecture or the untwist- All matter intended for pnLllcatron in this grateful ought we to lie to him from subject'in all parts of the State.” paper should 1« written : -. ing of some mysterious' question whom comes—every gool" arnf per- I. I hi one side or the sheet only. Would that Iowii Republicans which some one might propound. • . 2. In a plain legible hand. feet gift. How_few seem to appre­ 3. Let there be plenty of space lief ween the ha«l «lone as well.— Evangelist. Imagine our surprise, as upon our ciate these blessings as they should. -— lines. 4. Write with a ]x *n instead of a pencil, so arrival, there was opened to our that it may not be defaced in transit. The brewerssent 8150,000 to Iowa view, a most magnificent silver What show of gratitude will Chris­ 5. Write brief articles. When you send money 'for the paper, please tians into whose cups such bless­ I lie sure and state whether the name for which to be expended in defeating prohibi­ pitcher, the present of the congre­ i it is sent is now on our list or not. ings are policed, Tender for all his Expect no attention to ai tides, notices, «.r-. tion. Of course they thought prohi- gation—and a lively rose-painted benefits ? We fear fliatT the thank- queries not accompanied by yonr name. If any subscriber fails to get the H erald in tion would prohibit. Now we sup­ tea-set, th« * offering of Brother and offerings of many will be a reproach - --..'.ihMk^nei'or fails to get it regnlarlv, we will pose they will spend a good, large Sister George Houghton, of the taKeTt as a great favor if he will notify us at to him upon whom they profess to once. We- are very anxious that the paper sum in publishing the lie that the congregation. a should reach every subscriber regularly. believe. law is a failure, and more vyhisky A halt having been cnlnol in the Christian College opens one week is sold than ever before.— J/wii- regular programme, Bro. Shadle in Christian College, located at \ from next Tuesday. Rea«l the pro- r/er. a few fitt ing won Is told us how this Monmouth, Oregon, has added a gram of opening exercises in anoth­ * al »out and our eyes were Bible Department to its curriculum, Jacob says h« * has learned three all com« er column, and then come, if you things in regard to the man with enlightened but our hearts were for the preparation of young men can./ * than stammer out for the ministry on the Pacific * tin * on« taVut. 1. He was ‘ui too full to mor« a few sentences of thanksgiving for Forty-two counties in Georgia tramp.’ 2. The napkin was stolen these mementoes of love from the Coast, This is wise. Our colleges if, they would make any claim up- from th« * house which gav« * him have adopted local option. congregation whose names, faces, on the brotherliood, 'should j>ay such a nice dinner. 3. He was in­ voices, words of sympathy and more attention to Bible instruction. There are eight Baptist churches duced to hide his talent liecause he » encouragement have grown s«> It is a deplorable fact that very ——in M e xico.------------------- ------------- -found he- -eould get so many free familiar and dear to us. Words few of the young men from our «linners. Figuratively, Jacob is not * *r «le« |« meaning colleges The Chickasaw Indian proposes far from wrong. At least, he is cannot express th« *are entering the ministry. all this on th« ’ part of the chinch. of to pay half the expense of supply­ nearer right than th« Let us give the Bible departments * man who Nor can we express, with pen and ing the children of that tribe with o of our educational institutions *« own« ink, our appreciation of their kind­ greater prominence.— Evangelist. Testaments. Are dig to make a sacfitice ness «hiring our stay. Among them A church that will invite, a if necessary, for the cause of ( Ih ri st? sufficP it to say that we leave the The proTiihrtTon amendment of church at Portland with many, preacher , to preach for them and The Lord loveth such. many im'iimiiis of kind services Iowa will lie respected by the Chi­ then not pay him for his lalxu- rendi’red while among them and cago, Lock Island and Pacific Rail­ needs converting to a love of the “ I can not afford to do any shall ever cherish in our hearts the road Company, through an crder truth and the principles of fair more,” is a remark often heard in tokens of Christian friendship and that no ale, beer, wine, or spirituous dealing with their brethren. response to solicitations for funds esteem so freely offered on all occa liquors of any kind shall lie sold on to carry on church work. A man sions. And now may the God of The Aof Chicago, and who ib not willing to do more than all-grace prosper His-work in their their dining cars jn that State.-—• the Christian, of St. Louis, are to he can afford to, for Christ, is a hand, and may he grant to Bib. Evangelist. Shadle, who takes up the unfinish­ v united as one paper, and Bro. poor Christian. ed work with a consecrate«I zeal, I wonder many times that ever a J. II. Garrison, who has just re­ that grace ami strength which will chilli of. God should have a sad turned from Southport, England, • We are greatly pleased to see (he enable him as their co-laborer to is to become its editor. A "good work of Bro. .Spriggs with the Sa­ build up continually the church heart, considering what the Lord is preparing for him. . of Christ in Portland, * lem church so much blest. move. C hristian H erald . - * NO. 36. —----- --------- « •* ------- • —-r-------- 1---------- y -------- /------ Bi’ethren, keep in niiml the Stat« * Cooperation in October, ami be making vour arrangements to go and carry up a report from your congregation, with a liberal contri­ bution for missionary work. - - ------'■ ~ — , * 4 4 • I fi « r . i