Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, September 01, 1882, Page 9, Image 9

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States that they have, induced to
I for it.
“ The distillers and whisky men . insert prohibition clauses in their
are acting more senselessly than constitutions. The cause of hu-
boys, increasing tlty production of manity is growing everywhere.
an article in The faori of a constant­ The great centers of the iniquitous
ly decreasing demand for it. There rum business are being moved by „
can be bnt one outcome- disaster, 1 the temperance - war.-'" The'' sky is "
widespread and crushing—crushing not everywhere so bright as in
to all industries and interests alike. Iotaa and Kansas, but it is bright­
It is unbusiness-like, it is idiotic, ening. Men can afford to wait.
to risk so much capital in a single Eternity is God’s to work out his
business so uncertain and precari­ righteous purpose, and the right
ous as whisky, The annual con- will triumph in the end.—J?tvtn<yc-
sumption of whisky in this country 1 list.
is not above 60,000,000 gallons a
Temperance Compositions by
year, and decreasing; while the
Boys and Girls.
production is double that, ami in­ i
creasing. No combination of the
Says the Sa m ia g-school Woikee:
liquor interest, no ‘ pool; will save I A few years ago a Total Absti-
them, nor can the defeat of prohi­ neiiëe Society in Massachusetts of­
bition dó them any good.’’ ,
fered prizes to the scholars in the
With these facts before us there biifh ami grammar schools for the
can be no dou bt of The success, of best compositions on the “ Evils of
temperance agitation. While only I ntempi l ance, and the Remedy.”
’here ami there has it vet become In two «ears,seven thousand schol­
■ . ■.
strong enough to eff et prohibition, ars, in orte hundred and fifty towns
it has been silently at work every­ wrote on the' sTihjecT;' and one
where cutting down the resources hundred and eighty prizes, of from
of the liquor biisinesi, arid foiniing iwo doTIais to un dollars were
and elevating the sentiment of so- 4- I awarded,'............ ■. l
ciety upon the liquor -question I > This plan is in some respects one
The more thoughtful have wisely of the most important jincs ever
cautioned distillers ami liquor deal­ adopted in connection with the in­
ers against antagonizing, or rousing terests of intemperance. All these
up the temperance element, or mor­ five thousand children and youth
al sentiment of society against wno have written on the subject,
have committed themselves to the
The letter from which our quote cause.
goes on to mark out a policy for
Tl e amount of reading on the
the future by which the threaten­ su’j ct has been truly wonderful.
ing panic in the whisky business All the books on the subject, in the
may be avoided, if indeed it is not Sabbath school and public libraries.
£ ' •
too lite to oif’r a remedy. It have been sought lor ; and messag­
says : “ Let the liquor men go on es have been sent to the city for
quietly ; let them take out their works on temperance and intem­
licenses and obey strictly the law ; ¡ perance. All the knowledge of pa­
let them provoke as little attention rents, older brothers., sisters and
k- .
as posible by seeking to conciliate, tri« mls/has been 1 ûd under contri­
rather chan antagonize the moral bution to aid in this work. This
sentiment of the whole country, has awakened new interest in the
and their business will go on with subject in these families, and espe­
as little disturbance ami annoyance cial. y in those in which prizes have
have been obtained
as it is possible to do.”
But let a financial collapse of the I Then, in neaily every town
distilling interest occur now, or in I where these prizes have been given
the near future, and it will scire tlrere have been heULpublic meet­
every capitalist and business man ing), at which the prize composi­
from ever reengaging in the distil- . tions have been read and the prizes
ling business. Turn, with the publicly presented to the successful
temperanc^, element rampant, and cumpetitois, followed by addresses.
no capital to tight it with, prohibí- ¡ These meetings in some instances
tion can b; enf>rced, an I in ten have been very largely attended.
years there will not be left a dis­
tillery, a brewery; or a saloon in Drunkenness in St. Petersburg.
the whole United States.
A commission has been appoint­
Temperance worker•» have every ed in Russia, and has recently been
reason to be encouraged over the sitting at St. iMtdsbu rg. under th«u
success of their cause. It 'cannot Presidency of Prince Sehtscherpa-
be estimated by the number of tofT, to consider what measure I
11H It ALT)
Infidelity reproves nothing that
should be taken against the spread
of drunkenness in that country is bad. It only ridicules and de­
The drink-havoc among the peas- nounces all that is good. It tears
ants is very great. A St. Peters­ down—it never constructs; it de­
burg correspondent of the Coloqac stroy^— it never imparts life,; it at­
Gazette says, “ The peasant’s earn- tacks religion, but offers no ade-
ings are nearly all spent for brandy; qu a te s u bstit u t e.— liev. J. di. Pi tx-
and this is the chief cause of the tan.
famines which periodically devas­ _.*»*“ Little thanks are due to him who
tate th/conn try.” The same writ­ only gives away wl«af is of no uso to
er adds: “ When last year sub­ himself.” The thanks of invalids the V .
scriptions were collected all over world over are being showered on the
inventer of Kidney-Wort moves thè
the empire to provide the south­ j bowels regularly, cleanses the blood,
eastern provinces, which were suf­
fering from famine, with seed-corn, gravel, piles, bilious headache and
it was prove« 1 that the inhabitants pains which are caused by disordered
af those provinces had in that year liver and kidneys. Thousands lpivo
been cured—why should you not try it?
paid 7,000,000 roubles in taxes for
When hattie was five years .old
the brandy they had made for their
own consumption out of the corn her sister married a farmer who
which would otherwise have j>re- owned a very large sugar orchard.
vefited them from starving. What Soon after, a generous package of
brandy is doing for the ruin of the maple sugar was sent home, and the
peasants of Russia, beer and whisky little girl exclaimed, “ O mamma,
are doing ’to degrade and destroy I’m so glad we’ve married into such *
' *
many of -their’ devotees in this a nice family !”
country. Of the ^60,000,000 reve­
We never b » w any one Joyous when
nue which distillers and brewers suffering from pain neuralgia, for
instance, In relation to this malady
boast that their traflic pays to the Mr. George Guyett, d’rop. ~ Guyett
House, thus informed our represent»^
of this countrv,
-- —I-----------
w a very
* ti
ve : I have us^d Ht. Jacobs Oil for----- —
large part conies from the scant neuralgia, and can confidently recom­
purses of working men and Women mend it to any one similarly affected.—
¡pieboygan Co. Netos.
who continually, day by day, waste
. — - ’ —
------ —-
desire to
their half dimes and . dimes for
.be successful workers in the church
mug» of beer and whisky.
A “ National Total Abstinence should give themselves to much
Society ” has been organized in prayer, remembering that a good
Switzerland, to stay the tide of work with God in secret qualifies
drunkenness which is sweeping for a good work with man in
over the land.— The Watchman.
*It is the common observation that
Ammeu’d Cough Syrup cures colds, the standard of natural health and nor­
coughs, bronchitis and consumption.
mal activity, among American women,
In the name of suffering humanity, is being lowered by the influence of
we request all physicians to try Ammen’s false ideas and habit3 of life, engender­
Cough Syrup, then they will prescribe
it for their patients who are troubled ed by fashionable ignorance and luxu­
with couglu, cold) and disease for which rious living. * It is a happy circumstance
it is recomended. Many doctors who that Mrs. Lydia E- Pinkham has come
are opposed to patent medicines pre­ to the front to- instruct and cure the
scribe this remedy ; the druggist sim­
ply changes the contents into another sufferers of her sex.
bottle, and the patient is none the wiser,
while the physician gets credit for the
cure, which always follows whereacure I KIDN EY-WORT I
is possible.
your druggist to show
you a large bottle.
for all diseases of th« Kidneys and ■
Within six months 315 persons
have been killed by tornadoes in
the United States, and several hun­
dred wounded. rp
The year 1882 will
be known as the tornado year.
Did Him
---- LIVER-----
It haa speciflo action on thin moat important L
organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and k
inaction, stimulating the healthy accretion of ’
the Bile, and by keeping the bowels in face
condition, effecting its regular discharge.
Unlorio If you are suffering from
lai Cl I Cl I I d ■ malaria, have the chills,
are bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kidney-
Wort will surely relieve and quickly cure.
In the Spring to cleanse the 6ystcm, every
one should take a thorough course of it.
<1- SOLD BY DRUCCIST8. Price» I.
Mr. Charks II. Bauer, editor of the -
Acoc York Union and Notary Public, in
a late issue mentions the following :
Patrick Kenny, E-q , some time ago,
suffered much from rheumatism and
tried almost every means to rid himself
of this painful evil, but in vain. He
was advised to use bt. Jacobs Oil which
be did so successfully, that ail pain has
left him and he is as healthy ami strong Sowing Machine in the inaiket. Sold on eaiy
us over before. Air. Kenny isanenthu installments, or &iilwral discouut tLr cash.
The Singer Mnnufncturlng Co.
siastic advocate of St. Jacobs Oil, and
WIL. I. IS B. Fill, manager. ’
it has done him good,—A*?«* lorX- i’a-
t>-4 (garrison si., Poitland.