Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, September 01, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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---- -T--------- — ■ -
erald count of the restoration of the
church at Oakland :
editors :
“It is well known that for some,,
the cause of Christ in Oak ’
D. T. S tanley , B ruce W olverton ,'
laml has been greatly hindered.
We are happy to say that tilings
are in better shape. Sonic time
matters.might be adjusted. It was
announced that ere the meeting
closed, all who had- been enrolled,
toward whom no objections were
UTtfed, would-be declared in fellow-
■ -
, .— ---- *
T. F. Campbell’s Address.
We have had the pleasure of a
visit from Pres. T. F. Campbell, of
Christian Coiltge, Monmouth, Ore­
gon. 'He is on his way Fist, to
sojourn for some months, and de-
I hei 'lJUIIIT IMtUHdi ' Aumiig
who moved to Oakland from El­ soon
churches. He preached for ns Sun­
»■*! «
. . •
The Conflict
mira, and Bro. Kinkade and family of Peace was among us. “ As bretli-
day evening, June 29th, on the
also recently settled in Oakland, ren looked into the faces of the
If we read the signs of the times liegan a new movement looking to
subject of “Demonology.” • Our
aright, it is not that the world is the establishing of a Sunday school,-
hall was well filled, and the audi­
coming to an end 30 soon as some there being no school run by either hearts, notwithstanding, all the ence profoundly interested through­
____ organizations. This troubles which had environed the out the discourse. Some of the
think, but that the whisky traffic of tie ie : former
RyTimT"ITT’ cause'in Oak lam I for years1'" tliaV positions taken were new, and well
in America will first have an ■ f^ end.
u .* >
”* •
they conclude«l to-Juvite all the they
still wen* in the faith, hope calculated to awaken Thought in
The people are aroused as never disciples of Christ who loved the
<F t
before. Ami the whisky men are Lord to remain after the school and love of the Gospel, they began the minds of thoughtful people.
doing as much as temperance men adjourned, and break the loaf. Bro to love one another, p,nd well they
At the close of the meeting there *
.. in. was quite a general Ttemnnderr”""
to i>F4Hg the issm* 4*ei'ore alL elaHMei< . -Kinkade being -a ■ -regul ar i imnster, juigliU
They are struggling with might was requested to lead in this, while church when everything goes well, hear more, and Bro. Campbell was
—. ami main ta 'present- some good Bro. Hoyt superintended the Sun­ but when thr cause has been in prevailed on to give, us another
side, but the more they try, the day-school.
work ... gre w 'UlsLulid ashes, the soul fl mt ean lecture. He discussed the follow­
more is the whole business seen gradually. Brethren, irrespective say, “ T have examined my Tieart. ing.: “ The Bible contains the true
and felt to lie a work of the evil of former parties, began to take ami can truly say, 1 am determine«! —*. —jili
Jill * of man in his origin,
one. As the light shines more heart and to Uxik forward with to cling to the Lord,” there is evi­ present relations and final destiny.”
fully, it w-known—By its—terrible- hope. * ♦ * So we praye<l the dence that such aie worthy of our
By the kindness of our Ck.ngre- ’
results to be the foe of all classes.
Lord to send us a man to lead us. fellowship and love.
gational brethren, we werexcAabled
By and by sinners liegan to-con- to,secure Plymouth church, on Tay­
In this extremity all grad es of In due time, Bro. W. A. Meloan, of
society, all ranks of statesmen, all Carrolton, Mo., came to California fess the Savior, an«I wen; baptized- lor steet, for Tuesday- evening, Au-,
circles of- business -arc compelled“ ~to -
■rrnrl- L as t—iLiy^.Tnly inf L (jp. gllst 8th.---------- ! ~
to take a stand “ for ” or “ against.” August, and proposed to hold some church was constituted, composed
We had a very respectable audi­
It will not down; and woe lie to meetings. Hfa.Jabors were secured of 51, who had former!v been mem- ence. While we have not since to.
Turn ami them who decide for the for a two weeks* inwting^ The
do justice to the very able and pro­
traffic. Some will be found who, house of worship, built by our and 13 who Were baptized during found address, we will give a brief
,' according to their time honored lamented Bro. Reagan, w'as rented the meeting—64 ill all. While we synopsis of it.
custom in all great issues, will from the Baptists'!,- they having con­ weev engaged in the spiritual. re>
The speaker said: There • are
wait to see in what direction the trol of it at present. TTie senior establishing of the church, Bro. H. three sources of knowledge con-
P' 11
v- -rf
fbryt wasworking up th^ finiincial" cerninj; man—the book of Nature,
editor oi the 1 (icitic Ln ' VC,lb
ere they take a stand. Woe be To W!b invited to come over and help, intern^tr By—grrtat ~ttberaHty on the book bi God’s Revelation, the
them. Let none such lie trusted. which he did. Our plan of work the part of a few who are well to history of man.
Spot them. A man who must de­ was, bi have a meeting each, even­ do, and the smaller amounts con­
History presents a wide range
cide from policy rather than prin­ ing through the week,’ and ¿jyice tributed by the poor, all doing from mans highest attainments
ciple, is not a safe man in any on Lord's day, Bro. Meloan*’ doing something, the church was enabled down to th«; lowest,depths, intelli­
position. Much less is he in the the preaching.
During the day, to extend a call to Bro. Meloan to gently and morally.
conflict which is impending. Be we (the preachprs) called from take pastoral charge of the church.
Any philosophy of man which
sure the conflict is at hand. It house to house, and places of busi­ He has accepted on condition the fails to account lor these extremes,
will be longer than our revolution- ness, to see every one. who hail church at Carrolton, Mo., will re­ which are so patent, is not true.
ary conflict. Let us liope it will lie ever belonged to the church, here- lease him from his present engage- The Book of Nature was tl&n scan­
bloodless. But it will lie a trying or elsewhere, and converse with incuts, and will — liegin
t_ his regular
ned, and a number of theories as to
time for politicians and stony them; first, as to their faith in labors on or Indore Oct. 1st.
man’s origin were presented. Some
ground Christians.
The church has secured the use gave his origin in the vegetable
Christ and his word; second, as to
their hope of heaven- and lheir du- of the housiMif worship on the cor­ kingdom; some in the animal, as
Clay and Fifteenth streets, Darwinism; sone gave it from
termination to livx‘ the Christian ner
The Work in Oakland, Cal.
life, walking according to the Word built by Bro. Reagan. The Baptist demigods.______
_ _______ —
We are pleaséd to note thè re­ of God ; third, whether they desir­
Darwin wrote four hundred
vival of thè cause in tliis important ed to enter into the fellowship with 1st. We rejoice in this success, pages to convince the world of the
place? It is as mu^di a .inattey of all who had thè faitlmand hope of and in the fact that our State is to truth of his theory. Huxley wrote
rejoicing to see a restoration of love our Lord, to keep the ordinances of gain the labors of ^o good HI|d effi over six hundred pages. *
cient a preacher as Bro. Meloan.
and fellowship where the cause has the house of God ?
All these theories fail to satisfy
Each one who answered affirma­ lie is a man of fine talent and piety; our minds. He then opened the
been injured by dissention, as it is
a matter of grief to see dissention tively, expressing the desire of their is in the prime of life, and comes to Bible, and found a short statement
arise ami wreck the peace and use­ own hearts, were enrolled. As the make California his permanent in the first chapter of Gen., which
fulness of the churches. Some one meeting progressed, from tiiqo to fie|d of labor.”
he proceeded to show v as the most
• • • 9 -
will have a fearful account to give time these names were- publicly
philosophical. This account, and
for originating, encouraging, or fos­ read, and it_was announced that if .—.Beautiful is the activity which true science did not conflict. Man,
tering discords among' brethren. any one of them liad any -uibyee- works for good, an«l beautiful the according, fo the Bible, is the point
r W qo to that man by whom the tions to any other one, they could stillness which,awaits for good; where the circle of the universe js
inak'e such objections known pri- blessed the self-sacrifice of the one, completed by the union of spirit
offence cometh.”
Bro. McCollough, editor of the i vateiy to (Ums'* who were engaged and Tiless«*«! the sei f-forgetfu 1 ness and matter—God, the highest order
C. Nev:*. i, gives tl/e following ac-| in visiting, in order that ail thus«# of the other,
of being, is united to the lowest.