« * / * w < ► t i I r, ■ Z- : v ì « ♦ J» 14 x1.- />• - »/- “ The wovluYieVer harms a Chris­ tian so long he keeps it out of his heart. Temptation is never dangerous until it has an inside ac­ re. -Wl. heart to the outside assailant.” ■ > A TUTT’S PILLS STEAM ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY « REAPERS, THRESHERS, &c ENTERPRISE” PLANER.AND MATCHER. , 5" sif lx Brass aud Iron Castings ftu- nished on Short Notice. G ray H air on W hiskers changed to a G lossy B lack by a single application of tats D ye . Itim- Earts a natural color, acts instantaneously.' Sold y Druggists, or sentliy Liiiri.iiiroceiptoftl. OFFK'F.33 MLIUIAI ST.. NEW YORK. Dr. Tl'TTS ft* M A I. of.Vals.M- IsTarmaUw i.dt Csetul HtcelpU sill br rr. viol I Kt.i. ou uppliratlua.> C - TIIJC GREAT GERMAN EQUAL -• REMEDY RHEUMATISM. i( >n I LI FETI M E SURPASSES^ OTHERS SCIATICA. TJJMfiAGO, BACK ACHE,.. GVOTJT, VHICAC a iHy.'W SORENESS FOR SALE OF TIIE CHEST, SORE THROAT, Springfield, Missouri. Church and School Bells. QUINSY, SWELLINGS It is one of the highest tributes to music that religion can use it. ]t, is one of the highestnnTWrnrAi*TOTmwlMemR4y. A trialttUU but the eomparativeiy trifling outlay of 50 C ents , and every one euflering with pamca.i have ch«ap anti positive proof of lie daims. ymKvTIONS 1> L!.EVE> LAKGl'AUES. SOLD BY All DRUGOrSTS AND DEALERS IN MEDISIKL A. VOGLLER & CO. ZtalCirnrire, JUd., V. S. THAT WONDERFUL BOOK GUI DE 8 SUCCESS AVITll FORMS FOR HLSIMiSS AM> SOt 1 KT Y 1« Helling by ton« of IhouBands. It in tfic.uiost univursailv useful .l ook i-vcr )>nb)i«heari?t| inform.ition hi all classe« fof- constant i<-f< ret.ce. U;EM> V IXI’KU for all or «pare time. To know «by this book of REAL value ami attractions k Ila la-tter llum auy other, apply for terms t‘» J. DEWING A CO., San Francisco, Cal. 12-29-tim Y OFTHEACE.i.EXAMIKerr 23011.« $ 25 00 3ii'lt.s 3<; 00 50 0b 490th« 730H.S 75 IK) 925K m 130 00 Rumsey A Co., Seneca Falls, New York VOBLIO AT IONS THAT THE i l DOMESTIC —IS THE— OP THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. HEADACHE, AND NQ4. FAMILY SIZES AND PKK’ES. SPRAINS, MnlIn rs I Motliers r! MotTiersTTI T Are yon disturbed at night and broken of I j i ur fest by a ,-ioor little sufferer immediately—depend i iqs.ii it ; there is no mistake about it. There ‘ i» uuluuiotlMu mi earth. who has ever used it, I w ho will not tell yon at once that it will regii-T late th? bowels, aud give rest to the mother, Bil l 1 thief and health to thechild, ojierating like ! magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, i un i pleasant to the taste, and is the proscription t.'f one of the oldest and best female physician« arid nurses in the United States. Sold every­ where. 25 cents a hottie. ' 12-1-ly Wat .r Wheel Governors of best pattern known, two sizes. Agent for Degroat’ff- Patent Ornamental Iron Fence. , New and second hand Engines constantly pn hand -KEURA1.GIA. As a Phvsit-jnm—Mu,«. Dn. S mith lias saint a a national repMaMuA« She has cured Women ami Men. in all parts of the country. • To-day- nhe lias patients in every Slate in the Union. Site treat-, the si k at theik H omes , by letter. KlitFgives refeleliVes of many' well-known per­ sons, whom she has treated, among tlupu Mrs. Alexander Campliell, of Bethany, W. Va. For lefereiiees, testimonial«, question list etc., inclose stamp, and a»2VELES, MANUFACTURER OF TUTT’S HAIR DYE. Mrs. Dr. Augusta Smith—Author of ‘•The New Process (lire Treatment.” » -We r.ll can set our daily deeds to the music of a grateful heart, and ae< k* to round our lives into a hymn — the melody of which will be rec­ ognized by all who come in contact with us, and the power of which hl, ill not be evanescent, like the voice of the singer, but perennial, lik^ the music of the spheres.— William M. Taylor. - CONSTIPATION “Rouirli i n Kats.’ Seek iu>t to please the world, but your own conscience. The man m 4 to has. a feeling within him (hat he has done his duty on every occa­ sion,, iM far happieç than he who TïâTîgirüjhH sinîîes of the great, or the still more fickle favors of the nntltitiide. I F1. □’tlTT’S FILLS a re especially adapted to such yascs, one dose effect a such a change of feclitig an to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system is nourished, mid by Lheir Tonic Action on the lMiresiive Orgnin*. Regular Mtoola arc pro­ duced. Price 25 cents. 35 flurraj Sil.. N. V. Clears out rale, mice, roaches, Hie, , anta»_ bed bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. ; —-.'o:— is the 0 Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the Head, with a dull sensation in the jack part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eatinat, with a disin­ clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart. Bats bolcue the fixer Yellow Skin. Headache generally over ie ri Restlessness, with iitful < colored Urine, and A pure, sincere, and stable spirit is not distracted (though it be em­ ployed) in many works; for that it works all to the honor of God, and inwardly being still and quiet, seeks not i txelf—in any th i ng it t loth... Thomas a’ Kempis. 12-2'-3m WORKS. SEWINE°MÀÈHÌNES^ TORPID LIVER Skinny Men. ft • THEMOST POPULAR SYMPTOMS OF A r‘ Wells’ Health Renewer ” restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Im­ potence, Sexual Debility. $1. Ì HERALD CHRISTIAN © Acknowledge Leader in Trade, the In consideration of the growing de­ IS A FAUT that cannot be disputed . mand and for the accommodation of the many readers of these works on the coast, we have sent for, and will keep Many Imitate It! None Equal It! on hand the various publications of the THE MOST SIMPLE, Christian Church, together with a THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, limited number of oilier religions au­ THE FINEST FINISHED, thors, including Books of Hei mons, Dis­ THE HANDSOMEST WOODWORK. cussions, Theological Troutise. Biogra­ J. W. EVANS, phies, Commentaries, Hymnal*, Uhnrch ■49 Post Street, San Francisco. and Sunday,-school supplies, Ate., A j . • F. IIKIIOY, Agent, 111 Salmon St.. These will be sent post-paid (or when Het. Hicouil anil 'lliliil, Port In nit. so ordered, by express) to any part of 12-9 lim -------- r the coast at Publishers’ prices. T 1 ”> I ljfp 1^ business now before the pub- Money may be sent, by Draft, P. O. 1) I Jkj i 1«-. You «in make money faster at woik lor us than at any thing elseCapital not Order pr Registered Letter. nee-leil. We will «tart yon. Si2 a day ami up­ Cail on or address wards made h < home by the industrious. Men, uoiueii,.buys and girls waptod everywhere to . BRUCE WOLVERTON. work lor ns.’. Now is the time. You can work ' "105 First 8t., Portland. I in spare lium only or give your "lieie time to My \>w Pi5. r L‘«t oie» KXMiukl hii ‘I Silvi i >ent for u .’»c i -ErfT.» how I Fend va chea O r-Uqrii t I’.S »•* bcescnnilited l»< io e pnyivr »■ dv iw ev. Un»b»uli‘eu ran live al Iioiiie aiiiTdo Hie -mrrt. No other l>ii«iness will pay yon nearly ns «ell. No one can fail to make enormous pay by engaging al onie. Costly Outfit and terms five- Money made fast, easily amt honorably. Addteas T ki ' e A Co., Augusta, Maine. r