Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, September 01, 1882, Page 12, Image 12

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• *
' Í
Temperance in Schools.
• V
The Minister of Education hav­
situated on« mile west of Monmouth^
ing pronounced in favor of teaching
containing 150 acres of excellent grain
temperance in the schools of Eng­ land. Good house, barn, fruits, berries,
land, a large assemblage of teachers etc. Sixty acres of Fumtner fallow on
any one wishing good tcliool advan­
the subject by the eminent London tages.
For particulars apply to
physician, Dr. Richardson. In the
course of his remerks, he said :
Monmouth, Or.
“ We will tell the truth on this
subject, and we will teachit; but
if therj is a class of the community
that can tell tlus'truth most forci­
(Old “ NATIONAL,” Established lSijdj
bly, a class upon whom thi%, duty / ?.y Front St. Let. Washington
devolves more than upon all others
and A Idei',
together, it is the school-master and-
-school-mistress class» * Thev hold A. P. A 1'111 strong,
Pl inc, p:il.
the keys of this mystery of infamy. J. A. Wiscti,. - Pennini! und Secretary.
They are »L< iv-cherss of the mil- X
I An-iifFtitntioir designed f<r tl.e pnclicAl Luti-
lioiis that are to be. Upon their I
_ Tigli Fexe*.
act and word may hereafter depend
everything that may eventuate in
the life of an individual. I wan<
Admitted, on any weekrday-of the year. No
to urg^Vcii who are not already en­
vacations at any time, and no exam­
ination on entering.
gaged in opr cvnse to make it
yours, and in yourselves to imjdant
SCHOLARSHIP, For the Full Business
the lessons of complete.temperance,
Course, $(!0
absomte--tcTrfpcrairce; ,a'bSCituTe“ab '
_fitmeneii liom-tlm cause of this evil ----- PEN WORK
Nothing else wiil do, or carry force.
Of all kinds executed t<> order at. reasonable
You m’ist cut off this evil thin",
rafts. Natisfactio:) guaranteed.
and show its uselessness and injury,
College Jouru 1. containing information
'fhen as to the way„Jn -which-you cf The
the course of study',” Mhm to enter,' time
should proceed : Let children beirin required, cost of b» aid, etc., and cuts <rf plain
to feel and to know that there is and ornamental penmanship, all from the peu
of Prof. Wtfseo, n ut free- j
srmi cHi i n g w ron g t n the dri n k, and”
then is. your opportunity to com Lock Box 101. A. P. AliMSTItON
P ohtlanp , On.
12 33 Gin
mcnce. The points most important
to explain are the nature of this «
drink, what it is, that it is not a
drink in itself, but a purely artifi­ THE APOSTOLIC TIMES,
cial something in water. Tell them ROUNDED FIFTEEN YEARN AGO BY
I McGarvey Wilke?., Hopson, Larilaand Grar
hpw it exists, when it was first dis­ harr. It is still h«ddiug-forth the dertrme’ tit
and the Apostles. Hample copies sent
ci Vered, how it is made, and what Chrilt
free. Subscription price $2.00 a rear A Address
it is. Then it is important to show
L exinuton , K y .
them that there is not one alcohol
TUe grace of silence cherishes the
only,- but a family of them, that
certain of these alcohols would kill presence of God, saves us many
proud. and rude expressions, and
directly, and that by a mere acci­ suppresses a great multitude of idle
dent one ol them cauie into common words ami dangerous- judgments of
use. A ou can then show the evils our neighbor.— Ex.
that'spring from it, the laws framed
^¿rFadetl articles of all kin Is re­
n^*ninst it, as well jas the proverbs stored to their original beauty by Dia­
against it.
To more advanced mond Dyes. Perfect and simple. 10
scholars, the relation of this sub­ conta, at n^l druggists.
stance to food may* be explained,
“ Decision for God assures the
that it does not belong to the cata- strength to overcome. J < »y and
gory of foods at all, and it is falla- delight come in after the decision
cio is to think that it imparts to resist thè encroachments of hell
warmth. But the great lesson ol has been made, ami every earthly
all will be taught by your own ab­ interest has 1 cert saciiliced upon
staining example. You will, as ab­ the success of the Gospel.”
stainers, have in your work serener
minds, and minds less inspired to
There arj material forces in the
inll ct punishment, and more thor­ y\ith which we ki’e
oughly inspired to create peaceable familiar; but the mighthst forces
an 1 powerful impressions on those :n the universe are spiritual. And
ai inrid you, than if you took into the prayer of faith i s one of them ;
your system, even in moments of and it is no less potent now than it
languor, this pernicious and mortal was eighteen hundred years ago.
en ’iriy.”
he next session of this prosperous and growing institution will
open on MONDAY, September 4, 1882, and ckse on THURSDAY; April 26,_ 1883.
This College was founded in 1874, for (lie co-edueath n of both sexes, upon equal condition»
of entrunce and in’adnwtion, Ri)(l luis lmd u hetiltby and s-teady cioutli from the be^innin^. Our
aiiiiTs to give a good, solid education in the various branches of a College course, upon a,
Chrixtinu btifiia, and thus to prepare students for he practical and beautiful pursuits ot life, and
for honorable citizenship.
The College Buildbig», conHivting of two substantial brick editieoi, »land upon a campus of
ten acres in the pleasant village of College City, in the »outbelo part of Colusa County. The
town is pleasantly located in a 1 >^a-iti 1 ul, retired an«l healthful spot, in tl e midst ot a moral,
cultivated and enterprising connnuniiv. and is easily accessible from aiiv direction. It is three
miles east of Arbuckle, a towi) on the Noitberii Railway, with which it is connected by a daily
stage-lifie. Tlie scenery around is iuapiiing. To the north rive thé stately form of M< Hnt
Smista, the snowy peak»..of La^an, and the picturesque Buttes ; <,n the east wiul tie blue
waters of the Haciamento, anti stretch away in the distance the pnic-clad walls and snowy domes
ol the Sierras ; while on the vest lie Snow Mountain and the purple hills ef the Coast Range.
Two complete Courses «.f 8iu«ly;,'tl <’Chi-sit'd ami ti e Scitiililic, Lave been Tiranged, em­
bracing togetlu'i’ Mathermiruis, Anciciit ¿nid Ali.'dein Lsiigtiuges, English, beience. Ait,- Music,
Bible, liook-ketTiiig-lli«ry uinT’nitrtH^a.Tg^iiiibl«iFt«ny’, etc., and students, by the ad­
vice and consent of the Faculty, can puisue tinse studies srioiin tabe rnrr^t narnntageoiiR to
them After the close of the regular Hesaioii. a Normal class will bo formed and taught by two
of the Vroftssors hr tlierl ciictit of these who ikfirc to pass examination be foie stono County
Board 1« r Teael.ers cei'tilicatcs.
'i.MJUi e M exts .
— ■
To those who 1 ave s« ns, dauglib’is or iiirt-ds fqMuc«(tjr-we cun offer rare advaiitages and
strung indue» n t his to st ml to tins Hckuol, v i/.': ’
1. A «iiiiet sml crtlerlv O41t>ge louii, tùdoûlu_J‘linlai>g-I»lace <’i Gainblmg-liouse
within tin' «• mil'-'of -il"' I u.tuii'g-. Ymir soirs aie Inn tiee lorn ll.c-e 1« mptatiuns tb
criui«’. .
2. Auiiblc, experienced ami-enthusiastic racuity.
.... 3. U B hip irt c Tinr i'H' of Hfnrly. wi f h l l'-oit i i gh in i't i'iictiu»; — --------------- ---- —r---------- -
4. The advantage of formal training. *
____ fom Rites of Tuition ami Modei.itc Exyciw.’s, Our charges are lower than ihot-e of auy ______
other.School of like grutle on the < oast, i-ntl young men sml womer wh«»Jisve to educate
themselves, will liete limi, iato opportuniiies’to carry out their noLJr-prriposes.
_j______ _
Tuition in Collegiate Department, per term
“ “ **
---- a tir«¿
! . . grade
.......J.. ...
. ••
second grade
- •• Primary........... .........._.
Instrumental Music, per month..
Use of'Instrument.................. .....
Vocalizafion................................ • • ■
Drawing and Painting.................. » .
-f~¡---- ~
M oderiTLanguiiges, per term.
Board, per week.......... ... ...
All tuition must he paid in advance. Penmanship at teacher’s price.
extra charges.
l or Catalogue or furtlfcr particulars, address
. $25 (M3
22 30
.. 20 00
... 10 IM)
... « 00 ~-
... 2 (X)
... « to
... 6 GO
10 I O
4 00
No janit< r’s feed or
..... A -
J. C. KEITH, President.
An Extraordinary OfFej. '
There are ft number
persons out of cm
ploymeut in every county,—yet energetic men
willing to work do not need to l»e. 't hose will­
ing t<> work can make from $100 to$50tfa month
clear, working for us in a pleasant. and ptrnia-
tient business- The amount yur agents make
vaiies,—some making as liigbaa $500 a
while other» as low as $1G<|, all depending on
the energy of the agent.. Me have an article
of great merit. It should lie sol I to even
House-owner, and pays over H1I j credit profit.
Each sale is from $3 50 U»
line agent
in Pennsylvania sold 32 hl two days, and cleared
$64.00. An agent iu New York made $15.00 in
< lie dav. Any man vv itli energy enough to work
a full «lay, anil will do iliis during the year can
rrake from $2,000 t» $6,COO a year. We only
want one man in each county, and to hini will
give the exclusive sale us long as he continues
to work faithfully for us. J here is no conqieii-
tion, ami nothing like our invention—uuulv.
Parti« s having from $2.0 toil,(H)0 to invest, can
obtain a General Agency for ten eeuniies or a
sta'e. Anv one can make an invislnie'it oT
from $2b to $1,000 without the least risk of loss,
as our Circulars will sl.ow that those inverting
$25 can «»Her a .‘Ml d ys trial return tho goods
unsold to us and get tlieir money back, il they
do not clear at least $100. 'J lie/ show that a
General Agent who will lake ten counties anil
invest $2l0.t»O can after a (rial of. 90 days re­
turn all goods unsold to us, and have imuiey
returned to them if they tail H^xleur nt least
$750.(X) in that time, AVe are not paying salar­
ies, but want men willing towoik and obtain
as their pay lire profits ot their energy. Afen
Hot willing to work on our tonus will uotwoik
on any. Those meaning business will receive
our large descriptive circular, and extraordina­
ry offer l»y enclosing a three edit stamp, jvitlr
their address. The fiist to camply with our
terms will secure the county or coimlies thev *
may wish to work.
Address, R enner M ani facti ’ iiino C o .,
118 Smithfield Htroct, Pitiftburg, Pa
Collage City, (’ill.
T._ ,
F. G. A li . en , Editor, G. W. Y ancey , Associate.
✓ ’
I devoted to the advocacy and defence of
Apostolic teaching and practice. ‘’Ask tor the
Old-Paths, and walk therein” is its motto, its
practice and ils leaching. Its matter is pure,
rate, flesh and sparkling. Its make i.p is
orderly, neat, attractive and on excellent paper.
A specimen copy will satisfy all of the above,
and will cost you but the time and postal card
on which the request is made. Address the
I nblishers. bee •• Our Principles," and ’‘Our
_____ . ’
Single Subscription, One Year, $2 00 ; Sixf
Months, $1 GO ; Three Months, 50 els.
C'Ll 11 BATES.
To any one sending a club of five and $10 00
cash, an extra copy.
't in. Oi l> /'.»ill lit ¡PE p$2 00) anti ;
Tur Won» anp T he W oi . k i50cts.) $2 25.
/’ aciuc C hi r.< h N ews ($1 (X)) $2 50.
T he C hristian II ebalp ($2 00) $3 (X).
Address for specimens,
C. C. U line & Co.,
General /’nblishers of Church and Sunday
School Supplies, 310 Wes’ Alain St.,
Louisville, Ky.
i » i 1 a week in ,vour own town. $5 Outfit
ft. ’ ‘’ ficc. bio link. Everything r.ew. < *•)>-
ital not required. We will furnish jou every­
thing.. Many are'making ioi tunes’.
make as much as men. and Isiys and girls make
gnat p,iy. lender if you want a buaineaM nt
winch you can niakc^great pay all the time yon
work, write for paiticulars to 11. H allett A c
Co., Portland, Maine.