Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, September 01, 1882, Image 1

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    C hristian H erald .
The Pacific ChurcK News has
entered its second volume with
good prospects before it. We hop*
Publisher and Proprietor, Monmouth, Or. its influence may grow as it deserv­
Subscription Price :
We -acknowledge the receipt of
the Columbia, Commercial Colley?.
Journal, of which W. S. James is
principal. ,It is replete witli in­
formation for the business man. It
shows the-r College to have had a
prosperous session. There were 95
matriculatffij in all branches, 51 of
whom were in the regular college
course. Prospects are favorable for.
a full attendance this year. ———
A Noble Deed.
John Smallwood, one of our
brethren, living in Union county,
Ky, has given almnt 75,000, the
interest of which preach­
Cue Copy, one year............................ $2 00
One Copy, six months......... ............... 1 00
ers to lalior in neighlioring conn-'
»Says Bro. Ware, in th<* Pacific
ties in destitute localities, and to
Church Neyjg:
Prices will be given <tn npp4icati<>n.
build up new'churches.' But only
The prospects of the cause in
and competent ministers are
| Entered at the Post-office at Monmouth, as
accond »-lavs marl matter. |
to lie employed. This is a wise use
church stand sure. The bugle-cry
Please Nolice.
of mjney, which TJod will approve.
of the great Captain of ouu salva
We yp not responsible fcr' the opinions and
Woe to the ^tajlyart in those We hope the good example will be
. sentiments expressed by our contributors, but tion is,“To the front;” and he that
T for -our own »writing alone. Hence our readers is not willing to stand there at his
•lays. Woe to the man who wants foliowe<l by other wealthy breth-
oust judge for^heyjjMilvqH, We intend to give
i ren. The hoarding of money is
space tor the free expfession of opinion, within
the limits of sound disc re .ion, and the good of dier.
There is no time nor place the'spoils of office in those days. 1 condemned by the teaching and the
the cause ; but not Ire held as indorsing what
in this mighty work for cora-titu Woe p> the man who would strad­
others may write.
tional croakers and fault-finders. dle two issues, serve God and mam­ spirit of Jesus. Our brethren haVe
All matter intended for publication in this
The liest thing they can do is to mon ami run'for congress at the great wealth ; yet the greatest spir­
pairer should l>e written :
1. On one side of the sheet only.
“ right about face
fop if they do same tilde, during those months itual destitution exists. The life-of
2. In a plain legible hand.
3. Let there be plenty of spare between the not, they are sure to lie sent back
Jesus is the only perfect example
and years.
of love in all human history; he
4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so
that it tnaj not be defaced in transit. -
5. Write brief articles.
'Let your prayer lie CQinposed of gave his life a ransom for all
caus<! they were unfitted for the
When you scud money for the paper, please
ihaoksgiviug, praise, confession and\ Apostolic Times.
Ire sure and state whothor.the name for which contest of the hour.
it b sent is now on our Jis' or not.
petition, without any argument or
Expect no attention to articles, notices, or
queries not accompanied by your name.
The California State Meeting exhortation addressed to those who
Winning Souls.
If any subscriber fails to get the H erald in
due tim e , or fail s to g e» it regularly, we wtH will begin Sept, 8th on the fair are supposed to lie praying with
take it as a groat favor if he will n<*»tify ns at
Ample” ar­ you. Adopt no fixed forms of ex­
once. We are very anxious that the paper grounds at »San Jose.
Christian character is indispen­
should reach every sulmc-riber regularly.
pression, except such as you obtain sable to the winner of soul.3. There
:.-£r------- ------ ------------- - 2
campers and a good meetin^.may from Scriptures. Express your de­ must lie consistency. A young
T ime oe O pening C hristian be expected. We had hoped to be
man I know had the utmost re­
C ollege . —As a few Catalogues abl<* to attend this meeting, but a sires in the briefest, simplest form,
without circumlocution. Avoid the spect for religion, <‘specialty for his
went out with a wrong date in the
P' •ess of duties will prevent. Our
employer, whom he regarded as the
Calendar, will all please notice that liest wishes will lie with the breth- use of compound terms in place of
Hallow God’s very emliodiment of religious prin­
| imperfect tense.
the time for the College to open is
ren in their good work.
name by avoiding its unnecessary ciple. On one occasion, however,
Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1882.
repetition. Adopt the simple de-, the employer, dosing his temper,
Says the Alliance. Hessen yr, of
dirases of Scripture ; but used a profam* oath. From that
l.votional pl
The programme of the Coopera­ Hanford, Tulere Co., Cal. :
time religion and religious institu­
tion of the Christian brotherhood -The protracted meeting of the avoid the free use oF its figures, tions seemed to have lost their hold
of Oregon to lie held at Eugene Christion Church that was to have and all quaint and doubtful appli­
on that'young man. Again, there
City, beginning Oct. 18th, is to be Iwen held at this place on the 20th cation of its t'Tins for foreign siib- must l>e affectioiiateness. The man
? jects. Pray to God and not to
found in this issue. I bis meeting inst, has been posponed, owing to I
that hath friends must show him­
is a matter of much interest to ev­ the fact that VV. A. Meloan could man Addison Alexander.
self friendly. Other things being
not lie present as announced, to
ery brother in the State, ami espe­ take charge of the meeting. Meet
equal, a man’s power for winning
“ Papa, «Io yoit ever look at . me
cially in the Willamette valley.
ing will be held later in the season
souls may be.directly lifeasUred by
while you are preaching!* 1 2 3 4 5” The
and due notice will be given.
: his power for inspiring affection
father, thinking ..the. Iioy a little
The Boys and Girls Aid Society,
and confidence. Cross ami angular
Erwin what we can learn so far, hurt by supposed neglect, said :
of San Franciscp is doing a noble
women, though their intentions
Since May 1st—sixteen the coming Cooperation will I m - “Certainly, my son, I often look at may I«* good, will, never win many
weeks ago—the Society has fuc well attended. The programme you and think of you when l am souls. The quiet beaming presence
nished 881- Lodgings and 2582 will be full, and we trust all the preaching.” “ But to-day, did you of a cripple, whom I buried the
meals to friendless boys and girls; sessiifns will be interesting and in­ notice me at all ”• “ Yes, 1 did, other day, was the means of bring­
has distributed to these children structive. Several preachers and son several times,” said the father ing many a s»»ul to Christ.— New
11 : brethren have recently come “ Well, papa, did you see me wink
Gh 3 pieces of clothing; has found' other
ForÆ Ad,coca te.
“ £io,
employment for 57 boys and "girl s to or lb; S^hte and we look for others at you two or three times
in the city, and placed in homes or Itefone the time of meeting. Lot my son. What did you wink at
The realization of God’s presence
otherwise started on more hopeful all uhe their utmost endeavors to me for when 1 was preaching?” “I
careers 92 children, 41 of whom make it the most profitable gather­ winked at you, papa, to stop ; you is the one sovereign remedy .against
were taken directly from the courts ing-of the Christian church over were spinning it too long.”— b-ter- temptation. It is that which sus-
— buns ùh -, consolés us, and calms us,
held in Oregon.
qi prisons.
——“ ■ 1 ■ r «—Η
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