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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1882)
t % ’ 16 ft ♦ CHRÎSTÎÀK HERALD. A k The public school at The Dalles will to-day peremptorily ordered Arabi Pasha been appointed. Président of the Blue not be opened until the completion of to lay down his arms, and if he refuses Mountain University at La Grand. Portland. « ' ‘ the sultan will' have him to be dealt Thos. F. Beall, of Manzanita precinct, the brick bnilding. Thirty-one tracts of land have been Jackson county, has just threshed 13G8 W alla W alla , Aug. 21.—The right witn by the English. Two regiments added to the cities of Portland and bushels of wheat from 27 acres, an aver of way for the ruilroad connecting of highlander«, the Derbyshire regi East Portland durihg the past year. Walia Walla with the Baker City road ment and thaghorse guards, are about to age of over 50 bushels to the acre. The Chinese firm 'of Coung Ching & ■Buildings in course of erection in has been secured, and things look march through the city. The steamer Co., of this city, have chartered the Seattle will cost nearly 8250,000. bright for the early beginning and Catalonia, with the west Kent regiment has arrived. American bark Coloma, Captain Cyrus Salem is to have a new gas company. speedy completion of the work. W. Noyes, for Hongkong. She will sail The School for deaf mutes at Salem Wheat is worth 84 cents at McMinn P aris , Aug. 15.—Bankers telegraph about October 20 with a full cargo of ville. will on the Gth of Septem from Egypt confirming the report that ' Wheat is GO cents per bushel at ber. Rev. P. S. Knight will be in freight and passengers. Arabi Pasha will snbmib'to the sultan. Waitsburg. charge. On Aug. 15th. Alex Mayer began con The Colfax Democrat has been moved Business Locals struction of a two story brick building Eastern. to Palouse City. on the south side of Washington street, Nr.w O rleans , Aug. 15,—Montgome Forty five men are at work on the tel Miss Emma Waller requests those west of First. It will be occupied as egraph line between Klamath and Bid- ry City quarantine'»! against Pensacola i. '“Who are indebted to her to call and ft . stores and offices, j, well, and it will ba finished by Septenv last night on account of nnmerons re-^ make settlement, as she needs the ports of fever there. The President of the State Temper her 10. money in her .business. ance Alliance has-instructed Messrs. A tlanta , Ga., Aug. 16.—Senator The residence of H. C. Wilkinson, on When in Portland, don’t forget the McDougall & Bower, attorneys of this Big Butte, Jackson county, was burned Benjamin II. Hili'of this State died at Pacific Boot and Shoe House. The city, to prepare and have ready for the last week, together with the entire con his home in this city of cancer of the leading Boot and Shoe dealers are mouth at 6:15 this morning, For seveV- Cardwell, Bennett <fc Co., 109 First St. approaching session of the legislature tents. Twenty thousand dollars has been al hours before Senator Hill's death it J 2 23 0m an act to submit to the votes of the peo The “ Little Gallery Rcnnd the Cor ple the question of whether the consti- apportioned to Oregon for public sur was evident that the end was near. ner” Yamhill St., near 4th, is making tion of this State shall be so amended as veys, $15,000 to Idaho and $25,000 to A tlanta , Ga., Aug. 19.—Senator Hill Cabinet Photos for $4, and Cards $2 per to prohibit the rtfpanufacture, Bale, or Washington Territory. was buried this afternoon by an Vscort dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed or Last week the Wallowa s‘age, driven of the Atlanta bar and congressional mopey refuntied. to sell, o^giving away, any or • all kinds of spiritijpus, vinous, malt, or by Frank D. McCuHv, one of the pro compiittee, with a long line of carriages. Jno. A. MacDonald, of the Salem any other intoxicating liquors within prietors of the line, slid off the grade Nearly 20,000 people were on the street Marble and Granite Works, Commer cial- Street, south • of the post office, in the Wallowa canyon and rolled down and'in the procassion. the State of Oregon. ? manufactures ail kinds of monuments: A tchison , R s .. Aug. !(>.—A terrific Italian marble a speciality. Prices re Wednesday night, Aug: 16th, at 10 into the river, about ^‘50 feet below. o’clock, after an illness extending for Four passengers in the stage were nice thunder storm passe»! over the centra) duced one-half nearly two years, Mrs. Emily T. Craw ly “ ducked ” but otherwise escaped in branch of the country west of this city - N ew M vhc .—Semi stamp to Wiley B. ford, wife of Prof. Thomas H, Craw jury, save a few bruises.. The wagon this morning. It extended from Corn Allen, most popular music dealer, Port ing to Irving. At Corning, John Baller land, Olr., for complete catalogue and ford, Superintendant of the Portland was wrecked. Two large wagons loadeil with wool; anil two daughtersjj-ere instantly kilkd sample copy. •’ Musical* Pastime.” All public sohools, died. Wherever she orders by mail filleil promptly. Tie elder, aged 15 was known—and her circle of friends furs and the personal effects of a Vioto by lightning. Household Sewing Machine took and acquamtences was as wide as the ria lady, went over a bluff on Thompson years, was standing in the doorwaw car the The first premium at the great Man- — ri ver, B. <\, a few days si pee. Carrying rying a 2 year old baby in her arms; Chester (England) Exposition for the bounderies of Oregon and Washington best family Sewing Machine. John B. —Mrs. Crawfoad was loved and respect down 13 yoke of oxen attached to them. when the bolt fell killing both. Loss, nearly $5,000. Garrison, general agent, 167 3rd 8t., M atamoras , Aug 19. — Eleven deaths ed. The funeral will take place at Portland, Oregon. Among the notable social events of from fever in the last 24liours. But no Salem, probably to-morrow, an»l there recent occurrence at Salem was the Mrs. O J. DeLetts, Dress and Cloak new cases. may be private services here. Maker ; ‘ also Ulsters and Dolmans. . marriage of Mr. E. W. Langdon, the —H iluek ' s CitoSilNo, Ohio. Aug. 15 — ‘ Congressman M. Cr George has left Catting und Fitting a specialty. Ap Well known druggist of Albany, to Miss A passenger and freight train on the prentices wanted. Inquire or call at Washington, and is en route home via Nettie Piper, daughter of Hon. W. G. Cleveland and-Marietta railroad collided North-west Cor. Fourth and Salmon the Northern Pacific railroad. He is Piper, of Salem, Aug. IGth. She is a here yesterday and both engines were Sts., Portland. "Room No. 3. 12-4m expected to arrive here early in Septem lady who stands at. the head of the vo wrecked. Miss Josie Carn was killed ber. • F. E. Beach & Co., 103 First calists of this State, and one whose so and many passengers hurt. Street, Portland, carry a complete line Monmouth mid Vicinity. cial qualities has endeared her to the P aris , Aug. 15.—Two trains came in of painter’s stock, window glass, ready The Editor is in Salem attending the hearts of a large circle of friends. collision to-day between Brusson and mixed paints, lubricating oils, brushes, glazed Windows, etc. Catalogue State Teachers’ Association, now in C olton , Cal., Aug. 15.—The first Loreac, on the line from Pengelud to doors, truJTPrice list furnished on application. session at that place. passenger train from »San Diego arrived Agen, and three persons were killed and 12-21-3m Weather continues fine for harvesting this afternoon at 4:25, following the last six injurod. The Oregon Furniture Manufactur and wheat hauling, although the roads rail laid at Colton. The citizens of the N ew Y ork , Aug. 20.—President ing Co. have just moved into their new are getting very dusty. place turned out to greet the California Arthur has given 8200 for the Garfield and commodious four story brick build- • ing on the east side of First, between TLe warehouse at this place is near Southern railroad and gave it a hearty memorial hospital. , Taylor and Salmon Streets, where those ing completion and ihe machinery will welcome by taking possession of the en in want of Furniture or Carpets will gine and tendor and giving three heaity be in operation in a day or two.' find it to their advantage to call and ex Foreign. amine their stock, as none but first ’ cheers, after which Hen. Jno. Shirley A great deal of wheat is already stored C apetown , Aug. 21.—The small-pox class goods are kept in this establish at the warehouse, and Btill there is Ward was called for and made a very is spreading ¿ere in an alarming man ment. welcome and timely address. He was ■ room, bring it along. ner. The mortality is great. *- NOTICE. There has not been enough rain, in followed by Hon. Jno. Lawshe. The L ondon , Aug. 21.—A dispatch from connection of the California Southern this part of the valley to lay the dust Port Said says entry into Suez canal is My wife, Elizabeth J. Morrison, har since the 4th of July ; and still crops railroad gives San Diego an outlet by forbidden by the English at both ends ing left my home without cause, I for rail to San Francisco an<4 the east, and bid any person crediting her on my and gardens are excellent. This will, of the canal. gives Colton another sea port and ship aoconnt. doubtless, seem strange to eastern peo L ondon , Aug. 17.—Private telegrams ping point. T homas J. M orrison . ple. , received in London say the troubles in A young lady in Lost Valley, Lane Prof. J. E. Fenton, of Eugene City, county, borrowed a threshing machine Corea have culminated in a general in was in town on Monday. ‘ of Jcs. Parker and in one half day surrection, and the king and queen have All letters inquiring about Christian threshed out 201 bushels of oats. She been assassinated. The Japanese lega College are answered promptly. Send bucked her own straw, held the sacks, tion was attacked by natives belonging [Notices in this column, fen cent* perline each'insertion.] for catalogue. tended the riddles and oiled the sepera- to, anti-foreign party and a Japanese man-of-war has been dispatched to Bro. and Sister Wolverton, of Motr tor. QNE TWO SEATED, FOUR SPRING Seoul river. mouth, have gone to Spokane Falls, W. A little daughter of F. M. Bashby, hack, nearly as good as new. Will T., on a visit to their children residing was bitten by a rattlesnake last week, . S t . P etetsbcrg , Aug. 16.—Engineer be sold reasonable. Apply at this office. at that place. which nearly cost her her life, though Melville and seamen, Ninderman and Noros, survivors of the Jeanette will to A DWELLING HOUSE AND LOTS, at present she is slowly recovering. Pacific Coast. ** in Monmouth. Pleasant, retirtd Prof. J. W. Merritt has been employ day arrive at Moscow, where they will location. Price low. Apply in person Diphtheria is again prevalent in Walla ed as principal of the Jacksonville pub meet a grand reception. or by letter to the office of the H era to Walla. lic v. G. M. Irvin, of Walla Walla, has j lie school. ►. A lexandria , Aug. 15,—The nultan for further informatioo. NEWS OF THE WEEK FOR SALE. ✓ fl -7.'. 5' ' 'V I / "A i. A ■ < <