F 4 i CHRISTIAN liJCKALü 9 XX / ifrhich he drew the subsistence, of un the liujnan race. It does all Alcoholic and Tobacco Drunk Intemperance. , ennes8. ' his Wife and children. Still, it was The following extinct from un iwltlronn by that and more—it murders the ___ their only subsistence ailtl the only Col. Robert Ingersoll, the eloquent' orator, soul. It is the sum of villainies, •t»»»- where it is appreciated. We have spurns order. It crowds the penh man comes upon the. deck of a lost some • of our oldest friends tentiaryand furnishes victims for steamer, and blows clouds of tobac- co-smoke in their faces without already through you.” (Old “ NATIONAL,” Established 18W>J the scaffold. It is the life-blood of even remarking tobacco is disa “ I was never called surly be­ the gambler, the food of the coun­ grccable to some people. A man /.?$ Front St. bet. Washington fore,” said George, quietly. and Alder, terfeiter, the prop of the highway­ when he unconcernedly sings false ’ “ It's the same thing; I am told man, the support of the midnight PORTLAND, OR. « that you refuse to take a civil glass incendiary and assassin, the friend betrays that he has no ear for mus­ A. P. Armstrong,— - - Principal« ic; and a man who smokes in this J. A. Wesco, - Penman and Secretary» when it’s offered to you, and that’s and companion of the brothel. ? ■ " . way shows that he is not a gentle­ an insult the dealers don’t easily It countenances the liar, respects man.— Harper’s Magazine. An icatitntion designed for tlie practical buti forgive or forget. ” nos» education of l*>th sexes. the thief, and esteems the blasphe­ •f •1 “ I you mean that I won’t drink, mer. It violates obligations, rever­ Cannot Afford It. you are right, sir; I’ve made up ences fraud, and honors infamy. It There pre a great many families STUDENTS my mind never to do that again. defames benevob nee, hates love, which can not a fiord things which on any week-day of th^ year. No But I should think you would be scorns virtue, and slanders inno are needful for their, comfort and Admitted vacations at any time, and no exam-' glad of that; you always advertise cence. It incites the father to convenience. Many a poor woman ¡nation on entering. X for sober men, and think how many butcher his innocent children, helps is deprived of many luxuries and for the Fnll Business you have had to turn away for the husband to kill his wife, and comforts because she can not afford SCHOLARSHIP, - ' Courue, $<î0. j» drinking.” aids the chil I to grind the parrici­ them, while her husband can afford “ Certainly, I won’t have drunk­ dal ax. It burns up men, consumes his liquors, his cigars and his to­ FEN WORK ards to work for me ; it is not re­ women, detests life, curses God, and bacco Three ten cent cigars a day Of all kinds executed to order at reasonable + spectable, and they’re not safe dri­ despises l Iicaven._ It suborns wit cost SL0D.50 in a year. Three ten- rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. vers; but 1 don’t want a temper­ nesses, nurses perjury, defiles the cent drinks a day cost as much I The College Jonni-1. containing information ance lecturer to sell beer, and unless jury-box, and stains the judicial er­ more, making $211) guzzled,smoked cf tlie course of study, when to enter, time you can regain your common sense mine. and worse than wasted by the head required, cost of board, ptc ind nntn nf pl-i g- and recommend my business by It bribes voters, corrupts elec­ of the family, which would go very and ornamental penmanship, all from the pen of Prof. Wosco, sent free. making yourself agreeable to my tions, poisons our institutions, and Addrora far towards supplying other mem­ A. P. ARMSTRONG, cust miers, you bail better look for endangers our government. It de­ bers of the family with money, Lock Box 104. PniiTuitn, O b . another situation.” 12 33-tint grades the citizen, lowers the legis­ articles of food and clothing, which G urge did look, and fortunately lator, and dishonors the statesman would greatly minister to their —was it only by fortune or chance? It brings shame, not boner; terror, comfort. But dram drinkers and Ï KI DN EY-WORT • — ound one as good as, if not bet­ .not safety ; despair, not hope; FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF tobacco users resemble that man of ter, pecuniar ly, than Fleischman's, e » o where his cmneieirco no longer misery, not happiness ; and then, whom it-was baid, “ Of all his No other diacaao is so prevalent in thia conn- I a> with the malevolence of a fiend, it troubled him on the score.of carry­ father’s family he loved himseirthtT try in OonaUpation, and no remedy has ever . •C equalled the celebrated Kidney-Wort aa a c ing about liquor. ,Ile often reads calmly surveys its frightful desola­ best.” A little more attention to ci ire. Whatever tho cause, however o bet inate a the case, this remedy will overcome if. - i>i the papers advertisements for tion ; and insatiate, with havoc, it the second and great command DU ETC THIS distreeeing ooxb- t > • ■ plaint Is very apt to be -I ** solier ami industrious men,” and poisons felicity, kills peace, ruins incut, “ Thon shalt love thy nc’.gh- oompUoated withoonsUpation. Kidney-Wort ■ strengthens tho weakened parts and quickly © laughs as he tells his children how, bor as thyself,” would greatly im­ curca all kinds of Piles even when physicians >. _ \ © medicines have before failed. because he was “ sobtr ami indus­ morals, blights confidence, slays prove the behavior of the gentle­ Ë and tt Olf you havo either of these trouble« trious,” he' lost his situation with reputation; wipes cut national hon­ men, and cheer the hearts of many PRICK SI. ] use r Orugglats Sell ] the great brewer.— M. E. W inslow , or, then curses the world, and sad children and weary wives,— National Temperance Advocate. I KI DN EY-WORT I laugh» at the ruin it has inflicted The Safeguard. - T — -I... _ _______ ' z*/ ■ « ■ f : BUSINESS COLLEGE, I ’I I ■ ¥ ' 9 9 F r c. % I f r i