Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, August 18, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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m unity.
Well Said.
tute a cooperation for such work as
ilut that each individual should
may be deemed advisable with such
, —Bro. D. M. Doty has been
from his seat in the great con­
Bro. S. K. Hoshoun reports to the
stated meetings as may seem ne­
quite sick for some time, but was gregation and merely shake a hand
Standard some of the thoughts ad-
is a custom neither in
getting better aryl able to sit up a
TMifflrl k¥ 4uMathft|.lw*- minister, on
in conformityto any
scriptural precedent: su we tnmir,—
have no missionary spirit its days the Methodist camp ground, near
—Bro. B. H. Smith has been and so we have always practiced.
of usefulness are past and it should Indianapolis, that are worth repeat­ holding a debate at Oak Grove, in
We read a letter of introduction,
ing. Verily .the “jeligious world ” South-eastern Kansas. He is able
cease an existence.
call the party forward so as to face
---- - ----------------- ------
is rapidly growing towards the
the congregation, and the presiding
in discussion.1
A Note From Portland. |
at the time, naming him, in­
-—Bro. Edmunds, a preacher of
him to the congregation,
He made Timothy the represen­ experience in the Freewill Baptist
The ‘ "ftTliowhig--Junior
in, its liehalf, with a cordial wel­
tative of Hiereligion
church, united wiFIi the Carltoii come by the custom anTF^usage of
Editor will be of interest to all :
rather than that of emotion. “ A
Dear Bro. Stanley :
gush of emotion may seem to be congregation the first ¿Sunday of shaking hands, bids him take a
For the satisfaction and encour­ genuine Religion,‘ but it does not this month. He is well recom­ seat amongst the brethren and par­
mended, ami will find a hearty take with them in all the ordinan­
agement of all who may be inter­ transform. True religion regener-
ces of the Lord’s family.
' welcome among ua.
. -
ested m the cause at Portland (and ■ ates ami makes manin Christ ~^Bro. U. A Bailhuiumeu, tlw —
mi n d, ...ia i qu~
JesUs.” “ Timothy had an enlight­
there are many) 1 will say that a ened conscience ; was guarded with successful pastor of Covington, Ky., different from a confused formality
letter just received from Bro. Hen­ vigilant watch-care, and Paul, with will remove in November to Phila­ that puts a whole congregation in
ry Shadle,'bf Modesto, Cal x signi­ one stroke of bis pen, when in a I delphia, to take charge of the motion and employs a hymn or a
fies bi the church here his accept­ Roman prison, showed the true Fourth Christian church in that song to. be ¡¿¿ng by the whole
church merely as a form, which is •
ance of the call extended him and secret, of his character—‘ From a
an innovation and a stiff formality,
child hast thou kiuhon the lloty
will be here (1). V ) to commence Scripture.’” There must be a life years connected with the Rich­ neither edifying any one, as other
his labors the first Lord’s day in founded on that tremendous word, mond St. church in Cincinnati, re­ human customs appended to the
“ Right.” “ the transparent for all moves to. Louisville, Ky., to preach Christian institution.
With kindest Christian regards,
He says: “If the brethren at the failure# in our churches, is tlie for the Floyd & Chestnut St
yours, in the good hope.
Portland are calling me to do ail 'lamentable iynoraoce of (tod's
A. C ampbell .
Timothy’s.. religion was in
the work, 1 am not the man” IF mind and heart. 4t was leaj'ned have begun work on tliuii lamse to
Seattle and New Tacoma.
they want flashy, sensational and lived. Sentimental religion cost $18000. Bro. W. B. Craig is
• . preaching, 1 am not the one. If pltiys with emotions ainl leaves the doin'* a good work there.
* S kookum C huck , Aug. 8,1882.
I). 'J'. Stanley :
they want the practical duties of a conscience to slumber. Religion of
We ^Commend to the considera
S ir ,—I have just returned
■ 'Christian pointed out as far as 1
tion of the '"■brethren the following from Seattle, anti thought that a
can ; if they are in earnest about
whether a person's religion is true letter from A. Campl «ell regarding tew lines would not be out of place
building up a lighthouse for the or false. —r-
if directed to you.
the “ right hand of fellowship
world to behold the beauty of holi­
This was my first visit to the
A truly converted heart grows
B ethany , Va., June 23, 1852.
of Seattle in my future, year’s
sensitive to the approach of sin, as
ness, I am ready to do all 1 can.”
M y D ear B rother ,—Your favor
1 preached in the city on
, From my acquaintance I feel to the sensitive plant is to the touch of June 19th is now before me. 1
the fourth Lord’s day in last
sav that S. will find they are of the human hand. When you see hasten to respond.
one brought into the church who
in the Pretestant Metho-
There is- a tendency to fowes
in earnest in the work before them, <loes not give up wrong-doing, you
(Rev. Mr. Daymon
more than to principles in the un­
and from what we know of Bro. 8. may know there is another victim enlightened classes of mankind in kindly /giving away to me), to
the church here expects to welcome of self-decention ami another stum­ all circumstances. There is often a large ami attentive audience.
to their midst a pure-hearted Chris­ bling-block. Low ideas of duty, seen the.form of godliness without After the service I called for our
brethren, if any were present, to
tian gentleman, and an able ex­ ami low standards of heart and life, the power of it.
are the curse of the church of God. ’ There is, however, the use of remain or let themselves be known.
pounder of the truth.- And they I saw, this morning, a band of boys
words and forms pf expression even Twelve remained, and 1 was glad
also expect to render him that as­ from 7 to 10 years old, tugging in our addresses, and in the emo enough to form their acquaintance,
sistance so necessary in carrying away at cigars. Was Timothy lions of our hearts to God. Hence, as I was feeling lonesome and out
things are to be done decently in of heart.
forward every good work and in made of such stuff as they /
At four o’clock I preached in the
Feeling, alone, without a ground­ form as well as in order and in
making the church what it ought
work of principle, is a worthless significance.
Y* C. M. Hall, to a crowded house,
to be, a beacon-light to all around. thing in the kingdom of God. Men
The right hand of fellowship, and and in the evening at eight o’clock
More anon.
W oi . verton .__. that are sensible in other things, the congratulation of a new mem- J preached in the M. E. chureh
—--------------- • • • •--------------- -
expect so much result from so little—p n e r on--bapti s m or by l e tter, -4a
again. During the week following
Bro. Doty writes us as follows: cause—so much fruit from so little very natural and lieautiful ex­ 1 visited from house to house in the
*• We need a good man at Browns­ labor.
pression of our feelings and attach­ city, making 167 visits, and found
six more brethren, but they were
ments in the Lord.
ville and one at Albany. We need
not willing to work. At present
men of experience and godly lives
Brothen ■ are you one of that
we have twelve good working mein-
at both these points. The cause at congregation whose members spend a whole community, and in the hers in the city of Seattle ; one of
midst of singing a spiritual song,
suffering—the sufficient time playing marbles, is an atvkwaid and, in my opinion, them (Bro. Denny) offers to give
church becoming scattered and dis-' cracking vulgar jokes and telling an uh iva> ranted ceremony. , The land enough to-build a house U|x»n,
courage« 1. A good, faithful man ugly yarns which if rightly used elder of a Christian church may, on on condition that we build the
located there could build it up * * would support two able ministers a letter of introduction, or on the house. The brethren are trying to
A good man could get a fair sup­ the year around telling the g<xxl reception of one by baptism, give, rent a room to meet in, and intend
in the name and behalf of a Chris­ to organize a Sunday school as soon
news of the kingdom to those with- tian church, *
port there.” -
1 wi111 ou|,
___ any vote or as they can.
We certainly should rejoice to out' Christ ? And arc you pnejuf -other ceRmiony, the right hand of
In Tacoma,! did not meet with
see a floUTishlngchurch at Browns- that number who grumble that fellowship, and thus introduce to the same sucqfss, but 1 found a few
■ ville, but we fear that at present the church has very little preaching the brotherhood a stranger, or one. faithful brethren there. 1 could
there are difficulties that will not or that the preacher is very unin­ necessarily unknown to them, as a get no room /to preach in, so I
brother in thi*»Lord ; and thus give talked to them*’iii their homes ; yet
l>e easily overcome. A prudent teresting and because he has to him a place in the church. This is 1 am not discouraged, and am con­
man, however, located there, might work all the week tp suppoij his due to a stranger in any of the fident that we will succeed in the
»V overcome these and do a grand* family. And do you. know of no walks of social life who desires to near future in a church
become a resident in any com- in both places.
S. C. E hpy .
remedy ? Read 2 Thes, 3 : 6-12.
.•• • .