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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1882)
». 15- THE CHRISTIAN HERALD A bald-headed man says his hair reminds him of a fool and his money.—Boston Post. Agents for The Christian Herald. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY FROM PORTLAND and MONMOUTH, OREGON. A Cough, Cold or Sore Tin oat Should be stopped. Neglect frequently results in an Incurable Luug Dlaemi«-or Consump tion. BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES does rior dlsorder tlie stomach like cough svrupa and balsams, but net directly on the lnftuni. ed parts, allayiilg irritation,- give relief in Ast hut a, Broiicliitis, Coughs. Catarrh, and the Throat Troub’cs which Slltgersand Public Speakers are subject to. For thirty years Browui’s Bronchial- Troches have been recommended by physicians,, and have always given perfect satisfaction. Having been tested bv wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, thoy have attainod well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Bold at 25 cents a box everywhere. ■ 12-1-1 y 'The following persons are agents for T he C hristian H erald , and are authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscriptions. If ho agent is convenient, remit the amount direct to the office by registered letter or postal order on' Monmotitli:— OREGON. rftHE HERALD IS THE ONLY WEEKLY ................T. J. Wilcox I on the Pacific coAst published by Disciples Aumsville............... j J. W. Propst - of Ohrwt, and-is-oF-wffeeial intemst to aU ■ who Albany !. v r.’rr.Trr“' 4 rtToweir desire a paper devoted to pure, primitive ...... ,E. C. Williams* Christianity, unmixed by human creeds or Amity.......... . .. ........ D. H. Putman traditions. -As successor to the Pacific Chris Brownsville.......... .......... Miss E. Davis Bellevue. .. . ............ tian Messenger it is in its .... ......... J. T. Gilfry Cresswell . j /f. ....... I *7 ............... E. P, Large Crawfordville......... V ’ TWELFTH VOLUME, ......... N. P. Briggs Corvallis ............... .......... 8. B. Knox Is on a permanent basis, with good building, Cottage Grove........ ............. Jak. Caldwell -power presses and steam power, an abundance Cailton...'............ . Í Dr. W^jW. Rowland of good material for running such a paper. ¿ 8.1. GerkiDg The H erald contaids each we'ek sixteen Centerville ( G. W. ,V. Ely four-column pages, stitched and trimmed, so as ( N. Garwood to turn like the leaves of a book, with only a Dallas. • ’ r 'i G. W. Crystal limited amount of advertising, and that of the .... .D. H. Dearilcrif most select kind. All advertising not trust Damascus................ Caution the‘"‘young that their .. ____ . .Jas. Harlan worthy is refused. As now published it is one Drain’s Station,.... ................A. L. Todd Elk Head................. work is not in the future, but lying of the ..-. ...R. G. Callison Eugene................... ....... ..Charles Smith Elkton. .......... ........ at their door now. PAPERS Mrs. Belle P. Walker Forest Grove.......... .....t.....C. M. Ely by our brethren. It is conducted by a strong Helix...................... ........ H. Davidson editorial corps, assisted by the conti ibutions Of Halsey............... . . .......... D. 8. Cameron Ilill.sboro .............. . the best writers among us on this coast. We kl ...... .John Harris Harrisburg. .......... feel safe in saying it is one of A SURE CÜRE GUARANTEED. ____ W. L. Hodgen Independence. _ ______ V. 8. Bond irving...................... ....Martin Peterson Jacksonville............ R. E. C. WEST’S NERVE AND BRAIN Every Disciple on this coast should take it Junction. ......J. A. Bushnell treatment, a specific for Hysteria, .Dizzi ...... W. R. Menefeo * ness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental This powder never varies. A marvel • ol Every oue in tho East who desires to know all Kingsley........ ........ . W. D. Fenton Depression, LosS of Memory, Prematuro old purity, strength and wholesomeness. More that takes place of general intereat ‘on this Lafayette........... .. ...... .D. R. Lewis Lewisville........ ^ge, caused by over exertion, or over-indul economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot coast. *« ...J. B. Lewis It contains Leland..................... gence, Excess or Overwork of the Biair, which be sold in competition with tho multitude, ol ......... J. H. Hawley leads to Paralysis, decay or death. One box low tost, short weight, alum or phosphate McCoy................. . . ......... F. M. Gabbert Myrtle Creek.......... will cure recent cases. Each L» >x contains one pbwders. Sold only in cans. R oyal B aking FOUR ........ ._ . 3. W. Cowls McMinnville....... .7 month s treatment; one dollar a l»ox, or six P owder C o ., 106 Wall-street, N. Y. Devoted to such matters as will make it indis- Monroe.......... .. ........ J. L. Wiglo boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on J. E. Davidson, M. D. peusable in every Christian ' family. First Milton................... ..Miss Jennie Wright receipt of price« Wo guarantee six boxes to T. J. I-ee, M. D. ___ s.. .E. Ground comes the M t. Pleasant ...... cure any case. With each order received by us ___ Joseph Robnett i New I’ine Creek.... tor six ¡sixes, accompanied by five dollars, we ’ EIM’VATIDNAU pEPARTMENT ..’. \ C. V, uykemlall i North Yamhill....... ■will send the purchaser our written gusrantee ............. _ E. À Chase I to return the money if the treatment does not PHYSICIANS & SURCEONS, Of groat interest and' value to parents and Oakland............ . . . ...G. W. Handsaker ’ Pleasant Hill....... effect a cure. Guarantees issued only qv teachers. Next comes tho ■ - .......... 5L P. Frizzell ’ AZ Lk UM, VAjaiHLU Perrydale.___ ___ WOODARD, CLARKE 4X A V7KZ.« CO.. * Z' ^TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. I F. Hannah, Jr Wholesab and lta*.-i'. Druggists, Portland, Pendleton.......... v ’ ( N. J. Gerking Oregon. Ord-V 1 • »” regular prices. (Devoted to advancing the great cause of Tcni- Disease* of women a specialty. ....... Drurv Davis a y. peranco, representing the thoughts of 1 tbb Philomath............ . .......... J. W. Cox l’iiot Rock...... .. greatest workers of this important Held. The Prescriptions tilled at the office. ..... .A. F. Campbell Roseburg.......... " Grapple ever with opportunity. RELIGIOUS DEPARTMENT ............ D- Houik Tangent... .......... T. B. Davidson ....... »KS. 1. «. Jt M l It Y T. (OLE, And as you don’t know when op Is the central thought of the paper and em Shedd ......... Mrs. 8. Giltner St. Helens braces Editorials, and eont-ibutions from our ■ .Stayton. ...-......... T. C. Darby ... PHYSICIANS «Sí SURGEON.*, portunity will come along keep best writers. The Spirit of the Religious Press Scio.... . ............. John' Shore representing the various religious bodies, and Salem. J ....... H. A. Johnson your grappling irons always ready.” Suver Polk County, Oregon church news from all the States in the Union. Wieridan............ .......... ....... ..... T. N Faulconer The Dalles.......................Miss Rebecca Watkins The Wheatlaud...................................... Wm. Scott SPECIALTIES ! SECULAR DEPARTMENT West Chehalein........................ G. W. Hardwick A Sure Cure Found at Lust. .0. Mosier Includes Editorials on the important secular Weston ......................................... Dr. M. T. Cole, Disease of Women. topics of tlie day, and news from all parts of No One Need Buffer! WASHINGTON’ TEBRITORY. J Dr. J. W. Cole, Chronic Diseases. the world. Iris, in short, just the paper for A sure Cure for Blind, Rleeding, Itching and .................... II. II. Wimply 12-1-tf. every Consultation free. family, and especially every Christian Alpha ............ ................. Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Wil . ..........S. C. Harris Brush Prairie. family. Subscription liam, (an Indian Remedy,) called Dr. William’s Cedar Creek... .... .................. E. A. LaDow Price $LQ0 Per Year Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the THE CHRISTIAN Castle Rock.... ....... ............. Wm. Huntington worst chronic cases of 25 or ¡Ml years standing. .............................. J. M. Baker Coin.............. In advance. REVIEW. No one need suffer five minutes after applying Dixie.............. . ......................... W. T. Barnet» Address this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions in Dayton............ .......................... R. L. Dashiel THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, struments and electuaries do more harm than I have decide I to publish a Q uarterly with Farmington... .............................. F. M. Davie M onmouth , O r . good. William s Ointment ahaorbs the tumors, the above title, to be issued on the first oi Golden Dale... ............ . ................ R. H. Most» allays the intense itching, (]>articiilarly at night Jar.nary, April, July anil Octolxir of each joar. Pine City........ .. . . . ........ .James Butler after getting warm iu lied,) acts as a )M*ultice- The first number will be issued January 1, ......... .P. E. Fisher Lone Pine..,,, gives instant relief, lief, and is pi p^iiared only for 1882. It will contain 141 pages, exclusive of tht GREEN'S ■■■LIFE OF GARFIELD. Lincoln....... ....................... W.. H. McCluro Piles, itching < of " the privateWiarts, and for cover. - Palouse........ ........ ........................ F. L. Bell nothing else. It will contain original articles from our best Dr. Chas. Spinning The publishers are glad to announce that this Puykllup......... Read what the Hon. J. M. Coflilierry of Cleve writers, book reviews, editorials and a full long-expected work by F. M. Green is n<iw Pomeroy......... .......................... Ranson Long land says al «»nt Dr, William's Indian Pile Oint directory of our Schools, Periodicals and Mis- ready. The publishers believe that in many of Pine City....... .................... .....James Bntler ment: I have used scoretof Pile Cures, and it Miens. I desire it to be the review of the Chris its features this “Life of Gartiekl” is superior Spangle......... W. A. Sanders affords me pleasure to say tint I have never tian Church, and tho vehicle by which our ripest to any similar work published. Ita author was Sumner........... ............ .......... ;........ 8. Bonney found anything which gave such immediate and i.eholars can and will communicate with die well acquainted with Mr. Gartield for nearly Vancouver....... ................... . ........ 8. C. Harris W_ • T> • AJ T»-- I 1 UU0 --- permanent relief as Dr. William's liul juj Hint general public and tlie'tiTotheThood." ~ tweiity-eight years—a time covering the entire Waitsburg....... men t. I Every brother and sister, our Preachers os period of his public life. He writes, therefor», Walla Walla... ............... Mrs. A. H. Reynolds For sale bv all druggists or mailed on receipt liecislly, are requested to act as agents for the from the standpoint of one who knew him as CALIFORNIA. of price, fl.OO ________ lit. view . . student, educator, teacher, soldier, statesman, HENRY * CO.. Prop'«, Four [>ages may lx> giv/n to proper adver- and Christian. ’There are eighteen chapters. College City.... ................. ..Prof. J. Durham CLEVELAND, O. tisements, at reasonable rates. All [»ei’sons who These chapters discuss in logical order the Elmira.... 12-1-1 y ............7....J.M. OiTer desire a copy of the first number sent to them, various phases of the royal life which thev Monticello..... ............................J. L. Smittle as to determine whether they will subscribe represent. The feltewM-g- anrdlie Titlesof the Napa City......... ................... Mrs. 8. E. Inman “ I was not bred to work,” said a so will please send in their names as scam as^prw “ successive chapters : Saratoga..... . . ...................... William Pollard . It will cost you nothing if you do not The Western Reserve.—The Foundation.-' Sacramento.... ................ Mrs. E. E. Hembreo nopish tramp to the farmer, "let us Bible. Mubeeribe. Birth and Boyhood.—The Period of Change.— llosa....... .......................... G. O. Burnett My ability and fitness for tho work have been The i'anal ami thp Sea. The Young Student — Santa Bee if you can’t work for bread.” San Francisco.. Mrs. H. II. Lose, 14Essex St 4 vouched for by Bros. L. IJ. Wilkes, A. B Tne Hiram Teacher and Principal.—True Man- San Luis Iley.. ..................... Minnie J. Borden Jones, W. H. Hopson, Isaac Errett, J. 8 I umm I.— Home and Family Life—The Brightness San Jose.......... ................. .8. C. Adams Forty Year’s Experience of an Old Nurse. Shouse and many others.' i ■ of his Rising.—A Chapter Thrown In.—From W. W. Smith . i*.... B umcbiption One copy, one year (4 Noe.;- Sun-Rising until Noon.- The Pillar of a Vacaville. Visalia............ ..................... Lewis.Van Tassel Mrs. Winslow’sSootliing Syrup is the preseri]>- $2.1)0. Single number, 50 eta. , People ’ s Hope. — The Shot that was Heaid . .......................... H.. D. Connell tion of one of the host female physicians and Sample copies and buck numbers sent on ap Round the World.—From Elberon to the Watsonville.. Woodland......... .................. Mrs. Sue E. Grant nurues in the United States, and his lieen used plication. Postage always prepaid by mo Grave. —Th a World’s’Syuipathy- and Sorrow.— for forty years with never tailing success by Money sent by postal order, draft or registered The Present miscellaneous . — Estimate aad the Final C oiic I umuux . -— millions of mothers for their children It re letter will be at my risk. Address all communi - A Tribute of Friendship. lieves the '■ hild from pain, cures dysentery and cations to . I. T...................... . ............G. W. Paslay _ ——■” While these chapters present the bis’ory in Moscow, diarrhmi, griping in the bowels, and wiiul- Four Mile, I. T............................T. L. Childers Uhl W. UniNix N, Editor and Pub., logical outliue, jet each chapter is complete in colio. By giving health to the child it rosia the Tenn.......... ... ................... J. C. Roller Columbia, Boone Co., Missouri. itself. For instance, the student life of Garfield Sumac, mother Price twenty five euirta a bottle. Wicklow P. O., OnL, Can....... Desvenport Caul is discussed in oue chapter, and not in [tarts of 12-20-ly several chapters. So of his educational life Fail field, Iowa.............. .................8. H. Hedrix and work, bo cf his religious faith and stand NOTICE. " Church quarrels and dissensions ing, etc., etc. m a ■■ M Lowpst price« ever knows PRICES. Oar l>««cilptlve I II usi rand Prie» ■ ■ HA M Iliwcli-I/Onders» between church members are what Clotli, plain odition, $1 50. Elegantly bound List. No. 31*. of llr) Umidi, etc., will be in best English cloth, beveled boards, black Issued about March 1st, I 8X1. Pilco» the enemy of soulsdelight in ; thus OUR $15 SHOT-61111 and gold, $2 00. Elegantly bound m half (¡noted lu No. SX will remain good until » prxx. Morocco, $2 50. Elegantly bound in full ■ ■■II fl| | Wat greally those who eng-tge in them serve that date. Xeud ua your name early for HA ■ ■ ■ W W^S^n.l our Naw Morocco, $3 00. J Address, copy of No. 49. Free to any address. ■ ■■ lllua. Catalogue. IsM SX him in the most effectual way.” C entral B ook C oncern , MONTGOMERY WA111FÄ CO., T, FUWKLL * W.N, «»8 Maiu BUwt, CtHClJiNATI» (A PUBLISHED LARGEST SERVOUS DEBILITY. Absolutely Pure. D OUR BEST PAPERS. DEPARTMENTS,. DAVIDSQN & LEE, ’ PILES! PILES! PILES! QUARTERLY ” I _ 111\| y I 1UIUÍI Wabash Ave.. Chicago, HL a ’ ' • ■ J 12-1‘J-Om Chicago or Cincinnati. . Á * . J