Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, August 11, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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OHttrsTlASr MF it A tn.
----------- ---------------------------------------- -r--,------------------------------------ *------ ....---------------
■ hand of fellowship, the welcoming
the enemy one of his heavy guns contain errors ; should any appear,
sm’le and kindly greeting; but it
and successfully flattered down the it is the fault of memory and not
is only a remembrance, for he is
Respectfu Uy,
............... Temperance. Pic ,N,ia—— ,la.ii>, . aUiuc.nJuL.i4u'ir di: fi, n>;i:, j u .. tb.v. intention.
plea that “ ydu hav(e( no l ight to
"!5iQ:i)b, ‘O il , July 23, 1882..
slottiach, loflg Used, to the “ brace
legislate away the private rights of
An Afterthought.
Editor Herald:
up ” of stimulants, rtnd a brairi atld. _
D ear Silt,—Doubtless the read­ otheiS by forbidding them to eat ,
mind correspondingly weakened by
ers of your spicy paper will be and drink as they please.” The Dr. | I do not wish , to make it appear the same cause. He begins to
glad to learn (even at this late proved by Scripture and history that there are no successes in tem­ think to himself “ How good it
date) that- our two days temperance that the laws of Hod always have perance work, but I do think that would seerri tel_ have just otte
pic*nic and meeting, lield On the, restrained* men...fronr “pvTh“dTTnTg; ■ WiTHsr workers; are tottsdsm-UiglUwlr drink ; then this side of the Strife i<
15tn and 10th inst., were a positive even though such evil doing did or there is a screw loose somewhere, weighed down by the appearance
not directly injure others. He also and we all stop just where vigilant
ofold boon#tompanions an 1 they
Dr. Watts, pursuant to appoint-. proved that our law makers have and untiring work is most needed.
From what 1 can gather, it has are delighted—to see him and all
to .. ‘ legislate
ment, ariived on the 15th. at 10 ever been ~~T
i .
<> •
* =
m urging ft fit He- refre s h nient-
o’clock A. m ,'and* proceeded at once the pure rights of others” rn re* been the case in all places where
straining them from wrong doing legislation has been sought, and and say no one will ever know it.
to “ business.”.
The Ladies Brass Band, of Al­ in every tlajpg except in the use ami ...whether successful “or nof7 when He takes a littlei for old time
. it- ’
bany, were also with us, and they abuse of H alcohol.
His speech must the tight Was over the excitement sake and then lie isfgone, for what
played a very important part in have convinced the most skeptical dies away and interest Hags. Now, more harm is it to keep on after
entertaining the large congregation that the people have the same that is just the time that work is the oath is once violated. If he
of people, w'ho bad assembled under rights to protect themselves against heeded, every precaution should be had been sustained in his efforts •
tile shade of Thompson’s beautiful outrages caused by the. wholesale taken that those new laws should be and encouraged nature had
Mr. M. Thompson was abuse of alcohol as they have to ! enforced. The mere fact of amend­ time to resume her duties and his
elected chairman of the meeting, protect themselves against any ments being made to the Constitu- unnatural craving for stimulants
■ who presided with dignity through­ other transgressors of public rights. tion is no great help to the cause of I had given place to a healthy action
The exercises were com- The Dr. held an attentive audience | temperance , if We do not stand ofthe stomach and brain, then‘fie
menced by the band playing several until 12 o’clock, when recess was firm as a body to see that all the would have I «eri comparatively
charming pieces, which had the had for lunch, after which the ser­ abuses and violations are punished. safe. My heart has bled for many
hear I vices were closed by a very im­ Prompt work*atittie outset will out­ a poor fellow fallen lower from the
e - to
” collect the audience
the speaker’s stand, after which the pressive lecture l>y Dr. Watts, 1... weigh
ten times as much work done well meant dibits of temperanc^,
morning services were opened with showing up the hei ldetary evils ol in a,yeaf or two, after a habit of workers who had done their work
prayer by Rev. W. Hurlburt, fol alcohol- and tobacco.
i evading this law becomes fixed on in this way and who thought they
lowed by a very interesting, in-
By the way the Dr. did not fail the class who deal in liquor, and had done their duty. They ftfe
atiuctive and earnest lujtuiu _by- to give tobacco a shot here and a tlm jieople themselves become ac­ mistaken, their duty had really
Dr. Watts. His subject was Alco •stab tlieie all through the entire customed to seeing the laws ig­ just begun and they left their work
hoi and its effects upon life. Willi services.
nored. It is a well known fact in such a crude condition that no­
his new charts the Dr. made plain
The congregations on both days that people do become indifferent to thing short of a miracle could bring
the effects of the curse of curses were estimated at from 400 to G00 such things after becoming accus­ it to any pel faction.
• on the human stomach from the persons, and a more orderly or at­ tomed to seeing them, although
1 consider that prohibition acts
first glass down through all the tentive audience seldom convenes they may have bechvquite shocked and liquor laws leave the cause in
stages of drunkenness until the for out door exercises of any kind. at first and readily have lent theii exactly the same shape. Il at
inevitable drunkard’sgrave. The
The Dr. did not neglect the Pro­ aid to enforce laws, which after a first, great -care is taken, watchful
Dr.’s discourse held us until about hibition pcti tions ; he b>ok ■ lip 19G time, they learn to say, Oh, well, and patient care, that v’lese laws
, r
12A o’clock, when a recess of 11, names; this number added to the i that seems to be a sort of dead let­ are not secretly violated (usually
hours was declared for the purpose 100 obtained last winter at one of ter, and it is hone of my Tnlsincss.
these things are no secret, but no
of inspecting the contents of the his lectures, and some DO more ob­
This is just the same as working one feels called upon to hunt them
suspicious looking baskets to be tained and sent to him in the mean hard to get an inebriate to sign out,) they will soon be respected,
seen on every hand. The result of time by friends of the cause resid­
i and a success-; but if, as i* too-----
the investigation was very satis­ ing here, makes about 380 names alone with his old associates ex- much the case, in many places,.ev-
factory, and proved that the ladies from this little place ; pretty good pecting him to become sober and cry body drops his hands and says,
of Shedd and vicinity aie second to I for Shedd.
upright without assistance or aid ’ “ we have got a law now and every
none in preparing the good tilings
Shedd has always been noted from any of his new friends. What thing will be all right, and they
necessary for luncheon on such oc­ for tiic sobriety of its citizens. Slip j is the consequence ? Why, he nat- : wait for the law to work out a re-
casions. ■
|iorts one church, a fine public uially struggles feebly for a short form of itself, we will see but little
The assembly was again called school, two stores, one drug store, time and then falls back into his change.
that matter, we 1 have
-li>---- For
together at 2 I’. M. by music of the I one shoe shop, one blacksmith old habit, or else makes no struggle law’s now which we do not enforce,
band, after which Dr. Bosswell, of shop and a grain warehouse, but no but goes right along. Is
I he to each one waiting for some one else
Halsey, delivered a very interesting mills of any kind, not even a blame ? Yes a little, but not half to do it.
discourse on the subject of temper­ . “ whisky mill.” Shedd has also so much as the enthusiast who
The class of people who are car-
ance. Music by the band, followed several societies worthy of mciiti m. worked on 'him and led him to 1 eying on the liquor businesr, not
by more talk by Dr. Watts, after t. The Shedd Temperance Literary think he might reform and then respecters of law. They are deal­
which a short speech from Rev. Mr. Society. 2. Shedd Blue Ribbon left him at the hardest place in the ing in drags which destroy princi­
W. Hurlburt, closing the day’s ser­ Club, anl lastly, though not least of
road to reformation, where he is ple and self rcspect in its consumers .
vices about 4:30 o’clock e. M.
all, aLodge of D- mm I Templars, to left balancing between a wish to and makes them law-breakers.
whoin, 1 Jbelieve, the cred>t of the be something better ¿nd more re­ You may talk till the end of the
Convened at 10:30 A. M. Mr. pic-nic is due.
spectable on the onç side, and all world of your good citizens engag­
The above has been penned from ! the allure mints and temptations ed in selling liquor, and I will nev-
Thompson called the .meeting to
order. Prayer by Mr. F. M. Rine­ memory, the writer having taken un
vnu umvr.
m one side
sioe oi
me ' cr
er believe
uetteve it.^I
n.._ .4 bd
m<*v they,
vn^j, .....
ieVe that
oi> the
other.* Tn
hart. Dr. Watts|»ened on
Temperance Department.
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