. r Ù il l i 1 s'f IA N 11 Kit A L13. 7 « I does no such thing. I say agan^ax „night two nights, Saturday two 'restament to prove that they kept apostles commanded it Jo be kept ? 1 have ever said, if he will jioint* days, Saturday night thr«-e nights, the Sabbath.- TfThey also kept the '.John 1'5: 1.0, John 14: 5, Acts 3: 22- (At the close of the afternoon out a command I will yield the and arose early* on Sunday morn feasts, but not according to the law. whole ground. He says “ the time ing; so you see that lie di«l not lav Does that prove that it is binding session of the third day of the dis is not lost.” I say they are keep- in the grave thr«*e «lays ami three I on us to keep those feasts '• Sup cussion, a vote of thanks was in<r different «lavs in different parts nights, even if he had died on pose I say they were not coin-- tendered Judge Sweet for tin? vgry -tv,-,-fl hu^ of the world. They cannoi even prove that Jesus Christ was lsirn lie would submit this discussion to says they <7/<7~kï « p then), does that which he had presided during the on tin* 25th day of Decemln’r. lie Smith’s ^Bible Dictionary. (Read prov«“ they were commamled th three days, as he could not remain quotes Matt. 5 : “ N«>t one jot or Smith’s Dictionary, that, it was in keep them ? (lai. 5: G, Rom. 14 : 5. longer): tittle, not even a small letter or definite as to the 7th or the 1st «lay Ile *ÿys in Col. 2 ; IG, 17, the Sab In Memoriaiii of Sister J. A. Tiirn«*!’. in the plural in the point of a letter shall pass /ill . all that the Savior arose oji.) - If th«* bath I . ' • -—v ; . I say the word day* is not - At lier residence, in Turner, Marion___ —_—an«J-Ut a 4 it M- aa <uuy supper was eaten on the 14th, he Gr«“«“k ii/7/as ”y«iH can) all Co., Oregon, July 26, 1882, Sister Ju for heaven and earth to pass as for must have been crucified on Fri«lay, ‘ in t he (h’«M“k th«“ law to fail. Then non«“ of it NeanrtlTC admits .,’ttiat nnthiug can I s«‘v it. is in italic*, aiid is a<l«le«Va,s dith A. Turner passed to her final rest. will c«“as«‘ till th«* en«l of time. be inferred that th«“ -supper was every intelligent reader of th«“ Bible Born in Alleghany Co , Pa., Jan. 16, | 1803. She remove«! with her parents Matt. 2G : 53 : “ Think y«\not that I •■aten on th«“ 13th. Mention by knows. We are » tol«l in th«“ Col. 2 • | in .1820 to Jffferson Co., Ohio, from er^ut i Exit m-U-ing . 1 I. that he took it out of the c < hl I«I now prify my Fatlit'V,Jtlld IiP d i r m -iw’ttwk* x w hr n r-e after a few ye arBr esidenee, . woul«l s«‘n«l mor«“ than twelv«* on the preparation day. Mark 15: nailing it to the cross, and in th«“ they removed to Harrison county where legions of angels, hut, then how 42,“ John 1!): 31. “.The Jews, i 17th vers«“ it was a *ha.ilov; of go«xl Miss Judith A. Sharp was married to H; could the Scriptures be fuliille«l ?’’ therefore, because it was th«“ things to com«“. It is a type of the S. Turner, .Inly 5, 1835. In 1852 the . ---- . * I can prov«“ that Christ ros«* on th«“ preparation, that the ladies should eternal rest, n«“ithe.r «lo I Iwliev«* it family ” crossed the plains” to Oregon^, neither do I call i and settled in Marion county, where first «lay of the week. Jesus was not. remain upon the cross on th«“ has lx‘en changed,, • • oil • • i pl,e resided until her death ; having c<_ 1 ... xi. 1 ..ii. a. the /-«i...: < hristian c»_i Sa «bath, it is ( anrvjve(| ¡)er husband quite a number three days and thr«“«“ nights in th«“ Sabbath day, (for that Sabbath Sun«lay heart of the earth. He w as cruci I «lay was a'high «lay) liesought Pilate to connnemorat«“ a new event. Jt of years. tied on the preparation day, which | that tli«‘ir l«“gs lie broken,” X’e., and is the memorial of Christ’s restrr- j In her girlhood she beeime a member The seventh «lav was the of the chirrch, but after her was the day diefore Sabbath , [ that it is assumed by - the - . those that rection. . ‘ ? — Baptist -i -- n __ ni with it - the Disciple» i__ marriage she united which was calh‘«l th«“ high day, tlu* fiS th«“ day <fK th«“ paschal supper memorial of the chihlren of Israels or Christian church. Oh Friday fol-, meaning of which was a double ! to ln*._oTrthe 13th. (Then hr rends -deh -v orano«,» from Egyp t.— Deut towing her the fnnerat service»---- Sabbath, j bring-the■Sabbath of the from Sandel’s’ Dictionary on the. TT We will now go to Matt.“287 'were held at the church in Turner, - passover and $he .seventh day Sab death of ('hrist, that he ate th«' 19. 20. They taught what Jeslls which were attended by a large con I supper with his disciples on the commandc«! them in this com course of sympathizing and bereaved bath coming tog« “the r. 14th, and put to death oh the 15th.) munion, but never taught any one friend». A very impressive eulogy and El,DEIS JONES’ NINTH SPEECH. funeral sermon was delivered by Eider 1 have prove«r that the churches* t«T keep the Sabbath i day.They S. C. Atlams, of Salem, from the declar Before. 1 begin a review of the wen; to teach all thing* that he ation of Paul, that “ godliness is profit Elder’s argument, I Will speak of of Corinth, ThessaJonica »an«l ha«l commanded. They never able unto all things, having the prom my reference to Miles .Grant, that Philippi were all establish«* I on the The al»olition of the taught the observance of the 7th ise of the life that now is, t^nd also of lie came to California and overdid Sabbath «lay. *..... ................ ........... lay, and, therefore, it does not lie- that which is to, come,” »rid showing ... things, even so muclCso, that he Sabbath would Is- disadvantageous ’ • that this divine truth was fully shown long to th«? Gospel economy. Now and beautifully illustratec^i^i her noble to th? brute creation. I made the was repudiated by his own party I will take the -affirmative an«l life and triumphant death.] Her trust as the editor of the World’* C'risi*. point in my other speech that the prove" that the ten commandments and faith in God and in his gracious He is ■ still a preacher in good Sabbath «lav is called the Lords are abolished. Th«“ promise .to | word, was abounding and complete. standing. He asks how time was «lay, an«l therefore 1 »©longs to the Abraham was made 430 years be- ; She was kind, loving and generous in - ‘divided before the Julian Era. I Lord, and is not my «lay or your fore the law was given. The law j all her relations as citizen, neighbor will tell him that it was divided day.- Why does he fin«l sox much and friend. She was a most affectionate was added because of transgressions j mother, always meeting and greeting fault, alleging 1 there is no command A into minutes, hours, days, weeks, until the see<l (Chlist) should come. t the returning members of her family at months and years. He comes to to keep it, and yet he urges his people to keep the’ first «lay, and It was not made for the righteous, the door with a pleasant smile and a Matt. 5: 17, with the statement but for’sinners, &c. He fulfill©«! loving word. 4She was a pillar of sup that the prophesies were fulfilled yet there is no command to keep What right have we to th«“ law an«! the prophets concern- I ' port anil a tower cf strength in society that «lay. and in the spiritual kingdom and tem when Christ died. If so, what his i keep th« first day of the week? i ing himself. The law was given to ple of God, that she loved so well, and about those that speak of 1.... When we keep more than is com a peopl«1 that needed a curb hit to | to which she was always ready to con resurrection. Now’- the point in tribute with an open and generous mande«! it is works of supererroga- hol«l them. * Matt. 5 : 17, is that not one letter « fion. Lu k e 17 i 10.—:— W-e will now ga to Xhe—trapsr . fiand. nor the smallest point in one letter She lujs left a name and memory to figuration. Turn with me to Matt. her two sons an«l daughter who sur ELDER WRIGHTS NINTH REPLY. shall pass till he comes, and the Her«“ appeared before vive her, and to the church, and'to her It will Ite rememltered that no 17 : 1-0. end of time and even throughout him Moses, the lawgiver, an«I Elint. large circle of devoted and bereaved eternity. Take Christ, out of the attention is given by the Elder to friends, that is fragrant with kind and Bible and there is nothing left. He the "revolution of this earth Now, When Peter sai«l let us make three loving words and generous deeds. objects to my argument tliat Christ with regal’d to Pentecost, it «Iocs tabernacles, a voice from the Father But tlieir g cat sorrow, at their almost was crucified on Friday, that in not make any difference with me, brok«“ forth from th»“ eternal world, irreparable I«»ss, is turned into joy and that case he did not lay1 in th«> it was a yearly feast, «lay, it niight saying, “ This is my l»«dovr«l Son in gladness ss they look beyond the dark grave-three «lays ami three znights. come on any «lay like the 4th of whom I am well pleas«“«l, hear ye cloud of their great bereavement and Now I will show that if he was July. I.«‘t him calculate the years him!’ No longer hear M<iscs or know that she rests from her labors in the bright Paradise of God. “ Blessed J crucified on Thursday, as he argues, back to Pentecost and h<* will find John the Baptist, hut hear Chri*t are the dead that die in the Lord from • r he did not lay in the grave three it cam«*'on the first «lay of the II«“ is new our lawgiver. -T-he law | henceforth." * was to sfan«l in full force an«l effi ’ et I Harrison C<<.. Oliia paper* please copy. days ami three nights. A«lmitting wevki « 1 Hr_<’Vft‘b's my «piestion on. time divi<l«‘«l ! by saying till Pentecost. Now, 1 wish to ask i he ilipd on Thursday, ami was how 1 ft^'No family Dyes were ever so > buried nt sumlown ; lie lai«l in the it wad by minutes, hours, «lays him wh«“i’e on earth he comniRinled popular hr the Diamond Dyes. They grave Thursday night, that i s <»»» j »i«onfhk ami yea rs: Matt. 2(!: 44, to keep tlte »SabluUli. ail«!, to turn , never fail. Tito black is fur superior to night, Friday , one day, Friday I Acts 13:27-21). He goes to the New I down a leaf, where Jesus or Jus j logwood, TE q other colora arc brilliaot» .. •. * T ¡—> <~ ——-------------------------- . âr rv I t- I ■ I ♦ i