. r Ù il l i 1 s'f IA N 11 Kit A L13. 7 « I does no such thing. I say agan^ax „night two nights, Saturday two 'restament to prove that they kept apostles commanded it Jo be kept ? 1 have ever said, if he will jioint* days, Saturday night thr«-e nights, the Sabbath.- TfThey also kept the '.John 1'5: 1.0, John 14: 5, Acts 3: 22- (At the close of the afternoon out a command I will yield the and arose early* on Sunday morn­ feasts, but not according to the law. whole ground. He says “ the time ing; so you see that lie di«l not lav Does that prove that it is binding session of the third day of the dis­ is not lost.” I say they are keep- in the grave thr«*e «lays ami three I on us to keep those feasts '• Sup­ cussion, a vote of thanks was int one jot or Smith’s Dictionary, that, it was in keep them ? (lai. 5: G, Rom. 14 : 5. longer): tittle, not even a small letter or definite as to the 7th or the 1st «lay Ile *ÿys in Col. 2 ; IG, 17, the Sab­ In Memoriaiii of Sister J. A. Tiirn«*!’. in the plural in the point of a letter shall pass /ill . all that the Savior arose oji.) - If th«* bath I . ' • -—v ; . I say the word day* is not - At lier residence, in Turner, Marion___ —_—an«J-Ut a 4 it M- aa it was a yearly feast, «lay, it niight saying, “ This is my l»«dovr«l Son in gladness ss they look beyond the dark grave-three «lays ami three znights. come on any «lay like the 4th of whom I am well pleas«“«l, hear ye cloud of their great bereavement and Now I will show that if he was July. I.«‘t him calculate the years him!’ No longer hear M buried nt sumlown ; lie lai«l in the it wad by minutes, hours, «lays him wh«“i’e on earth he comniRinled popular hr the Diamond Dyes. They grave Thursday night, that i s <»»» j »i«onfhk ami yea rs: Matt. 2(!: 44, to keep tlte »SabluUli. ail«!, to turn , never fail. Tito black is fur superior to night, Friday , one day, Friday I Acts 13:27-21). He goes to the New I down a leaf, where Jesus or Jus j logwood, TE q other colora arc brilliaot» .. •. * T ¡—> <~ ——-------------------------- . âr rv I t- I ■ I ♦ i