i « 5 ! I V ------ ------ .-------------- ------>1!--- ,----- ---------------- —---- - J <r~ - ----- - ............ .. f soulless players. If .you cannot Personal. your blood a chalice to flow back love youi hearers for his name sake, to the heart. Do not get excited — Bro. Henry Shadle has been keep quiet. If you seek ought but too soon. Do not run away from called by the clpirch at Portland to their spiritual welfare, you have no your lmarers. Engine' driving- Ldior tenipiiiiirily. ami a permanent .. engagement may result. name cf Christ. If you hold it wheii they draw anything, they go - Bro. W. E. Richardson, a grad good to address them cn other slower. It takes a cold hammer to uate of Christian College at its topics, temporal prosperity, domes bend a hot iron. Heat up the last session, preached his first dis tic happiness, or cooking receipts, people, but keep the hammer cool Do not brawl ami screamy Too course one week ago last Lord’s lo so in their res|>ective claims and much water stops- mill-wheels, and day, in Monmouth. He will occupy auspices. Christ has not died for too much" noise “ iTnrvvns~~senseT ihi(rpn’lpft""agamfhtyr us~'for““"1thosetTdrigX””—Bféld ’ Hy is a man of good learning, easy Empty, vessels ring the loudest. heaven and meat for the belly make address, ami we hope to see him a Powder isn’t shot. Thunder isn’t a poor hash, and soon sours. Keep useful man in the ministerial field. lightning. Lightning kills. If you far from preaching Mammon in the Bro. Bruce Wolverton, junior 1 lave Ii<■ 11tiling, you cun afford to name of Christ, even that you may ___ editor, came io Monmouth oil Wed- escape everlasting contempt. Sub- first through the cathedral .known thunder ; but do not try to thun nesday and'the discussion of many der out of an empty cloud. . _ . V . v ... _ •- jugate-all sectarian doctrines and as that of Ignatius, a npirvel of matter^ of interest to the cause __ l)o not scold the people. Do not differences to our Louis own pre architecture and rich in paintings x thence through the Mechanic’s abuse the faithful- souls who came" was the result. He will move tó cepts, which shall not pass away, while the former ihust. Finally, Pavilion and the City Hall-; next to meeting rainy days, because of Corvallis shortly. to Felan’s building, recently com- the others, who; do. not come. reflect that no amount or quality of How to get Hearers. plete«l,_in which we Were hoisted to Preach the best to smallest assem eloquence or. profoundness of logic i - the fourth story in an elevator blies. JeSus preached to oqp worn Say something worfh hearing. will awaken lmpeor faith in Christ, "X —moved by hy<lraulic pressure. I'f an at the well, and' she got all Believe what you say, and don’t where synqialhy and charity for these there are tw’o, one at each eml Samaria out to hear him.next time. say.it without being prepared to be your hearers exists but in theory or .Xoutila.tv--.~y.uui:—mooting. ~~~■nf~tlTCT“hTrHTHiT^ nr?rrtyr i ze rt..i br it -if - srreh.. - F wr t he doctrine, and nut in.yqur- heart of——— Steeping im chmeh is due te bad f< a l liiLF-That I should attempt t<> w ill of C lod. Don’t set a market hearts —J. C. K., in The Pacific. ■» describe these lntihlings. The City air oftener than to bad manners. .price on anything pertaining to When we stand on the high Hall has cost six millions of dol- Do not rejieat saying, “as I'said religion, and especially the Gospel mountain let us pray, Hold me up • lars, ami. it will require several before.” If you said it before, say of Christ. If you really defend or lest I fall; and when we put on the millions yet to finish it. Tlte something else /alter Leave out advocate'thecause of thy Lord, lie tine garments, let us ask for the « Pavilion is undergoing extensive words yoy^erfn not define. Stop will always be with you And look anointing. It is the man who is ' » repail’s, adding lioth te convenience youi>d^(Jamation and talk to folks. to your .needs. Don’t try te ad ♦ full of joy and drlight who is called Come down from stilted and sacred vance your carnal interests, or those and lieauty. upon to be watchful. When all is I am pleased to learn from Bro. tones, and become a little child. of anybody else, in His name Be well with us we may expect a hur a Change the subject if it goes hard. honest ami intelligent enough te Me that the church in San Fran -t ricane. It is the worst devil when cisco is in A healthy condition w’ith Do not tire yourself and every one discern the chasm between the t we cannot see any devil, for then steady increase in numbers ami else out. l)o not preach till the promptings of the flesh ami the perhaps the rascal has got inside of strength. The greatest drawback middle of your sermon buries the claims of- the divine truth. Don’t us and is ready to give us a deadly to prosperity is the want of a house beginning and is buried by the eml. mix the two. In pursuit of the stab.— Spu rgeon. of worship. They meet in a hall Look people in the face, ami live so former, have the - manhood to It seems that for the remainder I learn also, with pleasure, that the that you are not afraid of them. acknowledge^«) yourself and others prospect is now favorable for a re Take long breaths, fill vour lungs that vou are not called thereunto by of the present administration we * * of wine- organization of the congregation in and keep them full. Stop to inspiration. Seek such in your are to read of gatherings O ct Oakland, un<ler the efficient labors breathe before the air is exhausted. own name, and leave that of the bibbers and Lightened drunken- Then you will not finish oft' each Lord undetiled. Average intelli ness at the White House. So »of Bro. Sloan. ,sentence ah w ith a terrible g&sp-ah, gence UQW-a-days can distinguish carried away with this error are Yours truly, as if you w’ere «lying for air-ah, as white from black, if you can’t. some of our pseudo-religious news T. F. C ampbell . some preachers do-ali, and so strain Don’t try to secure an audience by papers that they must boast, of » How to Preach. their lungs-ah, and never find it ought mean or method, but the in- these things.' (J for the halcyon out-ah, because their friends dare trinsic . merit of your discourse.’ days of the Hayes administration, * Make no apologies. If you have not tell them-ah, and so leave them There is"no legitimate way to drive or, but for his sake, if it might be, the Lord’s message, deliver it; if to make spoil for the Philistines-ah! any one within hearing of you, nor the ministry of suffering of our',be- not, hold your peace. Have short Inflate your lungs. It is easier to a statute in existence to make you loved Garfield. prefaces and introductions. Say run a mill with a full pond than an appreciated while there is nothing L op -S ided R eligion .-^“ I have your best things first, and stop Be j em|>ty one. Be moderate at first in or about you worthy of notice. been a member of your church for fore you get prosy. Do not s|>oil Hoist the gate a little way ; w hen Your own valuation of home pro thirty years,” said an elderly Chris the appetite for dinner by too much you are half through, raise a little thin soup. Leave self out of the more ; when nearly «lone, putThixa ducts may be sincere., It will not tian to his pastor, “ and when 1 was * pulpit, and take Jesus in. Defend full head of water. Aim at the affect market rates, Remcmlier lai«l by with sickness, only one or •’ >. the Gospel, and let the Lord dr.fern] mark. Hit it. Stop and see where that saving truth goes 1 »egging CTCT CT for two came to see me. I was shame you and your character* If you the shot struck, ami then fire an a hearing, * while bosh-literature, fully neglected.” “ My, friend,” are lied about, thank the devil for other. broadside* Pack your serm measly, sentiment and cholera ‘said the paster, “ in all these thirty putting you on your guard, and ons. Make yoUr words like bullets morbus oratory is qiwted priceless years how many sick have you A I khih I hurts a .man worse if it take care that the story shall never strikes him edgewise-— T/tc Out by the many. If you feel a call to visited {” “Oh,” he replied, “it I preach the G »spel, do not expect never’struck me’in that light! I come true. Let your beard grow. /uoZ. •* " , Throw’ away your ci’avat.„ If you The Oregon State Teachers’asso Sabbath-schools to turn out appre thought only of the relation of do not " want to break,” make your ciation w ill meet in Salem on the ciative congregations to dish-water others to me, ami not of my rela sermons and steretyped, windy and tion to them. iS/mri/ron. shirt collar an inch larger, ami give 21st inst, te continue three days. li* on Sunday. He interposed by re minding me that there were many interesting places and things al suit the city to be seen, ami :that he :CTXTnT hl take g r eat--frl t' AMlFF lit jm t« <¡ ting in the remainder of the week in showing them |o mC if I would relieve him from the labor of pre- jiaring a sermon by promising to preach for him Sunday evening. • i This proposition was too favorable ^*on his part for me to «ieclinC. 1 am therefore ticketed for service. To seal the bargain ami clinch the - contract Bro. Ale. commenced his ■ e -I