; P 4 t- thrust upon the people, and if tire wrong should-have a temporary triumph, great would be the rejoic- irnr of the drunkard makers. The results favorable to the cause of right and human literty, are al ready astonishing. The good peo ple of the State are organizing for the fight. Christian and Temper ance Alliances are being organized, C hristian H erald . EDITORS : Monmouth. Portland. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1882 --------------------------j------ ;-------- . 11 C Till1S T I AN "T- -------------- ,------M------- The Situation in California. We have foreseen that the issue!j in politics must sooner or later lx* the temperance_ question. People talk ami pray without any visible results, in.this republic, until prin- Ciplcs teeomr formulated that. the desire of-the majority can te' expressed through the 1 »allot. The expectation was, however, that a new party would lx* formed having prohibition of the whisky trafic as one of its fundamental principles. For some reasons this would have teen the tetter course to pursue. The pr< Judice existing lietween the old parties will hinder many r wood U A T, T ) Letter from Bro. Campbell. imbite good, wholesome truth, and come from school, not alone prepar S an F rancisco , July 27,1882. ed for the business world, but also Ilro. D. Slump: having found the“ kingdom of God D ear S iu ,—-We arrived safely in and tils JdgIfti‘rnis!ic,ss,!isWpwW^F^R= San Francisco, Hf d a . m ., Wednes attached the promise that all things day, after a pleasant trip of forty- of this life will te added. twdliours from Astoria. Bro. Stanley has made his an Mrs. Bedwell and Miss Spiller nouncement. This speaks to all were slightly sea-sick ; the other who want an education. In choos members of our party kept bravely ing a schoolwherein to place the -up«r~ Wa-coasied along J-lown....pear, children, consider the requisites of the shore all the way, with no other of a good education. «liversion outside of The ship than Beware of the taint of an insinu the sport of the sea-fowl and the ating infidelity, which in the end sight, occasionally of a whale in the ' 4 « J_______ not vote for whisky mon. The war cry is heard. We shall watch and note the results with much interest, and shall not be surprised to find tt whisky men and law-KreakeTir d^-’ of youth- ahTTJleave a purposeless feated in their strong hold. It was firstagreed that the party and thriftless wreck in society. teuml East, should remain in San Christian College. Remember the motive power of Francisco a .day or two and see the godliness is the only pure, living things worth seeing; but with force,-capable of directing a human characteristic energy they deter bring through all the vicissitudes mined to push forward.' At 5 P. M , of life, makeing him a blessing to they crossed the Bay to the Oak men ami giving him a promise of» land wharf, where tliev entered the life eternal. . ___ ■.............. ' r Prninisf? from—him—that te ears and were somrvn their trnmv- smile any more blandly. \Mi. continental journey. Sister Bed- do say shall te from a conviction well tonic the' 1 > Vallejo amt ’ A Plucky Woman ing promptly the part that duty Af "truth in flïëZprLmîses. * indicates? ' ~~ .... ___a; 4henco-by-~ra.il to meet The following we clip from the the friends, whom she is visiting. Christian College has yet a fu It wits- scarcely to -te expected that either of the two great parties ture. It was designed to'advance J. C. Recieib, ami feel some curiosi This morning, (Thursday) bright would accept the issue and take the truth as it is in Jesus. This' ty to know who this woman of and early, I-'set-out to find some of temperance' as a principle in its aim of its founders is nowfteing many trade* is. We teve pot seen my friends;1 and first, Bro. (’barbs platform. Still less did we expect made more prominent. And those nor heard of her paper. But < )regon 1 Vinzent. I went to the place of to see either party take a position whose means have - been spent in women are plucky enough for any his former residence, which I found descrteiI. By inquiry of those against temperance. InFlioth of that direction,-look hopefully for thing : ward ’ to the accomplishment of a Ah Oregon lady who has decided living in the vicinity, I learned that these, expectations we have teen to engage in editing a paper salutes Bro. V. was buried on Sunday last. much desired end. * disappointed, but astonishingly so in her patrons thusly: “ We have We once remarked to a fellow-’ the action of tlie .California Demo served a regular apprenticeship at After the death of his wife in student, that our college seemed to cratic State Convention in adopting working—wash ing, scrubbing,patch March he rapidly declined, and fell send out men, though, of excel plain-sewing,- asleep in Jesus on Wednesday, a plank in their platform in oppo ing,^! laming,- ' ‘ ironing,, ‘ J * ‘ lent morals, yet who seemed to raising babies, milking, churning, July 19th. Tlius ends a long ami sition to temperance and the Sun and poultry raising. We have kept consider the church and the reli eventful life, checkered with suc day law. We believe this to be a maneuver gion of Jesus Christ, as beneath boarders, taught school, taught cesses ami failures, resulting in music, written for the newspapers, on the part of the whisky ring in their notice, or rather unworthy of made speeches, and carried on an great wealth and straitened cir California to force this issue on the their very serious attention. He extensive millinery •> ami dress cumstances. We greatly sympath people before the temperance work replied that as far as his observa making business. We can prove by ize with his afflicted family left ers are ready for it, gaining a victo tion extended lie fourni this too the public that the work has teen ! i with means very limited. ry and thuA giving temperance much the case* in all colleges. This well done. Now, having reached Gov. Geo. L. Wood, whom I met the age of thirty-six, ami having movements a set-back from which we find to te true. Those institu brought up a family of boys to set ( at the Riggs House, is the same af they will not easily recover. This tions founded professedly for the type and a daughter to run the fable, genial .spirit, whom I met in supjxisition is supported by the re maintainance of the truth, are pre millinery store, we propose to edit I .Oregon when he occupied the exe port that Democratic managers paring graduates in a stilted con and publish a newspaper, and we cutive mansion. Ten years, how have receiyed from the scienceless aristocracy of sopho intend to establish it as one of the ever, have left their impress upon whisky ring in San Francisco for mores in Christian truth, knowing permanent institutions of the his features, and added many gray country.” inserting this plank in their plat enough about science to pronounce hairs to his hair and whiskers. He its shibteleth, and just enough form, and to help in the election. j«i an aspjrant fop cong|ts.siopa| The insane idea seems to prevail honors, and |s likely to receive the We are, further, of the opinion about the fundamental science of that the whisky ring of the east sciences—the Bible—to be able to among some so-called brethren, if a nomination at the hands of his figure in this matter. They have confute. This is no creature of the person intimates he must have a party. found themselves so utterly defeat imagination. It is true. »Sad fact. certain salary, or is not able to I called on Bi o. J. II. McCollough CJ We are too often very sensitive in support himself while preaching, ed in Kansas and Iowa, with a | this evening. I introduced myself, "rowing sentiment in other States regard to these things. We. are i that all he is thinking about is'the and was greeted most cordially, for prohibition, that they must do prone to think it will work an in money, therefore is not fit to , 1 tetlr by him and Sister McCollough something, if possible, to start the jury to the school to announce that preach. They conclude he preaches I j whom I found to te a most estima tide in the opposite direction the Bible will be taught. “ O, ye of for money ¿one, and not for the- ble lady, j assayed to fort’xtall of souls. . Siici) ¡»copie have any invitation from Bro. Me. to They must carry an election some little faith,” might the Savior well saving ................... no place in the church, have no preach in the city by letting him where. California w sidected as repeat. Jt is not true. . Barents Avant to send their chil communion with the faithful ones know that I was on business and being the State-thev can undertake V'itb most certainty, the measure is dren where they will b(> able to of Christ. desired only to worship with them T • ----------- II „■ z I ■- ' ' ■ j '