CHRISTIAN 7 X * —all % created things ' • 4 —were such a fight against the word in I I. and stars • their hearts ? Because Satan knows formed for bis good, and_yyljje, more tlian many inodtjn theolo- with all this heritage, may ruin his gians, for~Ke knows that “ the soul and blight bis eteiiuil HestTiiv. Gospel of Christ is the power of | Oh ! how sad to think that he for God unto salvation to every one whom the earth was made and that believes.” Rom. 1: 16. Yes carpeted with verdure, for whom ‘ he taketh away the word out of the grand old ocean rolls her-waves, their hearts, lest they should be- ami rivers majestic wan’der through —Jievoau«l - L»». -saved,” Luk-e 8:1-&.. fieldseLdeMghb—for w J wh - h tin The word in the heart, if it remain, 'heavens were spread out in beauty will produce a belief, and belief and garnished in light, for whom wilt produce salvation or recovery the hand of God hath strown the from the snare of the devil. This sky with stars as innumerable as ( Ubspel shines unto men by preach Hiesan«I upon the sen shore“; fluff ing, “ For we preach not ourselves even he whom God has destined to a but Christ Jesus the Lord.” 2 Cor. dazzling throne eternal, even he 4_: 5. Satan, then, to prevent tlie may ..become the companion of entrance of the light of the Gospel devils and fallen angels, and; his to the hearts of men, does all he final receptacle the-outer darkness I can to prevent the preaching of the and the eternal tires. J. A. C ampbell . » word ; «¿therefore, \Ve continually « hear the, most unreasonable and : disreputable stories about ministers ! GOSPEL SUCCESS __ -__ x ___________ 1___ ' -,. ___ ami professors of religion. Why is i 4 i 4 t. « 5 S n k R AFT. T) % 4. J - • . ♦ up to date and 4 Baptista, one of them a 1, 55.—T. L. Stipp. C linton , July 24;—The church here preacher of good ability and excellent is prospering. We had "5 additions yes character. The interest of the meeting confession,—H. Frank Tandy. P aris , July 10.-«-Bro. Flower’s meet ing closed here one week ago last Tues day with five confessions and good re suits to church otherwise.—J. B. May- field . P lumfield , July 11.—At Lake Creek ♦ ’ htt reh, at ottr Junemeetingv three young ladies confessed their Savior and were baptized ; one Lord’s day, and one yesterday morning—5 in all. The prospects are good at this point.—M. J. Williams. B lue M ound , July 17.—At our regu lar service yesterday there were 8 addi tions by letter and commendation. Wo have increased our nnmber in fellow ship by 40 or more since Feb. 1st, wfien I my first work here. I owe much to the untiring energies of my elders, Bros. Fuller aild Ellis. They are pure, grand men, and d'gnify the church in the minds of outsiders.—W. B. Foster. houses and marked attention. We ex pect »«Aral more additions. This is a lively church, doing a good work.—W. H. Goodloe. _ • NEBRASKA. G reenwood .—July 20.—Four have been added since the debate. One by counnumhition, tirree by baptism.Two of these were from the Methodists, The cause of the Master is onward throughout this part of the State.—W, H. Hardman. ______ ' OHIO. 4 v - , B ucyrus , July 18.—At cur last meet ing, 2 confessed Christ and were-bap tized. On last Lord s day these and 2 others from tlie Adventists took mem bership with us —Solomon Metzler. W ellsville , July 24 - We had 3 - more additions at our regular meeting here yesterday. There is a healthy growing interest.—P. H. Jones. MINNESOTA. MICHIGAN.^,' B rownsville , July 17.--Wenj: to C ascade , July-22.--July 9, at even- Otrauto, Iowa, on the 23d of June, ■g ltmH e d Tng werviee, 2 confession*. July Hr, - preached 'seventeen nights, with ten from our exchange*. the largest Sunday school ever held in additions to the church. Received 1 . of them that believe not “ lest the this place —126 in attendance. 2 bap by letter, 2 from the Methodists, 2 from * WASHINGTON TERRITORY. light of the knowledge of the glory' | tisms—husband aud wife, made confes- the Free Will Baptist, 3 reclaimed, 1 Have made one visit to Seattle, (_ . of God in the face •sus Christ preached three sermons, found fourteen -sio,n last Lord’s day. Also, 1 took restored^ 1 baptiz d.—C. S. Beaulieu. membeiship, coming from the M. E should' shine unto them. members of the church. Twelvo are Outlook encouraging and all _ ___________________ __ _ Upon being spoken to concerning St. Another phase of oiir subject willing to organize and go to work. 1 Church. 1 hopeful.—E Sias. iscobs Oil, our fellow townsman Mr. -- now presents itself to bur notice, We have a lot to build upon now. 1 i B rockway C enter , July 18.—Bro. D. heodore Wakelee, suid : I hail been viz : How shall these persons be 1 will go back there this week and organ B-. McKcllar, of Brockway Center, an suffering with rheumatism', ami obtained ize the congregation next Lord's day. earnest laborer in Christ, asked this the greatest relief from the use of St. al»le t<> pass from the death in sin . rCr church, if possible, to send our evange Jacobs Oil. It has also been used in my |flbily.for some lime, and has never to life and peace and joy in the Espy. been found to fail in giving prompt re list, Bro. heifer, to assist him in his MISSOURI. Holy Ghost ? “Verily, verily, I lief.—Buttle Creek, (Mich.) Daily Jour field of labor, which we consented to at H annibal , July 18.—Second Lord’s nal. say unto you, he that heareth my once ; and Bro. Keifer returned after day in this month I preacliej at Crooked word and believeth him that sent Creek, Shel y county: 8 were added four weeks’ labor there, with many “ The world is tolerant of sin me hath everlasting life, and shall fiom the Baptists. The colored people thanks, to this church in South Dor anywhere but in a Christian. A not come into condemnation, but is have a good church there. .Sunday last chester ; and the result of his labors in Christian should be- more intolerant passe« 1 .from death a nto li fe.” They 5 were added at Union Hill, and 3 here, Speaker township was 11 baptisms and 6 who were formerly baptized, making of sin in himself than anywhere are enabled to pass from death unto in the city, at night ; these will be bap in all 20 added to the church there, with else.” life by bearing the words of Jesus tized next Sunday,^-Wm. Huncock. deep impressions made on a great many C hamois , July 24.—Fo^r addditions ‘Why is Mrs.. Lydia E. Pinkham’s ami believihg on God who sent to the church at Pleasaut Hill, Franklin more.—Peter McNeill, Lyon Ontario. ♦ Vegetable Compound like the Mississippi him. The wordfU of Jesus Christ, county, July 23 : 3 by letter and 1 from INDIANA. river in a spring freshet? Because the or the Gospel then is the.power of the Adventists. — John M. Claypool. z I ndianapolis , N o . 42 Fletcher Ave.— immense volume of this healing river H annibal , July 21.-vTI e cause is The Sixth Christian Church of thiB moves with such momentum that it God to save men from this death, this snare of the devil, this sleep in still going on here : 5 made the good city still prospers. Six exemplary and sweeps away all obstacles and is literal sin. The light from Christ is the confession last night, and we will bap influential adults have joined us since ly flooding the country. tize next Tuesday evening at 6:30 will of 6od. “ Wherefore, be ye o’clock. May God bless the work here/ the close of Bro. Pier’s reports.—W. F. Parker. —A gentleman, giving a lecture not unwise, but understanding what The people are very much iutererted. Mr. T abor , Del. Co., July 23.—5 ac to some boys, was explaining how the wi ll of tl le Lord is.” Eph. 5: We are erecting our church edifice cessions -4 by primary obedience, 1 by no one could live without air. He 17. “That servant which knew now, and expect to be in itsoon.—Wra. former relation.—E. B. Scofield, Con then said : " You have all heard of nersville. his lord’s will and prepared not Hancock. F rederi . ktown , July 22. I bad 1 ad a man drowning; how does it hap ALABAMA. himself, neither did according to dition at Brunot, Iron county ; 1 at S elma , July 14. —I have just closed a pen ?” The ready answer was, his will, shall be beaten with many Green Chapel, Malison county ; 1 at Ebenezer school-house, Madison coun meeting at Plantersville, about 20 miles “’Cause he can’t swim.” stripes.” Luke 12 : 47. north of this pluce, resulting in 5 addi But now we reach the concluding ty. In Arkansas, where I have been» tions to the church. They were all nearly a year, I bad 42 additions. Will part of this essay, and have seen hold a meeting at White Water, Perry young men.—J. S. Kendrick. he CREAT CURE GEORGIA. that the sinner is dead. Oh.' what county, this month. I am still travel a wreck is a ruined soul. We may ing and preaching all the the time as N ewman , July 20.—I closed a four I—I RHEUMATISM— wander in solemn wonder over the usual. Bro. Wright is living near Eb days’ meeting at Bethany, Pike Co t Aa it ia for aU the painful diseaaee of the yj ■ — - c KIDNEYS,LIVER AND BOWELS. ruins of cities, towers and moulder enezer school-house, in Madison county, last Tuesday night, with 8 additions —3 It cleanaee the system of the acrid poison from the Baptists, 1 from the Metho that cauaaa the «trvadfnl srrflteHn* Which ing urns pile<l by human hands, but six miles from Fredericktown, and dists, 3 by confession and 1 by letter.— on'.y the victims of Rfieumatiam can realise. preaches occasionally.—H. W. Morris. THOUSANDS OF CASES what are these to compare with a of the wont forms of thia terrible disease Htrrison Jones. ILLINOIS. have been quickly relieve*, and tn short time T » ruined soul. These are the works SOL1U CAROLINA. H oopeston , July 17.—O jo baptized of man, but man is the grandest-1 at Bethany, Cbampaigb, county,; ester- W alterboro , July 20.—Wo are in a work of God, for whom all others , dav, making 10 additions since Jan. 1, very interesting ^meeting here noar were wrought. Yes, sun, moon and 45 additions herd ; total since, Jan. Walterboro. Have had 6 confessions • • ' * ’ . . ■* • » ' 4 a • II 9 PERFECTLY CURED.- C rm«r, *■. i.iqtinoR my , m » i . i > hv luctauisTH. < •o «« Bry can lw se nt by mall. ; WELLS, RICHARDSON A Co.. Burlington Vt, * * * ’ ■ J. A> » 4