• « C Ît n T S T 1 A N 1 r 1 Cl t A Î. 1 >, -w-|L been destroyed through southern New plications in Madagascar between Amer the fracture a very serious one. Five brick buildings have been built-I Jersey by forest fires. There has been ican authorities on one side and French great excitement ai.d mrtch hard fire authorities on the other have caused ■ Portland. in Dayton since the April fire. fighting-. It was arrested yesterduy by much tension of feeling bnt no collision. Allen J. Miller, of Puyallup, has sold The new steamer Vaguin n will be B erlin , Aug. 3.--It is reportecthat . . ready for sea in abont ten days. Ar i 5 tons of his hop crop for 30 cents a showers. rangements are being made to organize i pound. Ezra Meeker has sold ten tons, .L aredo , Texas, Aug. 5.—The prevail the powers are willing to leave the an excursion party to Yaquina bay by to iw delivered in October, at 40 cents. ing fever at Matamoras is reported as Egyptian question seperate from the Thia loci iq an aa.iD.rn nr.lar ——~ TT?' i n e re a swg hin t, s e v e n id ea t hs Ma i ui e il i qn**ti ea Llxa steamer ............. —, The election in New Tacoma on Tues to-day. There is no exact account of rangemont between Turkey and Eng Portland never had pleasanter weath day on the question submitted by the the total number of cases but they are land, subject to the final assent of Eu er than during the past week. school directors tOimpose a tax of reported as between 300 and 400.’ The rope. Complaint is made that vagabonds oc §2500 for use in purchasing ¿rounds A lexandria , Aug. 5.--6:35 p . m — distaso prevails among the higher class cupy the plazas as dormitories. for a central school-house, renting and es as well as among the lower. There At 5 o’clock this afternoon the British ’ The Home Hotel building, in East furnishing school roomsand for general has been a number of deaths among troops with a number of field guns Portland is to be enlarged this summer. school purposes, was carried without a farmers. Many sto es are opty open served by sailors, attacked the advance ........ . The Fourteenth street bridge, from disaenUng -vote in favor -of the Ux par t of the day , wit ieh- grvea- tire city a guard of Arabi Pasha, near Ramteh, be- " Morrison to N Eighteenth street, is well A disasterous fire broke out in Albany, very desolate appearance. Last night tween the canal and the railroad, firing under way. between 4 and 5 o'clock i \ m ., August 4, Manuna Flores, u Mexican druggist, the upon the enemy’s position from three Washingtonstreetat the fill is planked in an unoccupied Chinese shop, near first case of fever in Brownsville, died. sides. Th* engagement, which is of a for pedestrians as well as vehicles, the corner of First and Washington He was taken in a cart to the graveyard serious nature, stil^continue*. though a railing should be erected on streets, burning that -and a saloon ad and buried this morning. Business Locati joining on the west, and Dunning’s fur the outside. N ew Y ork , Aug*. 6. -Deaths, l ist niture store on the east aide. In spite week, 039; births, 4,804. The above The new public school buildings are Do not forget the “ Ad ” of ' Domes fast approaching completion, and will of all efforts, the fire crossed Washing* figures are official, bnt generally re tic Sewing Machine Company.” be ready for occupancy by the opening ton street and burned the. upper story garded, as usual, unauthentic. Fruit jars, jelly frames, groceries, of the St. Charles hotel, and ruining the L owell ; Mas3., Aug. 5.—The central paints and oils can be had cheap at day of the new term. entire building. bridge acres? the Merrimac burned thia Dawson’s drug store. (JeBtral school building has been im The State Teachers’ Institute will be morning; loss, §34,000. Wuile work When in Portland, don’t forget the proved with a neat porch and stairway Pacific Boot ’and Shoe House. The held at Salem on the 21st, 22d and 23d ing on the fire, four firemen were pre at the Sixth street entrance. of August. . cqdtated into, the river and seriously leading Boot and ' Shoe dealers are Cardwell, Bennett & Co., 109 First St. East Portland water compttnywill lay ‘ A barn belonging to Albert Hendrick, injured. 122)Gm 1000 feet of main on L street. on Pleasant Hill, Lane county, burned B rownsville , Aug. 6.-- About fifty The “Little Gallery Round the Cor Friday night, July 28. .It is not known cases of fever are now esisting.and it is' ner” Yamhill St., near 4tb, is making Monmouth and Vicinity Cabinet Photos for §4, and Cards §2 per how it caught, as no one had been near rapidly-,.The. dtalh . -——— the building for several days, bnt it “ dozen: ^aHsTacHoiT’’guaranieed German named Onaste, recently from money refunded. - • / ’ , ' The fall wheat is yie’ding well. 'must have been the work of an incen Europe, occurrsd to-day. Conflicting Jno. A. MacDonald, of the Salem diary. In the barn was stored about reports abont the existence of the dis Marble aud Granite Works, Commer Threat ers are all now very busy. cial Street, south of the post office, The warehouse is nearing completion. 15 tons of hay, a seed drill^etc., bis en ease at country points are not reliable. tire loss being about §1500, with no in- C hicago , Aug. 5.--The general manufactures all kinds of monuments: The ground is getting very dry, there -surance. Italian marble a speciality. Prices re freight office of the Atchison, Topeka & duced one-half has been very little rain this summer. More schools are in running order on Santa Fe railroad announces a redaction N ew M usic .—Send stamp to Wiley B. We notice several hands from Inde the Coquille than ever before. The at of 5 cents per hundred on freights from Allen, most popular music dealer, Port pendence working on the warehouse. land, Or., for complete catalogue and tendance -.. is . also much '• better 'r than at Missouri river to El Paso and points on sample copy •' Musical Pastime.” All Everybody are- too busy to do any any former period. the Southern Pacific between Deming orders by mail filled promptly. thing and news items are as scarce sb and Yuma, on first, second and third Tho Household Machine took the victuals on a dinner table after a classes ; of 2 cents on font th, and 3 the first premium Hewing Eastern. at the great Man threshing party has left it. L aredo , Aug 1.—Surrounding points cents on fifth class, to take effect at chester (England) Exposition for the If there seems to be any “crooked have established strict quarantine once. This is said to be the first step in best family Hewing Machine. John B. ness ’’ in the print of your paper this against Brownsville and Matamoras. retaliation for tLe action of road* runn Garrison, general agent, 167 3rd Bt., woek, you may understand that it is be Several deaths occurred Sunday, in ing to Missouri river points, making Portland, Oregon. Mrs. C. J. DcLetts, Dress and Cloak cause of a new feeder at the press. cluding Gen. Santos Barnavidas, ìepre- Council Bluffs and Kansas City rates Maker ; also Ulsters and Dolmans. Cutting und Fitting a specialty. Ap Mr. A. P. Wolverton harvested ¡66 sentative of the Texas legislature, A the same as Omaha rates. M c K eesport , Pa., Ang. 5.- Striking prentices wanted. Inquire or call at acres of his wheat, from his farm south prominent physician named Cartoz is iron workers continue turbulent towards North-west Cor. Fourth and Salmon of town, last week that averaged 38’£ prostrated by fever of a mild type. Sts., Portland. Room No. 3. 12-4m L aredo , Texas, Aug. I.—Deaths at non-union workingmen and a serious bushels per acre, or a total of 2,541 F. E. Beach & Co., 103 First bushels. Bring on your gooh farmers. Matamoras since Saturday, 12; cases outbreak is feared. Street, Portland, carry a complete line under treatment, 40. Mexicans at New of painter’s stock, window glass, ready Foreign. * Pacific Coast. mixed paints, lubricating oil*, brushes, Laredo resist quarantine against yellow A lexandria , Aug. 3.—It is under doors, glazed windows, etc. Catalogue S an F rancisco , July 7th.—In cross fever. Price list furnished on application. ing the San Francisco bar, last Thurs N ew Y ork , Aug. 1.—During the 24 stood Arabi Pasha in his proclamation, and 12-21 -3m day, the steamship Oregon shipped a hours ending at noon to-day there w^ie insists upon all natives leaving the ser The Oregon Furniture Manufactur ¡£- vice of Europeans, as he intends to ing Co. have just moved into their new heavy sea, and two passengers in the 138 deaths from heat. steerage became itisane through the N ew O rleans , Ang. 1.—One death make an attack iD force and will treat and commodious four Btory brick build the natives in European employ as ing on the east side of First, between from yellow fever to-day. fright occasioned by the occurance. Taylor and Salmon Streets, where those ,, Walla Walla Union : Marion Stubble F almouth , Ky., Aug. 2.—The Christians. in want of Furniture or Carpets will P ort S aid , Aug. *3 -Turkish men-of- find it to their advantage to call and ex field has this season threshed cne field branches of the Licking river rose 40 of 75 acres of wheat which gave- a total feet last night. The storm.was nnpar- war strongly occupy .the Suez canal at amine their stock, as none bnt first product of 3,375 bushels, of 45 bushels alled. Damage to crnps cannot be esti Ismailia and Stif z AtlLhiropeana have class goods are kept in this establish v left Suez# ami ouly four Frenoh men of- ment. to the acre. This field is on the foot Qf mated. the mountains. L exington , Aug., 2.—Yesterday’s wht remain in Egyptian waters. A lexandria , Aug. 3.—All British The Lakeview Examiner says : “A storm has caused great damage to tobac black potato bug has made its appear co and corn crops in all the surround troops have been ordered to the front as I Notices in-tliis column, ten cents’per line an attack is expected. ance in the gardens in this vicinity and ing country. ? each insertion.] C onstantinople , Aug. 3.—The Euro ^showa an officious and disgusting will K t . L ouis , Ang. 3.—The merchants’ ingness to help harvest the potato crop." exchange have sent Chairman Page, of pean official at Smyrnia has warned his ANE TWO SEATED,FOUR SPRING John P. Burgess, a well known farm the committee on commerce a dispatch government that u man-of-war is necess ” hack, nearly as good as new. Will er residing on Birch creek, near Walla congratulating him on passage of the ary there, as the slightest quarrel might be sold reasonable. Apply at this office. Walla, died of hemorrhage Sunday. river and harbor bill, and justifying lead to u serious disturbance, Hakikati,, DWELLING HOUSE AND LOTS, Mrs. Grimsley, of Corvajlis, a lady M) I'ongress in passing it, and gaining an ¡Lflnential organ at Stambonl, has in Pleasant, retired years old, foil in the door yard of her gratitude of people of all parties. been warned for making disparaging location. Monmouth. Price low. Apply in person borne a few days ago aiwFbfoke her C hicago , Aug. 3.—New York special: allusions to the kliedivo. or by letter to the office of the H erald D urban , Aug. 3.—It is reported eom- for further information. , right leg. Her advanced age renders Over §250,000 worth of property 1^ FOR SALE. n A --------------------------- ---------------------------------------- NEWS OF THE WEEK.