Ti !•: n a t . n THE CHRISTIAN HERALD The concern that always makes money—the mint. ? ... .................... 1 . 1 «'■' l'LBLISUEll EVERY FRIDAY FROM ♦ ♦- 15 1 Ag< uli^for Hu' I'liristiun llciahl. X . __ ’ ’ p The following persons are agents fur T he C hristian H erald , and are authorized to re ceive and receipt for stiliscription«. If no the oTHce by reguterot! Wttw 01 IMJBIlU oixigf UU Monmouth • ■ "" -V OREGON rilHE I1KKALD IS THE ONLY WEEKLY . . .......... T. J. Wilcox Anuisyillo. .. . I on tho l’aeitic coast published by Disciples I J. W. Propst of Christ, and is of upocial interest to all who Albany....... ....... JA. B. Powell desire a paper devoted to pure, primitive De world am plenty good ’null' .......E. C. Williams Christianity, .unmixed by human creeds or Amity......... .. ...«.... .D. IL Putman traditions. As successor to the ‘Pacific Chris Brownsville... for de class of people livin’ in it. ..: ..Miss E. Davis Bellevue......... tian Messenger it is in its ................ J. T. Gilfry CreHswell....... ............... E. P. Large Crawfordsville Fart y YmrS Expcrrmri- wf ittt OW N ahw . ~ TWELFTH VOLUME;___ _ Cor vaUia .... ----- Mrs. AV inslow'a Soothing Hyriipistbu prescri|>- Ts on a ]X!i'nmiieiit basis, with good building, Cottage Giovo. ....... . .Jas. Caldwell tion of Dim of the best female .physicians and [siwev presses ami steam jniwor, an abundance Carlton...... ( Dr. AV. H. Rowland nurses in the United States', ai.id has Ixien used of good material for running midi » pafier. ' 8.1. Gerkiug for forty years with never failing success’ by The H erald ^contains each week sixteen Centerville.... (G. W. Ely millions of mothers for their children It re four-column pages, stitched and trimmed, so as I N. Garwixxl lieves the child from pain, cures dysentery and to turn like the leaves of a Jjook, with only a Dallas.......... . ....... 1 G. AV. Crystal dinrrhim,- jp~ipiitu iu the bowels, and wiiid- limited amount of advertising, anil tliatjjf the .... ,D. H. Deari’lcrtf colic. By givitig health to the child it rests the must select kind; - AU a dv a r ti ain g not trunk. Damascus....... .... ..i. .Jas. Harlan mntlier. Price tWvJity-live cents a l*>ttle. worthy is refused. As now published it is one Drain’s Station.; ......... .. . .A. L. Todd Elk Head............ 12 20-ly of tJ)« ♦♦ , ’ ... ...R. G. Callison Eugene... ............ .......... Charles Smith LARGEST PAPERS PUBLISHED Elkton.........; When the “ glorious bird of our Mrs. Bette P. Walker Forest Grove.... .:.............. C. M. Ely country ” loses-his health he loses by bur brethren. It is conductoil by a strong Helix.............. . .. ........ H. Davidson editorial eorpn, assisted by tho contributions of Halsey............... .......... D. 8. Cameron his rights,' for lie is then an ill-eagle the beat writers among us on this coast. We Hillsboro ....... ....... . John Harris Harrisburg....... . feel safe in ssying .it is one of bird. ......... W. L. Hodgen Independence.... . .............. V. S. Bond Irving................. ....Martin Peterson Jacksonville....... Every Disciple on this coast should take it Juhction............ .........J. A. Bushnell ........ W. R. Menefee "This powder never varies. A marvel ol Every one in the East who desires to know all Kingsley............. A Sure Cure Founit al Lust. W. D. Fenton purity, strength and wlioles^mcness. More that takes place of general interest on this Lafayette....... . No One Need MuflTcrf ,,.D. R. Lewis economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot l . coast. Lewisville.......... ...J. B. Lewis Leland......... A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and las sold in conqietition with the multitude ol ■ ■ It contains . .'J. H. Hawley McCoy................ Ulcerated Piles lias Ix-en discovered by Dr. Wil- low test, short Weight, alum or phosphate F. M. Gabbert FOUR DEPARTMENTS,' Myrtle Creek.... liam, (an In dian R e medy, -1 »-'i d le d Dr. W illia m's iM’wders. Sold mdy in cans. R oyal B aking ...J. W. Cowls liidian'Oiiitiueiit. A single I h > x has cured the P owder C o ., 11H> Wall-street, N. Y. --------- ‘---- Devoted to such matters as wiU~makq it indis- McMinnville..:.. . J. L. Whrle---- f Monroe...... ......... worst chronic csHcs of 25 or IM) years standing. J, E. Davidson, M. D. pensable in everyA Christian family. First Milton ___ ___ .......Miss Jennie Wright No one need suffer five minutes after applying T. J. Lee, M. D. conies the ............. E. Ground Mt. Pleasant .... this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions in-, New Pine Creek........ . ....... . . Josepli zllobnett strnments and electuaries do more harm than EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT North Yamhill......... .......C. V. Kuykendall good. William's Ointment alisorlm the tnn;ors, allays the intense itching, (imi tieulai lj' at night PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Of great interest' and value to parents and Oakland........................ ........ . .......... E. A Chase Pleasant Hill......... . .. . ......G. W. Handaakcr teachers. Next comes the after getting warm in l>cd,) acts as a ]w>ulticc Perrydale___ ______ _ .......... ... J. P. Frizzell gives instant relief,, ami is prepared onlv for TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. ) F. Hannah, Jr Piles, itching of the private |Nirts, and for Pendleton................... . f N. J. Gerking Devoted to advancing the great cause of Tem nothing else. —’ Diseaaea of women a sjiecialtv. Read what the Hon. J. M. Coffilxiiry of Cleve pérance, representing the thoughts of the Philomath... ....... . ... '.......... Drurv Davis Piiot Rock... . ............. ...................... J. W. Cox land says alxmt Dr, William’s Indian Pile Oint greatest workers of this important Held. The Prescriptions tilled at the office Roseburg................... . .......... . .A. F. Campbell ment: I have used score» of Pile Cures, "and it RELIGIOUS DEPARTMENT Tangent... ............ I... ........................ D. Houck affords me pleasure to say that I have never HltS. J. W. A: MARY T. COLE, Shedd................. . . . . . . ... ........... T. B. Davidson found auytFiing which gave such immediate and Is the central thought of the paper and em St. ................... .. ........... Mrs. 8. Giltner I>eriiianeiit relief as Dr. William’s Ind.an Oint braces Editorials, and cont-ibutions from our Stay Helens ................... T. C. Darby ............... . . PHYSICIANS «Si SURGEON?, ment best writers. The Spirit of the Religious,Press Scio. ton .......... John Shore I... 7..................... For sale by all drMgists or mailed on receipt representing the va nous religious bodietf, and . ............ H.. A. Johnson Salem. .......................... of price, tl.00 - ~ Suver Polk County, Oregon church news from all lhe States in the Union. Sheridan ___ ........ ........ , .T. N Faulconer IIY.NHY Jk CO., Prop'n. The Dalles................... . .Miss Rebecca Watkins The CLEVELAND, O. 12-1-ly Wheatland... ............... .....................Win. Scott SECULAR DEPARTMENT SPECIALTIES : West Chehalem....... ;.. . .... .G. W. Hardwick “ Forgiveness is rarely perfect Dr. M. T. Cole, Disease of Women. Includes Editorials on the important secular AVeston .. . . .................. ............ ...... 0. Mosier topics of the day, and news from all parte of WASHINGTON TERRITORY. Dr. J. W. Cole, Chronic Diseases. except in the breasts of those who the world. It is, in short, fust the paper for 12-1-tr. every family, and especially every Christian Alpha .-...................................... 1». IT. Wimply Consultation free. have suffered ” Brush Prairie................................... 8. C. Harris family. Subscription Cedar Creek.. v. .7....................... E. A. LaDow I Price $2.00 Per Year I THE CHRISTIAN Castle Rock.......... ............. •.. Win. Huntington I A C'ougli, Cold 01* boro Tin oat Coin.........'............ .................. J. M. Baker -» , ' In advance. Should be 1 stopped. Neglect freqnentlj results i Dixio..;.......... .............................. AV. T. Barnes Address in an Incu 1 raille l,MHg Ol«««or Coiisump- I Dayton............ . ............................ It. L. Dashiel THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, ■ Ion. BROWN'8 BRONCHI U TROCHES I have decide-l to publish a Q uarterly with Farmington............. ..................... %.F. M. Davis M onmovth , O r . does not disorder the stomach like cough svrupe the above title, to be issued jori the first oi Golden Dalo.......... . ........................ R. If. Moss and balsams, but act rilrrrllyon Ihr inflam Jai.nary, April. July and Octolier of each jear. I’ine City. ................... James Butler ed parts, allaying irritation, give relief in The first liuinlier ’will 1« issued Januarv 1, Lone Pine........................................ P. E. Fisher GREEN S “ LIFE OF GARFIELD, ” Asthma, - lironr liltis. Coughs. Catarrh, 1884. It will contain 144 pages,exclusive of the Lincoln ......................W. II. McClure and the Throat Troub'cs which 81 «gers m ml cover. » * Palouse. ................ ........... .................. F. L. Bell It will contain original articles from our l>est Public Speakers are subject to. For thirty Tim publishers are glad to announce that this Puyallup..-......................... Dr. Chas. Spinning years Brown's Bronchial Troches have Is-cti writers, book reviews, editorials and a full ]ong-cxpceted work by F. M. Green is now Pomeroy.......... -............................ Hanson Long recommended by physicians, and have always directory of our Schools. Periodicals and Mis ready. The publishers,believe tuat in Inany of Pine City... ......................... ... James Bntler given perfect Mtiafactioii. * Having been tested sions. I desire it to be the review of the Clirjs its leaturos this “Life of Gartield” is superior Spangle.................................. W. A. Baudots by wide and eoustant use for neirly »11 entire tian Church, and.the vehicle by whiciiour ripcai to any similar work published. Its author wui Sumner... ............................................ 8. Bonney generation, they have, attained well-merited scholars can and will communicate with die well acquainted with Mr. Gartield for nearly Vancouver........................................ S. C. Harris twenty-eight years- a time covering the entire Waitsburg.,......................W. 1’. Bruce rauk among the few staple remedies of the age. general public attd-the brotherWaxl. Every brother and sister, our Preachers os perfoq of his public life. He writes, therefor i, Walla AValla.......................Mrs. A. H. Reynolds Bold at 25 cents a box- every where. 12-1-ly jiecially, are requested to act as agents for the from the stand|>oint of one who knew him as student, od.ucator, teacher, soldier, statesman, R eview . , ----- CALIFORNIA. Sorrow is only one of the lower Four |»ages may lx> given to proper adver and Christian. Tlieie are eighteen chapters. College City............ '................ Prof. J. Durham at reasonable rates. All persons who Tlieso chapters discuss in logical order the ................................................. J. M. Oiler notes in the oratorio of our blessed tisements, desire a copy of the first nitmlier sent to them, various phases of the loyal life which they Elmisa MonticeRoTi............ ........ ............. J. L. Smittle so as to determine whether they w ill subscribe represent. The followiTg are the titles of the Napa City................. Mrs. 8. E. Inman ness.— J. Gordon. will please send in their names as sooji as pos successive chapters : Saratoga ........ ............................ William Pollard slide. It will c<»t ion nothing it mu do not 'lhe Western Reserve.— The Foundation Sacramento.A4. ............ Mrs. E. E. Hembree Birth and Boyhood.- The Pcriixl of Change. Mutweribe. Rosa.......... ......................... ,G. 0. Burnett My ability and fitness for the work have been I'lw / 'anal and the Sea. The Young Student — Santa Sun Francisco, r. Mrs. H. H . Luxe. 14Essex St vouched for by Bros. L. B. Wilkes, A. B. Tne lliram Teacher ami Principal r-Tri.e Man San Luis Iley........................... Minnie J. Borden Jones, W. IL lloiison, Isaac Errett, J. B. hood. Homo anil Family Life The Brightness San Jose............... 8. C. Adams A SURE CUKE GUARANTEED. Shouse and mao> others. of his Rising A Chapter Thrown In.—From .............................. AV. W. Smith K iumm iuitk » ;• One copy, uno year (4 Nos.; Bull-Rising until Noon. Tho Pillar of a Vacaville I»ewis Van Tassel- V. E. C. WEST’S NERVE AND BRAIN $2.00. Single number, 50 cts. People's Hope.—The Shot that was Heaid Visalia...................................... ............... H. D. Connell treatment, a s|>ecitic for Hysteria, Dizzi Sample conies and back iiuUibcrs scut on ap Round the World.- From Elberon to the Watsonville Woodland ......................... Mrs. Sue E. Grant ness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental plication. Postage always prefMid by me. Grave.- -Tlu World’s Sympathy anil Nor ITOW.— Depression, Isms Of Memory, Premature old Money sent by postal order, draft or registered The Present Estimate and the Final Conclusion. M ISC ELLA NEOVS. age, caused by over exertion, or oier-indul- letter will be at my risk. Address all communi —A Tribute of Friendship. .0. W. Paslay i;euce, Excess or Overwork of the Brail', which cations to While these ’ VflCwjf» chapters j'IbBVIll present l-llUJ the history 111 in -, Moscow, |VÎ " I I. I T. PM ._................... .-T-. Ii. Childers cads to Paralysis, decay or death. Ono box D11. E. W. H erndon , Editor and Pub., logical outline, w, jut )otoach each chapter is complete in iour . V.?’ '* — . will cure recent cases. Each box contains one Columbia, I!<x>ne Co., Missouri. ittelf. For ii nstaiice, . the ............... student life of ‘ Gartield . '.' ’ 7, .................... J. C. Roller P.O., month's treatment ; 01m dollar a- box, or six tn Darts *5 *. **• 'M Ont., Cut., C Can... ..Deavenport Caul is discussed in one chanter, chapter, and ajul not iti jiarls of .8. H. Hedrix boxes for live dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on several chaptprs. -Ho irT his educational life Fairfield, Iowa.................... receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to I amlwerk; Lia religious faith and stand aiul wcirkr Ho ho cf Iris cure any caso. With e'acli order received by us 1VOTICE, ing, etc., etc. for six boxes, accompanied by live dollars, we 1'RIIFS. Lowv.t prices rvpr knows Onr lleacrtptlve 11 lustrateli 1'rlra will send the purchuHcr our written guarantee on Hreeeh - Ixuadera, „ Cloth, plain edition, $1 50. Elegantly bound Liat. No.'49. of Ury Guniti, ale.. will ba ■tines, A Kesulvara. to return the money if the treatment dees not iu licit English cloth, lievelod I mauls, black Issued about March 1st. 1881. l’rleea effect a cure, (iiiarantees issued only qv POR 115 SHOT-61111 ai d gold, S'2 00. Elegantly bound in half quoted iu No. 98 will-remain «rood until W.MJDAliD, t'l.ARKE A CO., Morocco, $2 50. Elegantly bound in full »t^iìrZstÌ^TrìiììcrtrprEa? that datq. Send ua your name early for Wholesale and . Vri ggists, Portland, Morocco, $1 00. Address, He I it starni) Remi atsnip for our uiir New copy of No. »9. Free to any address. Oregou. Ot A»" I » D r< gular prices. C entral Book C oncern , I Hum. Catalogue. l^Äl -<ML MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., ,. n- y. * Chicago or Cincinnati. 4 Fv FVWlhbt a HON, W Maia btieH.CINCINNATI, 12*1 "• tn »»7 « ■»* Wabaah Ava.. Chicago, 111, Cleartt out rats, mice, roaches, Hies, ants, bed bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gopherL 15c. Druggists. ~ . • < PILES>PILES! PILES! a x { —1— ** ?■ ; POWDER Absolutely Pure. OUR BEST PAPERS. DAVIDSON & LEE, QUARTERLY REVIEW. A ’ SERVOUS DEBILITY. n PIIKIQ