*' 14 Henry Jevvitt, of Coffee oounty, Georgia, age ninety-six, has just mar.r!ed?a girl of sixteen. i-sg x lA„ •;___r Skinny Men. “Wells’ Health rjienewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Im potence, Sexual Debility. SI. “ Go out young man; she is not here-,-- sayl a preacher one Sunday, in the midst of’his sermon, to a youth whom he saw standing hesitatingly in the doorway. ---------- - ----------- x._--- --------- ' 7" Mrs. Dr. Augusta Smith—Author oí ‘•The New Process Cure Treat ment.” As a physician, M rs . D r . S mith lias gained . n national reputation. She has cured Women mid Men, in all parts of the country. To-day h lie has patients in every State in the Union. She treats the si k nt rnr.ia Homs, by letter. She gives refeiiiiees of many well-known per sons, whom she has treateel. among them Mrs. Alexander Campbell, of Bethany, W. Va. For references, testimonials, question list etc., inclose stamp, and address M rs . D r . A uovhta S mith , 12-2*-3m .■ Springfield, Missouri.- CHTtlSTIAJST HERALD TUTT’S Pl LLS > SEWING i is tF¿e fl F. DRAKE, MANUFACTURER OF TORPID LIVER ,y STEAM ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY REAPERS, THRESHERS, &c CONSTIPATION. TUTT’S FILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects sucli a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They hiercaae tl*c Appetite, mid cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system is nourished, and by their Tonic Acjtioi, on the Ihitfestive Oiyanx, Rccular Stools are pro duced. Price Si-ve ms— 35 Buna» ML. 31. Y. ENTERPRISE PLAKER AND MATCHER. TUTT’S HAIR DYE. Brass ar.d Iron Castings fin- nished on Short Notice. G ray H air _0 b W iuskkks changed to fc Gross v B lack by a silicic appUe.itloii of this D ye . Itini- nartsa natural color, arts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by expre on receipt of tl. OFFICE, 35 MI RHAY AT.-. XEW YORK. (Dr. It fl’s UHt'U. of Valuable I-iwirmaitnn and \ I'teful Receipt* will be «tailed 1 It EE on applktlloa.> I Water Wheut Governors of best pattern known, two sizes. Agent for Degroat’s- Patent Ornamental cer------ *—:—--------------------- : is H/\S fH EQÙA.L THE GREAT GERMAN ALWAYS- New amLsecond hand Engines constantly .on hand. REMEDY “ Biicliiipailm.” loB Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. ?l. Druggists. LI FETI ME RHEUMATISM,. NEURALGIA, The difference between a hill and n pill is that the hill js. hard to get up, and the pill is hard to get down. SCIATICA, Mothers J Mothers ! ! Mothers !!! OOTJT Are yon disturbe! at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying v ith the excruciating pain of cutting-teeth ? If so go st once and get a bottle of MEH.. WIN SLOWS SOOTHING SYItUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately—depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regu late th ■ bowels, an.l give rest to the mother, and relief and health to thecfril<t, operating like nugc. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, mid pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription < I one of the oldest and best female physicians nod nurses in th« United States. Sold every where. 25 cents a bottle. 12-1-ly SORENESS LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, SURPASSES^ OTHERS < * 30 UNION SQ.NEW YORK C hicago ill . - o -------- c-^9 O range mass . OF TUB' CHEST, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS AMD SPRAINS, FROSTED FEET AND EARS, Jilts Clarissa Raymond, of Wil ton Conn has just celebrated her 100th l itthday. BURNS AND SCJkLDSr General Bodily Pains, When certain powers are claimed for nn article, anil everybody testifies that it Joos more than is claimed for it, to j-iiinsay its worth is useless. This 1 is the substance of the St. Jacobs i Oil.— nth lip n't Evening Register. ***“ Presumption begins in ignorance nml ends in min.” On the other hand, the production of Kidney-Wort began •with wise cautions and scientific re- Fi arch, and its use ends in restoring .►Irnttered constitutions and endowing men and women with health and happi- liefs. “ My tormented back,” is the exclamation of more than one poor J-urd working man and woman ; do you know why it aches ? It is because your li Joeys are overtasked and need nftengthening, and yotfr system needs to be cleansed of bad bn mors. You iced'Kidney-Wort. SALEM IRON -WORKS-—■ THE MOST POPULAR v ------- • o p- ALL Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive. Pain in the Head, with a dull sensation in the . jack part. Pain under the Shoulder ulade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion cl’ body or mind. Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, ¡fluttering at the Heart, Dots before tho eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Restlessness, with fitlul drcams, highly colored Urine, and Y - ¡)>\ Cujjler. 1 SYMPTOMS OF A When is a crying baby at a pub- lip molding like a. gnnd siiggp.&Liíin? Whenñt is carried out. Twenty. Christians can fight heroically where one can suffer gi eàtly, and be strong and be still. k TOOTH, EAR AKO Church and School Bells. Piani, of W’t with Costof Bell. yoke & Bell A frame Hang’s No 6 25 in 23011.» $ 25 W J No 6*427 in 340Ü.S 36 (Ml / No 7 30 in 49tilt>s 50 (Hi No 8 3liii73on>8 75 00 No 9 3S in 9251t.s 130 00 Rumsey A Co., Seneca Falls, New York. IPUBL ICA T IONS 111 OTHER rilHS AMD - ACHES. No Preparation on earth equals S t . J acobs O il aa a RArc, • uric , Siu elk And CHEAP External Remedy. A trial entai> _ but the cornea rati vely tri Airy? outlay of 50 C ents , and «vary one «uttering with pain can Lave cheap aud positive proof of It* cUima. BIB1CTMM» U El.EV EX LANULAUE8. SOLB BY All DRUGGISTS AMO DEALERS tti MEDICIRE. A. VOGELER & CO. < Italtimore, Hid., V. 8. At GUIDE e SI’GUESS WITH FOH1IN |{tslNF.<O* - AM» .*i<H 1ETY I m selling by I <■ I n «dHTrnTJaTirt it; J*-- i-< . ’ universally tiscfu! book ever pnhliblicd. tells completely'11 GW TO J>O EVEtiYIHING in the best way, How to-lie Yonr Own Lawyer, How to Do Business Correctly aud SueceaH- fully. How to act in Society ami everywhere. A gold mine of v'sriad inL'oriii.ition to all classes for constant'efertnee. VGKVT m vt’ AV i'El» for all or spare tiioe. To know why this book of REAL value and attractions hells lietter Ilian »nv other, apply ,for term’ to .1 . DEWING A UH., San Fi iinci-co, Cal . - 12-2*.M>in OYTHEMlmMlIktt THAT THE “DOMESTIC I CHRISTIAN CHURCH. > t L OF THE ___ HEADACHE, AMD HÜ+. FAMILY SIZES AND PRICES. — —IS THE — / - <- --—- •• . .• Acknowledge Leader in Trade, the In consideration of the growing de IS A FACT THAT CANNOT BE DISPUTED. mand and for the accommodation of the I * many readers of these works on the coast, we have sent for, and will keep Many Imitate It! None Equal It! on hand the various publications of the THE MUST SIMPLE, Christian Church, together with a THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, limited number of other religious nn- THE FINEST FINISHED, thors, including Books of Sermons, Dis THE HANDSOMEST WOODWORK. cussions, Theological Treatise, Biogra J. W. EVANS, phies, Commentaries, Hymnals, Church i‘.t Post Street, Swu Francisco. and Stinday-Bchool supplies, Ac., Au. E. F. HEROY, Agent, IP S h I ukiii St., These will be sent post-paid (or when Net. Second and T'hlrel, Portia* nd. so ordered, by express) to any part of 12-9-6m the coast at Publishers’ prices. I? I, ^¡. I business now before the ptib- Money may be sent by Draft, P. O. Illi* ’ I lie. Yort can make money faster at woik tor ns than at anything clso < apita) not Or^jpr or Registered Letter. needed. We will start yon. $.2 a day and up Cull on or address wards in'ailo at home by die industrious. Men, BRUCE WCLVEBTON, women, boys and girfs wanted everywhere to work for tin. Now is the time. You can work 105* First ¡St., Portland. Vy New ft’nct it-4 Pr* yl.' <ner 190<1 oh I i u<t Ed vi i AV h I.U iu Wslclic*' . mit for i* 3e stamp. 1» t I.* I n . I k - k I y a che* I*. h ,I p i.l <nf t’.S.io boexiuntueil Irt.h». * p.ybr* ruY urr ey . Fi«l<mbml ref- •i' uvo. h.lt VV in spare time only or givo your wliele time to tlio business you enir Jive at home »nd do the vturk. Np,other busiiKwui-will pay you nearly «Ml. No oribcjmfMn to nral-c eu<>i molts pay liy engaging at diice. Costly Outfit ami Terms free- Money made fast, easily amt honorably. Address T rie A Co., Augusta, Maine.