I dilli ST I A Ñ lì ------------ a—■——-—............... ........... —---------- -r- I ----------- --------- -— Between Sunset and Dark. Tlic Cream of all Books of Adventure. (Cvnliwnrd from, page 0), ■’ tber< fore tlie temperance-men be PIONEER ; I DARING It is the still hour before the lamps HEROES S I DEEDS. come strontj enough to wield an in- are lighted: the hour.sacred to the The thrilling adventures of all the Item ex Huence in their parties they found plorers and frontier fighters with .ndiansu out • family and the. home. By farftway laws and wild )>easts, over our whole countiy, a way to open a.<Joor to the people. from tho*earliest times to the pment., Lives ■■■fiflJHU.ry firesides, which many of us esnssa: <*l itt i fynfrM v i fj'h ywkirhtw Kt W'.Ti'ff’.ttfnr- irtli. Boon«, henton, Brady, rCrockt t.t, Bowie, remember, the grandmothers fold Houston, Carson. Custer, Cali ornia Joe, Wild in the legislatures. There it was Bill, Buffalo Bill, (lens. Mlles and ’Crook, great their wrinkled hands over their Indian Chiefs and scores of others. <ii»RGE- always a question.about jirst what OUSLY ILLU8TRATKD with 175 fine en- . knitting work and gaze thiough public senTiment was upon the graving« to the life. AGENTS WANTED«, ^tjieir -spectacles into the glowing Low priced and beats anything to sell J, question of prohi bi tic n. .All know DEWING A CO., 420 Bush St., San Francisco. . fire. Tired men roll back in their 12-29-6m that law is worthless if contrary to arm chairs to get their “ forty FOR THE the wishes of the people. There ~ WTTTfrS'f’*’ moth err pa-rrse in tlre^bty-t TWELFTH ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT are so many and various'worthless -busy cares, and forgetting that it is OF " ■ .í'PC-t» opinions about regulating the rum MARS’ HILL COLLEGE, time the babies were in bed, hold traffic that the most thoughtful and snuggle and love them enough LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S FLORENCE, ALABAMA, around ,the legislative mills found • for al 1 the day. It is the ch i Id ren's (YRH1 niKl JUtef.j VEGETABLE COMPOUND, ±= itiliiliuuljt. ■ ' Is n Positive Curo hour, when they draw their little J ADDBES8 ■------ a_ ____ —-~ - In The presence of sued) a crafty, For all filone Pufnf*!il t ’ omplHÎulw fln<r"WoûkneDBé T. B. LARIMORE, President, ■ chairs closer to somebody’s knee so enuinon to our b«-t,f« male pnputntloH« - fi-rocious power as the ruin element, i FLORENCE, ALBBAMA. and listen with wide open eyes-to Woman. hir<-iite<l by b Woman. which has so long ruled hall, bench A Mi-ilicinc for Prepared by*» Woman. song or riddle or tale. Somebody and caacusf it is only astonishing The Greatnt Mwliral Pl-rev-ry Nlnee the Pawn of History. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER ! ought always to be willing to tell IITIt i-eviv«7 tbe tlroopbr- irit.% in'i,"'irat< en<l that we have done so much in so harmonize > the orpanl^ functions, Rive- e!a->ti< ity »ii'l TO AC ENTS. the childien a stbry between sunset llrmne«» to the step, restore ■ toe ualtinU lustre to the, short a period, I can only suggest eye, and plant» on the pale r In ■■ k of woni.ui tlie fn sh and dark. It is the hour, too, when my opinion- on the matter; It is roses of life’s spring ami early sumni'-i- time. GOODS UNSOLD RETURNED. t ^“Physicians Use It and Prescribe It Freely-%fl the little troubles of the day should « found in the better developed * It removes faintness, flatnl-noy, d. sjroys al! craving If yon are out of Employment and want to be smoothed and quieted away; for sthnatnnt, an<i i-eIi0V>-< i.f-Uio sto m a ch. start m business yon call make from s;i to $10 character of our people. Tn their Tliat feelins of bearing d«.wn. <-a i Ing pain, weight the impatience that came in the a day clear, and take no. risk of loss, we will backache, is always perm rientiv Cured Ly it« . normal condition our people appear and semi you on receipt of $11. goods that will sell For the cure of Kiilney Complaints of either sex midst of -the work can be covered i readily jn a lew days for S95 If tl.o Agoi.t foite_ Tinw i irr- er 1 (er th an- Th e -sm-n e rs- --------------- thia fiewpniinl Is Maaariinaind ----- I to sell these good» in four «lays, they can return over now with a o gentle word or a LYDITE. PINKHAM’« BLOOD PTBlrtlR all unsold to ns, and we will return them their eradicate every ^vo-xig«» «»I Jimimrs from the Ipf forim-r p«-i iods of the history of will money, can anything be fairer? Wo take all Bloo<l. aii<l give u>m- tutu strength to the system, of passing touch of the hand. i risk of loss, and the Agent gets started in a bus man; some think not nearly so man woman or child. Ip-Ift on having it. iness that will lie permanent, and pay from Both the Compound and Blood Purifier arc prepared The children who quarreled or good as in other days of the repub at W*nd.gM Wexterh Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Brice of $1 otwt to $3.000 a year Ladies can do as well fretted at their play may be drawn either, Ji. Six bottles for- Sent by mail in the form | as men. We want an Agent in every conn tv. But I think otherwise/ for . of pill.t/’or of lozcng.s, on receipt of pride, ft per ls>x 1 Full particulars five. Address, U. 8. Manufact- ¡ lic. together 8gain in loving sympathy . either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of i tiring Co., No. 116 Smithfield Streot, Pittsburg, when they are aroused on these fyr Pa. 12-31-3m. inquiry.- Enclose 3ct. stamp. Send for juunpljet. by the mother's tender word. It is No family «hould ha without LYDIA E. lflXKHAM’S momentous questions,' they show LIVES PILLS. They cute con-tipat.|pn, .biliouanetm, the best hour for the family prayer, I of the liver. 25 oeuts per box. I TA Greatchaneetomakomcney. every feature of advanced strength, end torpidity (i) jfg-Sohl by pH Driiggisis.'IvA V_Z Those who always take ad before thé ohildren are sleepy or the vantage of the go<sl chances for making money rising up as one u ighty host they that are ottered, generally Iveome wealthy, household divided by the evening’s show no retrogradation in any of while Hiose who do not improve such chances amusements or tasks. remain in poverty. We want many men, wom the characieristics of a wise and en, boys and girls to work for us right in their And for those who are outside localities. Any one can do the work properly good community. They are no BAPTISMAL ROBES. from the flrat «'art. The business will pay mor« — the home, it is obove all the blessed than ten times ordinary wages: Expensive pigmies beside their ancestors, but riAHE “LADIES AID SOCIETY” OF THE outfit furnished free. N<> one who engages fail a I Clnis tian Church, Portland, is prepared to Sabbath hour of the day. It is the giants in wisdom, rich in character, farniah “ Baptismal Robe» ” to those desiring, to make money rapidly. You can devote your time for memory to keep the heart at prices from $5 to 87, according to kind of whole time to the work, or only your spare mo and energetic with their resources cloth. These will bo sent b.V m ul to any part ments. Full information and all that is needed Co., Portland, from growing hard. It is the time Um coast. AdiTless, H erald Oftica, 105 First sent free. Address S tinson for the conquest of right against of Maine. St., Portland, Or. for thought, and for communion wrong. These qualities * alone, with God and ones own soul, “I under such surroundings as the THE LAKLFST AND ONLY COMPLETE TYPE FOL'NDICY AND PRINTERS’ WARE- must go into the woods and find IIOISE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. fast tradition relative to the most my senses,” said Thoreau, We pernicious traffic in the land, could *D A T JPr T> T"V successors to miller & richaro must go into the stillness and the JtT AX^I y JL CO J l VJ lu X 9 S cotch T ype F ounders , I cause a body of over 300,000 voters twilight sometimes to find ourselves gathered from all nations, addicted I 205 & 207 Leidesdorff, and 529 Commercial Streets, lost, as we often are, in the busy , to tipjding ctisfolns to absolve their » ' OH'C,5?O m 8 n F r SÍ’6 tot .. W I'KANOSCO; CAL'. rush and hurry of the days. To ! State from the time tolerated curse We keen o» hart C-.o largest Stock cl /_raeriea.n Fancy Type ever kept on find ourselves is what so many of of licensed saloons by near 30,000 thia Coast, togethei with a. enripióte stock of MUfer A Richard’s Scotch Type, and can furnish at a moment's notlco anything in the Printers' line from a bodkin to a us need ; our selves, our best majority. cylinder Press. W« heve b . very large stock of New and Second-hand Printing Presses of aU makes and sizes. We are role agents for, and keep in stock, Campbell This ml what they <lid, and I desires, our noblest impulses and Cylinder Presses, Cottrell de Babcock ditto, also Peerless, Clipper, Jewel, Gordon and Washington Jobbers, Washington Hand Presses, new Baxter Steam Engines (just strongest resolves. So apt are have more to say about how they the thing for printers), Tuork Water Motors, Gem Paper Cutters and a full line of did it. Sanborn’» Boolrhtnders' Machinery. Ou? Fidelity Roller Composition and Peerless these to be pushed into the 1?ack- Fairflebl, Iowa, Jmir- 3'i. 1082. Printing Inks ere eOKiideretl the best in use. Have you used our Perfection plates? They ravr editorial work and composition, and therefore save money. Send for our ground by the swift current of daily Amnien’s Cough Syrup never fails to | Catalogue. ________ _______________ duties and events, that it IS well ft cure .................... if used in time and ' according “ to di “ H EM EM HER — No Hoose on lliis Coast ran compele vtilh us in Quality of Goods. we can save for their cultivation, irectiona. one little twilight hour—between I We lieiml a proffiiDent phy-sician say NOW READY I ORDER AT ONCE the sunset and the dark. .Let us a few days ago that he thought it was the duty of the proprietor of Amtneu's New Christian Hymn and Tune Book. be grateful when we can take it Cough Syrup to give the formula of the This work contains ovi-f TOO hymru and n^MfnTieitrKTfbJeHs-tiMneet all the wants of Christian ami put info it all the blessing for medical faculty, so they could prescribe people. Book-« aro well printed, on go:d paper, and very nlffSttinrtiaily bnnwfl __ and use it without violating the rules of ....... ...Jiu<>JaR.CJ<UlL.ixjdxdjit»^.»i>isl«- < IMLcUte. >>i r ’•<»« _____________ , others* and take.out of it. for our- the profefwtrtrrfor,-said Ire,-“ m many ....... ( lienp Edition, bouixl in Bo.-iid-« nnd Prinlwl oil cheaper paper, single copy, 35 ctg.' of my patients praise it to the skies, and selves all the blessing that we can. Iter dag. 83.00. casts have come under my observation —The Notional Prohibitionist. NEW CHRISTIAN HYMN BOOK. where it has been remarkably beneficial, X O D » .» A.«.». nn ♦ A Aa.aa Cx-naolA tV/t H U ! ti f í O U * . m imb A man of integrity will never » listen to any reason against con- -, science,— 1low. that I know it must indeed be a wonder ful discover/ in medical science.” This medicine is.for sale by respectablo drug gists and dealers in m^dicino every where. * Cloth Binding, single copy, 35 cfs. i'lctc. JOHN BURNS, ' Publisher, Board (’oven tingle copy, ST. LOUIS, Mo. Ilcnilqii.irters for all Hie Publication* nt the Chrl.tlnn f liari h. ì e»z- Per <lox. 83 60. Iter do/.. $4,TO, . i