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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1882)
» 8 * ' 1 ox shall be .quit. But if the ox weie wont to push with his horn in time past, and it hath been testified t o his Qwnerrknd he hath 'not kept him in, but that he hath killed a man or a woman; the ox'shall be stoned, and his owner also shall be put to death.” This furnishes us with three well- defined propositions—propositions 1 - tary laws, requiring the streets to • Second.— Whatever destroys, or he scraped, all garbage removad, tends to destroy human life, is an and every man to keep his premises unfit source of livelihood» " If an v A Shot for Prohibition. free -4mm--- whatever generates oJt gate a mall ot a woman, that tha OY shftll he surely A NEW LODGE ORGANIZED WITH 20 di scant' and ileittfi. Hi tins I igm ’ CHARTER Si EMBERS. To ask, is to answer, the question. stoned, and /li’s jlesh shall not be We ask, we plead, we demand that eaten.” Why Was its flesh not to The first prohibition gun since be eaten ? Not because it had been the principle shall be carried out. the last session of the Grand Lodge There _ is T.._ „ an evil in the iand.1 mafle unsavory by the killing. Its in this State was sounded at Brooks, which above all evils, is the most flesh was just as good as if the o)t Marion county. dr the. evening of Thatcommend ±hemsclvt*sto the human .life. _ It lias had not killed anyone. Why not the 2Gth of July, by Bro. C. A- the horns and neck, and strength, to be eaten, then ?' Because it was—----- Schelbrede, P. G. W. C. T., and our approbation of every intelligent and ferocity of a maddened ox, the price of human blood. And present G. W. C., when he organized" man and woman. First.— Whatever destroys, or whose hello wings are heard in every thus 'God - emphasized thè utter / Harvest Lodge of Good Templars city, town and hamlet the wide abomination of whatever destroys ""fprot n b i tiuT r iff ts;,.. with iD charter-■ tends to destroy human life, is itself - i m pcH h li u til u il 1 i fe, ai id i ts W’firld rou nd. He han gored tn thn members. The following officers to be destroyed. “If a’n ox. gore'a' death thousands alld tens of thou moral unfitnessr to support human were elected-» and -installed : S. V. man or a'woman, that they die, sands.’ Ilisborns are dripping With life. God said to the. owner of the • Robinson, W. C. T. ; Sarah Harris, then tile ox shall be surely stoned," blood. Behold the frantic, restless, j ox that had killed a man or wo W. V. T. ;. W. A, Harns, W; S. • —that is, killed. Thè ox w as de forming, pawing creature. Say! man, “ Don’t eat its flesh.” The 1 J. F. Harris, W. F. S.; Mary Fisher, stroyed both because it had de shall we not quirsue' him to the ] owner say^, “ Why. its flesh is good Treasurer; J. O. Dennis, W. M.; stroyed human life, and was likely very death ? Our lives are in to eat ; it wl.ll support life. If not, Mrs. E. J. Harris, W. ,C.; Cinda to destroy other livts. It ’’Teas for danger, lip men and Woinen,. let Do one will be hurt but myself and Harris, l.-G. ; George Ramp,. O. G.; the good of the living that it was us down the beast. “ Hold there," family. And then, this bullock is Emma R. Fisher, L. D.; Emma to be killed. LWas\ this light? says its owners, “see that collar worth thiity or forty dollars. ,L Harris, R. S.; and Lina Harris, Certainly. —-------- ----------------- .----- God, lias alw'ays acted on this about its neck ? It was put there could retail its'lkslrfor a handsome 1 principle, lienee, after the Hood, by the law of the land?’ We have ■ ^ttm-— LL-i.l.» mi - mi’ w ry pouf. k ■»r Moi cover, not to A at its flesh will » « ■ and at the very threshhold of the paid for the privilege of letting this Silverton. in back again. new world, God said, “ Whoso slied- animal roam abriad, and tlie-c<uir 9 • ,♦ O regon C ity , O r ., , detli man’s blood, by Yuan shall his stitutioh protects us in this right. Please, sir; can’t we vat the flesh ? » i< - - July 24, 1882. blood be shed. ’ By God’s legisla If you don’t want to get hint keep In effect, God says, No, lead the Editor lieraid : tive enactment, the leper, whose out of the way. Don’t you touch ferocious unimal forth from the I I organized Silver Band of Hope presence in the camp of Israel en that beast We arc ready to pro camp, stone him to the -death,- burn 4 on the 23rd, which promises to be dangered the whole camp was to be tet him by our money, and we the carcass or leave it as prey for ’ I « successful, and'the Lodge,,is doing thrust outside of the camp. IL nce, have subscribed thousands for this the wild biid ! . The principle is of I well In Silverton. also, in the language, of the GretttXpwpose,- And the po litic al press universal application: No man has . Please state in your paper that Teacher: “If thy right eye offend thunders aloud, " Let that ox alone,” a < mural right to gain a livelihood all letters and communications in thee pluck it out, and cast it from and calls all who want to dcstroyrat the cost of human life, . A self regard to the Juvenile Work be thee. * * * And if thy right him, fools and fanatics. And many ■ evident proposition. ____ . directed to Levi Leland, in care of hand offend thee, cut it off, and a pious Elder in the church pro This is Why adulterated food is J. W. Watts, Oregon City, as 1 have cast it from thee. Fur it is profit claims, “ Let’tbat beast alone. AU inhibited by law, arid why slaugh got his consent to act as Secretary able that one oftliy members should the money 1 have on earth (and he ter houses are not allowed in the of. the Juvenile Work in and for perish, and not that thv whole might add * in heaven too,’) is iu- heart of the cjty, and why many the State of < hegon. The reason body should be cast into hell.” vested in him.” We reply: “Gen businesses have been stepped, and for it, I live about five miles from (Matt. v. 29, 30.) It is better to tlemen, we know that the law pro this is the reason why the liquor town, and may be out in the field remove the diseased eye or hand, tects your beast, but we intend to traffic should be now an I forever » organizing, so you will not have than that the whole body should be repeal this law, from Maine to destroyed. No man has a moral p any delay in getting supplies. the diseased by retaining the eje or (•ililbrnia, from the lakes to right to make a living by this traffic, L evi L eland , baniL And so it is, better to re gull, and they that are for us arc which to say nothing of the misery Supt. of Juvenile Work. move the leper, the- murderer, the more than they who ¿are against and ciiiiie it begets, annually fills ox. So says tfie Great Lawgiver. us; fór God is on our sfide; ami sixty thousand drunkard’s graves. A Temperance Tract by G. W. Yancey. And mankind approves, and must God and one are always a majority. I We wouldn’t argue this question. The Goring Ox. approve, this ‘divine principle— Is this fanaticism ? Then are we It needs no argument that two and The Lord deliveries from a bel ! that human life should be protected fanatics. We know, too, that vast two makes foui, or that the sun is lowing bull or a hooking ox. Those by the destruction or removal of sums of money are invested in in the Leavens at bright noon da^t horns, how dangerous ; how strong whatever destroys or imperils this pedigreed animal. But we And it needs no argument that tne • that neck; and his nature, how human life. Man uidst approved cannot heed this cry any more than liquor traffic is fearfully destructive. _ wild and ferocious ! The woodland this, else he willingly barters aw’uy of human life, and therefore, that i his own life. If he consents to the in which he biowscs, though vocal no man has a moral right to gain with the songs of birds and laden I goring ox runping at large, he his livelihood thereby. If the Mesh with the perfume of wild flowei^yixivaUy-^nscnt.s to Ills own deaTK7 the Spirit and the barbed arrows of of the ox that killed one n>an was ’ , s char ms ft>F~usT It is no Man docs approve this principle, truth, and led on by God; we are on unfit fur food, what shall we say of wonder that God legislated against however. Hence, in order to vinli- the heels of this ferocious beast,’ the liquor traffic that has killed its the goring ox in the following cate the law, and protect life, the and intend to continue the pursuit hundieds of thousands. language, in Exodus xxi. 28, 29: I murderer is hanged: In order U> drive him liOm the . camp It is ’related of a—quaint old -- r-,--- - ---- .---- prevent the loss of life, ’ we have a “ If ah ox gore a man or a woman, and stone him until he is „ dead, ------ preacher; preacher, who lived in Kentucky, that they die; then -the ex shall law against carrying concealed And let all the people say “ Amen, years ago, named John Smith, that Ju be surely stoned, and his flesh shall deadly weapons, which, by tho.xyay, aqd Amen. ’I his beast is none < when a gentleman handed him to il, not be eateh ; but the owner of-the I js very little respected ; also, sani- other than the liquor traffic. ■ dollars,' With the remhrk that i Temperance Department. . 11 * ’ » I .4 ■ . 1 ... . . 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