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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1882)
ÜHttlSTI AN II WR ALI) 7 ■—v r- .. .. Tlio Desire of the People. C olata , July 14.—There were 3 con G baptisms and 1 reclaimed. Our cause is gainiug ground slowly in Nelson <• s fessions Jiere the last Lord’s day in The afflicted, above all things, desire _* - lleportod by our correspondents and gleaned county, but the material gained is the June.—T. B. Stanley. health. To obtain it, theykpend their from oui- exchanger C hicago , .Inly 10.--8 additions to very best. This gives ns hope. Our money — visit the “Springs”—change church has the ears of many now, who, > West Hide Christian church to-day.— climate—do anything, in short, if there* OREGON. "B' v ' nyslin e<T7~^ ^r. H elen ” July 24 .—Ììro. S/anley : W; I. P’oWle. street. i . But from repeated failures, many of the O wbnton .—Bro. Harding has just I have good news for you': At our u "?i NORTH CAROLINA. poor sufferers have become almost hope meeting yesterday, two persons con concluded his delightful meeting with T ulin , Cabarrus Co., .July 11.—I fessed their Savior and in the afternoon us. We had seven additions during hid commenced labor here for the Lord, less. Now, let this fact ba'known, M rs . were baptized. Others are coming soon. stay—five by letter, and the others con March, 1881, where our plea had never D r . A ugusta S mith , with.her “New fessed Christ and were buried in the been introduced previous to that time ; God be praised.—W. Process Cure Treatment ” does not fail liquid grave.—II, W. Elliot. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. since that date 8 persons have been H illsboro , July 10.—In company added to.. the Lord, by. con fession and to cure all cnrablo diseases! A great The church north of Snake river in with Bro. Edgar Markwell, I preached baptism. Last Lord’s day 5 were bur many on the Pacific, Coast can verify Washington and Idaho Territories is in this statement. They have been cured, a better condition now than ever before. several nights last week at this place. ied with Christ ip baptism—4 noble Considerable interest'was manifested, characters, 1 old mother, from the M often all other systems and remedies The brethren, with few exceptions, seem and six persons confessed Christ.—E. E Church, 70 years of age, 1 noble have failed. to be alive to the work. The camp T. Edmonds. M rs M; . D r . S mith s marvellous success meeting went off very pleasantly and C alifornia , July 3. Wo are young mother from the M. E. Church, li es m-the fact that she is a b l e to t e l l closed with 21 additions. Wo were glad to bo able to report from this "2 other holiTe young ladies.—W. lx precisely what the disease isr and to _> •_ B- '¡a-- Lipe. . ‘ made happy by meeting with Bro. T. ' ° church .that wo are moving forward prepare her New Process Rt medics and KANSAS. M. Morgun, a well known and able min grandly in the AfaTOr s.yvork. Within Treatment, to remove it. ister of the Gospel, who recently moved the past two months* We have added G lenn S< bool - house .—Bro. II. H. Many men and women, in California, , ____ Lfrom Oregon and settled at Pomeroy, on seventeen noble souls to the Lord’s Smith joined us on the.Uth inst. 3 were Oregon, Washington Territory, and in the south side of Suake river, in W. T. army, two having made the good confes added to the church by confession and all parts of the country, who were al We also had .the pleasure of forming the sion at. onr regular meeting Lord's day immersion-—-one Lord’s day evening and acquaintance of a Bro. Greer, late of night. At Morning Vi<?w, a point at two Monday evening. The congrega most hopeless invalids a short time ago, Kansas, who also is a faithful proclaimer which'we labor once a month, we ini- tion is in peace ; we break the loaf every arc well to day, being cured by this re- mift-kable woman doctor. Send for new of the word. There is a good Sunday- mersed three at onr last visit, fourth L qti I’ s day ; huye.u<oo<LSnnday-8chopl. pamphlet and question list, and learn school at marly all places where the Lord's day iir.lntiO.—W. P. Houston. —Geo. Owen. how you may be cured at home—see >“\ brethren meet., and at Silver creek, W. nerraska , L exington , July 11.—Oil the first advertisement in this piper; Enclose T., one young lady, by the name of Miss ■ Lord’s day 14 U le« UiHy- 4aiff 4U;^ £1 1L.£hma xuoxa-J. ■ stamp an\l addr e ss ———— L. Hill, Repeated ,1200 verses and Miss ment at Colemansville, at which time will- report . the work at this place. M rs . D r , A ugusta S mith , JI. Hammer repeated 1400, these were nineteen took membership wliomLrii- S ince m y lost card—to you the re,have Springfield, Missouri. all committed to memory in one week.- cently baptized at Pearl. Monday fol been 13 additions ; 12 by baptism and 1 —C. J‘. Wright. lowing Bro. Neal and 1 weut to Roanoke, by commendation. We are. baptizing An Extraordinary Offer. TEXAS. Pendleton county, and spent five days, nearly every' Lord’s day. The debate There are a nnmlter of’ persons .ont of em- TrtoRP S prings , Texas, .Tune 19, — and raised .«GOO for building a house of is over and the victory belongs to the "ployment in every county,—yet energetic men to work do nothcr.l f> lie... 'H i . mk will-, Sunday, the 11th of June, Bros. A. and worship, which wo hope to have ready truth, John 17 ; 17. The'results are willing mg to wm-k-can make lrtiin$lWto$flega month R. Clark commenced a meeting here for use this fall. While here we had constant accessions t(/the army of the clear, working for ns in a pleffSOTTirml jwm»- business- The-amount our agent« "make which continued till last night—preach one confession. From here I went to Lord. The outlook is 'hopeful. We nent varies,—some makingks high as $500 a month, ing only at night, except Sundays. Re Morgan and met my regular appoint are under great persecution from thé while others as low as $100, all depending on the energy of the agent. We have an krtide sult : eleven were baptized, one to be ment last Lord's day, at which time, skeptics aud sectarians. “The idols of great merit, ft slionld be sold to every baptized to-day, four wanderers came eighteen took membership who-were re aro broken in the temples 6f Baal.’ And House-owner, .and pays •over 100 percent jirotit. Each'sale is from $H.>0 to $10.(4). One agent back io th'd fold, two by letter! eight cently baptized at Levengood, and one the priests are loud in the wail.” We in Pennsylvania sold 32 in two days, and cleared een accessions in all.—B. W. Bigham. gentleman about GO years of age made are trusting in.the Lord, and feel that «64.00. Ah agent in New York made $45.00 in day. Any man with energy enough to work the good confession. At mv appoint God and one man are a majority in this a one TND7ANA. full day, and util do this during the year can mako from $2,I)W to $6,(MX) a year. We only- T erre H aute , July 10.—We had 4 ment here last month, fourteen took world. To Him be the glory, and to us want one man in each county, and to him will additions to the church here yesterday, membership. Since I began my labors the labor, suffering and toil. His grace give the eXdusive sale-as long as he continues to work faitlifnlly for us. There is no competi making in all, 30 additions since I came for this church last September some is sufficient.—W. H. Hardman. tion, and nothing like our invention made. Parties having from «2UO to«1,000 to invest, can to this church, March 1. We are very ninety-eight have been added to it. I obtain a General Agency for ten ccnnties or a Obit mi ry. ; hopeful for the future. During th a va leave-to-morrow to hold a meeting for stale. Any one can make an investment of from $25 to $1,000 without the least risk of Joss, cation in August we expect to have a the brethren at Little Hickman, Jessa Sister Eliza A. Copelaud, of St. Hel as onr Circulars will show that those inverting mine county. — Janies G Perrins. $2,000 pipe organ put in our church.— ens, died at Portland, July 11, 1882, $25 can offer a 30 d>vs trial return the goods unsold to ns and get their money back, if they ARKANSAS. after a lingering illness of several do H. O. Breeden. not dear at least $1(X). They show that a General Agent who writ take ten counties and F rankton , July 11.—At Osceola, last H ope , July 15. —Having beeu re months, aged .38 years and 6 months. $216.00 can after a dial of HO days re-' Lord’s day 3 confessed their faith in quested by the brethren at Mt. Pleasant She was for several yearB a member invest turn all goods unsold hr us, and have money Christ and were immersed.—C. Quick. to give them a series of discourses, I of the church of Christ, and a most de returned to them if they tail to dear at least $750.00 in that time. V\’e are not paying salar started on the early morning train, the voted Christian. She leaves a husband ies, but want men willing to work ana obtain IOWA. as their pay the profits ot tlieir energy. Men V inton , July 14.—Closed a meeting 8th inst., and was soon met at Texarka and four children to mourn her loss. not willing to work on onr terms will not work anv. Those meaning business will receive last night at Prairie Creek Church with na by Bro. J. T. Wells, with buggy, to Though sad to part with thosfe who are 'on our large descriptive circular, and extraordina bound to earth with such tender ties, carry me out to his home, five miles G additions : 1 was very near death with ry oiler by enclosing a three cent stamp, with i away. We had, indeed, a pleasant yet it is a joy to know that she died in tlieir add ess. The first to comply with our consumption.—J. H. Painter. terms will, secure Hie comity or connlie« they P anora .—Have had 6 additions (2 of i meeting, and were glad to see .5 added the triumphs of a living faith. All said may u Uh Ottauuik. * Address. JI f . xsf . r M ini fact ^ rino CO., the number from Baptists) to the church to the little faithful band there . 4 were “ she was prepared.” This, we trust, 11 m Siuilhlit Id street, Pittsburg, Pa. here, not heretofore reported—all heads I buried with Christ by baptism and will uid the dear ones left behind to 12-31-3m of families. Year closes in August. arose to walk in newness of life, and 1 cling closer to Him who was Lei Will, towards olose of year, make a | from the Baptists, who was satisfied strength hs she passed through the cold waters of death, Rev. 1:13 W. ¡KIDNEY-WORT; comprehensive report of my labor in [ with former baptism.—II. A. .Smith. ILLINOIS. this western Iowa field. My health is I IS A SURE CURE *#*“Many Hilly people despise the for all diseases of the Kidneys and P aris , July 10.—Bro. Flower’s meet not good. Hope to be able, however, for the work increasing on my hands ing closed here one week ago Ttist TiTos- preei< h + s ,not uiuhrdanxling it.'’ Bn t ---- LIVER----- It luu> specific action on thia most important from month to month,—J. A. Waiters. day with 5 confessions and good results uo one despises Kidney-Wort after hav organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and ing given it a trial. Those that have inaction, stimulating the healthy secretion of to church otherwise.—J.‘B. Mayfield. MISSOURI. the Bile, and by keeping the bowels in free P lumfield , July 11.—At Lake Creek used it agree tha1 it is by far the best condition, effecting its regular discharge. Lovis, July 17. During the past Ml js I r» p ■ If X”“ from church at our June meeting 3 young medicine known.- Its action Is prompt, ,wl CI I Cl I Ida malaria, have the flfrtH» two Wfceka uc Lave .liad 1 uddltionaJah. .in.l l.odi na, Don Huke pillg, are bilious, dyspeptic, or oonatipaled. Kidney ladies confessed their HiVtor Hurt weie •W0H W l ll wn vi y n’li e«w ami qnlcK T y uure.------ the Fourth church.—D. R. De Schnllio. In the Spring to cleanae the System, e very baptized, and at J lily meeting 2 young and otjier mercurials that prison the one should take a thorough course of it. KENTUCKY men were baptized, 1 on Lord’s day ami systetn,,I hi t hyrtsing K idney-Wort re- H- SOLD BY DRUQOI1T8. Price« I. ■ -fir afmn > July 10^—In the last two_i 1 ye s terd a y nil, ~M \.T . »torn the natural action of all the or- Í KIDNEY-WORT W; Ilin™ a * 1 -- ------ -- gäns, woeks 7 have bóen added to the church : Williams. GOSPEL SUCCESS JL-’