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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1882)
C Hit i sT i A N it H1Ì A Ì..Ì3 Correspondence. Letter from Bro. Campbell. Bro, D. Stump: D ear S ir ,—-According to pro mise I write , y you. a brief sketch of mv travels thus far. At St. Helens 1 had two very pleasant meetings, one on Thursday the other on Friday evening. The memliership at St. Helens is almnt forty, but they are scattered over so large an extent of country that they seldom Astoria at 10:15 A. m ., where we are now lying taking on canned salmon. ■ ‘Our’ party now consists of Sister Gems of Thought. sources art* as boundless as God’s universe, and no heart is so miserly —One of the greatest blessings or so hard that («oil cannot make you can enjoy is a tedder, honest, it tributary'to his will. and enlightened conscience. and Reubie Spiller, Prince and my self. The young folks are merry as larks, enjoying the present hour in anticipation of the sea-sickness as soon as they cross the bar. We .will leave. Jivr<\.at 2 __ ______ — Your brother in Christ, < ___ as you could trace it, a chain of in fluences that had conspired to bring one of his good temporal gifts to you ? It is a very interesting study, and one that cannot but l>e profitable to the heart. But as one has said, “ However long the chain of second causea may be, the first link is always in God’s hand.” Every good, gift "does come down frmu his Imuhty. He gives even worldly blessings to whomsoever he will, and he has promised them to those who “ honor the Lon I with their substance.” *’ have daily trials, and strength ac cording. Leave to-morrow with t the Lord. —Let your religion be seen. Lamps do not talk, but they do shine, A. light-house sounds m... drum, it beats no gong; yet far over..the waters its friendly light is seed by the mariner. The Lord’s ¿Portion. —A church which is not imbued gentleman 1 stMe-re-* I heard a with the missionary spirit has nut a considerable sprinkle ot infidelity eenily, says the Lutheran Observer, the' spirit of Christ. Behold what in the community.. There are, 1 his plan of giving to the Lord for active missionaries the Apostles and am happy to say, some zealous, the past twenty years, and I think early ¿Christians were, and imitate workers in the good cause. They it was a word , in season to 'many them.— Dr. Cayler. have no church building of their who listened. Perhaps it may sUg- . —When in sorrow I pray for own. They have preaching liy Bfb. gest a similar course to some who comfort, or in weakness for strength ' Family Religion. Bruce Wolverton once in two read*it. of soul, and find them both poured months, occupying the M. E. build Once he gave about as it hap1 z Genuine .heart, religion will first into my heart, I am as sure of the ing. —------ ’ pened when any cause came up, but be visible in the family. Prayer spiritual fact and sequence, as Z4 St. Helens • is ¿located at the head always” with the feeling that he that is only heard in the church .or when in hunger I toil for daily o f- Jer p-w ate r n av i g a ti o n, just I>elew was Mvlllg JI grout ilunt-vt’ lie nwr pnblin prayer meeting, savors much' bfgad'Ahd win mywageC"“ the Willamette bar. it. ha*, to- thought that when he was spend-’ .of the street corner „religion. It —“ What is truth ?” was the . eefhei’,wTfh (Ariumhia Citv, a. tine Ing money for himself. His selfish question which the whole world, water front of three or four mileg, nature approved of all such ex of discerning men, or of God.. not Pilate alone, was asking on the and is, next to Vancouver, the best penditure. But'when it came to There is very little power in it, day when Christ was crucified. site for a city on the Columbia handing out a dollar for the Lord’s however loud, long or zealous. It Pilate seems to have beendrvtnriiy river.. Thirteen mik*$j_of _ rail road work, there was always a tug at Lacks concentration. It is. too dif guided to answer his own question witt~Tonm‘ct the' ’West Side witl Iris arm which held him back. fusive to obtain an answer. when he cried, “ Behold the man !” The conditions that obtanf^wr —U.S. Rowland. the N. P R. R. on the Scapoose, “jYou can’t afford so much,” was and thus bring St-. Helens several thesuggestion, wjjrich he fully be answer are. —Our abiding belief is that just “ If two of you, ” — there is always miles nearer to the Tualatin- plains lieves was from the great tempter. as the workmen in the tunnel of that number in the family — “ shall ami the Willamette valley than But twenty years ago he conquered St. Gothard, working from either Portland. One would suppose St. this enemy, and never since lias lie agree on earth as touching anything end, met at last to shake hands in Helens, with such advantages,ought disturbed him in this matter of that they shall ask, it done the very central root of the moun ultimately to become an important giving. He-wet aside' strict! v a for them of my Father which is in tain, so students of nature and shipping point. tenth of the money that came in for Heaven.” They must agree in students of Christianity will yet • ____ Bro. Wolverton reached St, the Lord’s work in the world. what they want; they must l>elieve join hands in the unity of reason Helens hi till his regular appoint Then, when any cause came up. before they can properly ask, and and faith, in the heart of their z ment just as I was leaving. It was- there was a fund to draw on. It then ask wisely. deepest mysteries—Dr. L. Moss. While all this may be done in understood there would l»e several was not his money, and it was no —“I cannot decide,” is the an-, baptisms on Sunday. 1 reached hardship, but a great pleasure to public the most favorable and hope swer of many on whom the claims Portland by l>oat just as the West give it. The only question now ful place is around the family altar, of Christ’s service are urged. Ah* Side train pulledjnto the depot. I was, how much should l>e appropri all religion is vain. For Gori says, but you do decide whenever the “ I will pour out my fury on the met the party bound for the East ated to each specific object. subject is brought to your thought. at the St.'Charles, and later I met Twenty years was long enough families that calLnot on my name.” To say, ‘‘ I c<nnot to-day choose the A. F. Campbell, of Roseburg, who to test a plan, and he wrfs more and — Rural Home. service of Christ,” is only another was in Portland on business, and more in favor with his as the years way of saying, “ I can and will for James A. Campliell,, of Portland. went by. He would gladly have The grass of the field is better to-day refuse the service of Christi__ I held two meetings in the Chris induced all his friends to adopt a than the • cedars of Lebanon' in ’ It A choice is made one way, if not tian church on Sunday, which were' similar one. I do not think any feeds more, and it rests the eye let the other. well attended. No additions. one ever regretted pursuing such a ter—that thymy, daisy eyed carjiet, —What a poor thing this lite At 3 o’clock p. m . I preached the course, or were» ever the losers .by making earth fair and sweet ami would be if there were nothing be funeral of an infant boy, five mont^r .systematic benevolence. On the homelike: Kindness is the turf of yond ! How little worth living obi, of Bro. Bridges, recently from contrary, numTaTsTiave proved that iltRFspiritnaPwofT<l; whereon the i amid the cares, and sorrows, and the Lord is a sure paymaster, and sheep of Christ feed quietly beneath ills of the flesh if this were..all. Australia. John and Cassie Stump ami J. A. renders back in unexpected ways the shepherd’s eye. Faber.. And oh, how sad to think that all and Frank Campbell escorted our more than four fold all that is done these are so often endured only to -r m im i i r Timm S k liTr*' m -radvrn"7 ~ Ttie "inan who re~veng~eg every partv to fhi;iboat-T nd “TfTTi Mr* prepare for entering upon a worse a*plcQftant ^-»al hour and a few ture ” about it, as, any drib may wrong that is done him has no time estate beyond f Christ came that T_ parting tears our friends went “cteTrrty p rove in himself by trying Ibr anything else, If you make through life there might be a path ashore and we to onr state-rooms. the eyierimenL All our -invest your life a success/you can afford * N way to eternal joy-. TOurs will be The boat did not st.eam?dbt of port ments here may fail, but there is a to let the'dogs bark as you go by. the fault if we do not fashion one. Until near morning. ’ We reached hank that never breaks. Its re- —Sabbath Reading. > —Dr. J. T. lirantly. " . f 7 A, I . I * V . • » t