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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1882)
CHRISTIAN « . y S 5 ÜKUALÜ. ■ f . If they had had a congress in those ,froWi the. word of the Scriptures and stands in his place io meet the * » —'-- - dayA he would have lieeir a very themselves. A short road lay -lie1 consequences is a hero. ' • ■ * -- Now, if we let the Lord choose popular man to send to Congress. fore him, and ruin at its end. The “ Such is my hero, formed on the good truth is that the woild is at enmity plan ; for us he will choose better than He,Would have been “The Hon. with God ; an<J the fact of pleasing A brave old and downright honest man, we can ourselves. ButXol lit 1. ijijl , lh uuuuui . ' iiu naia- to choose for Jiimself. I will ven? man the world delighted to honor; minded ought alwavs to cause a and skill ture to say, when lie left Abraham, for it delights to honor that kind minister to look upon his own What others talk of while their hands are still.” if you had talked to him about go- of a"man—a man of great influence. course With grave alarm, God himself, and those whose lives art* The one class takes up room, the , nig to Sodom he would have said : I want to call your attention to humbly suiTendered to God, are other makes it. I don’t wish to “ Oh, no ! Go down to Sodom ' Do one thing—lie was there twenty better counselors. , ■___ I excite hostility, but when a pray- you think I would take my wife years and never got a convert. Iii imj.'ny'coiig-regntions we are -erful, lazy man gets. inthe way of down into Sodom ? Do you think That is a man of influence ' Look I would take my children down in around and see where the worldly glad to note a growing- desire to truth, justice and mercy and only to that great city with all its temp Christians are —How „many souls educate the young disciples in the prays for a cause he ought to fight tations ? Not I ?” But he pitched are they winning to Jesus „Christ ( truths of practical Christianity. for, I have something to say to him as well as the saloon keeper—I ¿21 '. ' ** lila ' y-'' lenrWW^t:r^^Bm~h«g!feöfeetl- Are’ they-the tuen tl lat aiejRiildinj = T()U much attention comparative 1 y liave no [ >alienc e with a man w h o-------- toward the city—and it was not up Christ’s kingdom? I tell you is given to making comforts? long before his business took him those men are doing-more* to tear While we are not too diligent in jsits all (lay droning over his pray There, lie went down there per down than .any other class.— D. L this, ,we are wbefully behind in ers and Who if called upon to assist that. This education is the proper in rescuing the .perishing, only says* haps to sell his cattle and found a Moody. discipline, and prevents that harsh to me, “ Let us pray for a thunder good market. Shine of t^e leading Appointments. bolt to strike the liquor traffic.—■ • -, men wanted him to go down there. er discipline. Babcock. He could make a great deal" of M c M innville , O r ., Mistakes of Life, money.—could make it faster. Premium Offer. July 31, 1882. When a man pitches his tent liefore BrO. Stanleg: We have never offered a premi t.' -Somebody has condensed the Sodom and looks in, it , won’t be Please insert the following: mistakes of life and arrived at the um for subscribers,'‘and the price at long TieJbre he götsTfiere. W‘* »mi-furnish the C hris - Elder W. D. Frazee, of the Christian’ conclusion that there aiC fourteen His business, took him - there. "Church , will preach (no preventing of them. Most people would say,if tian H erald would not by any. “Business miust be attemledto-—a providence) at Carlton “Tin the Tst they t<dd the truth, that there was ^neans justify it, but we are anxi- man must attend ‘to his business. L<mps ,[av in August,'at H o’clock no limit to mistakes in life ; that pirns to do anything for our waders you know.”1—“ But then it will be A. M , and at 3 o’clock P. M. at North they were like the drops in the that we can to gratify them. ruin to your family.” “ 0, well ’ Yamhill, and at West Chehalem, at ocean or sands on the shore in Present T. F. Campbell has re •)Tiu going to^get money and then lamp lighting .on Wednesday^ the. number ; but it is - Well..iu.ilaLJac- signed his place iir Christian Col get out of it. When I get enough '9th of August, and at East Cheha cutate. Here then, are fourteen^ lege and expects soon to leave this to retire T will move back, and lem on the 2nd Lord’s day in great mistakes : It i’s a great mis coast. He is one of the best known ' live on the, plains of Abraham. August, at 11 o’clock A. M. and take to set up our standard of right and most loved men on the Pacific __ But I must attend to my business lamp lighting, and at Bethel on the and wrong, and judge people ac coast. Thousands of brethren and first.” Many a man puts business 3rd Lord’s day > in August, at 11 cordingly; to expect uniformity of friends would like to liav.e a goqd before his family. Business must o’clock A. M. and at lamp lighting. opinion in this world ; to measure photograph of him. be attended to, let the consequences We have had a negative carefully W. D F razee . the enjoyment of others by our be what they will. made to his liking, Cabinet size, a own ; to look for judgment and ex We sometimes lnFet preachers In the sight of the world Lot perience in youth; to endeavor to splendid likeness of a fine looking who delight in telling how the Hon.' --- was on e—of—the-rnmst successful mold all dispositions alike; not to man. We now offer to give one of Mr. So-and-so, or Doctor Such-a-one • business men of all Sodom. If yield to immaterial trifles ; to look these photographs for every new i flattered them over their pieaching. you had gone in there a little for perfection in our own articles; subscriber sent to the H erald with I To such and to all young preachers, while before destruction came upon to worry ourselves and others with the money, $2.00, and one extra we feel like commending the fol- ’ it and inquired about the jilace and what cannot lie remedied; not to with every three new names. lowing from the Golden Censer : Those who want to buy, can have its leading men, they would have alleviate the sufferings of all who Many a young man has preached a ' told you that Lot, the nephew of need alleviation as far as lies in our them at 50 cents each. sermon not fully in accord with the I Abraham, was one of the .mgst doctrines ami usages of his church) [>ower ;. not to make allowance^ fyr A G olden S tatement .—Remem- successful men in all Sodom. in hix impetuous thought, infirmities of othersj- to consider l*>r John Trapp’s golden statement: * Held office. \\ e find him sitting seeing strongly one side of the everything impossible that we can ‘ God respecteth not the arithmetic at the gate, and that is a sign that truth, he believed his position to be not perform ; to believe only what of our prayers, how many they are ; he was an officer. 1 Perhaps they ri^çlit Then came the tempter in our finite minds c&n grasp ; to ex nor the rhetoric of our prayers, of numerous words and made him a judge—a good, high i the'form letters of approval from “leading pect to be able to understand every how neat they are ; nor the geome sounding name, “Judge Lot.’’ It citizens,” the burden of which was thing. The greatest of mistakes,is try of our prayers, how long they is a good title. The world honored their great pleasure that he had the to live only for time, when any are; nor tin? music of our pray» 1-, him ; Sodom honored him; they “ manhood and independence to moment may launch us into eter how melodious they are ; nor the liked him very vycll. Then he speak out what all know to be the j nity.’’—A'.r. logic of our prayers, how methodic- woul'Lhavc reasoned in this way : truth,” etc. Ami, yielding to this flattery from men who were not in “ 1 Despise that lack of manhood aFthey are ; but the divinity of our “ Don t you see I’ve got an influence their hearts humble and in har prayers, how heartsprung they are. by coming down here.’’ He was a mony with God, though respected which seeks to avoid responsibility Not gifts, but graces prevail in __ man of great influence in the sight moralists, he let this confirm his by silence, or which submits to of the world —immense influence. hasty and unsound judgment, till | wrong toav lie coul»I not see any oflier Gdo They would have told you that tlio truth, and thus soon found him bearing Comes of goodness, of sin he was one ,of the most influential self growing in, popularity, but get ncr and prays to the Almighty to cerity, of refinement; and these aie men in all Sodom. He owned, ting further ami further away from strike a blojAg- wfiTch lie ought to-1 ef/Ts a coward.- But he who bred in years, not moments.— perhaps, the best corner lots, and the godly judgment of his older Bishop Huntington. he may have had his name on them. t brethren an»I lus churgby an».Leven 1 strikes a great evil full in the face The Hon. Mr, Lot, of Sodom. O iz < e » r-s. . ,------- 1. •/ a' O Q •S) O © . I —X-