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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1882)
2 CHRISTIAN .HRRAT.D. •*- x----------- -•------ r*- What Are We? - The majority of the religious would will even exercise the effect of pro moting the Sucretibh ,of milk in the Are we as a people too young to be say, only they have received a spe Is Prayer Natural ? udder in order to answer the real the Church of Christ ? Let us see : cial call to build. But what saitli - prayer and wants of its vouim. XT . ...That-the in ilw.-'W»!" the Scriotwrcs f rSeji.. 2. -- ___ “ The thiiigs that thou hast heard The human mother, who hears derness was a type of the church If piftyer is not-in harmony with the genuine cry of “tier child,'who Christ,, is admitted by all., Theli of Hie ainoiig many witnesses, the science, then prayer is unnatural is suffering for food or help, or who how and by whom was it built ? In same commit thou to faithful meh, and useless, except as'it may re has been crushed down by ionic licit 8 : 5, Paul refers to Exodus 25 : who shall be able to teach others licve the burdened mind, as moan heavy thing that lias fallen upon if, 40, and says, “see that thou make all also.” I’lien, according to Paul, if a ing and groans to the sufferer of never stops to reason» about the things according to the patern man is faithful and has the ability, .paiur-ui.'-.-c.vy tears—g+-~tbe- •Hatwd-~ltt'W"nnd.. fr/ree of gravity 717 ■\v^.7VTh’ee"7i I t|‘e 111 oil I i t ”...ft w ill j bereaved. ‘ that opposes her ami that she must be remembered that Moses did not KeV* 22:17. Now when the old But if prayer is in harmony with overcome^ but. the suffering appeal Ituihl the tabernacle, nor did he de dimensions Were found, many rose up nature, then it is and must be in and prayer of her child, nerves her vise the plan for that great build* and said, I will build, for God has perfect harmony with science. By heart and arm to defy ami over ing but God Mlonr w«w the gn^f. authorized me to build. But Paul a reasomibTe” aii<T carefulst u d v of come ; attd if her intensified poWet; architect. He gave the instructions "savs “ Let every man take heed this subjecMt must'be evident that is not sufficient, her added cry and tn Moses, the* mediator of the old how he builds thereon,” 1 Cor. 3 ; prayer is not only perfectly natural, prayer will bring other power to covenant, and Moses gave -them to 10. Here the question as to whether but a real activepotent force in Na- her assistance, ami thus God an the workmen and they built the they arc tire church of Christ or tare. I am more ami more per- swers the cry or prayer of her tpberluicle. NoW after the taber not, seems .to turn on whether they < suaded that in order to understand child. . nacle was built, any .compcteht have built on the right foundation Prayer, therefore, among all these’ workman could have taken the di or not, and whether they build aC- spirit forces, we have only to study and understand* natural forces, creatures God has "made, is a force mensions of it and cogl«[ have built cording to the first dimensions or (See John iii. 12), for lietween them in nature; and a natural ' potver : a tabernacle just like the first, and- not. ‘ ' Prom (lie above it is clearly set- Z there, is no ,conflict:, but rather an for w ithout it most of the-young of suppose that the . tabernacle had inseparable am I homogeneous unity. . all. *•- the animals have ' ■ higher y I,........ ■ - ■ ■ would ■ . ■ ■ . • -lujA XibeenburntupT-ur- tied tlm# every organism that has but little chance for their lives; so of existence, ‘and the dimensions been built according to tlm instr hc £7 1 am reaily to show that prayer js one of the strongest, forces, or that the power of prayer enters lost ami after a long time they (the tiwns ami upon the same/old foun^r laws of nature. That it is one of hirgel^^iTito the conditions of “ the. I dimensions) had been found and < la t ion“, (J esus Christ. ¥ Cor: 3:11.) the most necessary, most ellicient survival of the fittest." Their i God had said, he that can build let is a part of the church of Christ and and most lieneVolent agencies wit-hin prayers triumph over almost every 1 him build, and a great workman if none had been built until this the command of all' the higher other natural law that may' stand had built a tabernacle according to day, we think now would be the v orders of tile animat kingdom. It in the way of their answers; ami the •dimensions and by the auWori- proper time to begin ; but 7 will also be found that its potency all tliis is of God, ami it is -Gori’s ty of God, would it not have been we thank God that there is a build and value increases, as you ascend natural way of answering real a true tabernacle ? It most assur ing (or church) in existence built the scale of spirit development; or prayer. edly would. Thus the type was oiCthaLold. foundation without any If God then answers the prayers to those animals who are farthest made. Let us now look at the anti human creed upon which to rest. of his irrational animals, by causing removed from the lowest -orders. type. Who built it ? God gave More anon. C. J. W HIGHT. This higher force, or law, of natural the laws and forces of nature to be the instructions to Jesus Christ, the Spangle, W. T. prayer, often overrides and controls brought into contribution in order Mediator of the new’ covenant (see « — - * • • • • • - those forces or laws that are lower. to answer the cry or prayer of his. John 14:10,) ami he gave the instruc Progress of Thought in the- Among all God’s creat'ures, which needy and helpless creatures, is it tions to the workmen and they Church. not reasonable ami natural to sup- built the cliivch (the great anti-~ have soul, or feeling enough to - ~ pray, or cry for help in time of pose that this same potent link may type.) True, Jesus says, Matt., It may seem strange to say that, need, prayer is its strongest, and exist lietween “ our Father ” and 10: 18, “I.will build my church’’-but it the American people are . ever oftentimes its only force. It must his children ? I cannot see how he also said to his apostles “ lie that driven away from the Church, and be understood that there can be no any one can disprove, or even hearcth you heareth me,” Luke from faith in the Christian religion, true, or real prayer, only as it comes doubt it. But we too often entirely 10:16. Hence he not only made him it will be the fault of the Church from a conscious fqeling of needed overlook ami mistake w hat prayer self responsible, but lie liecame the and of the Pulpit. Beliewing is , help'. The young ravens, we are really is. very author of what they said. more natural to our ¡>eopld than 1 again refef to John iii. 12, and told, cry to God, when they are in Through the work of the ajiostles unbelieving. The parental instinct real want, and this they do literally, lielieve that nature can teach us the church was built, for they were seeks a conserving religion for the ami their cry, or prayer is literally some very instructive lessons, ami authorized to do the work and in chilfIren’s sake. Whatever l _ the answered. Fertile parent bird, im largely assist us, if we are willing structed how it was to be done, see father may desire of influence, of pelled by a law of. (Lqd implanted to learn and wish to understand the Matt 28 : 11),20, Mark 16 : 15,16 and wealth, or p<>sition, there is always in its very being, ranges far and true philosophy of real praycr/TEet Luke24: 46,4?. And they establish,- that mother, (vho judges all things wide, overcomes many obstacles, us “ study” this matter a little, ed the church, but after a while it by their relation to the welfare of and exhausts every energy, in order that we “may be approved unto was crushed out of existence and a her children. To her the child is to satisfy the cry. or prayer of its, God,” ami therefore be true to pa long, dark night, of 1260 years the pivot on which the World turns. offspring. The try or prayer of the lure, to reason and to science. swept over the world’s history and The supreme question with her is, To be continued; but please offspring of all the higher order of the dimensions of the great build W hat effect will flew.movements or creatures that are capable., of pray don’t fail to read, to pondef ami to ing were lost. But after a long time • loctrines have on my children ? . ing is but analogous to the cry «¿r study. < i • A 1 , A the same olddimensions were found. There is al » y.-A-« prayer of the children of God to llutJiuw. AvlioiMwlL.built istian nToralitJ' is the sjafc roa<l 7 Biîëm, Ur.,’Juïy2d,T882 their kind and indulgent Father. liinjding^—: tor childhood to manhqod, afid that The bleating of the lamb, or kid, ' An humbled*nqwledge of thyself foundation was not destroyed, set the qualities .enjointsI by Jesus aro and the cry of the calf for its dam ds^ajiurer -way to God than a- deep I ( or. ; 1|, blit the «plotion ixr imlispensable to sinriss in this life, meets with a ready an<l_jyilhng" tsearch after learning — T/tornas u ’ since the death of the apostles, who evqn if there shall be no other life. response, and _Jt-*r"S?ud~~Uiat they j , Keinpis. shall build upim that foundation? The household therefore, is a bul- Origjna! Contributions 1 9 r-V «M. * - — ‘ v. — |. -