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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1882)
•4 ('HHTS'Ì'1 * AN 16 X - - —.... . . ■ ■ ’ ■ ■ ■ -- -- - V- -■ » ....---- •• ' ~ \ - - 11 1 Fit A LI) ■ < , L ondon , July 28.—Gladstone inform 9 female converts was seen on a street Pacific Cwrtst. x ed parliament yesterday that the gov Miss Annie Ingram, an Albany, girl, car yesterday forenoon making for the ernment has abandoned all hope of pas Portland killed a large IJack bear, on the Depot west bound train. The bishop created ,d converted sing tl e corrupt practices bill this ses- ''Tit half past 12 o’clock on the morning’ the women and ideas oi Two thousand men are employed on of July- 26th, a fire was set to the rear of V ifnna , July 28.— A telegram from matrimony', and he would marry all of the building occupied by Kelly <fc the Baker City branch of the O.P. & N. Bucharest reports that a son of one of them as soon us they got to Salt Lake Dunne, oil merchants, corner of Front Co. The Puyallup hop growers' association City, whore ” peoplo were more civil the consuls in lionmania has and A streets, and Officer Belcher been arrested at Odessa on a charge of turned in an alarm from box 15. Be intend to use all lawful means in their ized.” supplying dyamnite to nihilists. N ew Y ork , July 29.—-The appalling fore the firemap could'g^t to work the power to prevent the selling of whisky A lexandra , July 31.—A traveler just to the Indians during the hop picking mortality of the week—-121—is the lar- in J^nr. Tri-dav’s deaths 218, arrived from Siontie reports Arabi ““““ rtipidly to the adjoining buildings. one-third of the victims being infants 'I‘ushaTiias issued i"'* lmamf<lST^mdr|r,hsnwg■ A sudden gale from the--southward The warehouse at the foot of A street capsized atid swamped several fishing dying of cholera infantum, 8 sunstrokes the khfdive, Tewfik, has sold Egypt to » took fire but was txtinguisliel by some boats at the month of the Columbia at and 11 deaths from heat. To day 5sun- the British and retired to England. one with a bucket of water. . _ an early hour on the morning of the strokes occurred In Brooklyn. It is Arabi therefore ordered the people I d obey him until the prophet enlightened -.. ■'-i ’h H- i uUm x o lmut s 4 ii.liiDX o.l Ue ea rn i ce, ¿Uli—Firat renorta rcceivcd stated that rain ing now . Thermometer 84. N ew T ork , J ill/ 30.--ThtHyjgEB cases him 4 d find a worthier khedive. Six of the bank of British Columbia and in many lives were lost. By latest arrivals extinguishing this the glass in most of f from the bar we learn that four boats of sunstroke occurred To day in this mudiors of upper Egypt have been or dered to supply five hdndred horses and were swamped, and driven ashore on city and vicinity, j the upper windows was broken. W ■ six hundred and fifty camels to reinforce N ew Y ork ,, July 29. — A refreshing Sand Island. Two men onlyureknowp Several persons were on the passage to have bton drowned ; one name un shower in the afternoon only temporar Arabi Pasha. Murders are constantly |,o A street dock when the north side of known. The other was Alfred West, a ily cooled the atmosphere. The death occurring in railway trains.' The mob Kelly & Dunne’s store fell out, 111 es search every train for Christians. rate continues Irighifill. Norweigaio, age 27. , caping except Harry Obner, first assist S t . L ouis -? JWy -29.—Heavy rains There are 13 prisoners in the United ant of the Hooks, who was buried be Business Locals. States prison on McNeil island, two here and in different parts of Missouri, neath the blazing timbers. Ready miles from Steilacoom. Nine of these within thirty-six hours, have done great When in Portland, don't forget the hands raised, them up and pulled him are incarnated for selling whisky to In good to all kinds of vegetation, and will Pacific Boot. and Shoe House. The out.- He bad both legs broken and was dians, two for robbing the mails and be ajtpe'ciaL benefit to corn. Dispatch leading Boot find Shoe dealers are _eevcrelj injured on his back. > . Lgaliir.xuiuiliir. Dnrine tho day time es from various parts of Kansas note Cardwell, Bennett-xfc Co., 109 First St. e a cm——------------- . Willie, thq 8 year old son of Capt. the men are occupied out. of doors, in copious rain; "which, 1 tis sa1<T,1flHmilke The “ Little Gallery Bound the Cor the corn crop safe in that state. Samuel Thompson, was drowned July the garden, making shingles, etc. ner ” Yamhill St., Dear 4tb, is making Republican’^ Dallas : The secretary of Cabinet 28th while bathing in the river' near Two families named Canty ami Hayes Photos for 84, and Cards $2 per Weidler's mill. were poisoned on July 27th, in Havilah, the board of trade«reports the core crop dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed or made in northern Texas, and that it will money refunded. East Portland is trying bard to keep Cal., by eating prawns put up by Toby yield fifty to seventy bushels per acre. Jno. A. MacDonald, of the Salem out the mongolian, and especially to & Booth, of Chicago. They consisted There will be a large surplus for export. Mathie and Granite Works, Commer cial Street, south of the post office, abate--the nuisance on Fourth street of nine persons and it was thought at Cotton is in splendid condition.— first all would die, but this evening manufactures all kinds of monuments: known as a wash house. D allas , Tex., July, 29.—A fire at .Italian marble a speciality. Prices re they are in a hopeful condition. The Salem Toicn Talk intimates that Hillsboro, late last night, destroyed IB duced one-half Monniontli and Vicinity. there will soon be a bridge across thq, places of business including the Jlirror • N ew Mui-iu.—Send stampte Wiley B. newspaper office, Tho conllugration Allen, most popular music "dealer, Port Mi. J. J. Bristow, of Pleasant Hill, Willamette at that point. land, Or., for complete catalogue and was here the first of the week. He A colony of sixty fam.lies, from Kan was in the business • part of the city. sample copy “ Musical Pastime.” All bought the large shop north of the sas and Missouri, will take a settlement The loss is estimated at from $50,060 to orders by mail filled promptly. The Household Sewing Machine took square and will scon put it in repair in one of the valley? of the Weiser The $15,000, partially insured. A tlanta , Ga., July 29. — Senator Hill the first premium at the great Man nnd move his wagon and carriage busi advance teams of the party have already chester (England)' Exposition' for the is worse and his mind is wandering to ness here. He will bring a large reached their destination. best family Sewing Machine. John B. -- * * 1 • 4 1 1 Walla Walla Union : Saturday after-fday. He is Sleeping quietly now, how- Garrison, general agent, JG7 3rd St., amount of machinery which he-wiM run by steam. This is a class of improve- noon the men at the mills cf the M. C, however. Portland, Oregon. L oomis , III., July 29.- Geo. Miller Mrs. C. J. Deljetts, Dress {nd Cloak Tpents that will Wnetit both town and F. & M. Co. saw lightning strike a tree and F. A, Hartley were instantly killed Maker ; also Ulsters and Dolmans. cotruty. about a mile from the mill and well up Cutting and Fitting a specialty. Ap by lightning near here yesterday. on the mountain side, and directly saw Fruitqars, jelly frames, groceries, P hiladelphia , July 30—A bridge prentices wanted. Inquire or call at paints and oils can be had cheap at the tree on fire. They at once began to fell this afternoon with 100 persons on North-wlpst Cor. Fourth and Salmon fight fire and kept it up all Saturday Sts., Portland. Room No. 3. 12-4m Dawson’s drug store. night and Sunday. The rain Monday it, all of whom were thrown into the F. E. Beach 4c Co., 103 First A new dry goods store is expected helped put out the fire. This is evi ’ water and about 10 injured. On9 young Street, Portland, carry a complete line soon. Our people will all be glad to dence that all fires in the mountains are lady, Nora Davor, will die. All had of painter’s stock, wind >w glass, ready mixed paints, lubricating oils, brushes, narrow^escapes from drowning. see it, but none more so than the pro not started by human beings. doors, glazed windows, etc. Catalogue E ssex , Mass., July 28. — Women and prietors of the present store. They are The Dalles public school wjll ‘ be and Price list furnished on application. gentlemen who take a broad view cf the opened on August 28th, of this y^ar, girls in-the sheet manufactory of S. B. 12-21-3ip situation and are are anxious to see with the following corps of teachers: Miller & Sons have struck for an ad The Oregon Furniture Manufactur ing Co. have just moved into their new vance. The strike virtually closes the every class of business increased; W. L. Worthington, principal, and and commodious four story brick build The town is now fuller of people than Missis Mary Wall, Clala Bird, Maggie factory, as men are dependent on women ing on the east side of First, between 'Faylor and Salmon Streets, where those it has been for two or three years. E. Fjynn, May Wilson, Mollie Snyder, for their work. D etroit , July 28 ; A heavy thunder in want of Furniture or Carpets will Many others are coming. The demand C. Strong, Rebecca Watkins, assistant" storm occurred to day, of great service find it to their advantage to call and ex for houses is greater than the supply. teachefs. their stock, as none but first Union county millers are now offering in checking forest fires in the vicinity amine Let the building go on. class goods are kept in this establish 60 and 65 cents for wheat and find it of East Tawas, Michigan, where farms ment. Mr. James Tatom, under contract, has hard to get at that price. The farmers ur.d limber tracts are burning by #crcs. filled up the large hole in the corner of who irrigated this season will realize the public square, where the turn table handsomely". Foreign. stood. It improves appearances greatly. Cbas. Spinning, of I’uyallup, bus The British government has chartered | Notice* In this column, ten cents per line A meeting of the Faculty of Christian sold 6000 pounds of his incoming hop 13 steamers plying tp American ports to each insertion. | College has been called by the Presi crop at 30 Cents a pound, and received carry Alexandria. D ublin , July 28—Auna Parnell is dent for the 11th of this month to con 10 cents a pound advance to “ bind the IE-TWO SEATED,FOUR SPRING \ ... dangeronsly ill of brain fever, brought sider and adopt text-books for the Col bargain. hack, nearly as good as new. Will _ _—_ ■ - . be sold reasonable. Apply at this office. on by the news of the sudden death of lege classes. Eastern. ! her sister, Funny., She does not recog- A new harness shop is ndw being ar A DWELLING HOUSE AND LOTS, N ew Y ork , July 31.—Fire here to-day nizo anyone. The doctor entertains “ ranged for. Wo shall be glad to see it in Monmouth. Pleasant, retired and it will bo a great advantage Tdlfioso destroyed $1,000,000 worth of property. slight hope of her recovery. Charles location. Price low. Apply in person N ew Y ork , July 28.—The Tribune A I’urnell, her brother, has'been tele or by letter to the rtffice of the II ejax ® peeding goods in this line, to have them for further information, graphed for. • fight at haud. : "" says ; A returned Moinaon bishop with NEWS OF THE WEEK. ........ .. ..... I FOR SALE. œ