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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1882)
£ -• 4 CHRISTIAN IIEKALD. • <■. f 4—---- - Success makes us soon forget the fi"ht o we macle to attain it_ THE CHRISTIAN HERALD PUBLISHED EVEKY FBIDAY FROM - — * ..." Forty Year’s Experience of an VH Nurse. ' 1 “ PORTLAND and MONMOUTH, OREGON. 7 Mrs. Winslow’iSoothing byrupisthc prescrip- .1 nurses in the United States, and has been used for forty yortra with never failing success by millions of mothers for their children. It re-' lieves the sliild from pain, cures dysentery and diarrhiea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child it rffsts the _ mother. Price twenty-live'cents a bottle. 1’2-20-1 y Agents fop The Christian Ilerahl. The loliowiil&“persons are afonts for T he . C hbistiah H ebai . i », and are authorized to re ceive and , receipt for subscriptions. If no agent is convenient, remit the amount direct to the oftice by registered letter or postal order on SSSr? pHE IIBKALD [8 THE ONLY WEEKLY 1 on the Pacific coast publislied by Disciples of Christ, and~is of special iiderest to all who desire a paper devoted jo) pure, primitive Christianity, unmixed by ntiman creeds or traditions. As successor to the Pucific ■Cliriti- luinMegneiujefilAiiniUt- Aumsville..... . ..T. J. Wilcox j J. W. ■Propst 1 A IbanjL...... I A. 8. Powell Amity.... E. C. Williams Brownsville... .D. H. Putman Bellevue...... ..Miss E. Davis Cresswell....... ...J. T. Gilfry Crawfordsville ... E. P-. Largo ' TWELFTH VOLUME, Corvallis ..... .. N. P. Briggs We cannot live bttter than in 8. B. Knox. Is on a permanent basis, witli good building, Cottage Grove. ..Jas.. Caldwell,. 7” power jK0Hscsnnri'FtrwTrpnwer,-irn--ahTindimr-e L'ai'ltoU,.____ ( Dr. W. H. Bowland of good material for running such a paper. agreeably than having a clear con .. . / j k>. 8.1. A. MCI Gerking nuig Tho IlEHAi-D contains each week sixteen Centerville..., ( G. W. Eiy science. four-column pages', stitched and trimmed, so as I N. Garwood to turn like the leaves of a book, with only a Dallas.............. ....... ( G. W. Crystal limited amount of advertising, and that of . the ^K oiijj I i un Kats.” .......D. H. Dearderff most select kind. All advertising not trust Damascus......... ......'....... :Jas. Harlan Drain’s Station worthy is refused. As now published it is one oars out rats, mice. roaches, Hies, ................. A. L. Todd Elk Head. ..... nftl,n . . ..................... ’ 'EuyeUff.'t1"."!'? anTs, "HKiTTiu gs'" sE\.>__ , ■..17.; Ol.THIBuu"~ t..:......Charles Smith Elkton............ gophers. 15c. Druggists. LARGEST PAPERS PUBLISHED ... Mrs.-Belle P. Walker ’ Forest Grove...... • -.*■ .... ......................C. M. Ely by our brethren..-Lt is conducted by a strong Helix............ ........ Whosoever will can be a man. ............... H. Davidson editorial éorps, assisted by the contributions of Halsey............... . . ...........D. 8/Cameron the best writers among us 011 this coast. We Hillsboro.............. ....... . ........ John Harris Harrisburg............ feel safe in saying it is one of .............. W. L. Hodgen Iudejiendence.. -e» .................... V. 8. Bond rving....................! A SUre Cure Found ut Lust, ...... Martin Peterson Jacksonville.. No One Neeit Sulfur! Every tiisciple on this coast should take it Junction........... ......... J. A. Bushnell This powder nowder never ' vangs. A marvel ol Every one in the East who desires to know all Kingsley... . .......... ............... W...It. Menefee ’ • A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding. Itching and purity, strength and wholes imeneas.. imeness. More M. that takes place of general intereat on this!" Lafayette.. ............ ...........,’.W. D. Fenton Ulcerated Piles has l»een discovered by Dr. Wil economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot coast. " ... .v.......D. Bi Lewis . . Lewisville....... .7.. liam, (an Indian Remedy,' called Dr, William’s be sold in conqietition the multitude ol ................... J. B. Lewis It contains Leland............ ...... Indian Ointment, A single box has cured the .low test, short weight, with alum or phosphate •K .... ...... X H. Hawley . McCoy ....... ....... worst chronic eases of 25 or years standing. IMiwders. Sold* only in ruus. R oyal B aking .......... ..F. M. Gabbert Myrtle Creek. ...... FOUR DEPARTMENTS No one need suffer five minutes after applying I J . .................... J...W. Cowls McMinnville........ . this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions fn- » owoeiu L' o ., 10(i Wall-street; N.-Y. . . ............... J.. L. Wigle Devdted to such matters as will make it imlis- Monroe.......... . . . . Htrnnients and electuaries do more harm than J. E. Davidson, M. D. [icnsablc in eyeYy Christian family. First Milton .... .......Miss Jennie Wright —g ood.- - WiUi u nT s Oiu t m»ut a b so r b» tlui.tuumi.a,_ T. J, Ix», M. D. * comes tho'. " " ? ~ TSnrTTeSsaiTrTTT77 allays the intense itching, (particularly atniglTt .. .Joseph Rqbnett after getting warm in bed,) acts as aqumltkei —KIM<ATK>VAL IWPAHTHEVF — Now Pine Creek... . . 4*. V. Kuykendall North Yafnhill.... gives instant relief, ami is- prepared only for- .......... E. A Chase - Piles, itching of the private parts, and for PHYSICIANS & SURCEONS, Of great interest and value to parents aruL T Oakland................ .G.' W. Handaakpr l’leasant Hill....... teachers, Nex t domes the ' nothing else. ......... J. P. Frizzell Perry dale... j..... / ltea<rwhat the Hon. J. M. CoftiU-rry of Cleve INDEPENDENCE, OREGON'. V- TK.MI’F.KAStE DEPARTMENT, i F. Hannah, Jr land says alsnit Dr, William’s Indian Pile Oint l’endlcton..,........ " ’ ’ i N. J. Gerking •z ment: 1 have used score’of Pile Cures, and it Devoted to advancing the great cause of Tem Philomath....... . DiseasM of women a specialty. .-.........Drurv Davis affords me pleasure to say that 1 have never perance. representing tho thoughts of the pilot Itnefc .------ . _ ______________ ____ _______ J, \V. Cox __ __ fouud anything which, gave such, immediate.and Presortptions' titled- at the oflk-Q,- greatest workers of this important field. The Roseburg... . ...... . ........ . . . ; .A. F. Campbell permanent relief as Di. William's Indian Oint Tangent... . ........... . .......... .......... D. Houck RELIGIOUS DEPARTMENT ment, ... Shedd..... ....... . . . . T. B. Davidson * F<»r »ale by all druggists or mailed on receipt T h the central* thought of the paper and em 8t. Helens. ....... ,777;;.. .l^rs. 8. Giltner of price, f llO braces Editorials, and'Cont'ibutions from our Stayton.............................................T. C. Darby PII Y SK I A NX .Si SI RGEO5 “, HVLVllY St CO., Prop’n, best writers. The Spirit of the Religious Press Scio...................... ... John Shore CLEVELAND, 0,. 41-1-ly representing the va ripiis religious bodies, and Salem......................................... H. A. Johnson Suver Po!k County, Oregon. church hews from all the States in the Union. Sheridan ........... .................... . T. N Faulconer — Many are -Htiwilling to endure The Dalles....................... Miss llclxK-’ca Watkins .... Wheatland ......................................... ,Wm. Scott SPECIALTIES : SECULAR DEPARTMENT that they may be men. West Chehaleni........................ G. W. Hardwick - ----- * -i Dr. M. T. Cele, Disease of Women. Includes Editorials on tho ini]>ortiuit secular Weston . ................... ♦......... . . ............O..Mosier A t'ougii, U-ol<l or Sore Throat topics of the day, and news from all parts of Dr. J. W. Cole, Chronic Diseases. WASHINGTON TEBEirotn. 12-1-tf. the world. It is, in short, iust tho paper for Alpha .......................... . Consultation free. II. II. Winiply Should be stoppeil. Neglect frequently’ results every family, ami especially every Christian Brush Prairie................................... 8. C. Harris in atl IncurMble Lung Diweaw«-or Cnnwuin li family-. Subscription Cedar Creek.. . ............................. E. A. LaDow lt oil. HltOWVS HRONCHIAL TROCHK91 * Price $4,04) Per Yi-ur Castle Rock .. . . . ........... ........ Wm. Huntington . does not disorder the stomach like cough svrups THE CHRISTIAN QUARTERLY Coin ............ 7......... .-......... J. M. Baker and balsanft, biit«< t «lirwtlyon the liiflain- REVIEW. In advance. Dixie.............. W. T. Barnes _ eit jMLrts, allaying irritation, give relief in __ Addi** hk -_________ 1 --------------- —— “/..R. L. Dash ici ■ Dayton.......... Y A will in a. Il>-oii<-hlt to, <ou gliw. <’itluirh, " the CHRISTIAN HERALD, I haveaiecided to publish a Q uabtehi . y with .............. F. M. Davis Farmington... and the Tlirout Troiil»<ew which Si »gers 11 ml M onmouth , O u .......... ... R. H. Moss Golden Dale.. Public Hpenkei-M are subject to. For thirty the above title, to bo issued on the first of January, April, July and October of each year. ........James Butler Pine City, .^.v years Brown’s Bronchial Troches have boon ............. P.. E. Fisher Lone Pino.... recommended bv physicians, and have always The first number will bo issued Jaiitiarv 1, ....... W. II. McClure giveu iiertect satisfaction. Having been tested 1H82. It will contain 144 pages,exclusive of tb< GREEN’S •'LIFE OF GARFIELD.” Lincoln...".... ....... i........ F. L. Bell Palouse.......... by wide and ootMtoot use for nearly an entire cover. It will contain original articles from our best The publishers are glad to announce that this Puyallup....... .Dr. Clias. Spinning generation, they liavt attained well-merited .......... Ranson Long rank among the few staple remedies of the age. writers, book reviews, o litorials and a full long-expected work by F. M. Green is now Pomeroy...... directory of <>ui Schools, Periodicals and Mis ready. The publishers believe that in many of Pine City....... James Butler 12-1-ly bold at 25 eent-i a box everywhere. sions. 1 desire it to lie tub beview of the Chris -^js leatures this “Life of Garfield” is sui>erior Spangle....... . ....... W. A. Sanders tian Church, and the vehicle by whichonr ripesi to any similar work published. Its author wa< ................. 8. Bonney ...... If 1 have faith in Christ, I shall scholars can and will communicate with the well acquainted with Mr. Garfield lor nearly Sumner. . ............ 8. C. Harris Vancouver... public and the brotherhood. twenty-eight years- a time covering tho entire Waitsburg.... ............. W. P. Bruce love him ■. ; > if I "il >vc him, I shall general Every brother ¡uid sister, our Preachers es period of his public life. He writes, therefor«, Mrs. A. H. Reynolds Walla Walla. . are requested to act as agents for the from’ the stand|M>int of one who knew him as keep his commandments ; if I do 1 iiecialiy, ’ evtbw .. student, oducator, teacher, soldier, statesman, califob S ia . I Four pagdK^may lie given t<> proper adver and Christian. There are eighteen chapters. College City................. not keep his commandments, I do tisement, Prof. J. Durham at reasonable rates. All persons win These chapters discuss in logical order the Elmira.......................................... J. M. Oiler dosire a copy of tlm first number sent to them various phases of the royal life which they not love him, 1 do not believe in Monticello...................................... J. L. Smittle so as to determine whether they will subscribe represent. The foliowii g arc the titles of the Naps City......................... ....Mrs. 8. E. Inmsn' him.—7’4o»tas Adwnit. will please wend in their names as soon as pos BUCCCBBivo chapters : Saratoga ........................... William Ppllard sible. K will cost you nothing if you do nof '1 ho Western Reserve.—The Foundation.— Sactamento........................Mrs. E. E. Hembree y subscribe. • Birth and Boyhood.—The Period of Cliango.— Rosa....;........................... G. 0. Burnett My ability and fitness for the work have been I’he Canal and llie Hea. Tho Young btudent — Santa Francisco... Mrs. H. 11. Lnsc, 14Essex St vouched for by Bros. L. B. Wilkes, A. B. Tno lliram Tcachevainl Principal.—Trto Man- San San Luis Rey... ................ ♦ . Minnie J. Borden Jolies, W. IL Ilojwon, Isaac Errett, J. 8 hood.— Home and Family Life—ThoBrightness San ASUllE CUBE ODAllANrEED. Jose.................... :................... 8. C. Adams Shouse and many others. of his Rising —A Chapter Thrown In.—From VacaVille........................................ W’. W. Smith hUBSCBirrioN : One copy, one year (4 Nos.; Snn-Rising until Noon.—The Pillar of a VisaMa... ........................ Lewis Van Tassel P. E. C. WEST’S NERVE AND BRAIN $2.H0. Hingis number, 50 els. People's II ojh *.—The Shot that was Heald ........................... -....H. D. Connell X treatment, a s|ieeifie for Hysteria, Dizzi Sample copies anti back numbers sent on ap Round tha Worldi—From 1 Elberon to the Watsonville Mrs. Sue E. Grant ness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental plication. Postage always prepaid by me. Grave,—Ths World/ Hympathv and borrow.— Woodland. ................... Depression, Ix*s of Memory, Premature old Money sent by postal order, draft or registered The Present Estimate and the filial Conclusion. MI8CZLI.ANEOV«. age, caused by over-exertion, or over-indul- letter will be at my risk. Address all eonimuni- --■ A Tribute of Friendship. .. .G. W. Paslay Ìtence, Excess or Overwork of the Brair, which cation» to Moscow, I.T ........ . ....... While these chapters present the history in . ,T. L. Childers eads to Paralysis, decav or death. Ono box. Four Mile, I. T................. D b . E. W. H eundon , Editor and Pub., logical outline, yet each clupter is complete in Sumac, ....... J.C. Roller ......... ,......... ’ " will cure recent cases. Each box contains one Columbia, Boone Co., Missouri. itrolf. ForHnstauce. the student life of Garfield Wicklow Tenn Deavenport Caul P. O., Ont., Can month's treatment ; one dollar a liox, dr six is discussed in one chapter, and not in parts of . ...8.H. Hedrix boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on several chapters. So of his educational life Fairfield, Iowa................. receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to and work. 80 cf his ifTigibus faith and stand • cure any case. With each order received by us BÏOTIGEJ ing, etc., etc. . , - , tor six boxes, accompanied by five dollars, we 1’ftICKS. Onr Descriptive 11 I ust run d Price will solid the purchaser our written guarantee Cloth, plain edition»^ 54). Elegantly bound List. Nn. *HX bi Dry <•’••>«!». etc.. will be to return the money if the treatment dèe« not in lajst English cloth, beveled boards, black iseued ubont Marell 1st, 1M8I, Prices effect a cure. Guarantees issued only qy and gold, $2 00.. -Elegantly bound m half quoted in No. SH will remain k <»<><) until WOODARD, CLARKE A CO.. Morocco, .$2 50. Elegantly bound in full AND NOT x that date. Send ns your name earl, fur Wholesale and. BetTJ Druggists, Portland, ___________________ W K A R Ol TV Morocco, $.T 00. Address, Oregon. Old’ ~ ... uuir price». copy of No. »9. Free to any addrees. Mk l.y Watchniakxrs Ry mail. !»>. ts. < G entbahs B ook C oncern , MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., D !■ RMK .1. a. UtHCli A CO..3SL>«y St.,N 12-19- Gin Cliieagoor Cincinnati, •97 A •»• Wabash Ave.. Chicago, 111« 1 PILES! PILES! PILES! POWDER Absolutely Pure, * i OUR BEST PAPERS. ; DAVIDSON & LEE, NERVOUS DEBILITY. B -y i ♦ • 4 a