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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1882)
CHRISTIAN 14 T I-IERALD X A vian cannot afford to be dis Pl honorable __ in ____ his dealings with men. . a • , , ii The Vw PriwwaTili« Ti aainiaiii 'BI.H'AT ions ' > OF XHE ■UHRIDTIAN CHURCH, ■. > In consideration of the growing de As a Physician, M bs . 1) b . S mith has gained a national reputation. She has cured Women' mand and for the accommodation of the and Men, infill parts of the country. Today she has patients m every State in the Union. many readers of these works on the Slie-treats the nick at thkib homes , by letter. -coast, we have sent for, and will keep She gives references of many well-known per- aons, whom she has treated, among them Mrs. on hand the various publications of the Alexander Campbell, of Bethany, W. Va. Christian Church, together with a —--For r<4iiauuia*H..-XeatrmnnialH..QUatition list Ilnittrff“nTrrftbcr oFotWr"w4it*i«u*-»u»- etc., inclose stamp, and address .M bs . 1) b . A uousta S mith , thors, including Books of Sermons, Dis 12-21-3m Springfield, MiBSOuri. cussions, Theological Treatise, Biogra A man w’ill be true to his con phies, Commentaries, Ilymnals^Ckurth victions of right, and change only and Sun'day-schoôl'sÏÏppîies, Ac,, &c. . again st, hi m. ---------------------------- - _ These will be sent posf-paid (or when so ordered, by expressf-to any “parUo Molhfi's J Mathers 11 Mothers 111 ,r the coast1 at Publishers’ prices. Arc yon disturbed at night aud broken of Money may be~'sent by Draft, P. O. your rest by a >iek child sirflering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If Order or Registered Letter. so go at once and get a ni<t|U‘ of MRS. .WIN Call on%r address SLOWS SOOTHING Si.KUP. It will relieve BRUCE WCLVERTON, the poor little suiTerer immediately—depend 105 First St., Portland. upon it; there is no mistake about it. There , is not a mother on earth who has over used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regu- la*-th, bowels, and give rest to the mother, and- relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, ,uhd pleasant to’the taste, and is theproecription i T onej^the'oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Bold every- where., 25 cents a bottle. 12-1-ly MANUFACTURER Of STEAM ENGINES MILL MACHINERY REAPERS, THRESHERS, &fi. ENTERPRISE" PLANER AND MATGHER. Brass and Iron Castings fur nished on Short Notice. REMEDY FOR ALWAYS AT1SM. NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, ‘ Water-Wheel Governors of best pattern known, two sizes. Agent for Degroat’s Patent Ornamental Iron Felice. —New-ftn d -secu nd hand En gines constantly on hand LI FETI M E LUMBAGO, SURPASSES^ OTHERS »Í ■ “■■■ BACKACHE, “Wells’ Health Renewer” restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Im potence, Sexual Debility. §1. oout , 30 UNION SQ. NEW YORK SORENESS G' hicago ill . <-------- O range mass OF THE One can afford to wait for suc cess, to work for success, to be hoiioraWe in all his transactions that lie may succeed. CHEST, * □ U!1L I IHIUN QUINSY, / SWELLINGS AND “ Bucliiipiiiba.” SPRAINS, Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder tfbd UrinaryJDiseaBcs. $l. Druggists. Church and School Bells. FROSTED FEET AND Diam. of W’t with Costof Bell.. yoke & Bell A frame Hang’s No g —2 5 in 23011 - h $ 75 H l No GH27 in Shits 3<i i on i ./ No 7 So in 4901t,s 50 oo No 8 31in'730tt>s 75 i 00 No 9 3« in 9251t.a 130 I 00 Rumsey A Co., Seneca Falls, New York. BURNS ----------- «w----------- SCALDS, General Bodily Pains, TOOTH, EAR Frank O Herrin, Esq., of the Cham pion Safe Works 251 and 252 Broadway, New York, reports the use of St. Jacobs 0.1 for a stiffness and soreness of the ah miller, with most pleasant and effiea cions effects.—Louisville Hwrie anil AMP HEADACHE, XXD III OTHER MINS XA D ACHES. \ burglar got into the house of an editor the other night. After a terrible struggle the editor succeed 'd in robbing him. No Preparation on earth equals S t . J acobs O il m - b safu , and cheap External Remedy. A trial entans but the comparatively trifling outlay of ACCENTS, snd •vyrJ one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof Ot [U Claims d IXECTIOSS IS ELEVEN LANUL AGK8. sure , simple ( NEW RICH BLOOD! ‘ills make New Rich /'«»•sons’ Pw»-ff«live Pills Bhmd, and will completely change the blood in person the entiresvstem in three months. Any Anvpcrson who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks m.iv lie re-tored to sound health, if such a thing be possible.. Sentbv mail for 8 letter stamps. j, N. JOHNSON & CO., Boston, Mass., formerly Bangor, T.’<. ' ■ FOR ANY l)\’« OF THE Art ■Choice Colle.'l io W h oi Ihis'«, S%|| ■ >lirnl>-. Greenhouse I’ Wv SOLD BY ALL DRUGOISTS ANO DEALERS IN tftOICINt. ’ A. VOGELER & CO. allimore, Sid.- P- S.JU THAT WONDERFUL GUIDE £ £. SUCCESS WITH FORMS Foil BUSINESS AM) SOflETl'—- ------- Is selling by teus of thousand»/ It is the most universally useful Look ever published. It tells completely HOW TO DO EVERYTHING in the best wav, IIow to l>o Your Own Lawyer, How to Do hii.-iiiiesj Correctly anil Succo»»- futl.v, How to HIT in spetety and everywhere. A gold mine of varied information to all classes for constant reference. ,V<«KIVT|* UAM'hl) lor all or spare timo. To.knuw wliv this book of REAL value and attractions sells bettor than anv other, aptly f<»r teems t<> J. DEWING. A I Cd., San Francisco, Cal. 12-29-Cin .-.x.—........ • Vy IHEAOelmMMl THAT THE “DOMESTIC J • ......... ~ —IS THE— Acknowledge Leader in Trade, the IS A FACT THAT CANNOT BE DISPUTED. Many Imitate It! None Eqjual It I ■ Fruit Trei*. Grape Vine-,'Sumi! ■ Fruit-.. Meeds. *A For e ».iiin-b 12 ■cllejee Per-e-. X I ; 1 2 Till S i ; 1? _ __ ,_______ ■Carnations. Sis 12 < i mi uu . >I; 2<) Vert»-las, M|, S Appl< s. M1: <» h. M11 S Gr:i|. s - ” ‘ 25 llnsi l.-rne- < m I; IO s«<<t Cu- hi I «. r. I; Il-irfy Cutalpa. Itflj 25 pa- 1 e » choice 11 Seeds, if»I.J!undrccls of other., <11F. 11’, and It.any NEW ANTRARE! DIME riant». All rnaile-l iill-l «-</• arrirul -e.r- itn'tfl. x Ciitiiloariic of ulioiiTHMI 1»aster, 1'llEB. liXS k » -re FX ............... -' Th« STORRS u. ilTT.RISOH CO., FaiccaviUe, Laic Ohio THE MOST SIMPLE, THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, THE FINES! FINISHED, THE HANDSOMEST WOODWORK. » 1 W. EVANS, r * '49 Pont Street, San Franeiaco. THE DINGEE & CONARD CO’S ______ BKAUTIFL’L EVI'ILBMXHHMJ ROSE The only est.b'i.’micr.f maktnn a LPZCIAL BUSINESSOF ROSES. 53LARCE HOUSES for ROLES alone. We xleliyi - str'-i, ■ p< t 1 : nt» »nltablefoTiimiK dtatoblof.ui, A.ti ly t>y, ¡ 3 i 6 hplend d varieties, your choice, nil 1 , f. r£J; 12iorgfi sipfnrSOrCO f Tfd J 3 «10; 100 for 0!3. V.e CIVE AWAV. Pre- fnhyne ....... iv'-d ’ E “rtraF.u.<’•••• ROfCS't:- :> i t TH»>r^tcTKTñT7'5<ritWrfMn< - . ...: i • • ’ Tí I' hi T í TI • 9r: ta: U-hinratirgt-w, -Cur MEVJ CL'IOE, -■ . mi'f W h I4 i . ii > t.Hl'Uif « »r >tr. I» I’1 • n w I « H-éb.H t . h’| V irtfof l’.n t^botwtnhiMl I. fo « p i» >i t • >'>' *r ■ Vnrtonti-wl rej" «irucc. Xl<Wiiiu-,J«we;ci,>s*»ik.^.J« NO+. FAMILY SIZES AN1> PRICES. EARS, A little girl on being told that an older sister was only a half^ sister, mournfully" asked,**“ When will she be my whole sister?” D-£”-No woman really practices econo my unless she uses the Diamond Dyes. Mtny dollars can be saved every year. Ask the druggist. I S; ifye fl—r WGERMAN Skinny Men. “ Honor to whom honor is due.” Os-car Wilde has had a terrier pup wtrfueiLaftcr him. ’ TH EM OST POPULAR SALEM IRON WORKS the Through labors, privations and __ sorrows we come to victory and the better land. . There is now a aubstaDqe which is both professionally and popularly in dorsed and concerning which, Mr. J. D. Ferschweiller, Butteville, Oregon, writes: I have often read of the many cures effected by .St. Jacobs Oil and was persuaded to try the remedy my self. I was a sufferer from rheumatism j; mlxxp .r i e nc,» d gr e a t paw s, my leg~be- iiig so swollen that I could not move it. ]■ procured St Jacobs Oil, used it freely i.l was cured. —Freeport, Ill. Bulletin. L¿_. b 2'r> it A Iiift THE D:NCEI/ Rose Glowers, —I bu COWARE CO. Vfot C» Cu..*'a |A bnHinos?r~BQW before the pnb- iJlji 1 1 lie. Yon van make monBy faster at work lor ns than at any thing elshCapital not needed. We wilt start you. $i2 a day andujr- w.anls made at htinio by the industrious. lIldUptllOUH. Men> women, boys anil girl« want ted everywhere to * ■ le. You can work < work for us. Now is the lime. ______ ,___ in spare time only or-give your yxhele time to- the businese. You can live at I io | ih - »nd do tlie work. No other bustneas will pay you nearly M well. No one can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms lice- Money made fast,-easily. 1ind honorably. Addies» Thue A Co., Augusta, Maine.