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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1882)
A Wise and Otherwise PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS F. R. CHOWN SVCCERSOn TO IIAR.DWAI1E, Corner First a»i<l Alder Sts., 145 First Street, PORTLAND. tiie ' leading I is ^ora mendable in one’s self, impatience of seeing it in t.— Addimmi. ij^NEAR MAIN,) Clothier, Merchant Toinor.aJid..Hatter PORTLAND, 12-16-tf OF OREGON, .... OREGON O C. BLANEY, M. D., Guarantees to sell the very best Clothing for less money than any other house in the State. 12-12-tf ' -r- PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, PORTLAND, OREGON. Offlie-riuumit'r A Bycrley'H Dru*’ Stoiv. Gor. Firat and Main Ht. .Reside no» 32 Jofferson St., Cor. Secund St, BUCKEYE BELLFOTNm Reils vi l’uiv Ceppar an<| Tin ibr ChurehfM, .Hchools, Fire A larn>MtFarina, etc. FI’LLY WARRAN’TED. Catalogne nent Fr» • . General dealer in" all kinds of Sewing Machines Attachments, Oil, Needles, Ac. Sewing Machines repaired and warranted If you want to buy a good Sewing Machine call or 'send for information. Illustrated catalogues sent when desired. / 12-3-tf VANDUZEN ZTIFT, Cincinniti, O Norris It. Cox .1. G. Glenn PORTLAND. :—T~—: ~ : OREGON. Oiiice House - From 8 a . M. to 5.P. M. Residence, 291 Second Street. ll-3m I). W. PRENTICE & CO SMITH CO., GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS ESTEY AND STERLING ORGANS SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Send for Catalogue STAIGER DEALER IN Executed in Italian and American limilJ« - ---------- Also. every variety of Cemetery and other Stone work, Grani'e Monuments, and enclosures to burial lots, furnished to order. Opposite the Opera House, Salem. Also, Staiger j Brothers, Albany, OregOD. For a cough or cold there is no reme dy equal to Ammen’s Cough Syrup. Ammonia Cough Syrup is nota patent medicine. No patent has been asked for or obtained upon it. fo protect the public from counterfeits and imitations the manufacturer has had the label registered in .Washington. The Syrup is made from pure and costly drugs, and cannot be sold as cheap to the dealer as the common patent medicines thatarE Simply made to sell, which ex plains why dishonorable druggists or dealers try to sell you something else when asked for Ammen’s Cough Syrup, It is upon the market upon its own merits. Yon can buy a sample bottle for 15 cent^, upon which, at the whole sale price .the manufacturer makes nothing. Ask to see a large bottle, and lead the label. . Because IT RUNS LIGHTER, FASTER, AND IS 1 More Durable than any other machine made. We guarantee it to (jut-wear any two shuttle machines. It will darn beaetifully, letter, make insertion and embroider ict.'ihid ; any attnchinent. A fall set pt attachment giron each machine, leaving ^io extias to buy. It is the lightest running lock Stitch machine in the world, and ladies wishing to- I preserve their health should investigate merits. Alt shnnlT glGf It a Trial. Macliines | sold on installment plan.' Liberal di&’jhUkLiftÇ... cash. ..........* Repairing of all kinds of machines at reason able rates and work warranted. We also carry a full line of part's, needles, oil, rilk cotton, Ac. ■ WIIKEbER «*> WILSON, MF’« CO.,. Xo. SH Morrison St., Portland, Or, K. <’. NF. WELL, Mtinntp-r. -.V- ONLY INSTITUTION O f I ITS KIND ON THE COAST Wherea you»« lady or gentleman can obtain a Thorough Business Education N. AxaXost In proportlont o time Engaged. - w WMM