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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1882)
• ■ y • • ■ ' cim i stiàn Nursery Rhymes. I >_ Ï » < À » WOMAN CAN SYMPATHIZE WITH HEALTH OF WO y WOMAN. OH'O“OMo5noF3TREET. À freely uiswersill letters of inquiry. Enclose 3cent stamp. Send for pamphlet. Mention this Raper. The Lion and The Lady. ryLrtHA E. PfvrnAM’s T.rvnPnXa cure Constipa tion, Biliousness and Torpidity of the Liver. 2J cents. ATSold by all Druggists.'®«’ ■ 11 The Boston Post says : “ Mrs Lin coln, who raised and petted a pair of lion cubs on Howard street a few years ago, on Thursday paid a visit to one of them, the lion Em peror, now owned and exhibited by SYMPTOMS OF A Frank Frayne at the Windsor ODheaft • tie. The huge lieast recognized her Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive. Pain in Head, with a dull sensation in the and manifested his delight by the the lack part. Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin most extravagant demonstrations. clination to exertion of body or mind, of temper. Low spirits, with He licked her hand, sprang up, and a Irritability feeling of having neglected some duty, Dizziness, Fluttering at the placing his paws on the grating, Weariness, Heart, Dots before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, * tried to force his head lietween the Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly bars. Mrs. Lincoln laid her head colored Urine, and * CONSTIPATION. against his vast jaws, and put her TUTT’S PILLS nre especially adapted to eases, one «lose eirecls an'rlin change arms through the liars around his such of feeling ns to astonish the sudv*rer. They Inrn .iup Hie Appetite, and cause the neck,'and the monstrous animal body to Tai»«' «in Flesh, thus the system Is nourished. an<l by th,-ir Tonic Action on the ■tigestive Orpnn. Regtilite Ntoola are pro purred like a great cat. He put duced. Price 25 cents. 33 Murray «1.. N. Y. out his paw to ‘shake hands,’ at his mistress’ command, and then, as if overcome with joy, lay down and • G ray H aiuor WrtTSKFRS ehnnged toaOLOWY BLACK l»y u single application of this D yk . jt lip-__ a natural color, nets 1 n-tnu taneously. Hold rolled over, uttering, meanwhile, parts by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of fl, queer little grunts and growls, and OFFICE, 33 MURRAY ST., NEW YORK. Dr. TtTT’B IBl'lL of ValnnMe Information and X behaving- altogether like a frisky, ( t'lrful Heeelpta will be nailed FREE on i.ppliraleia./ r FOB THE kitten.” Such is the power of kindness, TWTLFTII ANNEAL ANNOI-NtF.MEN1 OF ~ even over the UKisTYlestructive- of MARS’ HILL COLLEGE, the animal creation. i NEAR ‘ TUTT’S HAIR DYE. FLOR US I K. ALA UA M A, successors to miller thousands of ladies obfirtAh grafqfnl L -------------- .fiss j n ml i ss' ij------------------------- e remembrances of the help derived from ADDRESS . the use of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta T B. LARIMORE, President, ble Compound, FLORENCE, ALBBAMA. & R ichard S cotch T ype F ounders , SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. /• We keep on hand the largost Stock of American Fancy Type ever kept on this Coast, tOgctheir with a coraplot» stock of Miller Richard’s Scotch Type, and «ran furnish at a. moip.snt’s notice anything in the Printers' line from a bodkin to a Cylinder Press. V/e have* a very large stock of New and Second-hand Printing Presses of all makes and sizes. We are sole agents for, and keep in stock, Campbell Cylinder Presses, Cottrell A Babcock ditto, also Peerless, Clipper, Jewel, Gordon and Washington Jobbers, Washington Hand Presses, new Baxter Steam Engines (just i the Uung for printers), Taerk Water Motors, Gem Paper Cutters and a fuU lino of .. Sanborn’s Bookbinders’ Machinery. Our* Fidelity Roller Composition and Peerless Printing Inks"ara'conHi^"FoWTSe^Si9st''"ln yse.,"!Tavo They eave editorial work and composition, and therefore savo money. Send for our Cataloguo. - ■ ■'______ , - ■* REHE.11HER —No Hons«* on this Coast ran com pet«* with us in Qnallty of Goods. 5 - i j Including a visit to A'eW Zealand,' Tasn'ania and Australia ; with some account of the Christian .Churches tliore, and their-work and success ; together with facts concerning tiie natives; missionaries, their work, perils and success ; with mnch Interesting information, gleaned -from the best sources, on tbo natural history religious, social and material progress of these couutrWS. ...... ;Bv TIMOTHY ( OOP and HENRY EKLEY. Illustrated _yrjlh Twel vc_Nj>len<lhl Albertype Plates, Reproductions of the Photo« ■‘graph's Art, and Facsimiles of the Original Photos. A charming book of travel, replete with illustrations and incidents of foreign life and lands. Extra (-'loth, about 250 pages. Price, $1.50. t « STAXlHKl'l Pt BLIsHIYG CO., CINCINNATI, OIIIO. 12-22-3111 THE ( HRfSTFAN fjABINET. Being nriillcrtinn of noted t'hristinn min to tom. Wa have novt-in ineparatioiL’tlie ne photOgHiplig of President Giirfield, «>. a . Burges and Isaac Errett. Wo shall at an early date publish others, which will enablq rtnr people, ,it little expense, to obtain a complete Cabinet. These photographs (¡(1 her types) are most perfect likenesses, and are the productions of the photograph’s best style ¡mil'art. ( abinet size, txlO inches. - In placing these photographs lie fore you, it is onr intention to spare no expense in making •the Cabinot complete. I^ie ptoturoa. will lie sol 1 at the uniform rate o( 20 cents each, dr three tor 50 cents. Onr object in this liberal offer is to bring our enterprise into (imjyeiJiaifl recogui- " tidii', siilliat <t'fienTiiliimw«>n«s afOnpdQTrred y#n wilt BaVe an 'opportunity to judge of- the quality'and beauty Qf thework. On receipt of your order the pictures will lie promptly for warded you, all charger prepaid We guarantee safe delivery. ' We adviceclubs to send together,' as several copies can be sent together with greater safety; As w«; have printed but a limited number,.«end in vour orders at once. Address 12-22-3m STANDARD PUBLISHING COMPANY. r * iso Elm Street, Ciitcinnati, Ohio. ' V (3) TORPID LIVER. s. > A T M-r X» TV XX J m U sEvJuf X IS THE HOPE OF TUTT’S PILLS 9 a j / i THE LARGEST AN1> OXLY COMPLETE T1PE FOUXORY- AX1> PRIXTERS’ WARE- - IIOI SE OX THE PACIFIC COAST. / ulars of some well known favorites: ‘‘Sing a Song of »Sixpense ” is as old as the sixteenth century. “Three Blind Mice” is found in a music bonk~4ated tfiOO. “9 he Frog-anti- the Mouse ’ was licensed'in 45fS0. “Three Children Sliding on the LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Ice ” dates from 1^39. “ London Sure Cnre for nil FEMALE WEAK. Bridge is Broken Down” is of un-, A NESSES, Inrliuling tencorrlKrn, Ir- fathomable antiquity “Boys and regular ami Painful Menstruation, ■_ ' Inflammation nu«l Ulceration of Girls.Come Out to Play” is cer the Womb, Floo«!lng, PRO LAPSUS UTERI, iVc. tainly as old as the reign of Charles fyPlcarant totheta'-te, efficacious ■ Slid Immediate II., as is also “ Lucy Locket Lost In its effect. Ii is a great help in pregnancy, and re l»aln during labor and at regular periods. Her Pocket,” to the tune of which lieves PHTSK USSrSF. (T AND PRESCRIBE IT FREELY. the American song of “ Yankee t>"Fo* all W ra EXE sses of the generative organs - —-r ^¡>i*^- ...v, i«. I*. KHComl to no remedy that has ever Doodle " was written. “ Pusy Cat, been ’before the public *, and ‘for all diseases of tho Pussy Cat, Where Have You Yoi Been_2 K idneys it is the Greatest Remed yin the World. TS^TniiNirv^'Oinw.AiNTs orEitiier sek is of the age of Queen Bess. . “ Li t- Find Great Relief in Its Use. E. PINKHAM’S BLOOD fft RIFTFH tie Jack Horner’- is older than the will LYBTA eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Blood, at the same time will give tone and >-trength to seventeenth century. “ The Old the system. As marvellous in results as the Compound. OrBoth the Compound and Blood Purifier are pre- Woman tossed in a Blanket ” is ol . psc^l at-Sil-aiKi SSa-Wwtem.Av’niie, Lyun-.-Mass. the reign of James IL, io which Price of either, 81. Six bottles for 85* Tlie Compound is sent by mail in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on monarch it is supposed io allude. receipt of price, $| per bOx.for either. Mrs. Pinkham * t !{ -.*> Many of these productions, says an -English.paper, have a very curi ous history, if it could only be traced.. of ffi^TTF ^ro’hatirjr owe their origin to names distin- ghishedtin our literature, as Oliver ” . ’ “' . Holdsmith, for instance,ds»believed in his earlier days to have written such compositions. Dr. E. F. -Rim- l i ie V NOW READY I ORDER AT ONCE New Christian Hymn and Tune Book. This work contains over hymns anil 300 tunes, subjects to meet all the wants of Christian people. Books uro well printed, on good paper, and very substantially bound. ' Khgli.h Cloth, red edges, single copy, 60 eta. Per do®. $6.00 Cheap Edition, bound in Boards and Printed on cheaper paper single cony 35 cts Per dot. S3.60. • 1'” NEW CHRISTIAN HYMN BOOK. Cloth Binding. single copy, 35 cfs. 85 cts. Per «lot. $3.60. Per iIo4. SA. ll). Address Boiiril Covers single copy. 4 ° i JOHN BURNS, Publisher, ST. LOUIS, Mo. II«iulquarters fur all the Publications of the Christiau Church. —-* BAPTISMAL ROBES. TITHE LADIES AID SOCIETY ” OF THE Ï1HE " “ LAI JI. ciirj«tj#n chnrpii, Portland, is prepared, to 1 Chmiiau furnish “ Baptismal Kobes *’ to those desiring, at prices from 15 to ST, according to kind of cloth. These will be sent by mill to any part of the coast. Address, H erald Office, 105 Inst St., Portland, Or. The Cream of all Books of Adventure. PIONEER HEROES = I DARING ' I DEEDS. The thrilling adventures of all tho hero ex plorers and frontier tighter« with Indian«, out law« and wild beast«, over our whole country, from the earliest times to the present. Lives and famous exploits of DeSoto. LaSalle, Stand ish. Boone, henton, Brady, Crockett, Bowie, Houston, Carson, Custer, California Joe, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Gen«. Mile« and Crook, great Indian Chiefs and scoios of others. GORGK- OUSLV ILLI STK ATED With 175 fino en gravings to the life. AGENTS WANTED. Low priced and bents anything to sell. J. DEWING A CO., 120 Bush Bt., San Francisco. 12-29-6m TT1 Greatchance tn make money. V.X V /*./• Those who always take ad vantage of the good chances for making money that are offered, generally liecome wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain-in-poverty. We want many men, wom en, boys and girls to work for ns right in their localities. Any one can do tho work properly from the first start. The business.will pay more than ten limos ordinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidlv. Yon can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare mo- - —— __ —FO#—___ ■mmts. Full firforifofffob atid ii!! TJistt is hcetietT MALES AND FEMALES.— sent free. Address S tinson A Co,, Portland, Main», ’ L . T Location, College City, Colusa Co. tomia. Complete course of Study in Mathcina- XavztóMi ptiiu a uvi-x.kuosnL... tiw, -Litewrtnre, Ancient, and Mnrforrr Lnn- bin Ilrvcrh-lHMtderfl* giuigea. Srience, Music, Painting, Book-keeping, IK i IkMj. IS ci alvxw» 3» etc. Faculty aide and experienced. Charges . OUR $15 SHOT-GUN moderate, community moral, location pleasant u 5J e ra S Qgj 3 W»’ greitlv I. I h I pries. and healthy. No Saloon or Uaming-lioiise with, in Three Miles of the town. For particulars of EAj Sd H I »tan>|< lol our New ™ lib Cataiogi'e address P. POWELL A SON, S3« Main Street, Vl.XUNNATI, Q> J. (J. KEITH, I’residei.t» Pierce Christian College <