» ' s I I : CHRISTIAN 8 HKHAT,D. r" ■ . T ■e- watched it, it would rise and Hutter round, and round, coming back Temperance Meeting at Zena. every few minutes and alighting ~ Z ena , 6 b 7 j uly 19,1882., just out-of reach of. the snake, it Bro. Stanley : • ' ■ seemed to be so faelnated that ,-AVe had a rousing Temperance when I threw some sticks at it I could not drive it away.“ The Temperance Department.. tage. He scircely remembered anything from him but abuse ami cruelty y especially toward his kind fCryldbVing mother. But now he was dead ! The green sod had lain on his grave a week or more, but the terrible’" effect* of his con- ITOt‘tWTroii.. with"-h»mr church. Bro. Elias Jessup and Rev. The poor children would start with W. I).’Nichols, of the M. E..Church, it was so intent on catching the a shudder at every uncertain step spoke to the largest gathering that little thing that it did hot notice me, on the walk outside, and at\very we have ever had in Spring Vttlley. • but laid there in a coil with its head hesitating hand upon the latch. One may truly say that the Tem­ raised about ùdx inches,, sw in- go in tu-tUe d any d^uinlcuai iai. jfr.uiu tlui™Bible,-— - so near akin to the church, that we the snake, wh 'dr-—çhd_,^e^tliouf which foibids our letting them I any trouble as it was paying more woodshed mamma,’ „said Benny »night devote a Sunday occasionally wholly and absolutely alone. In looking down. to that cause. If other localities attention to the poor little bird the.absence of any positive com - *“T “ Why, my son ?’ will do.do likewise we will accom­ than to us. Once before 1 had “Because there is a pair of fath­ mandment to drink wine? we*think plish much good thereby. 1 think watched a snake charing bird ; it er’s old shoes on the beam out there that all such wines—all intoxicat­ ^..^jifter having such meetings it will acted just as this one did, Hying ing drinks whatsoever -ought to and 1 don’t like to see them.” give our Representatives and Sena­ lound and ryund, crying pitifully, •' wJ coming nearer and nearer, until ~ ‘ Why, Beiiny, do you mind the be let alone. But if one of our In- tors elect, more backbone to con­ ohFshoes any more than you do 4iana friends feels bound by the ex­ tend for ~the noble camsc thab wv finally it darted into the snake’s father's eoat arid: hat-up stairs '?’’ ample, of the miracle at Cana, of •< love“so well. Let us have a few ,moutli ami was swallowed. . • • i I Galilee, why then, let him follow it “ Because,” said Benny, the tears There is another kind of snake ..... .. -. inure of such meetings. and wake “Yvljîcîî instead of charmihg rtTTt<7" ■ tilling 1118 tine cyetj, they luok sis -H—the— letter. -^Ert—him- set six— up the land of Polk from its slum- water-pots of stone, containing two •' I * hers, on 'this question of so vital charms inen and” Loys, and some­ _if the^ wanted to kick me. ’ or three . firkins apiece; till them . Oh, the dreadful after influence times women. importance. of a drunken father ty_ innocent with water up to the brim ; then It will come to a home' where! Faithfully yours, father and brothers are handsome, children '* What an awful memory draw’ off and drink to the last S. S. G imble , drop. Having done this, he would good and kind. It first charms' to bear through life ' Statel’eputy of I. O. O. T. certainly be inclined to swear off them to stay away from their nice » ■ " ’True Stories About Snakes. home and loving families, chai ms * Good and Bad Wine. from farther drinking. And this > s * "V would be a great deal more sensible The other morning’ I was riding away their senses, next their good A -correspondent of the S. than his jefusal to sign a pledge along a road on one side of which clothes and good homes, causing Times u rites as follows : I befbre doing tfiis.” was a beautiful hedge. It w'as them to beat and abuse those they “ A question has arisen here, and quite early and the birds were hav­ qnce loved better than their own is helping to keep some from sign­ Practice Versus . Preaching. I, ing a concert. I wish -you could lives, so on and on until they fall in ing the teny\rance pledge; 'tis-this: the gutter, sending mothers to the have been there to have heard Did Jesus make fermented or int<>x- “ Mother, lmw much tobacco does asylum and children to the*poor them, such glorious music you sel­ 'icating wine All., at the marriage feast it take to make a sermon ?” y- house or begging in the street. Do dom chance to hear. 1 think they in- Cana ? AI sq , were there any '• What do you mean, my son ?” you know the name of this snake ? must have all been present on this -•wines in use at that day that were “ Why, J mean how much tobacco particular . occasion. There were Won’t you help us to kill it so that not intoxicating ? Please give us does father chew, and how many the King Bird family, the Thrushes it will never be able to treat any your judgment and authority on cigars does he smoke, while he is In their sober dresses of brown, the one so badly again ?- K ate A. the subject.” making a sermon ?” L Mocking Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Oriole, J udy ', in Christian. ■ To all of which that excellent “ W< ll, thè tobacco and cigars the-Cat Bird, Robins and I don’t ‘paper answers in ‘ the following don’t make the sjrmons, do they ?” A Terrible Memory. I judicious manner ; know how many more—but, it was “ I don’t know but they do—they We take the following from the snakes 1 pr mised to tell you about “ To be frank with our corres­ help along, at any rate ; for I heard was it not I Well, as I rode along California Christian Advocate': pondent, we have no positive infor father tell Mr. Morris, the minister the hedge 1 heard a bird making a Many a picture of moving pathos mation about tha*. miracle, outside who preached for him last Sunday, very pitiful noise; thinking per­ appears in the dark gallery of of the Bible text. I he text says that ' lie could ne^cr write well haps it had become entangled and drunkenness. We have seen hut that wine was made of water, and without a good cigar.’ So 1 thought a prisoner, I drove up close to the few more touching ones than this, that it was drawn off from the stone maybe the tobaefco makes the ser­ Ledge so as to see what was the from the pen of Mrs. M. A. Kidder, pots as soon as it was poured into mons, or the best part of them.” ♦ matter and help the little bird if it "^he describes little Benny, the son theft). Not much time for fermen­ " My son; I am shocked to hear needed it. When I got close of a drunken father, sitting in the tation there. I f any man wants to you talk so !” enough to see, there coiled up in I room with his mother and little limit his r bstinence pledges to the “ Well, mother, 1 was only tfjH the hedge yn one of the branches sister. By looking at* his sad and Jiair bounds of that miracle, hccan ,ing what father said, and it rnadb I laid a great big snake. As I came - thoughtful lace one would have ta­ salely pledge himself against all Fl- 'ne think. . lie said that a prime ' near a little bird fluttered up and ken him to be ten-’years of age, yet we see no special import­ ance in the controversy, whichever way itwefeSettled. < >he thing is very sure; ther e were wine» in that d«y-= which tt’erc intoxicating, and Jesus never commanded his disciples to drink them, lie even commended John the Baptist—who was an out and out total abstinence inan-^as the greatest man of all time up to J p 4 that day. There are wines at the.- present day which are intoxicating; - I -XT’ W . * ■ ■ A .. ' •♦ ■' 4 -,----- I (