A c° s J DEVOTED TO PUliE- CI ì ETSTIANÌ t Y, STEM PEE ANCE, EDUCATION AND (¡ENEE AL NEWS VOL. XII. PORTLAND AND MONMOUTH, OREGON; FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1882. NO. 30 /• ' 1 CHRISTIAN II EHALD. _ Smy. . wjl JL uüx committed ^ ilui. Waslring ton. It ( L .was laid July 2, 1882, at six o’clock r. \t About 5,OO0 people wore present, and some distinguished persons, among whom was President Ar- _______ Mubvription Price: . -Hrur. Ad»lrf’s-.»‘s”Wer<‘ ihade by B. fxco Cue Copy, one year.......................... $2 <>0 One .. 1 Ono Copy, six Rix month». month«........ A. llinsila.le, President of Hiram Fortunately there are some who College, Hon. A. H. Pettibone, of ABVFJlTlSF.MF.NT3. ..v,—~ • to not think it necessary to wait Tennessee, Holl. A. S. Willis, »»f Prices will be given on application. r‘< till they die. before they use their Kentucky, and Bro. F. 1). Power, | Entered at the I’ost-oflico at Monmouth, a*- money to do good The'following, the resident minister, who li^s second claw mail matter. | "J is an example.: charge of the congregation.” Please Nolire. “ Mr. John P. H oward lilis- given © We are not responsible f< r the opinions anU to. the university nt Burlington One treasure, there is, which ev­ sentiment« expretuieil by. ortr contributor«, but X for $50,000 in cash, arid a statue of onr own writing alone. Hence out readers ery person should strive to possess. niiHt jndge for themselves. We intend to give Lafayette, worth $25,(MIO ami is re­ «puce for the free"expression of opinion, within It is Worth rubies. A good con- the limits of «Omid »fiscredon, anil the gi««l of building tie* main edifice." lie has tlw » Xiwo | bu t no t lie’ be ll i an indo rt ing wh e l •giventijs iipui'a-hiiuse ($12.>,000J to -se+e+tee— _. ■ others may write. ,• the Home for Destitute Children; nnd appreciate its real worth. All niatt.-r intended for pnlllcation in this h stone chapel ($10,000) to- St. paper should be written : ",-Wake thou that steepest and Paul's Episcopal Church; $5,00(1to 1. O.'i one side of the sheet only. . - 2. In a plain legible l>nnape «urq and state whether the name for whi»4i it is sent.is now on our list or not. Expect no attention to articles, notice«, or »pierie« not accompanied by your name. If any 8ulmcril»er fails to get tlie H ekai . d in dne>tin\e, or fails to gev it legnlarlv, we will take it as a gwat favor if he will n»>tify ns at once. We are very anxious that the pajiei should reac|). every sulmcriber Tcgularly. i s It is very gratifying to seethe I cause of Christ prospering so well • in Eastern Washington.- There is a great future for that country and ------ 1 : - • the brethren should Jeave nothing . \ Tim continuation oi the “ Synop­ undone that is in tludr power to sis of the Debate” di»l not reach firmly establish the cause now Ìli us this week. Hence its non-ap­ the infancy of their institutions. -X pearance. ' awrf? The ingathering to the fold of —- Bro. F. B. Young writes us from Christ is unusually large this y. ear Petaluma, Cal, that there are as on this coast It is a cause for joy many as 20 brethren near there, j to every disciple of our Master. but no pltlce where they can meet | for worship nearer than Santa i The JR C. A'lro<‘iitri our pleasant Rosa, 16 miles distant.. If Bro. neighbor, propounds its problem Young or any one else can get them and answers it.in a way highly sat­ to' read their Bibles and our re­ isfactory to us, as follows : ligious papers, they will soon la* The problem before the church is a plain and simple one. It is meeting together to encourage one -another ami celebrate the Lord’s how to bring the Gospel straight to the. hearts of men. Only then is it death. “ the power of God unto salvation.” Preaching about the Gospel is one Tlie brethren of Western - Wash­ thing; preaching the Gospel quite ington have »lone a good work. another. Religious, orations that At the cooperation at Montesano till men with «voiidJr at the orator’s recently, they selected Bro. Espy as genius ami learning and eloquence, J their evangelist, an»!**{?»‘attic and are quite separate from the direct preaching of a saving Christ. (Inly Tacoma as mission points. Bro. E. when the aim is straight at the preaches at Seattle on the first heart and conscience of men does Lord’s day and at Tacoma on the or can the pulpit vindicate its claim fourth. We hope they will not as. a saving_jnstrumentality. cease their efforts till the cause is “ The corner-stone of the Chris permanently establish»«»! iu Loth tian Church, Vermopt' Avenue, these towns. ,r » ■¿mulhiug,, .amI_____ divisions among you, but that ye * be perfectly joined together in the same mimland the same jmlgmentf” ___ . - < ® “ For me to live is ('hri,